package com.lyndir.omicron.api; import static com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ObjectUtils.*; import static com.lyndir.omicron.api.error.ExceptionUtils.*; import static com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.PathUtils.*; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.error.*; import java.util.*; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class MobilityModule extends Module implements IMobilityModule, IMobilityModuleController { private final int movementSpeed; private final Map<LevelType, Double> movementCost = Collections.synchronizedMap( new EnumMap<>( LevelType.class ) ); private final Map<LevelType, Double> levelingCost = Collections.synchronizedMap( new EnumMap<>( LevelType.class ) ); private double remainingSpeed; protected MobilityModule(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost, final int movementSpeed, final Map<LevelType, Double> movementCost, final Map<LevelType, Double> levelingCost) { super( resourceCost ); this.movementSpeed = movementSpeed; this.movementCost.putAll( movementCost ); this.levelingCost.putAll( levelingCost ); } static Builder0 createWithStandardResourceCost() { return createWithExtraResourceCost( ResourceCost.immutable() ); } static Builder0 createWithExtraResourceCost(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { return new Builder0( ModuleType.MOBILITY.getStandardCost().add( resourceCost ) ); } @Override public double getRemainingSpeed() throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { assertObservable(); return remainingSpeed; } @Override public double getMovementSpeed() { assertObservable(); return movementSpeed; } /** * Get the speed cost related to moving around in the given level. * * @param levelType The level to move around in. * * @return The speed cost. */ @Override public double costForMovingInLevel(final LevelType levelType) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { assertObservable(); return ifNotNullElse( movementCost.get( levelType ), Double.MAX_VALUE ); } @Override public double costForLevelingToLevel(final LevelType levelType) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { assertObservable(); Tile location = getGameObject().getLocation().get(); // Level up until we reach the target level. double cost = 0; LevelType currentLevel = location.getLevel().getType(); if (levelType == currentLevel) return 0; while (true) { Optional<LevelType> newLevel = currentLevel.up(); if (!newLevel.isPresent()) break; Double currentLevelCost = levelingCost.get( EnumUtils.min( currentLevel, newLevel.get() ) ); if (currentLevelCost == null) // Cannot level to this level. return Double.MAX_VALUE; currentLevel = newLevel.get(); cost += currentLevelCost; if (currentLevel == levelType) return cost; } // Level down until we reach the target level. cost = 0; currentLevel = location.getLevel().getType(); while (true) { Optional<LevelType> newLevel = currentLevel.down(); if (!newLevel.isPresent()) break; Double currentLevelCost = levelingCost.get( EnumUtils.min( currentLevel, newLevel.get() ) ); if (currentLevelCost == null) // Cannot level to this level. return Double.MAX_VALUE; currentLevel = newLevel.get(); cost += currentLevelCost; if (currentLevel == levelType) return cost; } // Unreachable code. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported level type: " + levelType ); } /** * Move the unit to the given level. * * @param levelType The side of the adjacent tile relative to the current. */ @Override public Leveling leveling(final LevelType levelType) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotOwnedException, NotObservableException { assertOwned(); Tile currentLocation = getGameObject().getLocation().get(); if (levelType == currentLocation.getLevel().getType()) // Already in the destination level. return Leveling.possible( this, currentLocation, 0 ); double cost = costForLevelingToLevel( levelType ); if (cost > remainingSpeed) // Cannot move: insufficient speed remaining this turn. return Leveling.impossible( this, cost ); return Leveling.possible( this, getGameObject().getGame().getLevel( levelType ).getTile( currentLocation.getPosition() ).get(), cost ); } /** * Move the unit to an adjacent tile. * * @param target The side of the adjacent tile relative to the current. */ @Override public Movement movement(final ITile target) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotOwnedException, NotObservableException { assertOwned(); Leveling leveling = leveling( target.getLevel().getType() ); if (!leveling.isPossible()) // Cannot move because we can't level to the target's level. return Movement.impossible( this, leveling.getCost() ); // Initialize cost calculation. ITile currentLocation = leveling.getTarget(); final double stepCost = costForMovingInLevel( currentLocation.getLevel().getType() ); // Initialize path finding data functions. PredicateNN<ITile> foundFunction = tile -> tile.equals( target ); NNFunctionNN<Step<ITile>, Double> costFunction = tileStep -> { if (!tileStep.getTo().isAccessible().isTrue()) return Double.MAX_VALUE; return stepCost; }; NNFunctionNN<ITile, Stream<? extends ITile>> neighboursFunction = (input) -> input.neighbours().stream(); // Find the path! Optional<Path<ITile>> path = find( currentLocation, foundFunction, costFunction, remainingSpeed - leveling.getCost(), neighboursFunction ); return Movement.possible( this, leveling.getCost() + (path.isPresent()? path.get().getCost(): 0), leveling, path ); } @Override protected void onReset() { remainingSpeed = movementSpeed; } @Override protected void onNewTurn() { } @Override public IMobilityModuleController getController() { return this; } @Override public IMobilityModule getModule() { return this; } public static class Leveling extends MetaObject implements IMobilityModuleController.ILeveling { private final