/************************************************************************* * * * This file is part of the 20n/act project. * * 20n/act enables DNA prediction for synthetic biology/bioengineering. * * Copyright (C) 2017 20n Labs, Inc. * * * * Please direct all queries to act@20n.com. * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * *************************************************************************/ package act.installer.sequence; import act.server.MongoDB; import act.shared.Seq; import act.shared.helpers.MongoDBToJSON; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; public class UniprotSeqEntry extends SequenceEntry { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getFormatterLogger(UniprotSeqEntry.class); private static final String PROTEIN = "protein"; private static final String RECOMMENDED_NAME = "recommendedName"; private static final String EC_NUMBER = "ecNumber"; private static final String ACCESSION = "accession"; private static final String GENE = "gene"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String TEXT = "text"; private static final String COMMENT = "comment"; private static final String XREF = "xref"; private static final String CATALYTIC_ACTIVITY = "catalytic activity"; private static final String CATALYTIC_ACITIVITY_SNAKE = "catalytic_activity"; private static final String VAL = "val"; private static final String SRC = "src"; private static final String PRIMARY = "primary"; private static final String SYNONYM = "synonym"; private static final String FULL_NAME = "fullName"; private static final String SEQUENCE = "sequence"; private static final String ORGANISM = "organism"; private static final String SCIENTIFIC = "scientific"; private static final String REFERENCE = "reference"; private static final String CITATION = "citation"; private static final String DB_REFERENCE = "dbReference"; private static final String PUBMED = "PubMed"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String PMID = "PMID"; private static final String EMBL = "EMBL"; private static final String PROPERTY = "property"; private static final String PROTEIN_SEQUENCE_ID = "protein sequence ID"; private static final String VALUE = "value"; private static final String SUBMITTED_NAME = "submittedName"; private static final String ALTERNATIVE_NAME = "alternativeName"; private static final String SYNONYMS = "synonyms"; private static final String PRODUCT_NAMES = "product_names"; private static final String UNCHARACTERIZED = "uncharacterized"; private Document seqFile; private String ec; private JSONObject accessions; private String geneName; private List<String> geneSynonyms; private List<String> productNames; private List<Seq> matchingSeqs; private String catalyticActivity; private DBObject metadata; private String sequence; private String org; private Long orgId; private List<JSONObject> references; private Set<Long> catalyzedRxns; private NodeList proteinNodeList; private NodeList sequenceNodeList; private NodeList organismNodeList; private NodeList geneNodeList; // the minimalPrefixMapping is generated by OrgMinimalPrefixGenerator UniprotSeqEntry(Document doc, Map<String, String> minimalPrefixMapping) { this.seqFile = doc; checkNodeListLengths(); this.ec = extractEc(); this.accessions = extractAccessions(); this.geneName = extractGeneName(); this.geneSynonyms = extractGeneSynonyms(); this.productNames = extractProductNames(); this.catalyticActivity = extractCatalyticActivity(); this.metadata = extractMetadata(); this.sequence = extractSequence(); this.org = extractOrg(minimalPrefixMapping); this.references = extractReferences(); this.catalyzedRxns = new HashSet<>(); } void init(MongoDB db) { this.orgId = extractOrgId(db); this.matchingSeqs = extractMatchingSeqs(db); } public DBObject getMetadata() { return this.metadata; } public JSONObject getAccession() { return this.accessions; } public String getGeneName() { return this.geneName; } public List<String> getGeneSynonyms() { return this.geneSynonyms; } public List<String> getProductName() { return this.productNames; } public List<Seq> getMatchingSeqs() { return this.matchingSeqs; } public List<JSONObject> getRefs() { return this.references; } public Long getOrgId() { return this.orgId; } public String getOrg() { return this.org; } public String getSeq() { return this.sequence; } public String getEc() { return this.ec; } public String getCatalyticActivity() {return this.catalyticActivity; } public Set<Long> getCatalyzedRxns() { return this.catalyzedRxns; } private void checkNodeListLengths() { proteinNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(PROTEIN); geneNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(GENE); sequenceNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(SEQUENCE); organismNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(ORGANISM); if (proteinNodeList.getLength() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("multiple protein tags parsed"); } if (geneNodeList.getLength() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("multiple gene tags parsed"); } if (organismNodeList.getLength() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("multiple organism tags parsed"); } if (sequenceNodeList.getLength() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("multiple sequence