/* * File : ThreadPool.java * Created : 21-Nov-2003 * By : parg * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; public class ThreadPool { private static final boolean NAME_THREADS = Constants.IS_CVS_VERSION && System.getProperty( "az.thread.pool.naming.enable", "true" ).equals( "true" ); private static final boolean LOG_WARNINGS = false; private static final int WARN_TIME = 10000; private static List busy_pools = new ArrayList(); private static boolean busy_pool_timer_set = false; private static boolean debug_thread_pool; private static boolean debug_thread_pool_log_on; static{ if ( System.getProperty("transitory.startup", "0").equals("0")){ AEDiagnostics.addEvidenceGenerator( new AEDiagnosticsEvidenceGenerator() { public void generate( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( "Thread Pools" ); try{ writer.indent(); List pools; synchronized( busy_pools ){ pools = new ArrayList( busy_pools ); } for (int i=0;i<pools.size();i++){ ((ThreadPool)pools.get(i)).generateEvidence( writer ); } }finally{ writer.exdent(); } } }); } } private static ThreadLocal tls = new ThreadLocal() { public Object initialValue() { return( null ); } }; protected static void checkAllTimeouts() { List pools; // copy the busy pools to avoid potential deadlock due to synchronization // nestings synchronized( busy_pools ){ pools = new ArrayList( busy_pools ); } for (int i=0;i<pools.size();i++){ ((ThreadPool)pools.get(i)).checkTimeouts(); } } private String name; private int max_size; private int thread_name_index = 1; private long execution_limit; private List busy; private boolean queue_when_full; private List task_queue = new ArrayList(); private AESemaphore thread_sem; private int reserved_target; private int reserved_actual; private int thread_priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; private boolean warn_when_full; private long task_total; private long task_total_last; private Average task_average = Average.getInstance( WARN_TIME, 120 ); private boolean log_cpu = false || AEThread2.TRACE_TIMES; public ThreadPool( String _name, int _max_size ) { this( _name, _max_size, false ); } public ThreadPool( String _name, int _max_size, boolean _queue_when_full ) { name = _name; max_size = _max_size; queue_when_full = _queue_when_full; thread_sem = new AESemaphore( "ThreadPool::" + name, _max_size ); busy = new ArrayList( _max_size ); } private void generateEvidence( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( name + ": max=" + max_size +",qwf=" + queue_when_full + ",queue=" + task_queue.size() + ",busy=" + busy.size() + ",total=" + task_total + ":" + DisplayFormatters.formatDecimal(task_average.getDoubleAverage(),2) + "/sec"); } public void setWarnWhenFull() { warn_when_full = true; } public void setLogCPU() { log_cpu = true; } public int getMaxThreads() { return( max_size ); } public void setThreadPriority( int _priority ) { thread_priority = _priority; } public void setExecutionLimit( long millis ) { synchronized( this ){ execution_limit = millis; } } public threadPoolWorker run(AERunnable runnable) { return( run(runnable, false, false)); } /** * * @param runnable * @param high_priority * inserts at front if tasks queueing */ public threadPoolWorker run(AERunnable runnable, boolean high_priority, boolean manualRelease) { if(manualRelease && !(runnable instanceof ThreadPoolTask)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("manual release only allowed for ThreadPoolTasks"); else if(manualRelease) ((ThreadPoolTask)runnable).setManualRelease(); // System.out.println( "Thread pool:" + name + " - sem = " + thread_sem.getValue() + ", queue = " + task_queue.size()); // not queueing, grab synchronous sem here if ( !queue_when_full ){ if ( !thread_sem.reserveIfAvailable()){ // defend against recursive entry when in queuing mode (yes, it happens) threadPoolWorker recursive_worker = (threadPoolWorker)tls.get(); if ( recursive_worker == null || recursive_worker.getOwner() != this ){ // do a blocking reserve here, not recursive checkWarning(); thread_sem.reserve(); }else{ // run immediately if ( runnable instanceof ThreadPoolTask ){ ThreadPoolTask task = (ThreadPoolTask)runnable; task.worker = recursive_worker; try{ task.taskStarted(); runIt( runnable ); task.join(); }finally{ task.taskCompleted(); } }else{ runIt( runnable ); } return( recursive_worker ); } } } threadPoolWorker allocated_worker; synchronized( this ){ if ( high_priority ) task_queue.add( 0, runnable ); else task_queue.add( runnable ); // reserve