/* * Created on Oct 10, 2003 * Modified Apr 14, 2004 by Alon Rohter * Copyright (C) Azureus Software, Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogIDs; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger; //import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManager; //import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManagerCapabilities; //import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManagerFactory; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.platform.PlatformManagerException; //import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; //import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; //import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreOperation; //import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreOperationTask; /** * File utility class. */ public class FileUtil { private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.CORE; public static final String DIR_SEP = System.getProperty("file.separator"); private static final int RESERVED_FILE_HANDLE_COUNT = 4; private static boolean first_reservation = true; private static boolean is_my_lock_file = false; private static List reserved_file_handles = new ArrayList(); private static AEMonitor class_mon = new AEMonitor( "FileUtil:class" ); private static Method reflectOnUsableSpace; static { try { reflectOnUsableSpace = File.class.getMethod("getUsableSpace", (Class[])null); } catch (Throwable e) { reflectOnUsableSpace = null; } } public static boolean isAncestorOf(File parent, File child) { parent = canonise(parent); child = canonise(child); if (parent.equals(child)) {return true;} String parent_s = parent.getPath(); String child_s = child.getPath(); if (parent_s.charAt(parent_s.length()-1) != File.separatorChar) { parent_s += File.separatorChar; } return child_s.startsWith(parent_s); } public static File canonise(File file) { try {return file.getCanonicalFile();} catch (IOException ioe) {return file;} } public static String getCanonicalFileName(String filename) { // Sometimes Windows use filename in 8.3 form and cannot // match .torrent extension. To solve this, canonical path // is used to get back the long form String canonicalFileName = filename; try { canonicalFileName = new File(filename).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} return canonicalFileName; } public static File getUserFile(String filename) { return new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath(), filename); } public static File getApplicationFile(String filename) { String path = SystemProperties.getApplicationPath(); if(Constants.isOSX) { path = path + SystemProperties.getApplicationName() + ".app/Contents/"; } return new File(path, filename); } /** * Deletes the given dir and all files/dirs underneath */ public static boolean recursiveDelete(File f) { String defSaveDir = null;//COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Default save path"); String moveToDir = null;//COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Completed Files Directory", ""); try{ moveToDir = new File(moveToDir).getCanonicalPath(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } try{ defSaveDir = new File(defSaveDir).getCanonicalPath(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } try { if (f.getCanonicalPath().equals(moveToDir)) { System.out.println("FileUtil::recursiveDelete:: not allowed to delete the MoveTo dir !"); return( false ); } if (f.getCanonicalPath().equals(defSaveDir)) { System.out.println("FileUtil::recursiveDelete:: not allowed to delete the default data dir !"); return( false ); } if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if ( !recursiveDelete(files[i])){ return( false ); } } if ( !f.delete()){ return( false ); } } else { if ( !f.delete()){ return( false ); } } } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/} return( true ); } public static boolean recursiveDeleteNoCheck(File f) { try { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if ( !recursiveDeleteNoCheck(files[i])){ return( false ); } } if ( !f.delete()){ return( false ); } } else { if ( !f.delete()){ return( false ); } } } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/} return( true ); } public static long getFileOrDirectorySize( File file ) { if ( file.isFile()){ return( file.length()); }else{ long res = 0; File[] files = file.listFiles(); if ( files != null ){ for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ res += getFileOrDirectorySize( files[i] ); } } return( res ); } } /*protected static void recursiveEmptyDirDelete( File f, Set ignore_set, boolean log_warnings ) { try { String defSaveDir = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Default save path"); String moveToDir = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Completed Files Directory", ""); if ( defSaveDir.trim().length() > 0 ){ defSaveDir = new File(defSaveDir).getCanonicalPath(); } if ( moveToDir.trim().length() > 0 ){ moveToDir = new File(moveToDir).getCanonicalPath(); } if ( f.isDirectory()){ File[] files = f.listFiles(); if ( files == null ){ if (log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: failed to list contents of directory " + f ); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File x = files[i]; if ( x.isDirectory()){ recursiveEmptyDirDelete(files[i],ignore_set,log_warnings); }else{ if ( ignore_set.contains( x.getName().toLowerCase())){ if ( !x.delete()){ if ( log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: failed