package yuku.alkitab.base; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.config.AppConfig; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersion; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersionDb; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersionInternal; import; import; import; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.util.FontManager; import yuku.alkitab.debug.R; import yuku.alkitab.model.Version; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class S { /** * values applied from settings */ public static class applied { /** in dp */ public static float fontSize2dp; public static Typeface fontFace; public static float lineSpacingMult; public static int fontBold; public static int fontColor; public static int fontRedColor; public static int backgroundColor; public static int verseNumberColor; /** 0.f to 1.f */ public static float backgroundBrightness; // semua di bawah dalam px public static int indentParagraphFirst; public static int indentParagraphRest; public static int indentSpacing1; public static int indentSpacing2; public static int indentSpacing3; public static int indentSpacing4; public static int indentSpacingExtra; public static int paragraphSpacingBefore; public static int pericopeSpacingTop; public static int pericopeSpacingBottom; } // The process-global active Bible version. Both of these must always be set at the same time. public static Version activeVersion; public static String activeVersionId; public static void calculateAppliedValuesBasedOnPreferences() { //# configure font size { applied.fontSize2dp = Preferences.getFloat(Prefkey.ukuranHuruf2, (float) App.context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.pref_ukuranHuruf2_default)); } //# configure fonts { applied.fontFace = FontManager.typeface(Preferences.getString(Prefkey.jenisHuruf, null)); applied.lineSpacingMult = Preferences.getFloat(Prefkey.lineSpacingMult, 1.15f); applied.fontBold = Preferences.getBoolean(Prefkey.boldHuruf, false)? Typeface.BOLD: Typeface.NORMAL; } //# configure text color, red text color, bg color, and verse color { if (Preferences.getBoolean(Prefkey.is_night_mode, false)) { applied.fontColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_textColor_night_key, R.integer.pref_textColor_night_default); applied.backgroundColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_backgroundColor_night_key, R.integer.pref_backgroundColor_night_default); applied.verseNumberColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_verseNumberColor_night_key, R.integer.pref_verseNumberColor_night_default); applied.fontRedColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_redTextColor_night_key, R.integer.pref_redTextColor_night_default); } else { applied.fontColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_textColor_key, R.integer.pref_textColor_default); applied.backgroundColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_backgroundColor_key, R.integer.pref_backgroundColor_default); applied.verseNumberColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_verseNumberColor_key, R.integer.pref_verseNumberColor_default); applied.fontRedColor = Preferences.getInt(R.string.pref_redTextColor_key, R.integer.pref_redTextColor_default); } // calculation of backgroundColor brightness. Used somewhere else. { int c = applied.backgroundColor; applied.backgroundBrightness = (0.30f * + 0.59f * + 0.11f * * 0.003921568627f; } } Resources res = App.context.getResources(); float scaleBasedOnFontSize = applied.fontSize2dp / 17.f; applied.indentParagraphFirst = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indentParagraphFirst) + 0.5f); applied.indentParagraphRest = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indentParagraphRest) + 0.5f); applied.indentSpacing1 = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indent_1) + 0.5f); applied.indentSpacing2 = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indent_2) + 0.5f); applied.indentSpacing3 = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indent_3) + 0.5f); applied.indentSpacing4 = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indent_4) + 0.5f); applied.indentSpacingExtra = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.indentExtra) + 0.5f); applied.paragraphSpacingBefore = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.paragraphSpacingBefore) + 0.5f); applied.pericopeSpacingTop = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.pericopeSpacingTop) + 0.5f); applied.pericopeSpacingBottom = (int) (scaleBasedOnFontSize * res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.pericopeSpacingBottom) + 0.5f); } private static InternalDb db; public static synchronized InternalDb getDb() { if (db == null) { db = new InternalDb(new InternalDbHelper(App.context)); } return db; } private static SongDb songDb; public static synchronized SongDb getSongDb() { if (songDb == null) { songDb = new SongDb(new SongDbHelper()); } return songDb; } /** * Returns the list of versions that are: * 1. internal, or * 2. database versions that have the data file and active **/ public static List<MVersion> getAvailableVersions() { final List<MVersion> res = new ArrayList<>(); // 1. Internal version res.add(S.getMVersionInternal()); // 2. Database versions for (MVersionDb mvDb: S.getDb().listAllVersions()) { if (mvDb.hasDataFile() && mvDb.getActive()) { res.add(mvDb); } } // sort based on ordering Collections.sort(res, (lhs, rhs) -> lhs.ordering - rhs.ordering); return res; } /** * Get the internal version model. This does not return a singleton. The ordering is the latest taken from preferences. */ public static MVersionInternal getMVersionInternal() { final AppConfig ac = AppConfig.get(); final MVersionInternal res = new MVersionInternal(); res.locale = ac.internalLocale; res.shortName = ac.internalShortName; res.longName = ac.internalLongName; res.description = null; res.ordering = Preferences.getInt(Prefkey.internal_version_ordering, MVersionInternal.DEFAULT_ORDERING); return res; } public interface VersionDialogListener { void onVersionSelected(MVersion mv); } public static void openVersionsDialog(final Activity activity, final boolean withNone, final String selectedVersionId, final VersionDialogListener listener) { final List<MVersion> versions = getAvailableVersions(); if (withNone) { versions.add(0, null); } // determine the currently selected one int selected = -1; if (withNone && selectedVersionId == null) { selected = 0; // "none" } else { for (int i = (withNone? 1: 0) /* because 0 is None */; i < versions.size(); i++) { final MVersion mv = versions.get(i); if (mv.getVersionId().equals(selectedVersionId)) { selected = i; break; } } } final CharSequence[] options = new CharSequence[versions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < versions.size(); i++) { final MVersion version = versions.get(i); options[i] = version == null ? activity.getString(R.string.split_version_none) : version.longName; } new MaterialDialog.Builder(activity) .items(options) .itemsCallbackSingleChoice(selected, (dialog, view, which, text) -> { if (which == -1) { // it is possible that 'which' is -1 in the case that // a version is already deleted, but the current displayed version is that version // (hence the initial selected item position is -1) and then the user // presses the "other version" button. This callback will still be triggered // before the positive button callback. } else { final MVersion mv = versions.get(which); listener.onVersionSelected(mv); dialog.dismiss(); } return true; }) .alwaysCallSingleChoiceCallback() .positiveText(R.string.versi_lainnya) .onPositive((dialog, which) -> activity.startActivity(VersionsActivity.createIntent())) .show(); } public static String getVersionInitials(final Version version) { final String shortName = version.getShortName(); if (shortName != null) { return shortName; } else { final String longName = version.getLongName(); if (longName.length() <= 6) { return longName.toUpperCase(); } // try to get the first letter of each word final String[] words = longName.split("[^A-Za-z0-9]+"); final char[] chars = new char[words.length]; int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (words[i].length() > 0) { chars[cnt++] = Character.toUpperCase(words[i].charAt(0)); } } return new String(chars, 0, cnt); } } }