package com.lyndir.omicron.cli.command; import static com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ObjectUtils.ifNotNullElse; import java.util.Optional; import; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.math.Vec2; import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ConversionUtils; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.*; import com.lyndir.omicron.api.util.Maybe; import com.lyndir.omicron.cli.OmicronCLI; import java.util.Iterator; /** * <i>10 07, 2012</i> * * @author lhunath */ @CommandGroup(name = "fire", abbr = "f", desc = "Fire weapons at a target.") public class FireCommand extends Command { public FireCommand(final OmicronCLI omicron) { super( omicron ); } @Override public void evaluate(final Iterator<String> tokens) { Optional<IGameController> gameController = getOmicron().getGameController(); if (!gameController.isPresent()) { err( "No game is running. Create one with the 'create' command." ); return; } Optional<IPlayer> localPlayerOptional = getOmicron().getLocalPlayer(); if (!localPlayerOptional.isPresent()) { err( "No local player in the game." ); return; } IPlayer localPlayer = localPlayerOptional.get(); String objectIDArgument = Iterators.getNext( tokens, null ); if (objectIDArgument == null) { err( "Missing objectID. Syntax: objectID dX dY [level]" ); return; } if ("help".equals( objectIDArgument )) { inf( "Usage: objectID dX dY [level]" ); inf( " objectID: The ID of the object to fire with (see list objects)." ); inf( " dU: The delta from the current position's x to the target x." ); inf( " dV: The delta from the current position's y to the target y." ); inf( " weapon: The index of the weapon to fire with (optional, default=0 (primary))." ); inf( " level: The level into which to target the weapon (optional, default=current)." ); return; } String duArgument = Iterators.getNext( tokens, null ); if (duArgument == null) { err( "Missing dU. Syntax: objectID dX dY [level]" ); return; } String dvArgument = Iterators.getNext( tokens, null ); if (dvArgument == null) { err( "Missing dV. Syntax: objectID dX dY [level]" ); return; } int objectId = ConversionUtils.toIntegerNN( objectIDArgument ); int dx = ConversionUtils.toIntegerNN( duArgument ); int dy = ConversionUtils.toIntegerNN( dvArgument ); // Find the game object for the given ID. Maybe<? extends IGameObject> maybeObject = localPlayer.getController().getObject( objectId ); if (maybeObject.presence() != Maybe.Presence.PRESENT) { err( "No observable object with ID: %s", objectId ); return; } IGameObject gameObject = maybeObject.get(); ITile location = gameObject.getLocation().get(); String weaponIndexOrLevelArgument = Iterators.getNext( tokens, null ); Optional<Integer> optionalWeaponIndex = ConversionUtils.toInteger( weaponIndexOrLevelArgument ); int weaponIndex = 0; if (optionalWeaponIndex.isPresent()) { weaponIndex = optionalWeaponIndex.get(); weaponIndexOrLevelArgument = Iterators.getNext( tokens, null ); } final String levelArgument = ifNotNullElse( weaponIndexOrLevelArgument, location.getLevel().getType().getName() ); Optional<? extends ILevel> level = gameController.get().getGame().getLevels().stream().filter( aLevel -> aLevel.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase( levelArgument ) ).findFirst(); if (!level.isPresent()) { err( "No such level in this game: %s", levelArgument ); return; } // Check to see if it's mobile by finding its mobility module. Optional<IWeaponModule> optionalWeapon = gameObject.getModule( PublicModuleType.WEAPON, weaponIndex ); if (!optionalWeapon.isPresent()) { if (weaponIndex == 0) err( "Object has no weapons: %s", gameObject ); else err( "Object has no weapon at index %d: %s", weaponIndex, gameObject ); return; } IWeaponModule weaponModule = optionalWeapon.get(); // Find the target tile. Vec2 targetCoordinate = location.getPosition().translate( dx, dy ); Optional<? extends ITile> target = level.get().getTile( targetCoordinate ); if (!target.isPresent()) { err( "No tile in level: %s, at position: %s", level.get().getType().getName(), targetCoordinate ); return; } // Fire at the target. try { if (!weaponModule.getController().fireAt( target.get() )) { err( "Firing not possible." ); return; } inf( "Fired at: %s", target.get().getContents() ); } catch (final IWeaponModuleController.OutOfRangeException ignored) { err( "Couldn't fire, target out of range: %s", target.get() ); } catch (final IWeaponModuleController.OutOfRepeatsException ignored) { err( "Couldn't fire, weapon out of repeats." ); } catch (final IWeaponModuleController.OutOfAmmunitionException ignored) { err( "Couldn't fire, weapon out of ammunition." ); } } }