tags parsed"); } else if (sequenceNodeList.getLength() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("no sequence tags parsed"); } } /** * EC Numbers are stored as: * <protein> * <recommendedName> * <fullName evidence="33">Alcohol dehydrogenase class-P</fullName> * <shortName evidence="30">AtADH</shortName> * <ecNumber evidence="18 22"></ecNumber> * </recommendedName> * </protein> * Sometimes the <recommendedName> tag is replaced with a <submittedName> tag * @return the Ecnum as a string */ private String extractEc() { if (proteinNodeList.getLength() == 1) { // since there is only one item in the list, retrieve the only node Node proteinNode = proteinNodeList.item(0); NodeList proteinChildNodes = proteinNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < proteinChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node proteinChildNode = proteinChildNodes.item(i); if ((proteinChildNode.getNodeName().equals(RECOMMENDED_NAME) || proteinChildNode.getNodeName().equals(SUBMITTED_NAME)) && proteinChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element recommendedNameElement = (Element) proteinChildNode; if (recommendedNameElement.getElementsByTagName(EC_NUMBER).getLength() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("multiple ec numbers per protein"); } else if (recommendedNameElement.getElementsByTagName(EC_NUMBER).getLength() == 1) { return recommendedNameElement.getElementsByTagName(EC_NUMBER).item(0).getTextContent(); } } } } return null; } /** * Uniprot accessions are stored as: * <accession>Q9SX08</accession> * * Nucleotide Accession in this example is: M12196 * Protein Accession in this example is: AAA32728 *<dbReference type="EMBL" id="M12196"> * <property type="protein sequence ID" value="AAA32728.1"/> * <property type="molecule type" value="Genomic_DNA"/> *</dbReference> * @return a mapping of uniprot, genbank_nucleotide, and genbank_protein accessions */ private JSONObject extractAccessions() { List<String> uniprotAccessions = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> genbankNucleotideAccessions = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> genbankProteinAccessions = new ArrayList<>(); NodeList accessionNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(ACCESSION); for (int i = 0; i < accessionNodeList.getLength(); i++) { uniprotAccessions.add(accessionNodeList.item(i).getTextContent()); } NodeList dbReferenceNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(DB_REFERENCE); for (int i = 0; i < dbReferenceNodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node dbReferenceNode = dbReferenceNodeList.item(i); if (dbReferenceNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element dbReferenceElement = (Element) dbReferenceNode; // EMBL and Genbank Accession IDs are the same if (dbReferenceElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && dbReferenceElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(EMBL) && dbReferenceElement.hasAttribute(ID)) { NodeList propertyNodeList = dbReferenceElement.getElementsByTagName(PROPERTY); /* there are some duplicate dbReferenceElements, so we want to make sure we only add those with 'property' sub tags */ if (propertyNodeList.getLength() > 0) { genbankNucleotideAccessions.add(dbReferenceElement.getAttribute(ID)); } for (int j = 0; j < propertyNodeList.getLength(); j++) { Node propertyNode = propertyNodeList.item(j); if (propertyNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element propertyElement = (Element) propertyNode; if (propertyElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && propertyElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(PROTEIN_SEQUENCE_ID) && propertyElement.hasAttribute(VALUE)) { // example: <property type="protein sequence ID" value="BAA19616.1"/> genbankProteinAccessions.add(propertyElement.getAttribute(VALUE).split("\\.")[0]); } } } } } } JSONObject accessions = new JSONObject(); accessions.put(Seq.AccType.uniprot.toString(), uniprotAccessions); accessions.put(Seq.AccType.genbank_nucleotide.toString(), genbankNucleotideAccessions); accessions.put(Seq.AccType.genbank_protein.toString(), genbankProteinAccessions); return accessions; } /** * The gene name is stored with the type="primary" *<gene> * <name type="primary" evidence="32">ADH1</name> * <name type="synonym" evidence="31">ADH</name> * <name type="ordered locus" evidence="36">At1g77120</name> * <name type="ORF" evidence="35">F22K20.19</name> *</gene> * * @return the primary gene name as a string */ private String extractGeneName() { if (geneNodeList.getLength() == 1) { // since there is only one item in the list, retrieve the only node Node geneNode = geneNodeList.item(0); NodeList geneChildNodes = geneNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < geneChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node geneChildNode = geneChildNodes.item(i); if (geneChildNode.getNodeName().equals(NAME) && geneChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element geneChildElement = (Element) geneChildNode; if (geneChildElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && geneChildElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(PRIMARY)) { return geneChildElement.getTextContent(); } } } } return null; } /** * The gene name synonyms are stored with the