package yuku.alkitab.base.util; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseBooleanArray; import android.util.TimingLogger; import yuku.alkitab.base.App; import yuku.alkitab.base.config.AppConfig; import yuku.alkitab.debug.BuildConfig; import yuku.alkitab.model.Book; import yuku.alkitab.model.SingleChapterVerses; import yuku.alkitab.model.Version; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; import yuku.alkitab.util.IntArrayList; import yuku.bintex.BintexReader; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; public class SearchEngine { public static final String TAG = SearchEngine.class.getSimpleName(); public static class Query implements Parcelable { public String query_string; public SparseBooleanArray bookIds; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(query_string); dest.writeSparseBooleanArray(bookIds); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<Query> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Query>() { @Override public Query createFromParcel(Parcel in) { Query res = new Query(); res.query_string = in.readString(); res.bookIds = in.readSparseBooleanArray(); return res; } @Override public Query[] newArray(int size) { return new Query[size]; } }; } static class RevIndex extends HashMap<String, int[]> { public RevIndex() { super(32768); } } /** * Contains processed tokens that is more efficient to be passed in to methods here such as * {@link #hilite(CharSequence, ReadyTokens, int)} and {@link #satisfiesTokens(String, ReadyTokens)}. */ public static class ReadyTokens { final int token_count; final boolean[] hasPlusses; /** Already without plusses */ final String[] tokens; final String[][] multiwords_tokens; public ReadyTokens(final String[] tokens) { final int token_count = tokens.length; this.token_count = token_count; this.hasPlusses = new boolean[token_count]; this.tokens = new String[token_count]; this.multiwords_tokens = new String[token_count][]; for (int i = 0; i < token_count; i++) { final String token = tokens[i]; if (QueryTokenizer.isPlussedToken(token)) { this.hasPlusses[i] = true; final String tokenWithoutPlus = QueryTokenizer.tokenWithoutPlus(token); this.tokens[i] = tokenWithoutPlus; final String[] multiword = QueryTokenizer.tokenizeMultiwordToken(tokenWithoutPlus); if (multiword != null) { this.multiwords_tokens[i] = multiword; } } else { this.tokens[i] = token; } } } } private static SoftReference<RevIndex> cache_revIndex; private static Semaphore revIndexLoading = new Semaphore(1); public static IntArrayList searchByGrep(final Version version, final Query query) { String[] tokens = QueryTokenizer.tokenize(query.query_string); // sort by word length, then alphabetically Arrays.sort(tokens, (object1, object2) -> { final int len1 = object1.length(); final int len2 = object2.length(); if (len1 > len2) return -1; if (len1 == len2) { return object1.compareTo(object2); } return 1; }); // remove duplicates { final ArrayList<String> atokens = new ArrayList<>(); String last = null; for (String token: tokens) { if (!token.equals(last)) { atokens.add(token); } last = token; } tokens = atokens.toArray(new String[atokens.size()]); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "tokens = " + Arrays.toString(tokens)); } // really search IntArrayList result = null; for (final String token : tokens) { final IntArrayList prev = result; { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); result = searchByGrepInside(version, token, prev, query.bookIds); Log.d(TAG, "search token '" + token + "' needed: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " ms"); } if (prev != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Will intersect " + prev.size() + " elements with " + result.size() + " elements..."); result = intersect(prev, result); Log.d(TAG, "... the result is " + result.size() + " elements"); } } return result; } private static IntArrayList intersect(IntArrayList a, IntArrayList b) { IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(a.size()); int[] aa = a.buffer(); int[] bb = b.buffer(); int alen = a.size(); int blen = b.size(); int apos = 0; int bpos = 0; while (true) { if (apos >= alen) break; if (bpos >= blen) break; int av = aa[apos]; int bv = bb[bpos]; if (av == bv) { res.add(av); apos++; bpos++; } else if (av > bv) { bpos++; } else { // av < bv apos++; } } return res; } /** * Return the next ari (with only book and chapter) after the lastAriBc by scanning the source starting from pos. * @param ppos pointer to pos. pos will be changed to ONE AFTER THE FOUND POSITION. So do not do another increment (++) outside this method. */ private static int nextAri(IntArrayList source, int[] ppos, int lastAriBc) { int[] s = source.buffer(); int len = source.size(); int pos = ppos[0]; while (true) { if (pos >= len) return 0x0; int curAri = s[pos]; int curAriBc = Ari.toBookChapter(curAri); if (curAriBc != lastAriBc) { // found! pos++; ppos[0] = pos; return curAriBc; } else { // still the same one, move to next. pos++; } } } static IntArrayList searchByGrepInside(final Version version, String token, final IntArrayList source, final SparseBooleanArray bookIds) { final IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(); final boolean hasPlus = QueryTokenizer.isPlussedToken(token); if (hasPlus) { token = QueryTokenizer.tokenWithoutPlus(token); } if (source == null) { for (Book book: version.getConsecutiveBooks()) { if (!bookIds.get(book.bookId, false)) { continue; // the book is not included in selected books to be searched } for (int chapter_1 = 1; chapter_1 <= book.chapter_count; chapter_1++) { // try to find it wholly in a chapter final int ariBc = Ari.encode(book.bookId, chapter_1, 0); searchByGrepForOneChapter(version, book, chapter_1, token, hasPlus, ariBc, res); } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "searchByGrepInside book " + book.shortName + " done. res.size = " + res.size()); } } else { // search only on book-chapters that are in the source int count = 0; // for stats int[] ppos = new int[1]; int curAriBc = 0x000000; while (true) { curAriBc = nextAri(source, ppos, curAriBc); if (curAriBc == 0) break; // no more // No need to check null book, because we go here only after searching a previous token which is based on // getConsecutiveBooks, which is impossible to have null books. final Book book = version.getBook(Ari.toBook(curAriBc)); final int chapter_1 = Ari.toChapter(curAriBc); searchByGrepForOneChapter(version, book, chapter_1, token, hasPlus, curAriBc, res); count++; } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "searchByGrepInside book with source " + source.size() + " needed to read as many as " + count + " book-chapter. res.size=" + res.size()); } return res; } /** * @param token searched token without plusses * @param res (output) result aris * @param ariBc book-chapter ari, with verse must be set to 0 * @param hasPlus whether the token had plus */ private static void searchByGrepForOneChapter(final Version version, final Book book, final int chapter_1, final String token, final boolean hasPlus, final int ariBc, final IntArrayList res) { // This is a string of one chapter with verses joined by 0x0a ('\n') final String oneChapter = version.loadChapterTextLowercasedWithoutSplit(book, chapter_1); if (oneChapter == null) { return; } int verse_0 = 0; int lastV = -1; // Initial search String[] multiword = null; final int[] consumedLengthPtr = {0}; // posToken is the last found position of the searched token // consumedLength is how much characters in the oneChapter was consumed when searching for the token. // Both of these variables must be set together in all cases. int posToken; int consumedLength; if (hasPlus) { multiword = QueryTokenizer.tokenizeMultiwordToken(token); if (multiword != null) { posToken = indexOfWholeMultiword(oneChapter, multiword, 0, true, consumedLengthPtr); consumedLength = consumedLengthPtr[0]; } else { posToken = indexOfWholeWord(oneChapter, token, 0); consumedLength = token.length(); } } else { posToken = oneChapter.indexOf(token, 0); consumedLength = token.length(); } if (posToken == -1) { // initial search does not return results. It means the whole chapter does not contain the token. return; } int posN = oneChapter.indexOf(0x0a); while (true) { if (posN < posToken) { verse_0++; posN = oneChapter.indexOf(0x0a, posN + 1); if (posN == -1) { return; } } else { if (verse_0 != lastV) { res.add(ariBc + verse_0 + 1); // +1 to make it verse_1 lastV = verse_0; } if (hasPlus) { if (multiword != null) { posToken = indexOfWholeMultiword(oneChapter, multiword, posToken + consumedLength, true, consumedLengthPtr); consumedLength = consumedLengthPtr[0]; } else { posToken = indexOfWholeWord(oneChapter, token, posToken + consumedLength); consumedLength = token.length(); } } else { posToken = oneChapter.indexOf(token, posToken + consumedLength); consumedLength = token.length(); } if (posToken == -1) { return; } } } } public static IntArrayList searchByRevIndex(final Version version, final Query query) { TimingLogger timing = new TimingLogger("RevIndex", "searchByRevIndex"); RevIndex revIndex; revIndexLoading.