to delete file " + x ); } } } } } if (f.getCanonicalPath().equals(moveToDir)) { if ( log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: not allowed to delete the MoveTo dir !"); } return; } if (f.getCanonicalPath().equals(defSaveDir)) { if ( log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: not allowed to delete the default data dir !"); } return; } File[] files_inside = f.listFiles(); if (files_inside.length == 0) { if ( !f.delete()){ if ( log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: failed to delete directory " + f ); } } }else{ if ( log_warnings ){ Debug.out("Empty folder delete: " + files_inside.length + " file(s)/folder(s) still in \"" + f + "\" - first listed item is \"" + files_inside[0].getName() + "\". Not removing."); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e.toString()); } }*/ public static String convertOSSpecificChars( String file_name_in, boolean is_folder ) { // this rule originally from DiskManager char[] chars = file_name_in.toCharArray(); for (int i=0;i<chars.length;i++){ if ( chars[i] == '"' ){ chars[i] = '\''; } } if ( !Constants.isOSX ){ if ( Constants.isWindows ){ // this rule originally from DiskManager // The definitive list of characters permitted for Windows is defined here: // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q120138/ String not_allowed = "\\/:?*<>|"; for (int i=0;i<chars.length;i++){ if (not_allowed.indexOf(chars[i]) != -1) { chars[i] = '_'; } } // windows doesn't like trailing dots and whitespaces in folders, replace them if ( is_folder ){ for(int i = chars.length-1;i >= 0 && (chars[i] == '.' || chars[i] == ' ');chars[i] = '_',i--); } } // '/' is valid in mac file names, replace with space // so it seems are cr/lf for (int i=0;i<chars.length;i++){ char c = chars[i]; if ( c == '/' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' ){ chars[i] = ' '; } } } String file_name_out = new String(chars); try{ // mac file names can end in space - fix this up by getting // the canonical form which removes this on Windows // however, for soem reason getCanonicalFile can generate high CPU usage on some user's systems // in java.io.Win32FileSystem.canonicalize // so changing this to only be used on non-windows if ( Constants.isWindows ){ while( file_name_out.endsWith( " " )){ file_name_out = file_name_out.substring(0,file_name_out.length()-1); } }else{ String str = new File(file_name_out).getCanonicalFile().toString(); int p = str.lastIndexOf( File.separator ); file_name_out = str.substring(p+1); } }catch( Throwable e ){ // ho hum, carry on, it'll fail later //e.printStackTrace(); } //System.out.println( "convertOSSpecificChars: " + file_name_in + " ->" + file_name_out ); return( file_name_out ); } public static void writeResilientConfigFile( String file_name, Map data ) { File parent_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath()); boolean use_backups = false;//COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Use Config File Backups" ); writeResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, data, use_backups ); } public static void writeResilientFile( File file, Map data ) { writeResilientFile( file.getParentFile(), file.getName(), data, false ); } public static boolean writeResilientFileWithResult( File parent_dir, String file_name, Map data ) { return( writeResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, data )); } public static void writeResilientFile( File parent_dir, String file_name, Map data, boolean use_backup ) { writeResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, data, use_backup, true ); } public static void writeResilientFile( File parent_dir, String file_name, Map data, boolean use_backup, boolean copy_to_backup ) { if ( use_backup ){ File originator = new File( parent_dir, file_name ); if ( originator.exists()){ backupFile( originator, copy_to_backup ); } } writeResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, data ); } // synchronise it to prevent concurrent attempts to write the same file private static boolean writeResilientFile( File parent_dir, String file_name, Map data ) { try{ class_mon.enter(); try{ getReservedFileHandles(); File temp = new File( parent_dir, file_name + ".saving"); BufferedOutputStream baos = null; try{ byte[] encoded_data = BEncoder.encode(data); FileOutputStream tempOS = new FileOutputStream( temp, false ); baos = new BufferedOutputStream( tempOS, 8192 ); baos.write( encoded_data ); baos.flush(); // thinking about removing this - just do so for CVS for the moment if ( !Constants.isCVSVersion()){ tempOS.getFD().sync(); } baos.close(); baos = null; //only use newly saved file if it got this far, i.e. it saved successfully if ( temp.length() > 1L ){ File file = new File( parent_dir, file_name ); if ( file.exists()){ if ( !file.delete()){ Debug.out( "Save of '" + file_name + "' fails - couldn't delete " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (file.exists()) { Debug.out(file + " still exists after delete attempt"); } if ( temp.renameTo( file )){ return( true ); } // rename failed, sleep a little and try again Thread.sleep(50); if ( temp.renameTo( file )){ //System.err.println("2nd attempt of rename succeeded for " + temp.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return true; } Debug.out( "Save of '" + file_name + "' fails - couldn't rename " + temp.