/************************************************************************* * * * This file is part of the 20n/act project. * * 20n/act enables DNA prediction for synthetic biology/bioengineering. * * Copyright (C) 2017 20n Labs, Inc. * * * * Please direct all queries to act@20n.com. * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * *************************************************************************/ package act.installer.sequence; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.HashMap; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.XML; import act.shared.helpers.MongoDBToJSON; import act.shared.helpers.P; import act.shared.sar.SAR; public class GenBankEntry extends SequenceEntry { JSONObject data; JSONObject desc; public static Set<P<JSONObject, JSONObject>> get_seq_entry_objs(JSONObject root) { // differentiates between multiple entries (CASE 1) and single entry (CASE 2) // // CASE 1: // {"Bioseq-set": {"Bioseq-set_seq-set": {"Seq-entry": {"Seq-entry_set": {"Bioseq-set": { // "Bioseq-set_annot": {...} // "Bioseq-set_seq-set": {"Seq-entry": [ // {"Seq-entry_seq": {"Bioseq": { // CASE 2: // {"Bioseq-set": {"Bioseq-set_seq-set": {"Seq-entry": {"Seq-entry_seq": {"Bioseq": { // The way we do that is to: // a. traverse Bioseq-set -> Bioseq-set_seq-set -> Seq-entry // b. check if we encounter a Seq-entry_set (multiple) or Seq-entry_seq (single) // c. If multip: // c.A traverse Seq-entry_set -> Bioseq-set // c.B get Seq-entry array within Bioseq-set_seq-set // c.C iterate array and traverse Seq-entry_seq -> Bioseq within each // d. If single: traverse Seq-entry_seq -> Bioseq within it Set<P<JSONObject, JSONObject>> all = new HashSet<P<JSONObject, JSONObject>>(); // a. traverse Bioseq-set -> Bioseq-set_seq-set -> Seq-entry String[] init_path = new String[] { "Bioseq-set", "Bioseq-set_seq-set", "Seq-entry" }; JSONObject inside = traverse(root, init_path); // b. check if we encounter a Seq-entry_set (multiple) or Seq-entry_seq (single) if (inside.has("Seq-entry_set")) { // multiple entries System.out.println("###### Received multiple entries"); // c.A traverse Seq-entry_set -> Bioseq-set String[] m_path = new String[] { "Seq-entry_set", "Bioseq-set"}; JSONObject main = traverse(inside, m_path); String[] desc_path = new String[] { "Bioseq-set_descr", "Seq-descr" }; JSONObject desc = traverse(main, desc_path); // c.B get Seq-entry array within Bioseq-set_seq-set JSONArray entries = main.getJSONObject("Bioseq-set_seq-set").getJSONArray("Seq-entry"); // c.C iterate array and traverse Seq-entry_seq -> Bioseq within each String[] inside_path = new String[] { "Seq-entry_seq", "Bioseq" }; for (int i=0; i<entries.length(); i++) { JSONObject entry = traverse(entries.getJSONObject(i), inside_path); all.add(new P<JSONObject, JSONObject>(entry, desc)); } } else { // single entry // d. If single: traverse Seq-entry_seq -> Bioseq within it String[] inside_path = new String[] { "Seq-entry_seq", "Bioseq" }; JSONObject entry = traverse(inside, inside_path); String[] desc_path = new String[] { "Bioseq_descr", "Seq-descr" }; JSONObject desc = traverse(entry, desc_path); all.add(new P<JSONObject, JSONObject>(entry, desc)); } return all; } public static Set<SequenceEntry> parsePossiblyMany(String xml) { // This file is written to handle rettype=native calls. (Output has Bioseq_ etc.) // The alternative call of using rettype=fasta returns compact seq data // but is formatted differently (with TSeq_ etc.) // See examples at the end of this file. Set<SequenceEntry> all_entries = new HashSet<SequenceEntry>(); JSONObject jo = null; try { jo = XML.toJSONObject(xml); Set<P<JSONObject, JSONObject>> seq_entries = get_seq_entry_objs(jo); for (P<JSONObject, JSONObject> gene_entry : seq_entries) { try { GenBankEntry entry = new GenBankEntry(gene_entry.fst(), gene_entry.snd()); all_entries.add(entry); } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("Data: " + gene_entry.fst().toString(4)); System.out.println("Desc: " + gene_entry.snd().toString(4)); System.out.println("Failed to extract some field in Genbank. Err: " + e); } } } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("Failed to parse GenBank XML. Err: " + e); } return all_entries; } private GenBankEntry(JSONObject gene_entry, JSONObject desc_entry) { this.data = gene_entry; this.desc = desc_entry; this.accessions = extract_accessions(); this.refs = extract_pmids(); this.org_id = extract_org_id(); this.sequence = extract_seq(); this.ec = extract_ec(); // inits this.catalyzed_{rxns, substrates, products} // optionally; if there are some that we NLP out of the // "catalysis activity" field read from this entry extract_catalyzed_reactions(); // new Seq(..) looks at the metadata in this.data for SwissProt fields: // this.data { "name" : gene_name_eg_Adh1 } // this.data { "proteinExistence": { "type" : "evidence at transcript level" }); // this.data { "comment": [ { "type": "catalytic activity", "text": uniprot_activity_annotation } ] } // this.data { "accession" : ["Q23412", "P87D78"] } // we manually add these fields so that we have consistent data JSONArray accs = new JSONArray(); for (String a : this.accessions) accs.put(a); JSONObject evidence = new JSONObject(), activity = new JSONObject(); String name = ""; this.data.put("name", name); this.data.put("proteinExistence", evidence); this.data.put("comment", new JSONArray(new JSONObject[] { activity })); this.data.put("accession", accs); // extract_metadata processes this.data, so do that only after updating // this.data with the proxy fields from above. this.metadata = extract_metadata(); } DBObject metadata; Set<String> accessions; List<JSONObject> refs; String sequence; Long org_id; String ec; Set<Long> catalyzed_rxns; Set<Long> catalyzed_substrates_diverse, catalyzed_substrates_uniform; Set<Long> catalyzed_products_diverse, catalyzed_products_uniform; HashMap<Long, Set<Long>> catalyzed_rxns_to_substrates, catalyzed_rxns_to_products; SAR sar; DBObject getMetadata() { return this.metadata; } Set<String> getAccessions() { return this.accessions; } List<JSONObject> getRefs() { return this.refs; } Long getOrgId() { return this.org_id; } String getSeq() { return this.sequence; } String getEc() { return this.ec; } Set<Long> getCatalyzedRxns() { return this.catalyzed_rxns; } Set<Long> getCatalyzedSubstratesUniform() { return this.catalyzed_substrates_uniform; } Set<Long> getCatalyzedSubstratesDiverse() { return this.catalyzed_substrates_diverse; } Set<Long> getCatalyzedProductsUniform() { return this.catalyzed_products_uniform; } Set<Long> getCatalyzedProductsDiverse() { return this.catalyzed_products_diverse; } HashMap<Long, Set<Long>> getCatalyzedRxnsToSubstrates() { return this.catalyzed_rxns_to_substrates; } HashMap<Long, Set<Long>> getCatalyzedRxnsToProducts() { return this.catalyzed_rxns_to_products; } SAR getSar() { return this.sar; } private DBObject extract_metadata() { // cannot directly return this.data coz in Seq.java // we expect certain specific JSON format fields return MongoDBToJSON.conv(this.data); } private Set<String> extract_accessions() { Set<String> accessions = new HashSet<String>(); // "Bioseq_id": {"Seq-id": [ // {"Seq-id_ddbj": {"Textseq-id": { // "Textseq-id_version": 