package joshie.progression.handlers; import; import; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ICriteria; import joshie.progression.crafting.CraftingRegistry; import joshie.progression.json.DefaultSettings; import joshie.progression.json.JSONLoader; import; import; import; import joshie.progression.player.PlayerTracker; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public class RemappingHandler { public static Multimap<ICriteria, ICriteria> criteriaToUnlocks; //A list of the critera completing this one unlocks public static String getHostName() { String hostname = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().isDedicatedServer()? FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getServerHostname(): "ssp"; if (hostname.equals("")) hostname = "smp"; return hostname; } //Grabs the json, as a split string and rebuilds it, sends it in parts to the client public static void onPlayerConnect(EntityPlayerMP player) { //Remap the player data, for this player, before doing anything else, as the data may not existing yet PlayerTracker.getServerPlayer(player).getTeam().rebuildTeamCache(); //Rebuild the team cache PlayerTracker.getServerPlayer(player).getMappings().remap(); PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(Section.SEND_HASH, JSONLoader.serverHashcode, getHostName()), player); } /** Called, When a server starts, or when reload or reset is called **/ public static void reloadServerData(DefaultSettings settings, boolean isClient) { //Reset the data //Create a a new unlocker criteriaToUnlocks = HashMultimap.create(); //Reset all data //All data has officially been wiped SERVERSIDE //Reload in all the data from json /** Grab yourself some gson, load it in from the file serverside **/ JSONLoader.loadJSON(false, settings); //This fills out all the data once again //Now that mappings have been synced to the client reload the unlocks list Collection<ICriteria> allCriteria = APICache.getCache(isClient).getCriteriaSet(); for (ICriteria criteria : allCriteria) { //Remap criteria to unlocks //We do not give a damn about whether this is available or not //The unlocking of criteria should happen no matter what List<ICriteria> requirements = criteria.getPreReqs(); for (ICriteria require : requirements) { criteriaToUnlocks.get(require).add(criteria); } } } public static void resetRegistries(boolean isClientside) { //Resets all of the registries to default empty data APICache.resetAPIHandler(isClientside); //Reset tabs and criteria maps EventsManager.resetEvents(isClientside); CraftingRegistry.resetRegistry(isClientside); } }