package joshie.progression.plugins.enchiridion.features; import; import joshie.enchiridion.api.EnchiridionAPI; import; import; import; import joshie.enchiridion.api.gui.ISimpleEditorFieldProvider; import; import; import; import joshie.enchiridion.util.ELocation; import joshie.progression.Progression; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ICriteria; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ITriggerProvider; import joshie.progression.gui.editors.TreeEditorElement.ColorMode; import joshie.progression.handlers.APICache; import joshie.progression.helpers.JSONHelper; import joshie.progression.lib.PInfo; import joshie.progression.plugins.enchiridion.actions.ActionClaimCriteria; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static joshie.progression.api.special.DisplayMode.EDIT; import static joshie.progression.gui.core.GuiList.MODE; import static joshie.progression.gui.editors.TreeEditorElement.getModeForCriteria; import static joshie.progression.plugins.enchiridion.EnchiridionSupport.TRANSPARENT; import static net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting.GOLD; public class FeatureCriteria extends FeatureProgression implements ISimpleEditorFieldProvider { protected transient UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); protected transient boolean isInit = false; public String display = "New Criteria"; public boolean background = true; public FeatureCriteria() {} public FeatureCriteria(ICriteria criteria, boolean background) { if (criteria != null) { uuid = criteria.getUniqueID(); display = getCriteria().getLocalisedName(); } this.background = background; } public ICriteria getCriteria() { return APICache.getClientCache().getCriteria(uuid); } @Override public FeatureCriteria copy() { return new FeatureCriteria(getCriteria(), background); } @Override public void update(IFeatureProvider position) { super.update(position); position.setWidth(16); position.setHeight(16); } @Override public void onFieldsSet(String field) { super.onFieldsSet(field); if (field.equals("")) { if (getCriteria() != null) display = getCriteria().getLocalisedName(); } else if (field.equals("display")) { for (ICriteria c : APICache.getClientCache().getCriteriaSet()) { if (c.getLocalisedName().equals(display)) { uuid = c.getUniqueID(); } } } } public FeatureCriteria getFeatureFromCriteria(ICriteria criteria) { for (IFeatureProvider feature: position.getPage().getFeatures()) { if (feature.getFeature() instanceof FeatureCriteria) { FeatureCriteria fC = ((FeatureCriteria)feature.getFeature()); if (fC.uuid != null) { if (fC.uuid.equals(criteria.getUniqueID())) return fC; } } } return null; } private static final ResourceLocation unlocked = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexunlocked.png"); private static final ResourceLocation locked = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexlocked.png"); private static final ResourceLocation completed = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexcompleted.png"); private static final ResourceLocation unlockedT = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexunlockedT.png"); private static final ResourceLocation lockedT = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexlockedT.png"); private static final ResourceLocation completedT = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "hexcompletedT.png"); //Flashy private static final ResourceLocation flash = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "flash.png"); private static final ResourceLocation flashT = new ResourceLocation(PInfo.BOOKPATH + "flashT.png"); private ResourceLocation getResource(ColorMode mode) { switch (mode) { case DEFAULT: return locked; case COMPLETED: case READY: return completed; case UNUSED: return flash; case AVAILABLE: return unlocked; default: return null; } } private ResourceLocation getTransparent(ColorMode mode) { switch (mode) { case DEFAULT: return lockedT; case COMPLETED: case READY: return completedT; case UNUSED: return flashT; case AVAILABLE: return unlockedT; default: return null; } } public void drawFeature(ICriteria criteria, int mouseX, int mouseY) { ColorMode mode = getModeForCriteria(getCriteria(), false); ResourceLocation location = getResource(mode); if (location != null) { if (!criteria.isVisible()) { //Make the texture transparent if this is edit MODE if (MODE == EDIT) { location = getTransparent(mode); } } List<ICriteria> prereqs = criteria.getPreReqs(); for (ICriteria c : prereqs) { FeatureCriteria