package joshie.progression.gui.editors; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ICriteria; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ITab; import joshie.progression.api.event.TabVisibleEvent; import joshie.progression.gui.buttons.ButtonNewCriteria; import joshie.progression.gui.buttons.ButtonTab; import joshie.progression.gui.core.GuiCore; import joshie.progression.gui.core.GuiList; import joshie.progression.gui.editors.TreeEditorElement.ColorMode; import joshie.progression.handlers.APICache; import joshie.progression.handlers.RuleHandler; import joshie.progression.helpers.MCClientHelper; import joshie.progression.json.Options; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static joshie.progression.api.special.DisplayMode.DISPLAY; import static joshie.progression.api.special.DisplayMode.EDIT; import static joshie.progression.gui.core.GuiList.*; public class GuiTreeEditor extends GuiBaseEditor implements IEditorMode { private static final HashMap<ITab, Boolean> tabCache = new HashMap(); private HashMap<ICriteria, TreeEditorElement> elements; public ICriteria selected = null; public ICriteria previous = null; public UUID currentTabID; public ITab currentTab; public int ticksExisted; public GuiTreeEditor() { features.add(BACKGROUND); features.add(TREE_ELEMENT); features.add(TEMPLATE_SELECTOR_TAB); features.add(TEMPLATE_SELECTOR_CRITERIA); } @Override public Object getKey() { return currentTab; } @Override public boolean hasButtons() { return true; } public void addButtons(GuiCore core, boolean sideWays) { List<GuiButton> buttonList = core.getButtonNewList(); //Recreate the button list, in order to reposition it int position = 0; int posY = -5; if (MODE == EDIT) { if (!sideWays) { buttonList.add(new ButtonNewCriteria(0, posY)); posY += 28; } else buttonList.add(new ButtonNewCriteria(posY + 10, -22).setSideways()); position++; } //Sort tabs alphabetically or by sort index for (ITab tab : APICache.getCache(true).getSortedTabs()) { if (isTabVisible(tab) || MODE == EDIT) { if (!sideWays) { if (position <= 8) { buttonList.add(new ButtonTab(tab, 0, posY)); } else buttonList.add(new ButtonTab(tab, core.res.getScaledWidth() - 25, posY)); posY += 28; if (position == 8) { posY = -5; } position++; } else { boolean isEven = (position - 1) % 2 == 0; if (!isEven) { buttonList.add(new ButtonTab(tab, posY + 10, -22).setSideways()); } else { buttonList.add(new ButtonTab(tab, posY + 10, core.ySize).setBottom().setSideways()); posY += 28; } position++; } } } } public void onClientSetup() { //Attempt to grab from the config if (currentTabID == null) { currentTabID = Options.getSettings().defaultTabID; } currentTab = APICache.getClientCache().getTab(currentTabID); //Attempt to grab the tab //If the config fails, grab the first instance if (currentTab == null) { APICache.getClientCache().clearSorted(); for (ITab tab : APICache.getClientCache().getSortedTabs()) { currentTabID = tab.getUniqueID(); break; } } currentTab = APICache.getClientCache().getTab(currentTabID); //Attempt to grab the tab if (currentTab == null) { //If the tab was null, create a new blank one currentTab = RuleHandler.newTab(UUID.randomUUID(), true).setDisplayName("New Tab").setStack(new ItemStack(Items.BOOK)).setVisibility(true); currentTabID = currentTab.getUniqueID(); } } @Override public void initData() { addButtons(CORE, APICache.getClientCache().getSortedTabs().size() > 17); currentTab = APICache.getClientCache().getTab(currentTabID); if (currentTab == null) { MCClientHelper.getPlayer().closeScreen(); } else { tabCache.clear(); rebuildCriteria(); } } public void rebuildCriteria() { //Rebuild elements = new HashMap(); for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { elements.put(criteria, new TreeEditorElement(criteria)); } } public TreeEditorElement getElement(ICriteria criteria) { return elements.get(criteria); } public void addCriteria(ICriteria criteria, int x, int y, int offsetX) { elements.put(criteria, new TreeEditorElement(criteria)); TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element == null) { element = new TreeEditorElement(criteria); elements.put(criteria, element); } element.draw(x, y, offsetX);, y, false); lastClicked = criteria; } public static boolean isTabVisible(ITab tab) { //Use the cached value, which we update everytime this gui is reopened if (tabCache.containsKey(tab)) return tabCache.get(tab); boolean result = tab.isVisible(); TabVisibleEvent event = new TabVisibleEvent(MCClientHelper.getPlayer(), tab.getUniqueID()); if ( result = false; tabCache.put(tab, result); return result; } @Override public IEditorMode getPreviousGui() { return this; } @Override public void drawGuiForeground(boolean overlayvisible, int mouseX, int mouseY) { if (MODE == DISPLAY && !isTabVisible(currentTab)) return; for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { if (MODE == DISPLAY) { ColorMode mode = TreeEditorElement.getModeForCriteria(criteria, false); if (mode == ColorMode.INVISIBLE) continue; } if (element.isCriteriaVisible() || MODE == EDIT) { List<ICriteria> prereqs = criteria.getPreReqs(); for (ICriteria c : prereqs) { int y1 = getElement(c).getY(); int y2 = element.getY(); int x1 = getElement(c).getX(); int x2 = element.getX(); int width; int textWidth =; int iconWidth = 9 + (c.getRewards().size() * 12); if (textWidth >= iconWidth) { width = textWidth + 9; } else width = iconWidth; width -= 3; if (c.getTab() == criteria.getTab()) { drawLine(CORE.getOffsetX() + width + x1, 12 + y1 - 1, CORE.getOffsetX() + 5 + x2, 12 + y2 - 1, 1, GuiList.THEME.connectLineColor1); drawLine(CORE.getOffsetX() + width + x1, 12 + y1 + 1, CORE.getOffsetX() + 5 + x2, 12 + y2 + 1, 1, GuiList.THEME.connectLineColor2); //#636C69 drawLine(CORE.getOffsetX() + width + x1, 12 + y1, CORE.getOffsetX() + 5 + x2, 12 + y2, 1, GuiList.THEME.connectLineColor3); } } } } } GlStateManager.clear(GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { if (element.isCriteriaVisible() || MODE == EDIT) { element.draw(0, CORE.screenTop, CORE.getOffsetX()); } } } } public ITab previousTab = null; @Override public void keyTyped(char character, int key) { ICriteria toRemove = null; for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { if (element.isCriteriaVisible() || MODE == EDIT) { if (element.keyTyped(character, key)) { toRemove = criteria; break; } } } } if (toRemove != null) { RuleHandler.removeCriteria(toRemove.getUniqueID(), false); } if (key == Keyboard.KEY_UP) { currentTab.setSortIndex(currentTab.getSortIndex() + 1); APICache.getClientCache().clearSorted(); //Clear the sorted CORE.initGui(); } else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) { currentTab.setSortIndex(currentTab.getSortIndex() - 1); APICache.getClientCache().clearSorted(); //Clear the sorted CORE.initGui(); } } @Override public void guiMouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) { for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { element.release(mouseX, mouseY); } } isDragging = false; } public long lastClick; public int lastType; public ICriteria lastClicked = null; public int drag = 0; public boolean isDragging = false; public int lastX; public int lastY; @Override public boolean guiMouseClicked(boolean overlayvisible, int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) { if (currentTab == null) return false; long thisClick = System.currentTimeMillis(); long difference = thisClick - lastClick; boolean isDoubleClick = button == 0 && lastType == 0 && difference <= 500 && lastX == mouseX && lastY == mouseY; lastClick = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastType = button; lastX = mouseX; lastY = mouseY; lastClicked = null; if (button == 0) { for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { if (MODE == DISPLAY) { ColorMode mode = TreeEditorElement.getModeForCriteria(criteria, false); if (mode == ColorMode.INVISIBLE) continue; } if (element.isCriteriaVisible() || MODE == EDIT) { if (, mouseY, isDoubleClick)) { lastClicked = criteria; return true; } } } } if (isDoubleClick && MODE == EDIT) { GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.previous = null; GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.selected = null; GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.lastClicked = null; GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.isDragging = false; ITab currentTab = GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.currentTab; int offsetX = CORE.getOffsetX(); ICriteria criteria = RuleHandler.newCriteria(currentTab, UUID.randomUUID(), true); criteria.setCoordinates(mouseX - 50 - offsetX, mouseY - 10); GuiList.TREE_EDITOR.addCriteria(criteria, mouseX - 50, mouseY - 10, offsetX); return true; } return false; } else { if (lastClicked == null && selected == null) { isDragging = true; drag = mouseX; return true; } } return true; } @Override public void handleMouseInput(int mouseX, int mouseY) { if (isDragging) { int difference = mouseX - drag; drag = mouseX; if (difference != 0) { CORE.scroll(difference); } } if (lastClicked != null) { for (ICriteria criteria : currentTab.getCriteria()) { TreeEditorElement element = getElement(criteria); if (element != null) { element.follow(mouseX, mouseY); int wheel = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (wheel != 0) { getElement(criteria).scroll(wheel < 0); } } } } } }