package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import joshie.progression.handlers.RemappingHandler; import joshie.progression.helpers.PlayerHelper; import joshie.progression.json.JSONLoader; import; import joshie.progression.player.PlayerTracker; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import java.util.UUID; import static*; @Packet public class PacketSyncJSONToClient extends PenguinPacket { public enum Section { RESYNC, SEND_HASH, FAILED_HASH, SEND_LENGTH, RECEIVED_LENGTH, SEND_STRING, COMPLETE; } public PacketSyncJSONToClient() {} public PacketSyncJSONToClient(Section section) { this.section = section; } public PacketSyncJSONToClient(Section section, int length) { this.section = section; this.integer = length; } private Section section; private int integer = -1; private String string = null; public PacketSyncJSONToClient(Section section, int position, String data) { this.section = section; this.integer = position; this.string = data; } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(section.ordinal()); buf.writeInt(integer); if (string != null) { buf.writeBoolean(true); writeGzipString(buf, string); } else buf.writeBoolean(false); } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { section = Section.values()[buf.readInt()]; integer = buf.readInt(); if (buf.readBoolean()) { string = readGzipString(buf); } } @Override public void handlePacket(EntityPlayer thePlayer) { if (section == RESYNC) { //Called from a command, sends all the data for (EntityPlayer player: PlayerHelper.getAllPlayers()) { RemappingHandler.onPlayerConnect((EntityPlayerMP) player); } } else if (section == SEND_HASH) { //Called when a player logins, sends the client the hash JSONLoader.serverName = string; String json = JSONLoader.getClientTabJsonData(); if (json.hashCode() == integer) { //If we set the json correctly if (JSONLoader.setTabsAndCriteriaFromString(json, false)) { PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(COMPLETE)); } } else PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(FAILED_HASH)); } else if (section == FAILED_HASH) { PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(Section.SEND_LENGTH, JSONLoader.serverTabJsonData.length), thePlayer); } else if (section == SEND_LENGTH) { //Clientside set the data for receival of this packet JSONLoader.clientTabJsonData = new String[integer]; PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(RECEIVED_LENGTH)); } else if (section == RECEIVED_LENGTH) { for (int i = 0; i < JSONLoader.serverTabJsonData.length; i++) { PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(SEND_STRING, i, JSONLoader.serverTabJsonData[i]), thePlayer); } //Now that we have received the data, send more } else if (section == SEND_STRING) { //Client has now been sent the string JSONLoader.clientTabJsonData[integer] = string; for (String s : JSONLoader.clientTabJsonData) { if (s == null) return; } //All data has arrived, on the client StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < JSONLoader.clientTabJsonData.length; i++) { result.append(JSONLoader.clientTabJsonData[i]); } //If we set the json correctly if (JSONLoader.setTabsAndCriteriaFromString(result.toString(), true)) { PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketSyncJSONToClient(COMPLETE)); } } else if (section == Section.COMPLETE) { UUID uuid = PlayerHelper.getUUIDForPlayer(thePlayer); //Sends all the data to do with this player to the client, so it's up to date PlayerTracker.getPlayerData(uuid, false).getMappings().syncToClient((EntityPlayerMP) thePlayer); } } }