package com.lyndir.omicron.api; import*; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.error.NotAuthenticatedException; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.error.NotObservableException; import java.util.Optional; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybool; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * <i>10 15, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ public interface IGameObject extends GameObserver, GameObservable { /** * @return The unique identifier of this unit in the game. */ long getObjectID(); /** * @return The game that hosts this object. */ IGame getGame(); /** * @return The type that defines the behavior of this unit. */ IUnitType getType(); /** * @return The modules that implement the behavior of this unit mapped by module type. */ ImmutableMultimap<PublicModuleType<?>, ? extends IModule> getModulesByType(); /** * Get this object's module of the given type at the given index. * * @param moduleType The type of module to get. * @param index The index of the module. * @param <M> The type of the module. * * @return The module of the given type at the given index. */ default <M extends IModule> Optional<M> getModule(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final int index) { return Optional.ofNullable( Iterables.get( getModules( moduleType ), index, null ) ); } /** * Get this object's module of the given type at the given index. * * @param moduleType The type of module to get. * @param predicate Return the first module of the given type for which the predicate holds true. * @param <M> The type of the module. * * @return The module of the given type at the given index. */ default <M extends IModule> Optional<M> getModule(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final Predicate<M> predicate) { return getModules( moduleType ).stream().filter( predicate ).findFirst(); } /** * Get this object's modules of the given type. * * @param moduleType The type of module to get. * @param <M> The type of the module. * * @return A list of modules of the given type or an empty list if there are none. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default <M extends IModule> List<M> getModules(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType) { // Checked by Module's constructor. return (List<M>) getModulesByType().get( moduleType ); } /** * Run a method on a module but return {@code elseValue} if this object doesn't have such a module. * * @param moduleType The type of the module to run a method on. * @param index The index of the module to run a method on. * @param elseValue The value to return if this object doesn't have a module of the given type at the given index. * @param <M> The type of the module to run a method on. * * @return A proxy object that you can run your method on. */ default <M extends IModule, T> T onModuleElse(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final int index, final T elseValue, final NNFunctionNN<M, T> operation) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { Optional<M> module = getModule( moduleType, index ); return module.isPresent()? operation.apply( module.get() ): elseValue; } /** * Run a method on a module but return {@code elseValue} if this object doesn't have such a module. * * @param moduleType The type of the module to run a method on. * @param predicate Run the method on the first module for which this predicate holds true. * @param elseValue The value to return if this object doesn't have a module of the given type. * @param <M> The type of the module to run a method on. * * @return A proxy object that you can run your method on. */ default <M extends IModule, T> T onModuleElse(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final Predicate<M> predicate, final T elseValue, final NNFunctionNN<M, T> operation) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { Optional<M> module = getModule( moduleType, predicate ); return module.isPresent()? operation.apply( module.get() ): elseValue; } /** * Run a method on a module or do nothing if this object doesn't have such a module * (in this case, if the method has a return value, it will return {@code null}). * * @param moduleType The type of the module to run a method on. * @param index The index of the module to run a method on. * @param <M> The type of the module to run a method on. * * @return A proxy object that you can run your method on. */ @Nullable default <M extends IModule, T> T onModule(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final int index, final NFunctionNN<M, T> operation) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { Optional<M> module = getModule( moduleType, index ); return module.isPresent()? operation.apply( module.get() ): null; } /** * Run a method on a module or do nothing if this object doesn't have such a module * (in this case, if the method has a return value, it will return {@code null}). * * @param moduleType The type of the module to run a method on. * @param predicate Run the method on the first module for which this predicate holds true. * @param <M> The type of the module to run a method on. * * @return A proxy object that you can run your method on. */ @Nullable default <M extends IModule, T> T onModule(final PublicModuleType<M> moduleType, final Predicate<M> predicate, final NFunctionNN<M, T> operation) throws NotAuthenticatedException, NotObservableException { Optional<M> module = getModule( moduleType, predicate ); return module.isPresent()? operation.apply( module.get() ): null; } /** * @return The modules that implement the behavior of this unit. */ default ImmutableCollection<? extends IModule> getModules(){ return getModulesByType().values(); } @Nonnull IGameObjectController<? extends IGameObject> getController(); @Override default Maybool canObserve(@Nonnull final GameObservable observable) { return onModuleElse( PublicModuleType.BASE, 0,, module -> module.getController().canObserve( observable ) ); } @Nonnull @Override default Stream<? extends ITile> observableTiles() { return onModuleElse( PublicModuleType.BASE, 0, Stream.empty(), module -> module.getController().observableTiles() ); } /** * @return {@code true} if this object is owned by the currently authenticated player. */ default boolean isOwnedByCurrentPlayer() { Optional<? extends IPlayer> owner = getOwner(); return owner.isPresent() && owner.get().isCurrentPlayer(); } }