package com.lyndir.omicron.api; import static com.lyndir.omicron.api.Security.*; import*; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.error.AlreadyCheckedException; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.error.InternalInconsistencyException; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ObjectUtils; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.error.NotAuthenticatedException; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybe; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybool; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; // TODO: Should this module's logic be moved to GameObjectController? // TODO: It uniquely describes a game object and can exist only once and lots of external code assumes there is one and only one... public class BaseModule extends Module implements IBaseModule, IBaseModuleController { private final int maxHealth; private final int armor; private final int viewRange; private final ImmutableSet<LevelType> supportedLayers; private int damage; protected BaseModule(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost, final int maxHealth, final int armor, final int viewRange, final Set<LevelType> supportedLayers) { super( resourceCost ); this.maxHealth = maxHealth; this.armor = armor; this.viewRange = viewRange; this.supportedLayers = ImmutableSet.copyOf( supportedLayers ); } static Builder0 createWithStandardResourceCost() { return createWithExtraResourceCost( ResourceCost.immutable() ); } static Builder0 createWithExtraResourceCost(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { return new Builder0( ModuleType.BASE.getStandardCost().add( resourceCost ) ); } /** * @see GameObservable#getLocation() */ @Override public Maybool canObserve(@Nonnull final GameObservable observable) throws NotAuthenticatedException { if (observable.equals( getGameObject() )) return Maybool.yes(); Maybe<Tile> ourLocation = getGameObject().getLocation(); switch (ourLocation.presence()) { case EMPTY: return; case UNKNOWN: return Maybool.unknown(); case PRESENT: ITile observableLocation = null; if (isGod() || getGameObject().isOwnedByCurrentPlayer()) { // FIXME: HACKS! Get rid of the instanceof. if (observable instanceof ITile) observableLocation = (ITile) observable; else if (observable instanceof IGameObject) observableLocation = observable.getLocation().get(); else throw new InternalInconsistencyException( "This hack failed. We seem to have an unexpected kind of observable." ); } else { Maybe <? extends ITile> location = observable.getLocation(); switch (location.presence()) { case EMPTY: return; case UNKNOWN: return Maybool.unknown(); case PRESENT: observableLocation = location.get(); } } return Maybool.from(ourLocation.get().getPosition().distanceTo( observableLocation.getPosition() ) <= viewRange); } throw new AlreadyCheckedException( "Switch statement should handle all cases." ); } @Nonnull @NotNull @Override public Stream<? extends ITile> observableTiles() { Maybe<Tile> location = getGameObject().getLocation(); if (location.presence() != Maybe.Presence.PRESENT) return ImmutableList.<Tile>of().stream(); return location.get().getLevel().getTilesByPosition().values().stream().filter( tile -> canObserve( tile ).isTrue() ); } @Override public int getMaxHealth() { return maxHealth; } @Override public int getDamage() { return damage; } @Override public int getArmor() { return armor; } @Override public int getViewRange() { return viewRange; } @Override public ImmutableSet<LevelType> getSupportedLayers() { return supportedLayers; } @Override protected void onReset() { } @Override protected void onNewTurn() { } void addDamage(final int incomingDamage) { ChangeInt.From damageChange = ChangeInt.from( damage ); damage += Math.max( 0, incomingDamage - armor ); if (getRemainingHealth() <= 0) getGameObject().getController().die(); Security.currentGame().getController().fireIfObservable( getGameObject() ) // .onBaseDamaged( this, damage ) ); } @Override public IBaseModuleController getController() { return this; } @Override public IBaseModule getModule() { return this; } @SuppressWarnings({ "ParameterHidesMemberVariable", "InnerClassFieldHidesOuterClassField" }) static class Builder0 { private final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost; private Builder0(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { this.resourceCost = resourceCost; } Builder1 maxHealth(final int maxHealth) { return new Builder1( maxHealth ); } class Builder1 { private final int maxHealth; private Builder1(final int maxHealth) { this.maxHealth = maxHealth; } Builder2 armor(final int armor) { return new Builder2( armor ); } class Builder2 { private final int armor; private Builder2(final int armor) { this.armor = armor; } Builder3 viewRange(final int viewRange) { return new Builder3( viewRange ); } class Builder3 { private final int viewRange; private Builder3(final int viewRange) { this.viewRange = viewRange; } BaseModule supportedLayers(final LevelType... supportedLayers) { return supportedLayers( ImmutableSet.copyOf( supportedLayers ) ); } BaseModule supportedLayers(final ImmutableSet<LevelType> supportedLayers) { return new BaseModule( resourceCost, maxHealth, armor, viewRange, supportedLayers ); } } } } } }