if available is non-blocking if ( queue_when_full && !thread_sem.reserveIfAvailable()){ allocated_worker = null; checkWarning(); }else{ allocated_worker = new threadPoolWorker(); } } return( allocated_worker ); } protected void runIt( AERunnable runnable ) { if ( log_cpu ){ long start_cpu = log_cpu?AEJavaManagement.getThreadCPUTime():0; long start_time = SystemTime.getHighPrecisionCounter(); runnable.run(); if ( start_cpu > 0 ){ long end_cpu = log_cpu?AEJavaManagement.getThreadCPUTime():0; long diff_cpu = ( end_cpu - start_cpu ) / 1000000; long end_time = SystemTime.getHighPrecisionCounter(); long diff_millis = ( end_time - start_time ) / 1000000; if ( diff_cpu > 10 || diff_millis > 10){ System.out.println( TimeFormatter.milliStamp() + ": Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": " + runnable + " -> " + diff_cpu + "/" + diff_millis ); } } }else{ runnable.run(); } } protected void checkWarning() { if (warn_when_full) { String task_names = ""; try { synchronized (ThreadPool.this) { for (int i = 0; i < busy.size(); i++) { threadPoolWorker x = (threadPoolWorker) busy.get(i); AERunnable r = x.runnable; if (r != null) { String name; if (r instanceof ThreadPoolTask) name = ((ThreadPoolTask) r).getName(); else name = r.getClass().getName(); task_names += (task_names.length() == 0 ? "" : ",") + name; } } } } catch (Throwable e) {} Debug.out("Thread pool '" + getName() + "' is full (busy=" + task_names + ")"); warn_when_full = false; } } public AERunnable[] getQueuedTasks() { synchronized (this) { AERunnable[] res = new AERunnable[task_queue.size()]; task_queue.toArray(res); return (res); } } public int getQueueSize() { synchronized (this) { return task_queue.size(); } } public boolean isQueued(AERunnable task) { synchronized (this) { return task_queue.contains(task); } } public AERunnable[] getRunningTasks() { List runnables = new ArrayList(); synchronized( this ){ Iterator it = busy.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ threadPoolWorker worker = (threadPoolWorker)it.next(); AERunnable runnable = worker.getRunnable(); if ( runnable != null ){ runnables.add( runnable ); } } } AERunnable[] res = new AERunnable[runnables.size()]; runnables.toArray(res); return( res ); } public int getRunningCount() { int res = 0; synchronized( this ){ Iterator it = busy.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ threadPoolWorker worker = (threadPoolWorker)it.next(); AERunnable runnable = worker.getRunnable(); if ( runnable != null ){ res++; } } } return( res ); } public boolean isFull() { return( thread_sem.getValue() == 0 ); } public void setMaxThreads( int max ) { if ( max > max_size ){ Debug.out( "should support this sometime..." ); return; } setReservedThreadCount( max_size - max ); } public void setReservedThreadCount( int res ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( res < 0 ){ res = 0; }else if ( res > max_size ){ res = max_size; } int diff = res - reserved_actual; while( diff < 0 ){ thread_sem.release(); reserved_actual--; diff++; } while( diff > 0 ){ if ( thread_sem.reserveIfAvailable()){ reserved_actual++; diff--; }else{ break; } } reserved_target = res; } } protected void checkTimeouts() { synchronized( this ){ long diff = task_total - task_total_last; task_average.addValue( diff ); task_total_last = task_total; if ( debug_thread_pool_log_on ){ System.out.println( "ThreadPool '" + getName() + "'/" + thread_name_index + ": max=" + max_size + ",sem=[" + thread_sem.getString() + "],busy=" + busy.size() + ",queue=" + task_queue.size()); } long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); for (int i=0;i<busy.size();i++){ threadPoolWorker x = (threadPoolWorker)busy.get(i); long elapsed = now - x.run_start_time; if ( elapsed > ( (long)WARN_TIME * (x.warn_count+1))){ x.warn_count++; if ( LOG_WARNINGS ){ DebugLight.out( x.getWorkerName() + ": running, elapsed = " + elapsed + ", state = " + x.state ); } if ( execution_limit > 0 && elapsed > execution_limit ){ if ( LOG_WARNINGS ){ DebugLight.out( x.getWorkerName() + ": interrupting" ); } AERunnable r = x.runnable; if ( r != null ){ try{ if ( r instanceof ThreadPoolTask ){ ((ThreadPoolTask)r).interruptTask(); }else{ x.interrupt(); } }catch( Throwable e ){ DebugLight.printStackTrace( e ); } } } } } } } public String getName() { return (name); } void releaseManual(ThreadPoolTask toRelease) { if( !toRelease.canManualRelease()){ throw new IllegalStateException("task not manually releasable"); } synchronized( this ){ long elapsed = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - toRelease.worker.run_start_time; if (elapsed > WARN_TIME && LOG_WARNINGS) DebugLight.out(toRelease.worker.getWorkerName() + ": terminated, elapsed = " + elapsed + ", state = " + toRelease.worker.state); if ( !busy.remove(toRelease.worker)){ throw new IllegalStateException("task already released"); } // if debug is on we leave the pool registered so that we // can trace on the timeout events if (busy.size() == 0 && !debug_thread_pool){ synchronized (busy_pools){ busy_pools.remove(this); } } if ( busy.size() == 0){ if ( reserved_target > reserved_actual ){ reserved_actual++; }else{ thread_sem.release(); } }else{ new threadPoolWorker(); } } } public void registerThreadAsChild(threadPoolWorker parent) { if(tls.get() == null || tls.get() == parent) tls.set(parent); else throw new IllegalStateException("another parent is already set for this thread"); } public void deregisterThreadAsChild(threadPoolWorker parent) { if(tls.get() == parent) tls.set(null); else throw new IllegalStateException("tls is not set to parent"); } class threadPoolWorker extends AEThread2 { private final String worker_name; private volatile AERunnable runnable; private long run_start_time; private int warn_count; private String state = "<none>"; protected threadPoolWorker() { super(NAME_THREADS?(name + " " + (thread_name_index)):name,true); thread_name_index++; setPriority(thread_priority); worker_name = this.getName(); start(); } public void run() { tls.set(threadPoolWorker.this); boolean autoRelease = true; try { do { try { synchronized (ThreadPool.this) { if (task_queue.size() > 0) runnable = (AERunnable) task_queue.remove(0); else break; } synchronized (ThreadPool.this) { run_start_time = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); warn_count = 0; busy.add(threadPoolWorker.this); task_total++; if (busy.size() == 1) { synchronized (busy_pools) { if (!busy_pools.contains(ThreadPool.this)) { busy_pools.add(ThreadPool.this); if (!busy_pool_timer_set) { // we have to defer this action rather // than running as a static initialiser // due to the dependency between // ThreadPool, Timer and ThreadPool again // COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners(new String[] { "debug.threadpool.log.enable", "debug.threadpool.debug.trace" }, new ParameterListener() // { // public void parameterChanged(String name) { // debug_thread_pool = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("debug.threadpool.log.enable", false); // debug_thread_pool_log_on = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("debug.threadpool.debug.trace", false); // } // }); busy_pool_timer_set = true; SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent("ThreadPool:timeout", WARN_TIME, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform(TimerEvent event) { checkAllTimeouts(); } }); } } } } } if (runnable instanceof ThreadPoolTask) { ThreadPoolTask tpt = (ThreadPoolTask) runnable; tpt.worker = this; String task_name = NAME_THREADS?tpt.getName():null; try { if (task_name != null) setName(worker_name + "{" + task_name + "}"); tpt.taskStarted(); runIt(runnable); } finally { if (task_name != null) setName(worker_name); if(tpt.isAutoReleaseAndAllowManual()) tpt.taskCompleted(); else { autoRelease = false; break; } } } else runIt(runnable); } catch (Throwable e) { DebugLight.printStackTrace(e); } finally { if(autoRelease) { synchronized (ThreadPool.this) { long elapsed = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - run_start_time; if (elapsed > WARN_TIME && LOG_WARNINGS) DebugLight.out(getWorkerName() + ": terminated, elapsed = " + elapsed + ", state = " + state); busy.remove(threadPoolWorker.this); // if debug is on we leave the pool registered so that we // can trace on the timeout events if (busy.size() == 0 && !debug_thread_pool) synchronized (busy_pools) { busy_pools.remove(ThreadPool.this); } } } } } while (runnable != null); } catch (Throwable e) { DebugLight.printStackTrace(e); } finally { if ( autoRelease){ synchronized (ThreadPool.this){ if ( reserved_target > reserved_actual ){ reserved_actual++; }else{ thread_sem.release(); } } } tls.set(null); } } public void setState(String _state) { //System.out.println( "state = " + _state ); state = _state; } public String getState() { return (state); } protected String getWorkerName() { return (worker_name); } protected ThreadPool getOwner() { return (ThreadPool.this); } protected AERunnable getRunnable() { return (runnable); } } }