/* * File : TOTorrentImpl.java * Created : 5 Oct. 2003 * By : Parg * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.impl; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; //import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; public class TOTorrentImpl extends LogRelation implements TOTorrent { protected static final String TK_ANNOUNCE = "announce"; protected static final String TK_ANNOUNCE_LIST = "announce-list"; protected static final String TK_COMMENT = "comment"; protected static final String TK_CREATION_DATE = "creation date"; protected static final String TK_CREATED_BY = "created by"; protected static final String TK_INFO = "info"; protected static final String TK_NAME = "name"; protected static final String TK_LENGTH = "length"; protected static final String TK_PATH = "path"; protected static final String TK_FILES = "files"; protected static final String TK_PIECE_LENGTH = "piece length"; protected static final String TK_PIECES = "pieces"; protected static final String TK_PRIVATE = "private"; protected static final String TK_NAME_UTF8 = "name.utf-8"; protected static final String TK_PATH_UTF8 = "path.utf-8"; protected static final String TK_COMMENT_UTF8 = "comment.utf-8"; protected static final String TK_WEBSEED_BT = "httpseeds"; protected static final String TK_WEBSEED_GR = "url-list"; protected static final String TK_HASH_OVERRIDE = "hash-override"; protected static final List TK_ADDITIONAL_OK_ATTRS = Arrays.asList(new String[]{ TK_COMMENT_UTF8, AZUREUS_PROPERTIES, TK_WEBSEED_BT, TK_WEBSEED_GR }); private byte[] torrent_name; private byte[] torrent_name_utf8; private byte[] comment; private URL announce_url; private TOTorrentAnnounceURLGroupImpl announce_group = new TOTorrentAnnounceURLGroupImpl(this); private long piece_length; private byte[][] pieces; private int number_of_pieces; private byte[] torrent_hash_override; private byte[] torrent_hash; private HashWrapper torrent_hash_wrapper; private boolean simple_torrent; private TOTorrentFileImpl[] files; private long creation_date; private byte[] created_by; private Map additional_properties = new LightHashMap(4); private Map additional_info_properties = new LightHashMap(4); private boolean created; private boolean serialising; private List<TOTorrentListener> listeners; protected AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor( "TOTorrent" ); /** * Constructor for deserialisation */ protected TOTorrentImpl() { } /** * Constructor for creation */ protected TOTorrentImpl( String _torrent_name, URL _announce_url, boolean _simple_torrent ) throws TOTorrentException { created = true; try{ torrent_name = _torrent_name.getBytes( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ); torrent_name_utf8 = torrent_name; setAnnounceURL( _announce_url ); simple_torrent = _simple_torrent; }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Unsupported encoding for '" + _torrent_name + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING)); } } public void serialiseToBEncodedFile( final File output_file ) throws TOTorrentException { // we have to defer marking as created until some kind of persisting occurs as we don't know that the info-hash is "permanent" until# // this point (external code can set info-hash internal properties between create + complete ) if ( created ){ //TorrentUtils.addCreatedTorrent( this ); } byte[] res = serialiseToByteArray(); BufferedOutputStream bos = null; try{ File parent = output_file.getParentFile(); if (parent == null) { throw new TOTorrentException( "Path '" + output_file + "' is invalid", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS); } // We would expect this to be normally true most of the time. if (!parent.isDirectory()) { // Try to create a directory. boolean dir_created = FileUtil.mkdirs(parent); // Something strange going on... if (!dir_created) { // Does it exist already? if (parent.exists()) { // And it really isn't a directory? if (!parent.isDirectory()) { // How strange. throw new TOTorrentException( "Path '" + output_file + "' is invalid", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS); } // It is a directory which does exist. But we tested for that earlier. Perhaps it has been created in the // meantime. else { /* do nothing */ } } // It doesn't exist, and we couldn't create it. else { throw new TOTorrentException( "Failed to create directory '" + parent + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS ); } } // end if (!dir_created) } // end if (!parent.isDirectory) File temp = new File( parent, output_file.getName() + ".saving"); if ( temp.exists()){ if ( !temp.delete()){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Insufficient permissions