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { revIndex = loadRevIndex(); if (revIndex == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot load revindex (internal error)!"); return searchByGrep(version, query); } } finally { revIndexLoading.release(); } timing.addSplit("Load rev index"); boolean[] passBitmapOr = new boolean[32768]; boolean[] passBitmapAnd = new boolean[32768]; Arrays.fill(passBitmapAnd, true); final ReadyTokens rt = new ReadyTokens(QueryTokenizer.tokenize(query.query_string)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Tokens after retokenization:"); for (String token: rt.tokens) { Log.d(TAG, "- token: " + token); } Log.d(TAG, "Multiwords:"); for (String[] multiword: rt.multiwords_tokens) { Log.d(TAG, "- multiword: " + Arrays.toString(multiword)); } } timing.addSplit("Tokenize query"); // optimization, if user doesn't filter any books boolean wholeBibleSearched = true; boolean[] searchedBookIds = new boolean[66]; if (query.bookIds == null) { Arrays.fill(searchedBookIds, true); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 66; i++) { searchedBookIds[i] = query.bookIds.get(i, false); if (!searchedBookIds[i]) { wholeBibleSearched = false; } } } for (int i = 0; i < rt.token_count; i++) { if (rt.multiwords_tokens[i] != null) { // This is multiword token, handled separately below continue; } final String token_bare = rt.tokens[i]; final boolean plussed = rt.hasPlusses[i]; Arrays.fill(passBitmapOr, false); for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> e : revIndex.entrySet()) { String word = e.getKey(); boolean match = false; if (plussed) { if (word.equals(token_bare)) match = true; } else { if (word.contains(token_bare)) match = true; } if (match) { int[] lids = e.getValue(); for (int lid : lids) { passBitmapOr[lid] = true; // OR operation } } } int c = 0; for (boolean b : passBitmapOr) { if (b) c++; } timing.addSplit("gather lid for token '" + token_bare + "' (" + c + ")"); // AND operation with existing word(s) for (int j = passBitmapOr.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { passBitmapAnd[j] &= passBitmapOr[j]; } timing.addSplit("AND operation"); } IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(); for (int i = 0, len = passBitmapAnd.length; i < len; i++) { if (passBitmapAnd[i]) { if (wholeBibleSearched) { int ari = LidToAri.lidToAri(i); if (ari > 0) res.add(ari); } else { // check first if this lid is in the searched portion int bookId = LidToAri.bookIdForLid(i); if (bookId >= 0 && searchedBookIds[bookId]) { int ari = LidToAri.lidToAri(i); if (ari > 0) res.add(ari); } } } } timing.addSplit("convert matching lids to aris (" + res.size() + ")"); // last check: whether multiword tokens are all matching. No way to find this except by loading the text // and examining one by one whether the text contains those multiword tokens final List<String[]> multiwords = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String[] multiword_tokens : rt.multiwords_tokens) { if (multiword_tokens != null) { multiwords.add(multiword_tokens); } } if (multiwords.size() > 0) { final IntArrayList res2 = new IntArrayList(res.size()); final int[] consumedLengthPtr = {0}; SingleChapterVerses loadedChapter = null; // the currently loaded chapter, to prevent repeated loading of same chapter int loadedAriCv = 0; // chapter and verse of current Ari for (int i = 0, len = res.size(); i < len; i++) { final int ari = res.get(i); final int ariCv = Ari.toBookChapter(ari); if (ariCv != loadedAriCv) { // we can't reuse, we need to load from disk final Book book = version.getBook(Ari.toBook(ari)); if (book == null) { continue; } else { loadedChapter = version.loadChapterTextLowercased(book, Ari.toChapter(ari)); loadedAriCv = ariCv; } } if (loadedChapter == null) { continue; } final int verse_1 = Ari.toVerse(ari); if (verse_1 >= 1 && verse_1 <= loadedChapter.getVerseCount()) { final String text = loadedChapter.getVerse(verse_1 - 1); if (text != null) { boolean passed = true; for (final String[] multiword_tokens : multiwords) { if (indexOfWholeMultiword(text, multiword_tokens, 0, false, consumedLengthPtr) == -1) { passed = false; break; } } if (passed) { res2.add(ari); } } } } res = res2; timing.addSplit("filter for multiword tokens (" + res.size() + ")"); } timing.dumpToLog(); return res; } public static void preloadRevIndex() { -> { TimingLogger timing = new TimingLogger("RevIndex", "preloadRevIndex"); revIndexLoading.