/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bt.download.android.market; /** * This class holds global constants that are used throughout the application * to support in-app billing. */ public class Consts { // The response codes for a request, defined by Android Market. public enum ResponseCode { RESULT_OK, RESULT_USER_CANCELED, RESULT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE, RESULT_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE, RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR, RESULT_ERROR; // Converts from an ordinal value to the ResponseCode public static ResponseCode valueOf(int index) { ResponseCode[] values = ResponseCode.values(); if (index < 0 || index >= values.length) { return RESULT_ERROR; } return values[index]; } } // The possible states of an in-app purchase, as defined by Android Market. public enum PurchaseState { // Responses to requestPurchase or restoreTransactions. PURCHASED, // User was charged for the order. CANCELED, // The charge failed on the server. REFUNDED; // User received a refund for the order. // Converts from an ordinal value to the PurchaseState public static PurchaseState valueOf(int index) { PurchaseState[] values = PurchaseState.values(); if (index < 0 || index >= values.length) { return CANCELED; } return values[index]; } } /** This is the action we use to bind to the MarketBillingService. */ public static final String MARKET_BILLING_SERVICE_ACTION = "com.android.vending.billing.MarketBillingService.BIND"; // Intent actions that we send from the BillingReceiver to the // BillingService. Defined by this application. public static final String ACTION_CONFIRM_NOTIFICATION = "com.example.subscriptions.CONFIRM_NOTIFICATION"; public static final String ACTION_GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION = "com.example.subscriptions.GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION"; public static final String ACTION_RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS = "com.example.subscriptions.RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS"; // Intent actions that we receive in the BillingReceiver from Market. // These are defined by Market and cannot be changed. public static final String ACTION_NOTIFY = "com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY"; public static final String ACTION_RESPONSE_CODE = "com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE_CODE"; public static final String ACTION_PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED = "com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED"; // These are the names of the extras that are passed in an intent from // Market to this application and cannot be changed. public static final String NOTIFICATION_ID = "notification_id"; public static final String INAPP_SIGNED_DATA = "inapp_signed_data"; public static final String INAPP_SIGNATURE = "inapp_signature"; public static final String INAPP_REQUEST_ID = "request_id"; public static final String INAPP_RESPONSE_CODE = "response_code"; // These are the names of the fields in the request bundle. public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_METHOD = "BILLING_REQUEST"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_API_VERSION = "API_VERSION"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_PACKAGE_NAME = "PACKAGE_NAME"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_ITEM_ID = "ITEM_ID"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_ITEM_TYPE = "ITEM_TYPE"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD = "DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_NOTIFY_IDS = "NOTIFY_IDS"; public static final String BILLING_REQUEST_NONCE = "NONCE"; public static final String BILLING_RESPONSE_RESPONSE_CODE = "RESPONSE_CODE"; public static final String BILLING_RESPONSE_PURCHASE_INTENT = "PURCHASE_INTENT"; public static final String BILLING_RESPONSE_REQUEST_ID = "REQUEST_ID"; public static long BILLING_RESPONSE_INVALID_REQUEST_ID = -1; // These are the types supported in the IAB v2 public static final String ITEM_TYPE_INAPP = "inapp"; public static final String ITEM_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION = "subs"; public static final boolean DEBUG = false; }