to delete '" + temp + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS )); } }else{ boolean ok = false; try{ ok = temp.createNewFile(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } if ( !ok ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Insufficient permissions to write '" + temp + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS )); } } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( temp, false ); bos = new BufferedOutputStream( fos, 8192 ); bos.write( res ); bos.flush(); // thinking about removing this - just do so for CVS for the moment if ( !Constants.isCVSVersion()){ fos.getFD().sync(); } bos.close(); bos = null; //only use newly saved file if it got this far, i.e. it was written successfully if ( temp.length() > 1L ) { output_file.delete(); // Will fail silently if it doesn't exist. temp.renameTo( output_file ); } }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Failed to serialise torrent: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e), TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS )); }finally{ if ( bos != null ){ try{ bos.close(); }catch( IOException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } } protected byte[] serialiseToByteArray() throws TOTorrentException { if ( created ){ //TorrentUtils.addCreatedTorrent( this ); } Map root = serialiseToMap(); try{ return( BEncoder.encode( root )); }catch( IOException e ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Failed to serialise torrent: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e), TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS )); } } public Map serialiseToMap() throws TOTorrentException { // protect against recursion when getting the hash if ( created && !serialising ){ try{ serialising = true; // not thread safe but we can live without the hassle of using TLS or whatever //TorrentUtils.addCreatedTorrent( this ); }finally{ serialising = false; } } Map root = new HashMap(); // seen a NPE here, not sure of cause so handling null announce_url in case writeStringToMetaData( root, TK_ANNOUNCE, (announce_url==null?TorrentUtils.getDecentralisedEmptyURL():announce_url).toString()); TOTorrentAnnounceURLSet[] sets = announce_group.getAnnounceURLSets(); if (sets.length > 0 ){ List announce_list = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<sets.length;i++){ TOTorrentAnnounceURLSet set = sets[i]; URL[] urls = set.getAnnounceURLs(); if ( urls.length == 0 ){ continue; } List sub_list = new ArrayList(); announce_list.add( sub_list ); for (int j=0;j<urls.length;j++){ sub_list.add( writeStringToMetaData( urls[j].toString())); } } if ( announce_list.size() > 0 ){ root.put( TK_ANNOUNCE_LIST, announce_list ); } } if ( comment != null ){ root.put( TK_COMMENT, comment ); } if ( creation_date != 0 ){ root.put( TK_CREATION_DATE, new Long( creation_date )); } if ( created_by != null ){ root.put( TK_CREATED_BY, created_by ); } Map info = new HashMap(); root.put( TK_INFO, info ); info.put( TK_PIECE_LENGTH, new Long( piece_length )); if ( pieces == null ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Pieces is null", TOTorrentException.RT_WRITE_FAILS )); } byte[] flat_pieces = new byte[pieces.length*20]; for (int i=0;i<pieces.length;i++){ System.arraycopy( pieces[i], 0, flat_pieces, i*20, 20 ); } info.put( TK_PIECES, flat_pieces ); info.put( TK_NAME, torrent_name ); if ( torrent_name_utf8 != null ){ info.put( TK_NAME_UTF8, torrent_name_utf8 ); } if ( torrent_hash_override != null ){ info.put( TK_HASH_OVERRIDE, torrent_hash_override ); } if ( simple_torrent ){ TOTorrentFile file = files[0]; info.put( TK_LENGTH, new Long( file.getLength())); }else{ List meta_files = new ArrayList(); info.put( TK_FILES, meta_files ); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ TOTorrentFileImpl file = files[i]; Map file_map = file.serializeToMap(); meta_files.add( file_map ); } } Iterator info_it = additional_info_properties.keySet().iterator(); while( info_it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)info_it.next(); info.put( key, additional_info_properties.get( key )); } Iterator it = additional_properties.