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { loadRevIndex(); timing.addSplit("loadRevIndex"); } finally { revIndexLoading.release(); timing.dumpToLog(); } }); } /** * Revindex: an index used for searching quickly. * The index is keyed on the word for searching, and the value is the list of verses' lid (KJV verse number, 1..31102). * * Format of the Revindex file: * int total_word_count * { * uint8 word_len * int word_by_len_count // the number of words having length of word_len * { * byte[word_len] word // the word itself, stored as 8-bit per character * uint16 lid_count // the number of verses having this word * byte[] verse_list // see below * }[word_by_len_count] * }[] // until total_word_count is taken * * The verses in verse_list are stored in either 8bit or 16bit, depending on the difference to the last entry before the current entry. * The first entry on the list is always 16 bit. * If one verse is specified in 16 bits, the 15-bit LSB is the verse lid itself (max 32767, although 31102 is the real max) * in binary: 1xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx where x is the absolute verse lid as 15 bit uint. * If one verse is specified in 8 bits, the 7-bit LSB is the difference between this verse and the last verse. * in binary: 0ddddddd where d is the relative verse lid as 7 bit uint. * For example, if a word is located at lids [0xff, 0x100, 0x300, 0x305], the stored data in the disk will be * in bytes: 0x80, 0xff, 0x01, 0x83, 0x00, 0x05. */ private static RevIndex loadRevIndex() { if (cache_revIndex != null) { RevIndex res = cache_revIndex.get(); if (res != null) { return res; } } final InputStream assetInputStream; try { assetInputStream = App.context.getAssets().open("internal/" + AppConfig.get().internalPrefix + ""); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "RevIndex is not available"); return null; } final RevIndex res = new RevIndex(); final InputStream raw = new BufferedInputStream(assetInputStream, 65536); byte[] buf = new byte[256]; try { BintexReader br = new BintexReader(raw); int total_word_count = br.readInt(); int word_count = 0; while (true) { int word_len = br.readUint8(); int word_by_len_count = br.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < word_by_len_count; i++) { br.readRaw(buf, 0, word_len); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String word = new String(buf, 0, 0, word_len); int lid_count = br.readUint16(); int last_lid = 0; int[] lids = new int[lid_count]; int pos = 0; for (int j = 0; j < lid_count; j++) { int lid; int h = br.readUint8(); if (h < 0x80) { lid = last_lid + h; } else { int l = br.readUint8(); lid = ((h << 8) | l) & 0x7fff; } last_lid = lid; lids[pos++] = lid; } res.put(word, lids); } word_count += word_by_len_count; if (word_count >= total_word_count) { break; } } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } cache_revIndex = new SoftReference<>(res); return res; } /** * Case sensitive! Make sure <code>s</code> and <code>rt</code> tokens have been lowercased (or normalized). */ public static boolean satisfiesTokens(final String s, @NonNull final ReadyTokens rt) { for (int i = 0; i < rt.token_count; i++) { final boolean hasPlus = rt.hasPlusses[i]; final int posToken; if (hasPlus) { final String[] multiword_tokens = rt.multiwords_tokens[i]; if (multiword_tokens != null) { posToken = indexOfWholeMultiword(s, multiword_tokens, 0, false, null); } else { posToken = indexOfWholeWord(s, rt.tokens[i], 0); } } else { posToken = s.indexOf(rt.tokens[i]); } if (posToken == -1) { return false; } } return true; } /** * This looks for a word that is surrounded by non-letter-or-digit characters. * This works well only if the word is not a multiword. * @param text haystack * @param word needle * @param start start at character * @return -1 or position of the word */ private static int indexOfWholeWord(String text, String word, int start) { final int len = text.length(); while (true) { final int pos = text.indexOf(word, start); if (pos == -1) return -1; // check left // [pos] [charat pos-1] [charat pos-2] // 0 ok // >1 alnum '@' ok // >1 alnum not '@' ng // >0 alnum ng // >0 not alnum ok if (pos != 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.charAt(pos - 1))) { if (pos != 1 && text.charAt(pos - 2) == '@') { // oh, before this word there is a tag. Then it is OK. } else { start = pos + 1; // give up continue; } } // check right int end = pos + word.length(); // [end] [charat end] // len * ok // != len alnum ng // != len not alnum ok if (end != len && Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.charAt(end))) { start = pos + 1; // give up continue; } // passed return pos; } } /** * This looks for a multiword that is surrounded by non-letter characters. * This works for multiword because it tries to strip tags and punctuations from the text before matching. * @param text haystack. * @param multiword multiword that has been split into words. Must have at least one element. * @param start character index of text to start searching from * @param isNewlineDelimitedText <code>text</code> has '\n' as delimiter between verses. <code>multiword</code> cannot be searched across different verses. * @param consumedLengthPtr (length-1 