package joshie.progression.helpers; import; import; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.IFilter; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.IFilterProvider; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityRabbit; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class EntityHelper { private static final Cache<EntityLivingBase, Pair<Integer, Integer>> cacheScaleOffset = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(16).build(); private static final Cache<EntityLivingBase, ItemStack> eggCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(256).build(); private static final HashMap<String, Pair<Integer, Integer>> scaleOffset = new HashMap<String, Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); private static List<EntityLivingBase> clientList; private static List<EntityLivingBase> serverList; private static void register(String entity, int scale, int offset) { scaleOffset.put(entity, Pair.of(scale, offset)); } static { register("Thaumcraft.TaintacleTiny", 15, -15); register("Thaumcraft.Taintacle", 15, -45); register("Giant", 3, 0); register("WitherBoss", 10, 0); register("Thaumcraft.EldritchGolem", 11, 0); register("EnderDragon", 4, -4); register("Ghast", 5, -30); register("Thaumcraft.EldritchWarden", 4, 11); } public static int getSizeForEntity(final EntityLivingBase entity) { try { return cacheScaleOffset.get(entity, new Callable<Pair<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public Pair<Integer, Integer> call() throws Exception { String name = (EntityList.getEntityString(entity)); return scaleOffset.containsKey(name) ? scaleOffset.get(name) : Pair.of(15, 0); } }).getKey(); } catch (Exception e) { return 15; } } public static int getOffsetForEntity(final EntityLivingBase entity) { try { return cacheScaleOffset.get(entity, new Callable<Pair<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public Pair<Integer, Integer> call() throws Exception { String name = (EntityList.getEntityString(entity)); return scaleOffset.containsKey(name) ? scaleOffset.get(name) : Pair.of(15, 0); } }).getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static List<EntityLivingBase> getEntities() { if (clientList == null) clientList = init(MCClientHelper.getMinecraft().theWorld); return clientList; } public static IFilter getFilter(List<IFilterProvider> filters, EntityPlayer player) { if (player == null) return null; int size = filters.size(); if (size == 0) return null; if (size == 1) return filters.get(0).getProvided(); else { return filters.get(player.worldObj.rand.nextInt(size)).getProvided(); } } public static EntityLivingBase getRandomEntityFromFilters(List<IFilterProvider> locality, EntityPlayer player) { if (player == null) return null; int size = locality.size(); if (size == 0) return null; if (size == 1) { List<EntityLivingBase> list = ((List<EntityLivingBase>) locality.get(0).getProvided().getRandom(player)); if (list.size() == 1) return list.get(0); else if (list.size() > 1) return list.get(player.worldObj.rand.nextInt(list.size())); else return null; } else { List<EntityLivingBase> list = ((List<EntityLivingBase>) locality.get(player.worldObj.rand.nextInt(size)).getProvided().getRandom(player)); if (list.size() == 1) return list.get(0); else if (list.size() > 1) return list.get(player.worldObj.rand.nextInt(list.size())); else return null; } } public static String getNameForEntity(EntityLivingBase living) { return EntityList.getEntityString(living); } private static List<EntityLivingBase> init(World world) { List<EntityLivingBase> list = new ArrayList<EntityLivingBase>(); for (String name : EntityList.NAME_TO_CLASS.keySet()) { if (name.equals("Mob") || name.equals("Monster")) continue; Entity entity = EntityList.createEntityByName(name, world); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { list.add((EntityLivingBase) entity); //Special case addition of entities //Wither Skeleton, Add to list if (entity.getClass() == EntitySkeleton.class) { entity = EntityList.createEntityByName(name, world); ((EntitySkeleton) entity).setSkeletonType(1); list.add((EntityLivingBase) entity); } //Rabbit Variants if (entity instanceof EntityRabbit) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { entity = EntityList.createEntityByName(name, world); ((EntityRabbit)entity).setRabbitType(i); list.add((EntityLivingBase) entity); } } } } return list; } public static EntityLivingBase getRandomEntity(World world, IFilterProvider filter) { if (serverList == null) serverList = init(world); Collections.shuffle(serverList); for (EntityLivingBase entity : serverList) { if (filter == null) return entity; //If we passed a null filter, return anything if (filter.getProvided().matches(entity)) return entity; } //In theory if set up correctly this should be no issue return null; } public static ItemStack getItemForEntity(final EntityLivingBase entity) { try { return eggCache.get(entity, new Callable<ItemStack>() { @Override public ItemStack call() throws Exception { int id = EntityList.getEntityID(entity); if (id != 0) { return new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG, 1, id); } String name = EntityList.getEntityString(entity); ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG); net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound nbt = new net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setString("entity_name", name); stack.setTagCompound(nbt); return stack; } }); } catch (Exception e) {} return new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG); } private static WeakHashMap<EntityLivingBase, String> modentityidcache = new WeakHashMap(); public static String getModFromEntity(EntityLivingBase entity) { if (modentityidcache.containsKey(entity)) return modentityidcache.get(entity); else { String name = (EntityList.getEntityString(entity)); String modid = "minecraft"; if (name.contains(".")) { modid = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(".")).replace(".", ""); } modentityidcache.put(entity, modid); return modid; } } public static EntityLivingBase clone(World world, EntityLivingBase entity, NBTTagCompound tagValue, IFilter filter) { EntityLivingBase clone = (EntityLivingBase) EntityList.createEntityByName(EntityHelper.getNameForEntity(entity), world); if (clone instanceof EntityLiving) { ((EntityLiving) clone).onInitialSpawn(world.getDifficultyForLocation(new BlockPos(clone)), null); } if (tagValue != null) { clone.readEntityFromNBT(tagValue); } filter.apply(entity); return clone; } }