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } return( false ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "Save of '" + file_name + "' fails", e ); return( false ); }finally{ try{ if (baos != null){ baos.close(); } }catch( Exception e){ Debug.out( "Save of '" + file_name + "' fails", e ); return( false ); } } }finally{ releaseReservedFileHandles(); } }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } public static boolean resilientConfigFileExists( String name ) { File parent_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath()); boolean use_backups = false;//COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Use Config File Backups" ); return( new File( parent_dir, name ).exists() || ( use_backups && new File( parent_dir, name + ".bak" ).exists())); } public static Map readResilientConfigFile( String file_name ) { File parent_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath()); boolean use_backups = false;//COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Use Config File Backups" ); return( readResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, use_backups )); } public static Map readResilientConfigFile( String file_name, boolean use_backups ) { File parent_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath()); if ( !use_backups ){ // override if a backup file exists. This is needed to cope with backups // of the main config file itself as when bootstrapping we can't get the // "use backups" if ( new File( parent_dir, file_name + ".bak").exists()){ use_backups = true; } } return( readResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, use_backups )); } public static Map readResilientFile( File file ) { return( readResilientFile( file.getParentFile(),file.getName(),false, true)); } public static Map readResilientFile( File parent_dir, String file_name, boolean use_backup ) { return readResilientFile(parent_dir, file_name, use_backup, true); } public static Map readResilientFile( File parent_dir, String file_name, boolean use_backup, boolean intern_keys ) { File backup_file = new File( parent_dir, file_name + ".bak" ); if ( use_backup ){ use_backup = backup_file.exists(); } // if we've got a backup, don't attempt recovery here as the .bak file may be // fully OK Map res = readResilientFileSupport( parent_dir, file_name, !use_backup, intern_keys ); if ( res == null && use_backup ){ // try backup without recovery res = readResilientFileSupport( parent_dir, file_name + ".bak", false, intern_keys ); if ( res != null ){ Debug.out( "Backup file '" + backup_file + "' has been used for recovery purposes" ); // rewrite the good data, don't use backups here as we want to // leave the original backup in place for the moment writeResilientFile( parent_dir, file_name, res, false ); }else{ // neither main nor backup file ok, retry main file with recovery res = readResilientFileSupport( parent_dir, file_name, true, true ); } } if ( res == null ){ res = new HashMap(); } return( res ); } // synchronised against writes to make sure we get a consistent view private static Map readResilientFileSupport( File parent_dir, String file_name, boolean attempt_recovery, boolean intern_keys ) { try{ class_mon.enter(); try{ getReservedFileHandles(); Map res = null; try{ res = readResilientFile( file_name, parent_dir, file_name, 0, false, intern_keys ); }catch( Throwable e ){ // ignore, it'll be rethrown if we can't recover below } if ( res == null && attempt_recovery ){ res = readResilientFile( file_name, parent_dir, file_name, 0, true, intern_keys ); if ( res != null ){ Debug.out( "File '" + file_name + "' has been partially recovered, information may have been lost!" ); } } return( res ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return( null ); }finally{ releaseReservedFileHandles(); } }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } private static Map readResilientFile( String original_file_name, File parent_dir, String file_name, int fail_count, boolean recovery_mode, boolean skip_key_intern) { // logging in here is only done during "non-recovery" mode to prevent subsequent recovery // attempts logging everything a second time. // recovery-mode allows the decoding process to "succeed" with a partially recovered file boolean using_backup = file_name.endsWith(".saving"); File file = new File( parent_dir, file_name ); //make sure the file exists and isn't zero-length if ( (!file.exists()) || file.length() <= 1L ){ if ( using_backup ){ if ( !recovery_mode ){ if ( fail_count == 1 ){ Debug.out( "Load of '" + original_file_name + "' fails, no usable file or backup" ); }else{ // drop this log, it doesn't really help to inform about the failure to // find a .saving file //if (Logger.isEnabled()) // Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Load of '" // + file_name + "' fails, file not found")); } } return( null ); } if ( !recovery_mode ){ // kinda confusing log this as we get it under "normal" circumstances (loading a config // file that doesn't exist legitimately, e.g. shares or bad-ips // if (Logger.isEnabled()) // Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Load of '" // + file_name + "' failed, " + "file not found or 0-sized.")); } return( readResilientFile( original_file_name, parent_dir, file_name + ".saving", 0, recovery_mode, true )); } BufferedInputStream bin = null; try{ int retry_limit = 5; while(true){ try{ bin = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(file), 16384 ); break; }catch( IOException e ){ if ( --retry_limit == 0 ){ throw( e ); } if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Failed to open '" + file.toString() + "', retrying", e)); Thread.sleep(500); } } BDecoder decoder = new BDecoder(); if ( recovery_mode ){ decoder.setRecoveryMode( true ); } Map res = decoder.decodeStream(bin, !skip_key_intern); if ( using_backup && !recovery_mode ){ Debug.out( "Load of '" + original_file_name + "' had to revert to backup file" ); } return( res ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); try { if (bin != null){ bin.close(); bin = null; } } catch (Exception x) { Debug.printStackTrace( x ); } // if we're not recovering then backup the file if ( !recovery_mode ){ // Occurs when file is there but b0rked // copy it in case it actually contains useful data, so it won't be overwritten next save File bad; int bad_id = 0; while(true){ File test = new File( parent_dir, file.getName() + ".bad" + (bad_id==0?"":(""+bad_id))); if ( !test.exists()){ bad = test; break; } bad_id++; } if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_WARNING, "Read of '" + original_file_name + "' failed, decoding error. " + "Renaming to " + bad.getName())); // copy it so its left in place for possible recovery copyFile( file, bad ); } if ( using_backup ){ if ( !recovery_mode ){ Debug.out( "Load of '" + original_file_name + "' fails, no usable file or backup" ); } return( null ); } return( readResilientFile( original_file_name, parent_dir, file_name + ".saving", 1, recovery_mode, true )); }finally{ try { if (bin != null){ bin.close(); } }catch (Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } public static void deleteResilientFile( File file ) { file.delete(); new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".bak" ).delete(); } public static void deleteResilientConfigFile( String name ) { File parent_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath()); new File( parent_dir, name ).delete(); new File( parent_dir, name + ".bak" ).delete(); } private static void getReservedFileHandles() { try{ class_mon.enter(); while( reserved_file_handles.size() > 0 ){ // System.out.println( "releasing reserved file handle"); InputStream is = (InputStream)reserved_file_handles.remove(0); try{ is.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } private static void releaseReservedFileHandles() { try{ class_mon.enter(); File lock_file = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath() + ".lock"); if ( first_reservation ){ first_reservation = false; lock_file.delete(); is_my_lock_file = lock_file.createNewFile(); }else{ lock_file.createNewFile(); } while( reserved_file_handles.size() < RESERVED_FILE_HANDLE_COUNT ){ // System.out.println( "getting reserved file handle"); InputStream is = new FileInputStream( lock_file ); reserved_file_handles.add(is); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } } public static boolean isMyFileLock() { return( is_my_lock_file ); } /** * Backup the given file to filename.bak, removing the old .bak file if necessary. * If _make_copy is true, the original file will copied to backup, rather than moved. * @param _filename name of file to backup * @param _make_copy copy instead of move */ public static void backupFile( final String _filename, final boolean _make_copy ) { backupFile( new File( _filename ), _make_copy ); } /** * Backup the given file to filename.bak, removing the old .bak file if necessary. * If _make_copy is true, the original file will copied to backup, rather than moved. * @param _file file to backup * @param _make_copy copy instead of move */ public static void backupFile( final File _file, final boolean _make_copy ) { if ( _file.length() > 0L ) { File bakfile = new File( _file.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak" ); if ( bakfile.exists() ) bakfile.delete(); if ( _make_copy ) { copyFile( _file, bakfile ); } else { _file.renameTo( bakfile ); } } } /** * Copy the given source file to the given destination file. * Returns file copy success or not. * @param _source_name source file name * @param _dest_name destination file name * @return true if file copy successful, false if copy failed */ public static boolean copyFile( final String _source_name, final String _dest_name ) { return copyFile( new File(_source_name), new File(_dest_name)); } /** * Copy the given source file to the given destination file. * Returns file copy success or not. * @param _source source file * @param _dest destination file * @return true if file copy successful, false if copy failed */ /* // FileChannel.transferTo() seems to fail under certain linux configurations. public static boolean copyFile( final File _source, final File _dest ) { FileChannel source = null; FileChannel dest = null; try { if( _source.length() < 1L ) { throw new IOException( _source.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist or is 0-sized" ); } source = new FileInputStream( _source ).getChannel(); dest = new FileOutputStream( _dest ).getChannel(); source.transferTo(0, source.size(), dest); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out( e ); return false; } finally { try { if (source != null) source.close(); if (dest != null) dest.