package com.lyndir.omicron.api; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.logging.Logger; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybe; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.PathUtils; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import; public class ExtractorModule extends Module implements IExtractorModule, IExtractorModuleController { @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private static final Logger logger = Logger.get( ExtractorModule.class ); private final ResourceType resourceType; private final int speed; protected ExtractorModule(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost, final ResourceType resourceType, final int speed) { super( resourceCost ); this.resourceType = resourceType; this.speed = speed; } static Builder0 createWithStandardResourceCost() { return createWithExtraResourceCost( ResourceCost.immutable() ); } static Builder0 createWithExtraResourceCost(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { return new Builder0( ModuleType.EXTRACTOR.getStandardCost().add( resourceCost ) ); } @Override public ResourceType getResourceType() { assertObservable(); return resourceType; } @Override public int getSpeed() { assertObservable(); return speed; } @Override protected void onReset() { } @Override protected void onNewTurn() { // Mine some resources. Tile location = getGameObject().getLocation().get(); Maybe<Integer> availableResources = location.getResourceQuantity( resourceType ); if (!availableResources.isPresent()) // No resources left to mine. return; int newAvailableResources = Math.max( 0, availableResources.get() - speed ); int minedResources = availableResources.get() - newAvailableResources; if (!availableResources.isPresent()) // No speed left for mining. return; // Initialize path finding functions. PredicateNN<IGameObject> foundFunction = gameObject -> { for (final ContainerModule containerModule : gameObject.getModules( ModuleType.CONTAINER )) if (containerModule.getAvailable() > 0) return true; return false; }; NNFunctionNN<PathUtils.Step<IGameObject>, Double> costFunction = gameObjectStep -> 1d; NNFunctionNN<IGameObject, Stream<? extends IGameObject>> neighboursFunction = neighbour -> // neighbour.getLocation().get().neighbours().stream() // .map( new Function<ITile, IGameObject>() { @Override public IGameObject apply(final ITile tile) { return tile.getContents().orNull(); } } ).filter( gameObject -> gameObject != null ); // Find paths to containers and deposit mined resources. while (minedResources > 0) { Optional<PathUtils.Path<IGameObject>> path = PathUtils.find( getGameObject(), foundFunction, costFunction, Constants.MAX_DISTANCE_TO_CONTAINER, neighboursFunction ); if (!path.isPresent()) // No more containers with available capacity. break; for (final ContainerModule containerModule : path.get().getTarget().getModules( ModuleType.CONTAINER )) minedResources -= containerModule.addStock( minedResources ); } // If we have minedResources left that we weren't able to stock, put them back in the tile (ie. don't extract them). newAvailableResources += minedResources; // Update the amount of resources left in the tile after this turn's extraction. location.setResourceQuantity( resourceType, newAvailableResources ); logger.trc( "unstocked resources: %d %s, left in tile: %d", minedResources, resourceType, newAvailableResources ); } @Override public IExtractorModuleController getController() { return this; } @Override public IExtractorModule getModule() { return this; } @SuppressWarnings({ "ParameterHidesMemberVariable", "InnerClassFieldHidesOuterClassField" }) static class Builder0 { private final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost; private Builder0(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { this.resourceCost = resourceCost; } Builder1 resourceType(final ResourceType resourceType) { return new Builder1( resourceType ); } class Builder1 { private final ResourceType resourceType; private Builder1(final ResourceType resourceType) { this.resourceType = resourceType; } ExtractorModule speed(final int speed) { return new ExtractorModule( resourceCost, resourceType, speed ); } } } }