type="synonym" *<gene> * <name type="primary" evidence="32">ADH1</name> * <name type="synonym" evidence="31">ADH</name> * <name type="ordered locus" evidence="36">At1g77120</name> * <name type="ORF" evidence="35">F22K20.19</name> *</gene> * * @return the gene name synonyms as a list */ private List<String> extractGeneSynonyms() { List<String> geneSynonyms = new ArrayList<>(); if (geneNodeList.getLength() == 1) { // since there is only one item in the list, retrieve the only node Node geneNode = geneNodeList.item(0); NodeList geneChildNodes = geneNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < geneChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node geneChildNode = geneChildNodes.item(i); if (geneChildNode.getNodeName().equals(NAME) && geneChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element geneChildElement = (Element) geneChildNode; if (geneChildElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && geneChildElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(SYNONYM)) { geneSynonyms.add(geneChildElement.getTextContent()); } } } } return geneSynonyms; } /** * Product names are stored as: *<protein> * <recommendedName> * <fullName>Amine sulfotransferase</fullName> * <ecNumber></ecNumber> * </recommendedName> * <alternativeName> * <fullName>SULT-X2</fullName> * </alternativeName> * <alternativeName> * <fullName>Sulfotransferase 3A1</fullName> * <shortName>ST3A1</shortName> * </alternativeName> *</protein> * Sometimes the <recommendedName> tag is replaced with a <submittedName> tag * @return the list of product names */ private List<String> extractProductNames() { List<String> productNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (proteinNodeList.getLength() == 1) { // since there is only one item in the list, retrieve the only node Node proteinNode = proteinNodeList.item(0); NodeList proteinChildNodes = proteinNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < proteinChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node proteinChildNode = proteinChildNodes.item(i); if ((proteinChildNode.getNodeName().equals(RECOMMENDED_NAME) || proteinChildNode.getNodeName().equals(SUBMITTED_NAME) || proteinChildNode.getNodeName().equals(ALTERNATIVE_NAME)) && proteinChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element recommendedNameElement = (Element) proteinChildNode; if (recommendedNameElement.getElementsByTagName(FULL_NAME).getLength() > 0) { // there should only be one full name String productName = recommendedNameElement.getElementsByTagName(FULL_NAME).item(0).getTextContent(); // handles cases: Uncharacterized protein, Putative uncharacterized protein, etc if (productName.toLowerCase().contains(UNCHARACTERIZED)) { LOGGER.error("Skipping uncharacterized protein"); break; } // Collections.singletonList used over Arrays.asList because it takes less memory productNames.add(productName); } } } } return productNames; } /** * Catalytic activity strings are stored as: *<comment type="catalytic activity"> * <text evidence="18 22">An alcohol + NAD(+) = an aldehyde or ketone + NADH.</text> *</comment> * @return the catalytic activity string */ private String extractCatalyticActivity() { NodeList commentNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(COMMENT); for (int i = 0; i < commentNodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node commentNode = commentNodeList.item(i); if (commentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element commentElement = (Element) commentNode; if (commentElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && commentElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(CATALYTIC_ACTIVITY)) { NodeList commentChildNodes = commentElement.getChildNodes(); // there should only be one text element child containing the string of interest if (commentChildNodes.getLength() == 1 && commentChildNodes.item(0).getNodeName().equals(TEXT)) { return commentChildNodes.item(0).getTextContent(); } else if (commentChildNodes.getLength() > 1) { LOGGER.error("more than one catalytic activity string"); } } } } return null; } private DBObject extractMetadata() { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put(NAME, geneName); obj.put(SYNONYMS, geneSynonyms); obj.put(PRODUCT_NAMES, productNames); obj.put(XREF, new JSONObject()); obj.put(ACCESSION, accessions); obj.put(CATALYTIC_ACITIVITY_SNAKE, catalyticActivity); return MongoDBToJSON.conv(obj); } /** * Sequence strings are stored as: *<sequence length="379" mass="41178" checksum="32550529538B9669" modified="2007-05-29" version="2"> *MSTTGQIIRCKAAVAWEAGKPLVIEEVEVAPPQKHEVRIKILFTSLCHTDVYFWEAKGQT *PLFPRIFGHEAGGIVESVGEGVTDLQPGDHVLPIFTGECGECRHCHSEESNMCDLLRINT *ERGGMIHDGESRFSINGKPIYHFLGTSTFSEYTVVHSGQVAKINPDAPLDKVCIVSCGLS *TGLGATLNVAKPKKGQSVAIFGLGAVGLGAAEGARIAGASRIIGVDFNSKRFDQAKEFGV *TECVNPKDHDKPIQQVIAEMTDGGVDRSVECTGSVQAMIQAFECVHDGWGVAVLVGVPSK *DDAFKTHPMNFLNERTLKGTFFGNYKPKTDIPGVVEKYMNKELELEKFITHTVPFSEINK *AFDYMLKGESIRCIITMGA *</sequence> * @return the sequence string */ private String extractSequence() { return sequenceNodeList.item(0).getTextContent(); } /** * The organism name is stored with the type="scientific" * <organism> * <name type="scientific">Arabidopsis thaliana</name> * <name type="common">Mouse-ear cress</name> * <dbReference type="NCBI Taxonomy" id="3702"/> *</organism> * @return