array output) how many characters matched from the source text to satisfy the multiword. Will be 0 if this method returns -1. * @return -1 or position of the multiword. */ private static int indexOfWholeMultiword(String text, String[] multiword, int start, boolean isNewlineDelimitedText, @Nullable int[] consumedLengthPtr) { final int len = text.length(); final String firstWord = multiword[0]; findAllWords: while (true) { final int firstPos = indexOfWholeWord(text, firstWord, start); if (firstPos == -1) { // not even the first word is found, so we give up if (consumedLengthPtr != null) consumedLengthPtr[0] = 0; return -1; } int pos = firstPos + firstWord.length(); // find the next words, but we want to consume everything after the previous word that is // not eligible as search characters, which are tags and non-letters. for (int i = 1, multiwordLen = multiword.length; i < multiwordLen; i++) { final int posBeforeConsume = pos; // consume! while (pos < len) { final char c = text.charAt(pos); if (c == '@') { if (pos == len - 1) { // bad data (nothing after '@') } else { pos++; final char d = text.charAt(pos); if (d == '<') { final int closingTagStart = text.indexOf("@>", pos + 1); if (closingTagStart == -1) { // bad data (no closing tag) } else { pos = closingTagStart + 1; } } else { // single-letter formatting code, move on... } } } else if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { break; } else if (isNewlineDelimitedText && c == '\n') { // can't cross verse boundary, so we give up and try from beginning again start = pos + 1; continue findAllWords; } else { // non-letter, move on... } pos++; } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "========================="); Log.d(TAG, "multiword: " + Arrays.toString(multiword)); Log.d(TAG, "text : #" + text.substring(Math.max(0, posBeforeConsume - multiword[i - 1].length()), Math.min(len, posBeforeConsume + 80)) + "#"); Log.d(TAG, "skipped : #" + text.substring(posBeforeConsume, pos) + "#"); Log.d(TAG, "=========================////"); } final String word = multiword[i]; final int foundWordStart = indexOfWholeWord(text, word, pos); if (foundWordStart == -1 /* Not found... */ || foundWordStart != pos /* ...or another word comes */) { // subsequent words is not found at the correct position, so loop from beginning again start = pos; continue findAllWords; } // prepare for next iteration pos = foundWordStart + word.length(); } // all words are found! if (consumedLengthPtr != null) consumedLengthPtr[0] = pos - firstPos; return firstPos; } } public static SpannableStringBuilder hilite(final CharSequence s, final ReadyTokens rt, int hiliteColor) { final SpannableStringBuilder res = new SpannableStringBuilder(s); if (rt == null) { return res; } final int token_count = rt.token_count; // from source text, produce a plain text lowercased final char[] newString = new char[s.length()]; for (int i = 0, len = s.length(); i < len; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { newString[i] = (char) (c | 0x20); } else { newString[i] = Character.toLowerCase(c); } } final String plainText = new String(newString); int pos = 0; final int[] attempts = new int[token_count]; final int[] consumedLengths = new int[token_count]; // local vars for optimizations final boolean[] hasPlusses = rt.hasPlusses; final String[] tokens = rt.tokens; final String[][] multiwords_tokens = rt.multiwords_tokens; // temp buf final int[] consumedLengthPtr = {0}; while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < token_count; i++) { if (hasPlusses[i]) { if (multiwords_tokens[i] != null) { attempts[i] = indexOfWholeMultiword(plainText, multiwords_tokens[i], pos, false, consumedLengthPtr); consumedLengths[i] = consumedLengthPtr[0]; } else { attempts[i] = indexOfWholeWord(plainText, tokens[i], pos); consumedLengths[i] = tokens[i].length(); } } else { attempts[i] = plainText.indexOf(tokens[i], pos); consumedLengths[i] = tokens[i].length(); } } // from the attempts above, find the earliest int minpos = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int mintokenindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < token_count; i++) { if (attempts[i] >= 0) { // not -1 which means not found if (attempts[i] < minpos) { minpos = attempts[i]; mintokenindex = i; } } } if (mintokenindex == -1) { break; // no more } final int topos = minpos + consumedLengths[mintokenindex]; res.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), minpos, topos, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); res.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(hiliteColor), minpos, topos, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); pos = topos; } return res; } }