package com.lyndir.omicron.cli.command; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.Game; import com.lyndir.omicron.cli.OmicronCLI; import java.util.Iterator; /** * <i>10 07, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ @CommandGroup(name = "build", abbr = "b", desc = "Build a new game object.") public class BuildCommand extends Command { public BuildCommand(final OmicronCLI omicron) { super( omicron ); } @SubCommand(abbr = "g", desc = "Build a new game of Omicron") public void game(final Iterator<String> tokens) { getOmicron().getBuilders().setGameBuilder( Game.builder() ); inf( "Building a new game of Omicron. Configure properties with 'set'/'add'/'rm' commands, use 'create' when done." ); } }