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); Object value = additional_properties.get( key ); if ( value != null ){ root.put( key, value ); } } return( root ); } public void serialiseToXMLFile( File file ) throws TOTorrentException { if ( created ){ //TorrentUtils.addCreatedTorrent( this ); } //TOTorrentXMLSerialiser serialiser = new TOTorrentXMLSerialiser( this ); //serialiser.serialiseToFile( file ); } public byte[] getName() { return( torrent_name ); } protected void setName( byte[] _name ) { torrent_name = _name; } public String getUTF8Name() { try { return torrent_name_utf8 == null ? null : new String(torrent_name_utf8, "utf8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } } protected void setNameUTF8( byte[] _name ) { torrent_name_utf8 = _name; } public boolean isSimpleTorrent() { return( simple_torrent ); } public byte[] getComment() { return( comment ); } protected void setComment( byte[] _comment ) { comment = _comment; } public void setComment( String _comment ) { try{ byte[] utf8_comment = _comment.getBytes( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ); setComment( utf8_comment ); setAdditionalByteArrayProperty( TK_COMMENT_UTF8, utf8_comment ); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); comment = null; } } public URL getAnnounceURL() { return( announce_url ); } public boolean setAnnounceURL( URL url ) { URL newURL = anonymityTransform( url ); String s0 = (newURL == null) ? "" : newURL.toString(); String s1 = (announce_url == null) ? "" : announce_url.toString(); if (s0.equals(s1)) return false; if ( newURL == null ){ // anything's better than null... newURL = TorrentUtils.getDecentralisedEmptyURL(); } announce_url = StringInterner.internURL(newURL); fireChanged( TOTorrentListener.CT_ANNOUNCE_URLS ); return true; } public boolean isDecentralised() { return( TorrentUtils.isDecentralised( getAnnounceURL())); } public long getCreationDate() { return( creation_date ); } public void setCreationDate( long _creation_date ) { creation_date = _creation_date; } public void setCreatedBy( byte[] _created_by ) { created_by = _created_by; } protected void setCreatedBy( String _created_by ) { try{ setCreatedBy( _created_by.getBytes( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING )); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); created_by = null; } } public byte[] getCreatedBy() { return( created_by ); } public boolean isCreated() { return( created ); } public byte[] getHash() throws TOTorrentException { if ( torrent_hash == null ){ Map root = serialiseToMap(); Map info = (Map)root.get( TK_INFO ); setHashFromInfo( info ); } return( torrent_hash ); } public HashWrapper getHashWrapper() throws TOTorrentException { if ( torrent_hash_wrapper == null ){ getHash(); } return( torrent_hash_wrapper ); } public boolean hasSameHashAs( TOTorrent other ) { try{ byte[] other_hash = other.getHash(); return( Arrays.equals( getHash(), other_hash )); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return( false ); } } protected void setHashFromInfo( Map info ) throws TOTorrentException { try{ if ( torrent_hash_override == null ){ SHA1Hasher s = new SHA1Hasher(); torrent_hash = s.calculateHash(BEncoder.encode(info)); }else{ torrent_hash = torrent_hash_override; } torrent_hash_wrapper = new HashWrapper( torrent_hash ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Failed to calculate hash: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e), TOTorrentException.RT_HASH_FAILS )); } } public void setHashOverride( byte[] hash ) throws TOTorrentException { if ( torrent_hash_override != null ){ if ( Arrays.equals( hash, torrent_hash_override )){ return; }else{ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Hash override can only be set once", TOTorrentException.RT_HASH_FAILS )); } } /* support this for fixing borked torrents if ( !TorrentUtils.isDecentralised( announce_url )){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Hash override can only be set on decentralised torrents", TOTorrentException.RT_HASH_FAILS )); } */ torrent_hash_override = hash; torrent_hash = null; getHash(); } protected byte[] getHashOverride() { return( torrent_hash_override ); } public void setPrivate( boolean _private_torrent ) throws TOTorrentException { additional_info_properties.put( TK_PRIVATE, new Long(_private_torrent?1:0)); // update torrent hash torrent_hash = null; getHash(); } public boolean getPrivate() { Object o = additional_info_properties.get( TK_PRIVATE ); if ( o instanceof Long ){ return(((Long)o).intValue() != 0 ); } return( false ); } public TOTorrentAnnounceURLGroup getAnnounceURLGroup() { return( announce_group ); } protected void addTorrentAnnounceURLSet( URL[] urls ) { announce_group.addSet( new TOTorrentAnnounceURLSetImpl( this, urls )); } public long getSize() { long res = 0; for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ res += files[i].getLength(); } return( res ); } public long getPieceLength() { return( piece_length ); } protected void setPieceLength( long _length ) { piece_length = _length; } public int getNumberOfPieces() { // to support buggy torrents with extraneous pieces (they seem to exist) we calculate // the required number of pieces rather than the using the actual. Note