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } */ public static boolean copyFile( final File _source, final File _dest ) { try { copyFile( new FileInputStream( _source ), new FileOutputStream( _dest ) ); return true; } catch( Throwable e ) { Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return false; } } public static void copyFileWithException( final File _source, final File _dest ) throws IOException{ copyFile( new FileInputStream( _source ), new FileOutputStream( _dest ) ); } public static boolean copyFile( final File _source, final OutputStream _dest, boolean closeInputStream ) { try { copyFile( new FileInputStream( _source ), _dest, closeInputStream ); return true; } catch( Throwable e ) { Debug.printStackTrace( e ); return false; } } /** * copys the input stream to the file. always closes the input stream * @param _source * @param _dest * @throws IOException */ public static void copyFile( final InputStream _source, final File _dest ) throws IOException { FileOutputStream dest = null; boolean close_input = true; try{ dest = new FileOutputStream(_dest); // copyFile will close from now on, we don't need to close_input = false; copyFile( _source, dest, true ); }finally{ try{ if(close_input){ _source.close(); } }catch( IOException e ){ } if ( dest != null ){ dest.close(); } } } public static void copyFile( final InputStream _source, final File _dest, boolean _close_input_stream ) throws IOException { FileOutputStream dest = null; boolean close_input = _close_input_stream; try{ dest = new FileOutputStream(_dest); close_input = false; copyFile( _source, dest, close_input ); }finally{ try{ if( close_input ){ _source.close(); } }catch( IOException e ){ } if ( dest != null ){ dest.close(); } } } public static void copyFile( InputStream is, OutputStream os ) throws IOException { copyFile(is,os,true); } public static void copyFile( InputStream is, OutputStream os, boolean closeInputStream ) throws IOException { try{ if ( !(is instanceof BufferedInputStream )){ is = new BufferedInputStream(is,128*1024); } byte[] buffer = new byte[128*1024]; while(true){ int len = is.read(buffer); if ( len == -1 ){ break; } os.write( buffer, 0, len ); } }finally{ try{ if(closeInputStream){ is.close(); } }catch( IOException e ){ } os.close(); } } public static void copyFileOrDirectory( File from_file_or_dir, File to_parent_dir ) throws IOException { if ( !from_file_or_dir.exists()){ throw( new IOException( "File '" + from_file_or_dir.toString() + "' doesn't exist" )); } if ( !to_parent_dir.exists()){ throw( new IOException( "File '" + to_parent_dir.toString() + "' doesn't exist" )); } if ( !to_parent_dir.isDirectory()){ throw( new IOException( "File '" + to_parent_dir.toString() + "' is not a directory" )); } if ( from_file_or_dir.isDirectory()){ File[] files = from_file_or_dir.listFiles(); File new_parent = new File( to_parent_dir, from_file_or_dir.getName()); FileUtil.mkdirs(new_parent); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ File from_file = files[i]; copyFileOrDirectory( from_file, new_parent ); } }else{ File target = new File( to_parent_dir, from_file_or_dir.getName()); if ( !copyFile( from_file_or_dir, target )){ throw( new IOException( "File copy from " + from_file_or_dir + " to " + target + " failed" )); } } } /** * Returns the file handle for the given filename or it's * equivalent .bak backup file if the original doesn't exist * or is 0-sized. If neither the original nor the backup are * available, a null handle is returned. * @param _filename root name of file * @return file if successful, null if failed */ public static File getFileOrBackup( final String _filename ) { try { File file = new File( _filename ); //make sure the file exists and isn't zero-length if ( file.length() <= 1L ) { //if so, try using the backup file File bakfile = new File( _filename + ".bak" ); if ( bakfile.length() <= 1L ) { return null; } else return bakfile; } else return file; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out( e ); return null; } } public static File getJarFileFromClass( Class cla ) { try{ String str = cla.getName(); str = str.replace( '.', '/' ) + ".class"; URL url = cla.getClassLoader().getResource( str ); if ( url != null ){ String url_str = url.toExternalForm(); if ( url_str.startsWith("jar:file:")){ File jar_file = FileUtil.getJarFileFromURL(url_str); if ( jar_file != null && jar_file.exists()){ return( jar_file ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } return( null ); } public static File getJarFileFromURL( String url_str ) { if (url_str.startsWith("jar:file:")) { // java web start returns a url like "jar:file:c:/sdsd" which then fails as the file // part doesn't start with a "/". Add it in! // here's an example // jar:file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/stuff/.javaws/cache/http/Dparg.homeip.net/P9090/DMazureus-jnlp/DMlib/XMAzureus2.jar1070487037531!/org/gudy/azureus2/internat/MessagesBundle.properties // also on Mac we don't get the spaces escaped url_str = url_str.replaceAll(" ", "%20" ); if ( !url_str.startsWith("jar:file:/")){ url_str = "jar:file:/".concat(url_str.substring(9)); } try{ // you can see that the '!' must be present and that we can safely use the last occurrence of it int posPling = url_str.lastIndexOf('!'); String jarName = url_str.substring(4, posPling); // System.out.println("jarName: " + jarName); URI uri; try{ uri = URI.create(jarName); if ( !new File(uri).exists()){ throw( new FileNotFoundException()); } }catch( Throwable e ){ jarName = "file:/" + UrlUtils.encode( jarName.substring( 6 )); uri = URI.create(jarName); } File jar = new File(uri); return( jar ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } return( null ); } public static boolean renameFile( File from_file, File to_file ) { return renameFile(from_file, to_file, true); } public static boolean renameFile( File from_file, File to_file, boolean