1, // "Textseq-id_accession": "E07950" accessions.addAll(extract_accessions_under("Seq-id_ddbj")); accessions.addAll(extract_accessions_under("Seq-id_embl")); accessions.addAll(extract_accessions_under("Seq-id_genbank")); accessions.addAll(extract_accessions_under("Seq-id_swissprot")); accessions.addAll(extract_accessions_under("Seq-id_other")); if (accessions.size() == 0) { System.out.println("Got 0 accessions from: " + this.data.toString(2)); System.console().readLine(); } return accessions; } Set<String> extract_accessions_under(String key) { Set<String> accessions = new HashSet<String>(); String[] initpath = new String[] {"Bioseq_id"}; Set<JSONObject> os = get_inarray(this.data, key, initpath, "Seq-id"); for (JSONObject o : os) accessions.add(o.getJSONObject(key).getJSONObject("Textseq-id").getString("Textseq-id_accession")); return accessions; } private Set<JSONObject> get_desc_obj(String haskey) { // the description object is a wierd beast: need it for get_org_id + get_pmids // 1. We have to traverse down to this.data -> "Bioseq_descr" -> "Seq-descr" -> "Seqdesc" : JSONArray // 2. Then within this array there are objects like below: // {"Seqdesc_title": "gDNA encoding NAD synthetase."}, // {"Seqdesc_comment": "OS Bacillus ste ... // {"Seqdesc_genbank": {"GB-block": { ... // {"Seqdesc_pub": {"Pubdesc": {"Pubdesc_pub": {"Pub-equiv": {"Pub": {"Pub_patent ... // {"Seqdesc_source": {"BioSource": {"BioSource_org": {"Org-ref": { ... // {"Seqdesc_update-date": {"Date": ... // {"Seqdesc_create-date": {"Date": // // For get_org_id and get_pmids we have to retrieve the objects that have fields // Seqdesc_source and Seqdesc_pub, respectively. We first get the array and then search // each object within it for one that has the @param field return get_inarray(this.desc, haskey, new String[] {}, "Seqdesc"); } private Set<JSONObject> get_inarray(JSONObject in_obj, String has_key, String[] initpath, String pathend) { Set<JSONObject> objs_having_key = new HashSet<JSONObject>(); JSONObject container = traverse(in_obj, initpath); Object x = container.get(pathend); if (x instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray desc_array = (JSONArray)x; for (int i=0; i<desc_array.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = desc_array.getJSONObject(i); if (o.has(has_key)) objs_having_key.add(o); } } else if (x instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject o = (JSONObject)x; if (o.has(has_key)) objs_having_key.add(o); } return objs_having_key; } void extract_catalyzed_reactions() { // optionally add reactions to actfamilies by processing // "catalytic activity" annotations and then return those // catalyzed reaction ids (Long _id of actfamilies). This // function SHOULD NOT infer which actfamilies refer to // this object, as that is done in map_seq install. this.catalyzed_rxns = new HashSet<Long>(); this.catalyzed_substrates_uniform = new HashSet<Long>(); this.catalyzed_substrates_diverse = new HashSet<Long>(); this.catalyzed_products_diverse = new HashSet<Long>(); this.catalyzed_products_uniform = new HashSet<Long>(); this.catalyzed_rxns_to_substrates = new HashMap<Long, Set<Long>>(); this.catalyzed_rxns_to_products = new HashMap<Long, Set<Long>>(); this.sar = new SAR(); } private List<JSONObject> extract_pmids() { // See comments in get_desc_obj for how we traverse to an array // and then find an object within with a particular field List<String> pmids = new ArrayList<String>(); // the pub's contain patents (and probably paper references) // For patents it looks like: // {"Seqdesc_pub": {"Pubdesc": {"Pubdesc_pub": {"Pub-equiv": {"Pub": {"Pub_patent": {"Cit-pat": { ... // For publications it looks like: // {"Seqdesc_pub": {"Pubdesc": {"Pubdesc_pub": {"Pub-equiv": {"Pub": [ // {"Pub_article": {"Cit-art": {... // {"Pub_pmid": {"PubMedId": 15057458}} Set<JSONObject> sourceflds = get_desc_obj("Seqdesc_pub") ; for (JSONObject sourcefld : sourceflds) { String[] toPub_path = new String[] { "Seqdesc_pub", "Pubdesc", "Pubdesc_pub", "Pub-equiv" }; Set<JSONObject> o = get_inarray(sourcefld, "Pub_pmid", toPub_path, "Pub"); for (JSONObject pmid_obj : o) pmids.add(pmid_obj.getJSONObject("Pub_pmid").getInt("PubMedId") + ""); } List<JSONObject> pmidReferences = new ArrayList<>(); for (String pmid : pmids) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("val", pmid); obj.put("src", "PMID"); pmidReferences.add(obj); } return pmidReferences; } private Long extract_org_id() { // See comments in get_desc_obj for how we traverse to an array // and then find an object within with a particular field Long org_id = null; Set<JSONObject> sourceflds = get_desc_obj("Seqdesc_source") ; if (sourceflds.size() > 1) System.out.println("WARN: Genbank entry has more than one source organism id."); for (JSONObject sourcefld : sourceflds) { String[] path = new String[] { "Seqdesc_source", "BioSource", "BioSource_org", "Org-ref", "Org-ref_db", "Dbtag", "Dbtag_tag", "Object-id" }; JSONObject o = traverse(sourcefld, path); org_id = new Long(o.getInt("Object-id_id")); } if (org_id == null) { System.out.println("org_id == null. Multiple entries? We dont traverse down to the right desc for that case"); System.console().readLine(); } return org_id; // We have to navigate this structure to get to the Object-id_id value... // // {"Seqdesc_source": {"BioSource": {"BioSource_org": {"Org-ref": { // "Org-ref_orgname": {"OrgName": { // "OrgName_lineage": "Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Geobacillus", // "OrgName_div": "BCT", // "OrgName_mod": {"OrgMod": { // "OrgMod_subtype": { // "value": "old-name", // "content": 254 // }, // "OrgMod_subname": "Bacillus stearothermophilus" // }}, // "OrgName_name": {"OrgName_name_binomial": {"BinomialOrgName": { // "BinomialOrgName_genus": "Geobacillus", // "BinomialOrgName_species": "stearothermophilus" // }}}, // "OrgName_gcode": 11 // }}, // "Org-ref_taxname": "Geobacillus stearothermophilus", // "Org-ref_db": {"Dbtag": { // "Dbtag_tag": {"Object-id": {"Object-id_id": 1422}}, // "Dbtag_db": "taxon" // }} // }}}}}, } private String extract_seq() { // "Bioseq_inst": {"Seq-inst": { // "Seq-inst_mol": {"value": "dna"}, // "Seq-inst_length": 1238, // "Seq-inst_seq-data": {"Seq-data": {"Seq-data_iupacna": {"IUPACna": "GCATGCGCTCT // OR // "Bioseq_inst": {"Seq-inst": { // "Seq-inst_mol": {"value": "aa"}, // "Seq-inst_length": 770, // "Seq-inst_seq-data": {"Seq-data": {"Seq-data_iupacaa": {"IUPACaa": "MTT String pathend_e, seq_e; String[] type_path = new String[] {"Bioseq_inst", "Seq-inst", "Seq-inst_mol" }; String seq_type = traverse(this.data, type_path).getString("value"); // seq_type == dna | rna | aa boolean dna = "dna".equals(seq_type); boolean rna = "rna".equals(seq_type); if (dna || rna) { // NT seq pathend_e = "Seq-data_iupacna"; seq_e = "IUPACna"; } else { // AA seq pathend_e = "Seq-data_iupacaa"; seq_e = "IUPACaa"; } String[] seq_path = new String[] {"Bioseq_inst", "Seq-inst", "Seq-inst_seq-data", "Seq-data", pathend_e }; JSONObject o = traverse(this.data, seq_path); String seq = o.getString(seq_e); return seq; } private String extract_ec() { // genbank entries dont seem to have the ec# return null; } static JSONObject traverse(JSONObject container, String[] xpath) { return traverse(container, xpath, 0); } static JSONObject traverse(JSONObject container, String[] xpath, int idx) { if (idx == xpath.length) return container; else return traverse(container.getJSONObject(xpath[idx]), xpath, idx + 1); } public String toString() { return this.desc.toString() + " -> " + this.data.toString(); } } /* Difference between rettype=native and rettype=fasta for NCBI genbank calls. E.g., Case A] 16 lines in curl -s "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=protein&id=GI:6320033&rettype=fasta&retmode=xml" Case B] 3209 lines in curl -s "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=protein&id=GI:6320033&rettype=native&retmode=xml" | wc -l Case A] 16 lines from "fasta" have format: { "TSeqSet": { "TSeq": { "TSeq_seqtype": { "-value": "protein" }, "TSeq_gi": "6320033", "TSeq_accver": "NP_010113.1", "TSeq_taxid": "559292", "TSeq_orgname": "Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c", "TSeq_defline": "bifunctional alcohol dehydrogenase/S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c]", "TSeq_length": "386", "TSeq_sequence": "MSAATVGKPIKCIAAVAYDAKKPLSVEEITVDAPKAHEVRIKIEYTAVCHTDAYTLSGSDPEGLFPCVLGHEGAGIVESVGDDVITVKPGDHVIALYTAECGKCKFCTSGKTNLCGAVRATQGKGVMPDGTTRFHNAKGEDIYHFMGCSTFSEYTVVADVSVVAIDPKAPLDAACLLGCGVTTGFGAALKTANVQKGDTVAVFGCGTVGLSVIQGAKLRGASKIIAIDINNKKKQYCSQFGATDFVNPKEDLAKDQTIVEKLIEMTDGGLDFTFDCTGNTKIMRDALEACHKGWGQSIIIGVAAAGEEISTRPFQLVTGRVWKGSAFGGIKGRSEMGGLIKDYQKGALKVEEFITHRRPFKEINQAFEDLHNGDCLRTVLKSDEIK" } } } Case B] 3k lines (can go upto 1M+) from "native" have format: { "Bioseq-set": { "Bioseq-set_seq-set": { "Seq-entry": { "Seq-entry_set": { "Bioseq-set": { "Bioseq-set_class": { "-value": "nuc-prot" }, "Bioseq-set_descr": { "Seq-descr": { "Seqdesc": [ { "Seqdesc_source": { "BioSource": { "BioSource_genome": { "-value": "chromosome", "#text": "21" }, "BioSource_org": { "Org-ref": { "Org-ref_taxname": "Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c", "Org-ref_db": { "Dbtag": { "Dbtag_db": "taxon", "Dbtag_tag": { "Object-id": { "Object-id_id": "559292" } } } }, "Org-ref_orgname": { "OrgName": { "OrgName_name": { "OrgName_name_binomial": { "BinomialOrgName": { "BinomialOrgName_genus": "Saccharomyces", "BinomialOrgName_species": "cerevisiae" } } }, "OrgName_mod": { "OrgMod": { "OrgMod_subtype": { "-value": "strain", "#text": "2" }, "OrgMod_subname": "S288c" } }, "OrgName_lineage": "Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces", "OrgName_gcode": "1", "OrgName_mgcode": "3", "OrgName_div": "PLN" } } } }, "BioSource_subtype": { "SubSource": { "SubSource_subtype": { "-value": "chromosome", "#text": "1" }, "SubSource_name": "IV" } } } } }, { "Seqdesc_pub": { "Pubdesc": { "Pubdesc_pub": { "Pub-equiv": { "Pub": { "Pub_sub": { "Cit-sub": { "Cit-sub_authors": { "Auth-list": { "Auth-list_names": { "Auth-list_names_std": { "Author": { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_consortium": "Saccharomyces Genome Database" } } } } }, "Auth-list_affil": { "Affil": { "Affil_std": { "Affil_std_affil": "Stanford University", "Affil_std_div": "Department of Genetics", "Affil_std_city": "Stanford", "Affil_std_sub": "CA", "Affil_std_country": "USA", "Affil_std_postal-code": "94305-5120" } } } } }, "Cit-sub_date": { "Date": { "Date_std": { "Date-std": { "Date-std_year": "2009", "Date-std_month": "12", "Date-std_day": "11" } } } } } } } } } } } }, { "Seqdesc_pub": { "Pubdesc": { "Pubdesc_pub": { "Pub-equiv": { "Pub": [ { "Pub_article": { "Cit-art": { "Cit-art_title": { "Title": { "Title_E": { "Title_E_name": "The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome IV." } } }, "Cit-art_authors": { "Auth-list": { "Auth-list_names": { "Auth-list_names_std": { "Author": [ { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Jacq", "Name-std_first": "C", "Name-std_initials": "C." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Alt-Morbe", "Name-std_first": "J", "Name-std_initials": "J." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Andre", "Name-std_first": "B", "Name-std_initials": "B." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Arnold", "Name-std_first": "W", "Name-std_initials": "W." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Bahr", "Name-std_first": "A", "Name-std_initials": "A." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Ballesta", "Name-std_first": "J", "Name-std_initials": "J.P." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Bargues", "Name-std_first": "M", "Name-std_initials": "M." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Baron", "Name-std_first": "L", "Name-std_initials": "L." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Becker", "Name-std_first": "A", "Name-std_initials": "A." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Biteau", "Name-std_first": "N", "Name-std_initials": "N." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Blocker", "Name-std_first": "H", "Name-std_initials": "H." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Blugeon", "Name-std_first": "C", "Name-std_initials": "C." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Boskovic", "Name-std_first": "J", "Name-std_initials": "J." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Brandt", "Name-std_first": "P", "Name-std_initials": "P." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Bruckner", "Name-std_first": "M", "Name-std_initials": "M." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Buitrago", "Name-std_first": "M", "Name-std_initials": "M.J." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Coster", "Name-std_first": "F", "Name-std_initials": "F." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Delaveau", "Name-std_first": "T", "Name-std_initials": "T." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "del Rey", "Name-std_first": "F", "Name-std_initials": "F." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Dujon", "Name-std_first": "B", "Name-std_initials": "B." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Eide", "Name-std_first": "L", "Name-std_initials": "L.G." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Garcia-Cantalejo", "Name-std_first": "J", "Name-std_initials": "J.M." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Goffeau", "Name-std_first": "A", "Name-std_initials": "A." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Gomez-Peris", "Name-std_first": "A", "Name-std_initials": "A." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "Zaccaria", "Name-std_first": "P", "Name-std_initials": "P." } } } } }, { "Author_name": { "Person-id": { "Person-id_name": { "Name-std": { "Name-std_last": "et al." } } } } } ] } }, "Auth-list_affil": { "Affil": { "Affil_str": "Laboratoire de Genetique Moleculaire, URA 1302 du CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France. jacq@biologie.ens.fr" } } } }, "Cit-art_from": { "Cit-art_from_journal": { "Cit-jour": { "Cit-jour_title": { "Title": { "Title_E": [ { "Title_E_iso-jta": "Nature" }, { 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"Seq-feat_location": { "Seq-loc": { "Seq-loc_int": { "Seq-interval": { "Seq-interval_from": "0", "Seq-interval_to": "1160", "Seq-interval_strand": { "Na-strand": { "-value": "plus" } }, "Seq-interval_id": { "Seq-id": { "Seq-id_gi": "296143201" } } } } } }, "Seq-feat_dbxref": { "Dbtag": { "Dbtag_db": "SGD", "Dbtag_tag": { "Object-id": { "Object-id_str": "S000002327" } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } */