package joshie.progression.json; import joshie.progression.Progression; import joshie.progression.lib.PInfo; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import; public class Options { public static Configuration config; public static final String SETTINGS = "Settings"; public static transient boolean debugMode; public static boolean editor = true; public static boolean tileClaimerRecipe; public static boolean overwriteCriteriaJSONForClients; public static boolean enableCriteriaBackups; public static int maximumCriteriaBackups; public static boolean mustClaimDefault; public static boolean hardReset; public static boolean hideTooltips; private static DefaultSettings settings; public static void setSettings(DefaultSettings settings) { if (settings != null) { Options.settings = settings; } } public static DefaultSettings getSettings() { if (settings != null) return settings; else { settings = new DefaultSettings(); //Create return settings; } } public static void init(File configFile) { if (config == null) { config = new Configuration(configFile); loadConfiguration(); } MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new Options()); } private static void loadConfiguration() { try { editor = config.get(SETTINGS, "Enable Editing", true).getBoolean(); tileClaimerRecipe = config.get(SETTINGS, "Add Recipe for Tile Entity Claimer", true).getBoolean(); overwriteCriteriaJSONForClients = config.get(SETTINGS, "Overwrite criteria.json", false, "If this is true then Clients will always use the criteria.json file, and have it overridden by whatever is on a server, " + "by default this is false, which means clients will create a new json file for every server they join, so that the data," + "is cached instead of being recreated everytime they join a new server. This setting being false means that if you are editing" + "criteria on a server, for editing a pack, then you need to give users the serverside criteria.json and not the one in your client folder").getBoolean(); enableCriteriaBackups = config.get(SETTINGS, "Enable Criteria Backups", true, "Criteria will be backed up, whenever it's saved if this is true").getBoolean(); maximumCriteriaBackups = config.get(SETTINGS, "Maximum Criteria Backups", 25, "This is the maximum number of backups to keep for criteria, maximum 100", 1, 100).getInt(); mustClaimDefault = config.get(SETTINGS, "Default Setting for Claiming", false, "If this is true, new rewards will be set to mustClaim = true by default").getBoolean(); hardReset = config.get(SETTINGS, "Remove Players from Teams when Resetting Data", false, "When this is true, players will be removed from their teams when you execute the progression reset command").getBoolean(); hideTooltips = config.get(SETTINGS, "Hide Editor Tooltips", false, "With this set to true the information tooltips when editing will be removed").getBoolean(); } catch (Exception e) { Progression.logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Progression failed to load it's config"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (config.hasChanged()) {; } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigurationChangedEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event) { if (event.getModID().equalsIgnoreCase(PInfo.MODID)) { loadConfiguration(); } } }