fail_on_existing_directory) { return renameFile(from_file, to_file, fail_on_existing_directory, null); } public static boolean renameFile( File from_file, File to_file, boolean fail_on_existing_directory, FileFilter file_filter ) { if ( !from_file.exists()){ Debug.out( "renameFile: source file '" + from_file + "' doesn't exist, failing" ); return( false ); } /** * If the destination exists, we only fail if requested. */ if (to_file.exists() && (fail_on_existing_directory || from_file.isFile() || to_file.isFile())) { Debug.out( "renameFile: target file '" + to_file + "' already exists, failing" ); return( false ); } File to_file_parent = to_file.getParentFile(); if (!to_file_parent.exists()) {FileUtil.mkdirs(to_file_parent);} if ( from_file.isDirectory()){ File[] files = null; if (file_filter != null) {files = from_file.listFiles(file_filter);} else {files = from_file.listFiles();} if ( files == null ){ // empty dir return( true ); } int last_ok = 0; if (!to_file.exists()) {to_file.mkdir();} for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ File ff = files[i]; File tf = new File( to_file, ff.getName()); try{ if ( renameFile( ff, tf, fail_on_existing_directory, file_filter )){ last_ok++; }else{ break; } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "renameFile: failed to rename file '" + ff.toString() + "' to '" + tf.toString() + "'", e ); break; } } if ( last_ok == files.length ){ File[] remaining = from_file.listFiles(); if ( remaining != null && remaining.length > 0 ){ // This might be important or not. We'll make it a debug message if we had a filter, // or log it normally otherwise. if (file_filter == null) { Debug.out( "renameFile: files remain in '" + from_file.toString() + "', not deleting"); } else { /* Should we log this? How should we log this? */ return true; } }else{ if ( !from_file.delete()){ Debug.out( "renameFile: failed to delete '" + from_file.toString() + "'" ); } } return( true ); } // recover by moving files back for (int i=0;i<last_ok;i++){ File ff = files[i]; File tf = new File( to_file, ff.getName()); try{ // null - We don't want to use the file filter, it only refers to source paths. if ( !renameFile( tf, ff, false, null )){ Debug.out( "renameFile: recovery - failed to move file '" + tf.toString() + "' to '" + ff.toString() + "'" ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out("renameFile: recovery - failed to move file '" + tf.toString() + "' to '" + ff.toString() + "'", e); } } return( false ); }else{ boolean copy_and_delete = false;//COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Copy And Delete Data Rather Than Move"); if ( copy_and_delete ){ boolean move_if_same_drive = true;//COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Move If On Same Drive"); if ( move_if_same_drive ){ // FileSystem class available from Java 7, boo, just do a hack for windowz if ( Constants.isWindows ){ try{ String str1 = from_file.getCanonicalPath(); String str2 = to_file.getCanonicalPath(); char drive1 = ':'; char drive2 = ' '; if ( str1.length() > 2 && str1.charAt(1) == ':' ){ drive1 = Character.toLowerCase( str1.charAt( 0 )); } if ( str2.length() > 2 && str2.charAt(1) == ':' ){ drive2 = Character.toLowerCase( str2.charAt( 0 )); } if ( drive1 == drive2 ){ copy_and_delete = false; } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } } if ( (!copy_and_delete) && from_file.renameTo( to_file )){ return( true ); }else{ boolean success = false; // can't rename across file systems under Linux - try copy+delete FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try{ fis = new FileInputStream( from_file ); fos = new FileOutputStream( to_file ); byte[] buffer = new byte[65536]; while( true ){ int len = fis.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } fos.write( buffer, 0, len ); } fos.close(); fos = null; fis.close(); fis = null; if ( !from_file.delete()){ Debug.out( "renameFile: failed to delete '" + from_file.toString() + "'" ); throw( new Exception( "Failed to delete '" + from_file.toString() + "'")); } success = true; return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "renameFile: failed to rename '" + from_file.toString() + "' to '" + to_file.toString() + "'", e ); return( false ); }finally{ if ( fis != null ){ try{ fis.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } if ( fos != null ){ try{ fos.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } // if we've failed then tidy up any partial copy that has been performed if ( !success ){ if ( to_file.exists()){ to_file.delete(); } } } } } } public static boolean writeStringAsFile( File file, String text ) { try{ return( writeBytesAsFile2( file.getAbsolutePath(), text.getBytes( "UTF-8" ))); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); return( false ); } } public static void writeBytesAsFile( String filename, byte[] file_data ) { // pftt, this is used by emp so can't fix signature to make more useful writeBytesAsFile2( filename, file_data ); } public static boolean writeBytesAsFile2( String filename, byte[] file_data ) { try{ File file = new File( filename ); if ( !file.getParentFile().exists()){ file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( file ); try{ out.write( file_data ); }finally{ out.close(); } return( true ); }catch( Throwable t ){ Debug.out( "writeBytesAsFile:: error: ", t ); return( false ); } } /*public static boolean deleteWithRecycle( File file, boolean force_no_recycle ) { if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Move