package com.lyndir.omicron.cli.command; import static com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ObjectUtils.ifNotNullElse; import; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.view.PlayerGameInfo; import com.lyndir.omicron.cli.OmicronCLI; import java.util.*; /** * <i>10 07, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ @CommandGroup(name = "list", abbr = "ls", desc = "Enumerate certain types of game objects.") public class ListCommand extends Command { public ListCommand(final OmicronCLI omicron) { super( omicron ); } @SubCommand(abbr = "p", desc = "Enumerate all players in the game.") public void players(final Iterator<String> tokens) { Optional<IGameController> gameController = getOmicron().getGameController(); if (!gameController.isPresent()) { err( "No game is running. Create one with the 'create' command." ); return; } List<PlayerGameInfo> playerGameInfos = new LinkedList<>( gameController.get().listPlayerGameInfo() ); Collections.sort( playerGameInfos, (o1, o2) -> o1.getScore() > o2.getScore()? 1: o1.getScore() < o2.getScore()? -1: 0 ); inf( "%20s | %s", "score", "name" ); for (final PlayerGameInfo playerGameInfo : playerGameInfos) inf( "%20s | %s%s", playerGameInfo.getScore(), playerGameInfo.getPlayer().getName(), playerGameInfo.isDiscovered()? "": " <undiscovered>" ); } @SubCommand(abbr = "o", desc = "Enumerate all types of game objects the player can detect.") public void objects(final Iterator<String> tokens) { Optional<IGameController> gameController = getOmicron().getGameController(); if (!gameController.isPresent()) { err( "No game is running. Create one with the 'create' command." ); return; } Optional<IPlayer> localPlayerOptional = getOmicron().getLocalPlayer(); if (!localPlayerOptional.isPresent()) { err( "No local player in the game." ); return; } IPlayer localPlayer = localPlayerOptional.get(); ImmutableList.Builder<IGameObject> gameObjectBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final IPlayer player : gameController.get().getGame().getPlayers()) gameObjectBuilder.addAll( player.getController().playerObjectsObservableBy( localPlayer ).iterator() ); inf( "%5s | %20s | (%7s: %3s, %3s) | %s", "ID", "player", "type", "x", "y", "type" ); for (final IGameObject gameObject : { ITile location = gameObject.getLocation().get(); inf( "%5s | %20s | (%7s: %3d, %3d) | %s", // gameObject.getObjectID(), ifNotNullElse( IPlayer.class, gameObject.getOwner().orElse( null ), "-" ).getName(), location.getLevel().getType().getName(), location.getPosition().getX(), location.getPosition().getY(), gameObject.getType().getTypeName() ); } } }