package joshie.progression.criteria; import; import joshie.progression.Progression; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.ICriteria; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.IReward; import joshie.progression.api.criteria.IRewardProvider; import joshie.progression.api.special.*; import joshie.progression.helpers.JSONHelper; import joshie.progression.helpers.SplitHelper; import joshie.progression.json.Options; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; public class Reward implements IRewardProvider { private final IReward reward; private final String unlocalised; private final int color; private ICriteria criteria; private UUID uuid; private ItemStack stack; public boolean isVisible; public boolean mustClaim; public boolean onePerTeam; //Dummy constructor for storing the default values public Reward(IReward reward, String unlocalised, int color) { this.reward = reward; this.unlocalised = unlocalised; this.color = color; this.reward.setProvider(this); } public Reward (ICriteria criteria, UUID uuid, IReward reward, ItemStack stack, String unlocalised, int color) { this.criteria = criteria; this.uuid = uuid; this.reward = reward; this.unlocalised = unlocalised; this.color = color; this.stack = stack; this.isVisible = true; this.mustClaim = Options.mustClaimDefault; this.reward.setProvider(this); this.onePerTeam = onePerTeam; } @Override public ICriteria getCriteria() { return criteria; } @Override public IReward getProvided() { return reward; } @Override public String getUnlocalisedName() { return unlocalised; } @Override public int getColor() { return color; } @Override public ItemStack getIcon() { return reward instanceof ICustomIcon ? ((ICustomIcon)reward).getIcon() : stack; } @Override public String getLocalisedName() { return reward instanceof ICustomDisplayName ? ((ICustomDisplayName)reward).getDisplayName() : Progression.translate(getUnlocalisedName()); } @Override public String getDescription() { return reward instanceof ICustomDescription ? ((ICustomDescription)reward).getDescription() : Progression.format(getUnlocalisedName() + ".description"); } @Override public int getWidth(DisplayMode mode) { return reward instanceof ICustomWidth ? ((ICustomWidth)reward).getWidth(mode) : 100; } @Override public void addTooltip(List list) { if (reward instanceof ICustomTooltip) ((ICustomTooltip)reward).addTooltip(list); else{ for (String s : SplitHelper.splitTooltip(getDescription(), 42)) { list.add(s); } } } @Override public UUID getUniqueID() { if (uuid == null) { uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); } return uuid; } @Override public IRewardProvider setIcon(ItemStack stack) { this.stack = stack; return this; } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return isVisible; } @Override public boolean mustClaim() { return mustClaim; } @Override public boolean isOnePerTeam() { return onePerTeam; } @Override public void readFromJSON(JsonObject data) { isVisible = JSONHelper.getBoolean(data, "isVisible", true); mustClaim = JSONHelper.getBoolean(data, "mustClaim", false); onePerTeam = JSONHelper.getBoolean(data, "onePerTeam", false); } @Override public void writeToJSON(JsonObject data) { JSONHelper.setBoolean(data, "isVisible", isVisible, true); JSONHelper.setBoolean(data, "mustClaim", mustClaim, false); JSONHelper.setBoolean(data, "onePerTeam", onePerTeam, false); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || !(o instanceof IRewardProvider)) return false; IRewardProvider that = (IRewardProvider) o; return getUniqueID() != null ? getUniqueID().equals(that.getUniqueID()) : that.getUniqueID() == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getUniqueID() != null ? getUniqueID().hashCode() : 0; } }