Deleted Data To Recycle Bin" ) && !force_no_recycle ){ try{ final PlatformManager platform = PlatformManagerFactory.getPlatformManager(); if (platform.hasCapability(PlatformManagerCapabilities.RecoverableFileDelete)){ platform.performRecoverableFileDelete( file.getAbsolutePath()); return( true ); }else{ return( file.delete()); } }catch( PlatformManagerException e ){ return( file.delete()); } }else{ return( file.delete()); } }*/ public static String translateMoveFilePath( String old_root, String new_root, String file_to_move ) { // we're trying to get the bit from the file_to_move beyond the old_root and append it to the new_root if ( !file_to_move.startsWith(old_root)){ return null; } if ( old_root.equals( new_root )){ // roots are the same -> nothings gonna change return( file_to_move ); } if ( new_root.equals( file_to_move )){ // new root already the same as the from file, nothing to change return( file_to_move ); } String file_suffix = file_to_move.substring(old_root.length()); if ( file_suffix.startsWith(File.separator )){ file_suffix = file_suffix.substring(1); }else{ // hack to deal with special known case of this // old_root: c:\fred\jim.dat // new_root: c:\temp\egor\grtaaaa // old_file: c:\fred\jim.dat.az! if ( new_root.endsWith( File.separator )){ Debug.out( "Hmm, this is not going to work out well... " + old_root + ", " + new_root + ", " + file_to_move ); }else{ // deal with case where new root already has the right suffix if ( new_root.endsWith( file_suffix )){ return( new_root ); } return( new_root + file_suffix ); } } if ( new_root.endsWith(File.separator)){ new_root = new_root.substring( 0, new_root.length()-1 ); } return new_root + File.separator + file_suffix; } // public static void // runAsTask( // AzureusCoreOperationTask task ) // { // AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); // // core.createOperation( AzureusCoreOperation.OP_FILE_MOVE, task ); // } /** * Makes Directories as long as the directory isn't directly in Volumes (OSX) * @param f * @return */ public static boolean mkdirs(File f) { if (Constants.isOSX) { Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("^(/Volumes/[^/]+)"); Matcher matcher = pat.matcher(f.getParent()); if (matcher.find()) { String sVolume = matcher.group(); File fVolume = new File(sVolume); if (!fVolume.isDirectory()) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_WARNING, sVolume + " is not mounted or not available.")); return false; } } } return f.mkdirs(); } public static String getExtension(String fName) { final int fileSepIndex = fName.lastIndexOf(File.separator); final int fileDotIndex = fName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (fileSepIndex == fName.length() - 1 || fileDotIndex == -1 || fileSepIndex > fileDotIndex) { return ""; } return fName.substring(fileDotIndex); } public static String readFileAsString( File file, int size_limit, String charset) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); try { return readInputStreamAsString(fis, size_limit, charset); } finally { fis.close(); } } public static String readFileAsString( File file, int size_limit ) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); try { return readInputStreamAsString(fis, size_limit); } finally { fis.close(); } } public static String readInputStreamAsString( InputStream is, int size_limit ) throws IOException { return readInputStreamAsString(is, size_limit, "ISO-8859-1"); } public static String readInputStreamAsString( InputStream is, int size_limit, String charSet) throws IOException { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1024); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int len = is.read(buffer); if (len <= 0) { break; } result.append(new String(buffer, 0, len, charSet)); if (size_limit >= 0 && result.length() > size_limit) { result.setLength(size_limit); break; } } return (result.toString()); } public static String readInputStreamAsStringWithTruncation( InputStream is, int size_limit ) throws IOException { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1024); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try{ while (true) { int len = is.read(buffer); if (len <= 0) { break; } result.append(new String(buffer, 0, len, "ISO-8859-1")); if (size_limit >= 0 && result.length() > size_limit) { result.setLength(size_limit); break; } } }catch( SocketTimeoutException e ){ } return (result.toString()); } public static String readFileEndAsString( File file, int size_limit ) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( file ); try{ if (file.length() > size_limit) { fis.skip(file.length() - size_limit); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1024); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while( true ){ int len = fis.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } result.append( new String( buffer, 0, len, "ISO-8859-1" )); if ( result.length() > size_limit ){ result.setLength( size_limit ); break; } } return( result.toString()); }finally{ fis.close(); } } public static byte[] readInputStreamAsByteArray( InputStream is ) throws IOException { return( readInputStreamAsByteArray( is, Integer.MAX_VALUE )); } public static byte[] readInputStreamAsByteArray( InputStream is, int size_limit ) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(32*1024); byte[] buffer = new byte[32*1024]; while( true ){ int len = is.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } baos.write( buffer, 0, len ); if ( baos.size() > size_limit ){ throw( new IOException( "size limit exceeded" )); } } return( baos.toByteArray()); } public static byte[] readFileAsByteArray( File file ) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream((int)file.length()); byte[] buffer = new byte[32*1024]; InputStream is = new FileInputStream( file ); try{ while( true ){ int len = is.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } baos.write( buffer, 0, len ); } return( baos.toByteArray()); }finally{ is.close(); } } public final static boolean getUsableSpaceSupported() { return reflectOnUsableSpace != null; } public final static long getUsableSpace(File f) { try{ return ((Long)reflectOnUsableSpace.invoke(f)).longValue(); }catch ( Throwable e){ return -1; } } public static boolean canReallyWriteToAppDirectory() { if ( !FileUtil.getApplicationFile("bogus").getParentFile().canWrite()){ return( false ); } // handle vista+ madness if ( Constants.isWindowsVistaOrHigher ){ try{ File write_test = FileUtil.getApplicationFile( "_az_.dll" ); // should fail if no perms, but sometimes it's created in // virtualstore (if ran from java(w).exe for example) FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( write_test ); try{ fos.write(32); }finally{ fos.close(); } write_test.delete(); // look for a file to try and rename. Unfortunately someone renamed License.txt to GPL.txt and screwed this up in 3020... File rename_test = FileUtil.getApplicationFile( "License.txt" ); if ( !rename_test.exists()){ rename_test = FileUtil.getApplicationFile( "GPL.txt" ); } if ( !rename_test.exists()){ File[] files = write_test.getParentFile().listFiles(); if ( files != null ){ for ( File f: files ){ String name = f.getName(); if ( name.endsWith( ".txt" ) || name.endsWith( ".log" )){ rename_test = f; break; } } } } if ( rename_test.exists()){ File target = new File( rename_test.getParentFile(), rename_test.getName() + ".bak" ); target.delete(); rename_test.renameTo( target ); if ( rename_test.exists()){ return( false ); } target.renameTo( rename_test ); }else{ Debug.out( "Failed to find a suitable file for the rename test" ); // let's assume we can't to be on the safe side return( false ); } }catch ( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } return( true ); } public static boolean canWriteToDirectory( File dir ) { // (dir).canWrite() seems to return true for local file systems at least on windows regardless // of effective permissions :( if ( !dir.isDirectory()){ return( false ); } try{ File temp = AETemporaryFileHandler.createTempFileInDir( dir ); if ( !temp.delete()){ temp.deleteOnExit(); } return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } /** * Gets the encoding that should be used when writing script files (currently only * tested for windows as this is where an issue can arise...) * We also only test based on the user-data directory name to see if an explicit * encoding switch is requried... * @return null - use default */ private static boolean sce_checked; private static String script_encoding; public static String getScriptCharsetEncoding() { synchronized( FileUtil.class ){ if ( sce_checked ){ return( script_encoding ); } sce_checked = true; String file_encoding = System.getProperty( "file.encoding", null ); String jvm_encoding = System.getProperty( "sun.jnu.encoding", null ); if ( file_encoding == null || jvm_encoding == null || file_encoding.equals( jvm_encoding )){ return( null ); } try{ String test_str = SystemProperties.getUserPath(); if ( !new String( test_str.getBytes( file_encoding ), file_encoding ).equals( test_str )){ if ( new String( test_str.getBytes( jvm_encoding ), jvm_encoding ).equals( test_str )){ Debug.out( "Script encoding determined to be " + jvm_encoding + " instead of " + file_encoding ); script_encoding = jvm_encoding; } } }catch( Throwable e ){ } return( script_encoding ); } } public static InternedFile internFileComponents( File file ) { if ( file == null ){ return( null ); } List<String> comps = new ArrayList<String>(100); File comp = file; while( comp != null ){ String name = comp.getName(); if ( name.length() > 0 ){ comps.add( StringInterner.intern( name )); }else{ String path = comp.getPath(); if ( path.length() > 0 ){ comps.add( StringInterner.intern( path )); } } comp = comp.getParentFile(); } InternedFile res = new InternedFile(comps.toArray( new String[comps.size()])); if ( !res.getFile().equals( file )){ Debug.out( "intern failed for " + file + " (" + res.getFile() + ")" ); } return( res ); } public static class InternedFile { private final String[] comps; private InternedFile( String[] _comps ) { comps = _comps; } public File getFile() { if ( comps.length == 0 ){ return( new File( "" )); }else if ( comps.length == 1 ){ return( new File( comps[0] )); }else{ StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(256); for (int i=comps.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if ( b.length() > 0 ){ b.append( File.separatorChar ); } b.append( comps[i] ); } return( new File( b.toString())); } } @Override public boolean equals( Object other ) { if ( other instanceof InternedFile ){ InternedFile o = (InternedFile)other; if ( comps.length != o.comps.length ){ return( false ); } for ( int i=comps.length-1;i>= 0; i-- ){ if ( !comps[i].equals( o.comps[i] )){ return( false ); } } return( true ); }else if ( other instanceof File ){ return( getFile().equals( other )); }else{ return( false ); } } @Override public int hashCode() { int h = 0; for ( String s: comps ){ h += s.hashCode(); } return( h ); } } }