package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import static*; public abstract class PacketSyncStringArray extends PenguinPacket { protected PacketPart part; protected String text = ""; protected int integer = -1; public PacketSyncStringArray(){} public PacketSyncStringArray(PacketPart part) { this.part = part; } public PacketSyncStringArray(PacketPart part, String text, int index) { this.part = part; this.text = text; this.integer = index; } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf to) { to.writeByte(part.ordinal()); if (part.sends()) { to.writeInt(integer); writeGzipString(to, text); } } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf from) { part = PacketPart.values()[from.readByte()]; if (part.sends()) { integer = from.readInt(); text = readGzipString(from); } } @Override public void handlePacket(EntityPlayer player) { boolean isClient = player.worldObj.isRemote; if (part == SEND_HASH) receivedHashcode(player); else if (part == REQUEST_SIZE) receivedLengthRequest(player); else if (part == SEND_SIZE) receivedStringLength(player); else if (part == REQUEST_DATA) receivedDataRequest(player); else if (part == SEND_DATA) receivedData(player); } /** Client should do nothing or send a packet to request data **/ public abstract void receivedHashcode(EntityPlayer player); /** Server should now send the string length **/ public abstract void receivedLengthRequest(EntityPlayer player); /** Client should now send a received size packet **/ public abstract void receivedStringLength(EntityPlayer player); /** Server should now send the data for the string **/ public abstract void receivedDataRequest(EntityPlayer player); /** Client should try to build a list of the data after received all the data **/ public abstract void receivedData(EntityPlayer player); }