connected = getFeatureFromCriteria(c); if (connected != null) { int y1 = connected.position.getTop(); int y2 = position.getTop(); int x1 = connected.position.getLeft(); int x2 = position.getLeft(); EnchiridionAPI.draw.drawLine(x1 + 8, 8 + y1, 8 + x2, 8 + y2, 2, 0xFF404040); } } if (background) EnchiridionAPI.draw.drawImage(location, position.getLeft() - 2, position.getTop() - 3, position.getLeft() + 18, position.getTop() + 19); EnchiridionAPI.draw.drawStack(criteria.getIcon(), position.getLeft(), position.getTop(), 1F); } } @Override public boolean performClick(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) { ICriteria criteria = getCriteria(); if (criteria != null && (MODE == EDIT || getModeForCriteria(criteria, false).openable)) { int number = criteria.getUniqueID().hashCode(); IPage page =; if (page != null) { int previous =; IButtonActionProvider button = EnchiridionAPI.editor.getJumpPageButton(previous); button.setResourceLocation(true, new ELocation("arrow_left_on")).setResourceLocation(false, new ELocation("arrow_left_off")); page.addFeature(button, 21, 200, 18, 10, true, false); //Create the left side page IPage pageLeft = + 1); pageLeft.addFeature(new FeatureText("Jump to the page after this one to edit the text."), 20, 20, 181, 81, false, false); pageLeft.toggleScroll(); FeaturePreviewWindow previewLeft = new FeaturePreviewWindow(page.getPageNumber() + 1); page.addFeature(previewLeft, 16, 16, 189, 117, true, false); //Create the right side page IPage pageRight = + 2); pageRight.addFeature(new FeatureText("Jump two pages after to edit this one."), 230, 20, 181, 81, false, false); pageRight.toggleScroll(); FeaturePreviewWindow previewRight = new FeaturePreviewWindow(page.getPageNumber() + 2); page.addFeature(previewRight, 225, 16, 192, 117, true, false); //Add the Rewards FeatureRewards reward = new FeatureRewards(criteria, true); page.addFeature(reward, 22, 138, 17, 28, true, false); //Add The Tasks FeatureTasks tasks = new FeatureTasks(criteria, true); page.addFeature(tasks, 230, 138, 17, 28, true, false); //Add the Claim Button IButtonActionProvider claimButton = new FeatureButton(new ActionClaimCriteria(criteria)); claimButton.setTooltip("Claim " + criteria.getLocalisedName()); claimButton.setText(true, "[color=gray]Claim").setText(false, "Claim"); claimButton.setTextOffsetX(true, 14).setTextOffsetY(true, 3); claimButton.setTextOffsetX(false, 14).setTextOffsetY(false, 3); claimButton.setResourceLocation(true, new ResourceLocation("progression:textures/books/open_button_on.png")); claimButton.setResourceLocation(false, new ResourceLocation("progression:textures/books/open_button_off.png")); page.addFeature(claimButton, 139, 175, 50, 14, true, false); //Return to tabs page IButtonActionProvider pageBack = EnchiridionAPI.editor.getJumpPageButton(previous); pageBack.setResourceLocation(true, TRANSPARENT).setResourceLocation(false, TRANSPARENT); pageBack.setProcessesClick(0, false); page.addFeature(pageBack, -10, -10, 450, 250, true, false); } return; } return false; } @Override public void draw(int mouseX, int mouseY) { if (!isInit) { isInit = true; onFieldsSet(""); } ICriteria criteria = getCriteria(); if (criteria != null) { drawFeature(criteria, mouseX, mouseY); } } @Override public void addTooltip(List<String> tooltip, int mouseX, int mouseY) { ICriteria criteria = getCriteria(); if (criteria != null && getModeForCriteria(criteria, false).openable) { addFeatureTooltip(criteria, tooltip, mouseX, mouseY); } } public void addFeatureTooltip(ICriteria criteria, List<String> tooltip, int mouseX, int mouseY) { tooltip.add(GOLD + criteria.getLocalisedName()); double completion = 0; for (ITriggerProvider trigger: criteria.getTriggers()) { completion += trigger.getProvided().getPercentage(); } int maxPercentage = (criteria.getTriggers().size() * 100); int percent = maxPercentage > 0 ? (int)(completion * 100) / maxPercentage: 100; tooltip.add(Progression.format("completed", percent)); } @Override public boolean getAndSetEditMode() { onFieldsSet(""); //When we reopen, reload the data EnchiridionAPI.editor.setSimpleEditorFeature(this); return true; } @Override public void readFromJson(JsonObject object) { try { uuid = UUID.fromString(JSONHelper.getString(object, "uuid", "d977334a-a7e9-5e43-b87e-91df8eebfdff")); } catch (Exception e){} } @Override public void writeToJson(JsonObject object) { if (uuid != null) { JSONHelper.setString(object, "uuid", uuid.toString(), "d977334a-a7e9-5e43-b87e-91df8eebfdff"); } } }