MobilityModule module; private final double cost; private final Optional<ITile> target; private Leveling(final MobilityModule module, final Optional<ITile> target, final double cost) { this.module = module; this.cost = cost; = target; } static Leveling impossible(final MobilityModule module, final double cost) { return new Leveling( module, Optional.empty(), cost ); } static Leveling possible(final MobilityModule module, final ITile target, final double cost) { return new Leveling( module, Optional.of( target ), cost ); } @Override public boolean isPossible() { return target.isPresent(); } /** * The cost for executing the leveling. If not possible, the cost is either zero if unknown or the cost for the action that * exceeded the module's remaining speed (not the cost of getting to the target). * * @return An amount of speed. */ @Override public double getCost() { return cost; } /** * @return The target tile after leveling. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the leveling is not possible ({@link #isPossible()} returns {@code false}) */ @Override public ITile getTarget() { return target.get(); } @Override public void execute() throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotOwnedException, ImpossibleException, InvalidatedException { module.assertOwned(); assertState( isPossible(), ImpossibleException.class ); assertState( cost <= module.remainingSpeed, InvalidatedException.class ); // TODO: No target.isAccessible check: Most units that level cannot see other levels before they go there. // TODO: Should we disallow leveling until you can see the level above you like we do with movement and the tile you move to? Change.From<ITile> locationChange = Change.<ITile>from( module.getGameObject().getLocation().get() ); ChangeDbl.From remainingSpeedChange = ChangeDbl.from( module.remainingSpeed ); // Execute the leveling. module.getGameObject().getController().setLocation( Tile.cast( target.get() ) ); module.remainingSpeed -= cost; module.getGameObject() .getGame() .getController() .fireIfObservable( module.getGameObject() ) .onMobilityLeveled( module, module.getGameObject().getLocation().get() ), module.remainingSpeed ) ); } } public static class Movement extends MetaObject implements IMovement { private final MobilityModule module; private final double cost; private final Leveling leveling; private final Optional<Path<ITile>> path; private Movement(final MobilityModule module, final double cost, @Nullable final Leveling leveling, final Optional<Path<ITile>> path) { this.module = module; this.cost = cost; this.leveling = leveling; this.path = path; } static Movement impossible(final MobilityModule module, final double cost) { return new Movement( module, cost, null, Optional.empty() ); } static Movement possible(final MobilityModule module, final double cost, @Nonnull final Leveling leveling, final Optional<Path<ITile>> path) { return new Movement( module, cost, leveling, path ); } /** * The cost for executing the movement. If not possible, the cost is either zero if unknown or the cost for the action that * exceeded the module's remaining speed (not the cost of getting to the target). * * @return An amount of speed. */ @Override public double getCost() { return cost; } /** * @return The target tile after leveling. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the leveling is not possible ({@link #isPossible()} returns {@code false}) */ @Override public Path<ITile> getPath() { return path.get(); } @Override public boolean isPossible() { return path.isPresent(); } @Override public void execute() throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotOwnedException, ImpossibleException, InvalidatedException { module.assertOwned(); assertState( isPossible(), ImpossibleException.class ); assertState( cost <= module.remainingSpeed, InvalidatedException.class ); assert leveling != null; Change.From<ITile> locationChange = Change.<ITile>from( module.getGameObject().getLocation().get() ); ChangeDbl.From remainingSpeedChange = ChangeDbl.from( module.remainingSpeed ); // Check that the path can still be walked. Path<ITile> tracePath = path.get(); while (true) { assertState( tracePath.getTarget().isAccessible().isTrue() || // module.getGameObject().getLocation().get().equals( tracePath.getTarget() ), // PathInvalidatedException.class, tracePath ); Optional<Path<ITile>> parent = tracePath.getParent(); if (!parent.isPresent()) break; tracePath = parent.get(); } // Execute the leveling. leveling.execute(); // Execute the path. module.getGameObject().getController().setLocation( Tile.cast( path.get().getTarget() ) ); module.remainingSpeed -= path.get().getCost(); module.getGameObject() .getGame() .getController() .fireIfObservable( module.getGameObject() ) .onMobilityMoved( module, module.getGameObject().getLocation().get() ), module.remainingSpeed ) ); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "ParameterHidesMemberVariable", "InnerClassFieldHidesOuterClassField" }) static class Builder0 { private final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost; private Builder0(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { this.resourceCost = resourceCost; } Builder1 movementSpeed(final int movementSpeed) { return new Builder1( movementSpeed ); } class Builder1 { private final int movementSpeed; private Builder1(final int movementSpeed) { this.movementSpeed = movementSpeed; } Builder2 movementCost(final Map<LevelType, Double> movementCost) { return new Builder2( movementCost ); } class Builder2 { private final Map<LevelType, Double> movementCost; private Builder2(final Map<LevelType, Double> movementCost) { this.movementCost = movementCost; } MobilityModule levelingCost(final Map<LevelType, Double> levelingCost) { return new MobilityModule( resourceCost, movementSpeed, movementCost, levelingCost ); } } } } }