the organism as a string */ private String extractOrg(Map<String, String> minimalPrefixMapping) { if (organismNodeList.getLength() == 1) { // since there is only one item in the list, retrieve the only node Node organismNode = organismNodeList.item(0); NodeList organismChildNodes = organismNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < organismChildNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node organismChildNode = organismChildNodes.item(i); if (organismChildNode.getNodeName().equals(NAME) && organismChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element organismChildElement = (Element) organismChildNode; if (organismChildElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && organismChildElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(SCIENTIFIC)) { String orgName = organismChildElement.getTextContent(); if (minimalPrefixMapping.containsKey(orgName)) { return minimalPrefixMapping.get(orgName); } else { return orgName; } } } } } return null; } private Long extractOrgId(MongoDB db) { long id = db.getOrganismId(org); // if id == -1L, this means this organism does not exist in the database if (id != -1L) { return id; } else { return db.submitToActOrganismNameDB(org); } } /** * The Pubmed Ids are stored in the <dbReference> tags with type="Pubmed" *<reference key="4"> * <citation type="journal article" date="1996" name="Mol. Biol. Evol." volume="13" first="433" last="436"> * <title>Intra- and interspecific variation of the alcohol dehydrogenase locus region in wild plants Arabis gemmifera and Arabidopsis thaliana.</title> * <authorList> * <person name="Miyashita N.T."/> * </authorList> * <dbReference type="PubMed" id="8587508"/> * <dbReference type="DOI" id="10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a025603"/> * </citation> * <scope>NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC DNA]</scope> * <source> * <strain>cv. Aa-0</strain> * </source> *</reference> * @return a list of JSONObjects containing the extracted PubMed Ids */ private List<JSONObject> extractReferences() { NodeList referenceNodeList = seqFile.getElementsByTagName(REFERENCE); List<JSONObject> references = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < referenceNodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node referenceNode = referenceNodeList.item(i); if (referenceNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element referenceElement = (Element) referenceNode; if (referenceElement.getElementsByTagName(CITATION).getLength() > 1) { LOGGER.error("more than one citation per reference"); } else if (referenceElement.getElementsByTagName(CITATION).getLength() == 0) { break; } Node citationNode = referenceElement.getElementsByTagName(CITATION).item(0); if (citationNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element citationElement = (Element) citationNode; NodeList dbReferenceNodeList = citationElement.getElementsByTagName(DB_REFERENCE); for (int j = 0; j < dbReferenceNodeList.getLength(); j++) { Node dbReferenceNode = dbReferenceNodeList.item(j); if (dbReferenceNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element dbReferenceElement = (Element) dbReferenceNode; if (dbReferenceElement.hasAttribute(TYPE) && dbReferenceElement.getAttribute(TYPE).equals(PUBMED) && dbReferenceElement.hasAttribute(ID)) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put(VAL, dbReferenceElement.getAttribute(ID)); obj.put(SRC, PMID); references.add(obj); } } } } } } return references; } /** * In the case that ecnum, sequence, & org are all found in the uniprot file, this retrieves all sequence matches from * the installer database. * In the case that there is no ecnum, but there is a genbank protein accession number, this * retrieves all sequences that carry that genbank protein accession number. * In the case that there is no ecnum or genbank protein accession number, but there is a genbank nucleotide accession * number, this retrieves all sequences that carry that genbank nucleotide accession number and protein sequence. * If none of this is the case, then returns the empty list. * @param db * @return the list of Seq entries that should be updated with the data from the uniprot file */ private List<Seq> extractMatchingSeqs(MongoDB db) { JSONArray genbankProteinAccessions = accessions.getJSONArray(Seq.AccType.genbank_protein.toString()); JSONArray genbankNucleotideAccessions = accessions.getJSONArray(Seq.AccType.genbank_nucleotide.toString()); List<Seq> seqs = new ArrayList<>(); if (ec != null) { return db.getSeqFromSeqEcOrg(sequence, ec, org); } else if (genbankProteinAccessions != null && genbankProteinAccessions.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < genbankProteinAccessions.length(); i++) { seqs.addAll(db.getSeqFromGenbankProtAccession(genbankProteinAccessions.getString(i))); } } else if (genbankNucleotideAccessions != null && genbankNucleotideAccessions.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < genbankNucleotideAccessions.length(); i++) { List<Seq> seqFromNucAcc = db.getSeqFromGenbankNucAccessionSeq(genbankNucleotideAccessions.getString(i), sequence); if (seqFromNucAcc.size() > 1) { LOGGER.error("multiple seq entries match nucleotide accession + protein sequence"); } seqs.addAll(seqFromNucAcc); } } return seqs; } }