/* * Created on 27 juin 2003 * Copyright (C) Azureus Software, Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * @author Olivier * */ public class TimeFormatter { // XXX should be i18n'd static final String[] TIME_SUFFIXES = { "s", "m", "h", "d", "y" }; public static final String[] DATEFORMATS_DESC = new String[] { "EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy GG", "EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", "EEE, MMMM d, yyyy", "MMMM d, ''yy", "EEE, MMM d, ''yy", "MMM d, yyyy", "MMM d, ''yy", "yyyy/MM/dd", "''yy/MM/dd", "MMM dd", "MM/dd", }; private static final SimpleDateFormat http_date_format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US ); static{ // see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1 http_date_format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } private static final SimpleDateFormat cookie_date_format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US ); static{ // see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1 cookie_date_format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } /** * Format time into two time sections, the first chunk trimmed, the second * with always with 2 digits. Sections are *d, **h, **m, **s. Section * will be skipped if 0. * * @param time time in seconds * @return Formatted time string */ public static String format(long time_secs) { if (time_secs == Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITY_AS_INT || time_secs >= Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITE_AS_LONG) return Constants.INFINITY_STRING; if (time_secs < 0) return ""; // secs, mins, hours, days int[] vals = { (int) time_secs % 60, (int) (time_secs / 60) % 60, (int) (time_secs / 3600) % 24, (int) (time_secs / 86400) % 365, (int) (time_secs / 31536000) }; int end = vals.length - 1; while (vals[end] == 0 && end > 0) { end--; } String result = vals[end] + TIME_SUFFIXES[end]; /* old logic removed to prefer showing consecutive units // skip until we have a non-zero time section do { end--; } while (end >= 0 && vals[end] == 0); */ end--; if (end >= 0) result += " " + twoDigits(vals[end]) + TIME_SUFFIXES[end]; return result; } /** * format seconds into significant y d h m s (e.g. 12d 02h 03m 23s) and drop secs if wanted * @param time_secs * @param do_seconds * @return */ public static String format2( long time_secs, boolean do_seconds ) { if (time_secs == Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITY_AS_INT || time_secs >= Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITE_AS_LONG) return Constants.INFINITY_STRING; if (time_secs < 0) return ""; // secs, mins, hours, days int[] vals = { (int) time_secs % 60, (int) (time_secs / 60) % 60, (int) (time_secs / 3600) % 24, (int) (time_secs / 86400) % 365, (int) (time_secs / 31536000) }; int start = vals.length - 1; while (vals[start] == 0 && start > 0) { start--; } int end = do_seconds?0:1; if ( start==0&&!do_seconds ){ start=1; } String result = ""; for ( int i=start;i>=end;i--){ result += (i==start?vals[i]:(" " + twoDigits(vals[i]))) + TIME_SUFFIXES[i]; } return result; } public static String format100ths(long time_millis) { long time_secs = time_millis / 1000; int hundredths = (int)(time_millis - time_secs*1000)/10; if ( time_millis == 0 || time_secs >= 60 ){ return( format( time_secs )); } return( time_secs + "." + twoDigits( hundredths) + TIME_SUFFIXES[0]); } /** * @param time millis */ public static String formatColonMillis( long time ) { if ( time > 0 ){ if ( time < 1000 ){ time = 1; }else{ time = time / 1000; } } String str = formatColon( time ); if ( str.startsWith( "00:" )){ str = str.substring( 3 ); } return( str ); } /** * Format time into "[[# y] # d] 00:00:00" format * * @param time time in seconds * @return */ public static String formatColon(long time) { if (time == Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITY_AS_INT || time >= Constants.CRAPPY_INFINITE_AS_LONG) return Constants.INFINITY_STRING; if (time < 0) return ""; int secs = (int) time % 60; int mins = (int) (time / 60) % 60; int hours = (int) (time /3600) % 24; int days = (int) (time / 86400) % 365; int years = (int) (time / 31536000); String result = ""; if (years > 0) result += years + "y "; if (years > 0 || days > 0) result += days + "d "; result += twoDigits(hours) + ":" + twoDigits(mins) + ":" + twoDigits(secs); return result; } private static String twoDigits(int i) { return (i < 10) ? "0" + i : String.valueOf(i); } /** * parse time in h:m:s format to SECONDS * @param str * @return */ public static int parseColon( String str ) { final int[] multipliers = { 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 31536000 }; String[] bits = str.split( ":" ); int result = 0; for (int i=0;i<bits.length;i++){ String bit = bits[bits.length-(i+1)].trim(); if ( bit.length() > 0 ){ result += multipliers[i] * Integer.parseInt( bit ); } } return( result ); } public static String formatNanoAsMilli( long nanos ) { final long truncator = 60*1000000000L; nanos = nanos - ((nanos/truncator) * truncator); return( String.valueOf(((double)nanos)/1000000) + " ms" ); } public static String getHTTPDate( long millis ) { synchronized( http_date_format ){ return( http_date_format.format(new Date( millis ))); } } public static long parseHTTPDate( String date ) { try{ synchronized( http_date_format ){ return( http_date_format.parse( date ).getTime()); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out("Failed to parse HTTP date '" + date + "'" ); return( 0 ); } } public static String getCookieDate( long millis ) { synchronized( cookie_date_format ){ return( cookie_date_format.format(new Date( millis ))); } } public static String milliStamp() { long nanos = SystemTime.getHighPrecisionCounter(); final long truncator = 60*1000000000L; nanos = nanos - ((nanos/truncator) * truncator); String str = String.valueOf( nanos/1000000 ); while( str.length() < 5 ){ str = "0" + str; } return( str + ": " ); } public static void milliTrace( String str ) { System.out.println( milliStamp() + str ); } }