package yuku.alkitab.base.sync; import; import; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.App; import yuku.alkitab.base.S; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.util.Sqlitil; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class that helps record sync events and status. */ public class SyncRecorder { // used as color constants by EventKind static final int OK = 0xff339933; static final int INFO = 0xff444444; static final int NORMAL_RESULT = 0xff888844; static final int ERROR = 0xff993333; public enum EventKind { login_attempt(10, INFO), register_attempt(11, INFO), login_failed(12, ERROR), login_gcm_sending_failed(13, ERROR), login_gcm_not_possessed_yet(14, NORMAL_RESULT), login_success_pre(15, OK), login_success_post(16, OK), register_failed(17, ERROR), gcm_send_attempt(20, INFO), gcm_send_success(21, INFO), gcm_send_not_success(22, ERROR), gcm_send_error_io(25, ERROR), gcm_send_error_json(26, ERROR), sync_forced(80, INFO), sync_needed_notified(81, INFO), sync_adapter_on_perform(82, INFO), sync_adapter_set_not_enabled(83, INFO), partial_sync_info(84, INFO), error_no_simple_token(100, ERROR), current_entities_gathered(101, INFO), sync_to_server_pre(102, INFO), sync_to_server_post_response_ok(103, OK), sync_to_server_post_error_syntax(110, ERROR), sync_to_server_post_error_io(111, ERROR), sync_to_server_not_success(120, ERROR), sync_to_server_error_append_delta_null(121, ERROR), sync_to_server_got_success_data(122, INFO), apply_result(140, INFO), all_succeeded(141, OK), logout_pre(200, INFO), logout_post(201, OK), ; public final int code; public final int backgroundColor; EventKind(final int code, final int backgroundColor) { this.code = code; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } static TIntObjectHashMap<EventKind> codeIndex = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); static { for (final EventKind kind : values()) { codeIndex.put(kind.code, kind); } } public static EventKind fromCode(final int code) { return codeIndex.get(code); } } static final HashMap<String, Object> reusedMap = new HashMap<>(); public static void log(@NonNull final EventKind kind, @Nullable final String syncSetName, final Object... kvpairs) { final String params; if (kvpairs.length == 0) { params = null; } else { synchronized (reusedMap) { reusedMap.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < kvpairs.length; i += 2) { final String k = kvpairs[i].toString(); final Object v = kvpairs[i + 1]; reusedMap.put(k, v); } params = App.getDefaultGson().toJson(reusedMap); } } S.getDb().insertSyncLog(Sqlitil.nowDateTime(), kind, syncSetName, params); App.trackEvent("sync",; } static class LastSyncInfoEntryJson { public int successTime; } static class LastSyncInfosJson extends HashMap<String, LastSyncInfoEntryJson> { } public static void saveLastSuccessTime(@NonNull final String syncSetName, final int successTime) { final String infos_s = Preferences.getString(Prefkey.sync_last_infos); final LastSyncInfosJson obj; if (infos_s == null) { obj = new LastSyncInfosJson(); } else { obj = App.getDefaultGson().fromJson(infos_s, LastSyncInfosJson.class); } if (successTime == 0) { obj.remove(syncSetName); } else { final LastSyncInfoEntryJson entry = new LastSyncInfoEntryJson(); entry.successTime = successTime; obj.put(syncSetName, entry); } Preferences.setString(Prefkey.sync_last_infos, App.getDefaultGson().toJson(obj)); } public static int getLastSuccessTime(@NonNull final String syncSetName) { final String infos_s = Preferences.getString(Prefkey.sync_last_infos); if (infos_s == null) { return 0; } final LastSyncInfosJson obj = App.getDefaultGson().fromJson(infos_s, LastSyncInfosJson.class); final LastSyncInfoEntryJson entry = obj.get(syncSetName); if (entry == null) { return 0; } return entry.successTime; } public static void removeAllLastSuccessTimes() { Preferences.remove(Prefkey.sync_last_infos); } }