package com.lyndir.omicron.api; import; public class ContainerModule extends Module implements IContainerModule, IContainerModuleController { private final ResourceType resourceType; private final int capacity; private int stock; protected ContainerModule(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost, final ResourceType resourceType, final int capacity) { super( resourceCost ); this.resourceType = resourceType; this.capacity = capacity; } static Builder0 createWithStandardResourceCost() { return createWithExtraResourceCost( ResourceCost.immutable() ); } static Builder0 createWithExtraResourceCost(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { return new Builder0( ModuleType.CONTAINER.getStandardCost().add( resourceCost ) ); } @Override public ResourceType getResourceType() { assertObservable(); return resourceType; } @Override public int getCapacity() { assertObservable(); return capacity; } @Override public int getStock() { assertObservable(); return stock; } /** * Add an amount of this container's resource type in resources to the container's stock. * * @param amount The amount of resources to add. * * @return The amount of resources that has been added to the stock. It will be a value between 0 and the given amount, depending on * how much available stock this container has left. */ int addStock(final int amount) { Preconditions.checkArgument( amount >= 0, "Amount of stock to add must be positive." ); ChangeInt.From stockChange = ChangeInt.from( stock ); int newStock = Math.min( stock + amount, capacity ); int stocked = newStock - stock; stock = newStock; getGameObject().getGame().getController().fireIfObservable( getGameObject() ) // .onContainerStockChanged( this, stock ) ); return stocked; } /** * Deplete an amount of this container's resource type in resources from the container's stock. * * @param amount The amount of resources to remove. * * @return The amount of resources that has been removed from the stock. It will be a value between 0 and the given amount, depending * on how much available stock this container had left. */ int depleteStock(final int amount) { Preconditions.checkArgument( amount >= 0, "Amount of stock to deplete must be positive." ); ChangeInt.From stockChange = ChangeInt.from( stock ); int newStock = Math.max( stock - amount, 0 ); int depleted = stock - newStock; stock = newStock; getGameObject().getGame().getController().fireIfObservable( getGameObject() ) // .onContainerStockChanged( this, stock ) ); return depleted; } @Override protected void onReset() { } @Override protected void onNewTurn() { } @Override public IContainerModuleController getController() { return this; } @Override public IContainerModule getModule() { return this; } @SuppressWarnings({ "ParameterHidesMemberVariable", "InnerClassFieldHidesOuterClassField" }) static class Builder0 { private final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost; private Builder0(final ImmutableResourceCost resourceCost) { this.resourceCost = resourceCost; } Builder1 resourceType(final ResourceType resourceType) { return new Builder1( resourceType ); } class Builder1 { private final ResourceType resourceType; private Builder1(final ResourceType resourceType) { this.resourceType = resourceType; } ContainerModule capacity(final int capacity) { return new ContainerModule( resourceCost, resourceType, capacity ); } } } }