package com.lyndir.omicron.cli.command; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.IGame; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.IGameController; import com.lyndir.omicron.cli.OmicronCLI; import java.util.Iterator; /** * <i>10 07, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ @CommandGroup(name = "create", abbr = "c", desc = "Create a previously built game object.") public class CreateCommand extends Command { public CreateCommand(final OmicronCLI omicron) { super( omicron ); } @SubCommand(abbr = "g", desc = "Create a new game of Omicron") public void game(final Iterator<String> tokens) { IGame.IBuilder gameBuilder = getOmicron().getBuilders().getGameBuilder(); if (gameBuilder == null) { err( "No game has been built yet. Begin with the 'build' command." ); return; } if (gameBuilder.getPlayers().isEmpty()) { err( "No local player has been added yet. Add players with the 'add' command." ); return; } IGame game =; getOmicron().getBuilders().setGameBuilder( null ); IGameController gameController = game.getController(); getOmicron().setGameController( gameController ); if (getOmicron().getLocalPlayer().isPresent()) gameController.setReady(); inf( "Created game: %s", game ); } }