that we // can't adjust the pieces array itself as this results in incorrect torrent hashes // being derived later after a save + restore if ( number_of_pieces == 0 ){ number_of_pieces = (int)((getSize() + (piece_length-1)) / piece_length ); } return( number_of_pieces ); } public byte[][] getPieces() { return( pieces ); } public void setPieces( byte[][] _pieces ) { pieces = _pieces; } public int getFileCount() { return( files.length ); } public TOTorrentFile[] getFiles() { return( files ); } protected void setFiles( TOTorrentFileImpl[] _files ) { files = _files; } protected boolean getSimpleTorrent() { return( simple_torrent ); } protected void setSimpleTorrent( boolean _simple_torrent ) { simple_torrent = _simple_torrent; } protected Map getAdditionalProperties() { return( additional_properties ); } public void setAdditionalStringProperty( String name, String value ) { try{ setAdditionalByteArrayProperty( name, writeStringToMetaData( value )); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ // hide encoding exceptions as default encoding must be available Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } public String getAdditionalStringProperty( String name ) { try{ return( readStringFromMetaData( getAdditionalByteArrayProperty(name))); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ // hide encoding exceptions as default encoding must be available Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return( null ); } } public void setAdditionalByteArrayProperty( String name, byte[] value ) { additional_properties.put( name, value ); } public void setAdditionalProperty( String name, Object value ) { if ( value instanceof String ){ setAdditionalStringProperty(name,(String)value); }else{ additional_properties.put( name, value ); } } public byte[] getAdditionalByteArrayProperty( String name ) { Object obj = additional_properties.get( name ); if ( obj instanceof byte[] ){ return((byte[])obj); } return( null ); } public void setAdditionalLongProperty( String name, Long value ) { additional_properties.put( name, value ); } public Long getAdditionalLongProperty( String name ) { Object obj = additional_properties.get( name ); if ( obj instanceof Long ){ return((Long)obj); } return( null ); } public void setAdditionalListProperty( String name, List value ) { additional_properties.put( name, value ); } public List getAdditionalListProperty( String name ) { Object obj = additional_properties.get( name ); if ( obj instanceof List ){ return((List)obj); } return( null ); } public void setAdditionalMapProperty( String name, Map value ) { additional_properties.put( name, value ); } public Map getAdditionalMapProperty( String name ) { Object obj = additional_properties.get( name ); if ( obj instanceof Map ){ return((Map)obj); } return( null ); } public Object getAdditionalProperty( String name ) { return(additional_properties.get( name )); } public void removeAdditionalProperty( String name ) { additional_properties.remove( name ); } public void removeAdditionalProperties() { Map new_props = new HashMap(); Iterator it = additional_properties.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); if ( TK_ADDITIONAL_OK_ATTRS.contains(key)){ new_props.put( key, additional_properties.get( key )); } } additional_properties = new_props; } protected void addAdditionalProperty( String name, Object value ) { additional_properties.put( name, value ); } protected void addAdditionalInfoProperty( String name, Object value ) { additional_info_properties.put( name, value ); } protected Map getAdditionalInfoProperties() { return( additional_info_properties ); } protected String readStringFromMetaData( Map meta_data, String name ) throws TOTorrentException { Object obj = meta_data.get(name); if ( obj instanceof byte[]){ return(readStringFromMetaData((byte[])obj)); } return( null ); } protected String readStringFromMetaData( byte[] value ) throws TOTorrentException { try{ if ( value == null ){ return( null ); } return( new String(value, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING )); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Unsupported encoding for '" + value + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING)); } } protected void writeStringToMetaData( Map meta_data, String name, String value ) throws TOTorrentException { meta_data.put( name, writeStringToMetaData( value )); } protected byte[] writeStringToMetaData( String value ) throws TOTorrentException { try{ return( value.getBytes( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING )); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ throw( new TOTorrentException( "Unsupported encoding for '" + value + "'", TOTorrentException.RT_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING)); } } protected URL anonymityTransform( URL url ) { /* * hmm, doing this is harder than it looks as we have issues hosting * (both starting tracker instances and also short-cut loopback for seeding * leave as is for the moment if ( HostNameToIPResolver.isNonDNSName( url.getHost())){ // remove the port as it is uninteresting and could leak information about the // tracker String url_string = url.toString(); String port_string = ":" + (url.getPort()==-1?url.getDefaultPort():url.getPort()); int port_pos = url_string.indexOf( ":" + url.getPort()); if ( port_pos != -1 ){ try{ return( new URL( url_string.substring(0,port_pos) + url_string.substring(port_pos+port_string.length()))); }catch( MalformedURLException e){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } */ return( url ); } public void print() { try{ byte[] hash = getHash(); System.out.println( "name = " + torrent_name ); System.out.println( "announce url = " + announce_url ); System.out.println( "announce group = " + announce_group.getAnnounceURLSets().length ); System.out.println( "creation date = " + creation_date ); System.out.println( "creation by = " + created_by ); System.out.println( "comment = " + comment ); System.out.println( "hash = " + ByteFormatter.nicePrint( hash )); System.out.println( "piece length = " + getPieceLength() ); System.out.println( "pieces = " + getNumberOfPieces() ); Iterator info_it = additional_info_properties.keySet().iterator(); while( info_it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)info_it.next(); Object value = additional_info_properties.get( key ); try{ System.out.println( "info prop '" + key + "' = '" + ( value instanceof byte[]?new String((byte[])value, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING):value.toString()) + "'" ); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e){ System.out.println( "info prop '" + key + "' = unsupported encoding!!!!"); } } Iterator it = additional_properties.keySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ String key = (String)it.next(); Object value = additional_properties.get( key ); try{ System.out.println( "prop '" + key + "' = '" + ( value instanceof byte[]?new String((byte[])value, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING):value.toString()) + "'" ); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e){ System.out.println( "prop '" + key + "' = unsupported encoding!!!!"); } } if ( pieces == null ){ System.out.println( "\tpieces = null" ); }else{ for (int i=0;i<pieces.length;i++){ System.out.println( "\t" + ByteFormatter.nicePrint(pieces[i])); } } for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ byte[][]path_comps = files[i].getPathComponents(); String path_str = ""; for (int j=0;j<path_comps.length;j++){ try{ path_str += (j==0?"":File.separator) + new String( path_comps[j], Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ); }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ System.out.println( "file - unsupported encoding!!!!"); } } System.out.println( "\t" + path_str + " (" + files[i].getLength() + ")" ); } }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } protected void fireChanged( int type ) { List<TOTorrentListener> to_fire = null; try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( listeners != null ){ to_fire = new ArrayList<TOTorrentListener>( listeners ); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } if ( to_fire != null ){ for ( TOTorrentListener l: to_fire ){ try{ l.torrentChanged( this, type ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); } } } } public void addListener( TOTorrentListener l ) { try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( listeners == null ){ listeners = new ArrayList<TOTorrentListener>(); } listeners.add( l ); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void removeListener( TOTorrentListener l ) { try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( listeners != null ){ listeners.remove( l ); if ( listeners.size() == 0 ){ listeners = null; } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public AEMonitor getMonitor() { return( this_mon ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#getLogRelationText() */ public String getRelationText() { return "Torrent: '" + new String(torrent_name) + "'"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#queryForClass(java.lang.Class) */ public Object[] getQueryableInterfaces() { // yuck try { //return new Object[] { AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton() // .getGlobalManager().getDownloadManager(this) }; } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } }