package com.lyndir.omicron.cli.command; import; import*; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.math.Size; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybe; import com.lyndir.omicron.cli.OmicronCLI; import java.util.*; /** * <i>10 07, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ @CommandGroup(name = "print", abbr = "p", desc = "Print various information on the current state of the omicron game.") public class PrintCommand extends Command { private static final List<LevelType> levelIndexes = ImmutableList.of( LevelType.GROUND, LevelType.SKY, LevelType.SPACE ); private static final Map<LevelType, Character> levelCharacters = ImmutableMap.of( LevelType.GROUND, '_', // LevelType.SKY, '~', // LevelType.SPACE, '^' ); public PrintCommand(final OmicronCLI omicron) { super( omicron ); } @SubCommand(abbr = "f", desc = "A view of all observable tiles.") public void field(final Iterator<String> tokens) { Optional<IGameController> gameController = getOmicron().getGameController(); if (!gameController.isPresent()) { err( "No game is running. Create one with the 'create' command." ); return; } Optional<IPlayer> localPlayerOptional = getOmicron().getLocalPlayer(); if (!localPlayerOptional.isPresent()) { err( "No local player in the game." ); return; } IPlayer localPlayer = localPlayerOptional.get(); // Create an empty grid. Size findMaxSize = null; for (final ILevel level : gameController.get().getGame().getLevels()) findMaxSize = Size.max( findMaxSize, level.getSize() ); assert findMaxSize != null; final Size maxSize = findMaxSize; Table<Integer, Integer, StringBuilder> grid = HashBasedTable.create( maxSize.getHeight(), maxSize.getWidth() ); for (int x = 0; x < maxSize.getWidth(); ++x) for (int y = 0; y < maxSize.getHeight(); ++y) grid.put( y, x, new StringBuilder( " " ) ); // Iterate observable tiles and populate the grid. localPlayer.observableTiles().forEach( tile -> { Maybe<? extends IGameObject> contents = tile.getContents(); char contentsChar; if (contents.presence() == Maybe.Presence.PRESENT) contentsChar = contents.get().getType().getTypeName().charAt( 0 ); else contentsChar = levelCharacters.get( tile.getLevel().getType() ); int levelIndex = levelIndexes.indexOf( tile.getLevel().getType() ); int y = tile.getPosition().getY(); int x = (tile.getPosition().getX() + y / 2) % maxSize.getWidth(); grid.get( y, x ).setCharAt( levelIndex, contentsChar ); } ); for (int y = 0; y < maxSize.getHeight(); ++y) { Map<Integer, StringBuilder> row = new TreeMap<Integer, StringBuilder>( Ordering.natural() ); row.putAll( grid.row( y ) ); inf( "%s|%s|", y % 2 == 0? "": " ", Joiner.on( ' ' ).join( row.values() ) ); } } }