/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.frostwire.search.extractors; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jd.http.Browser; import jd.http.Request; import jd.nutils.encoding.Encoding; import jd.parser.Regex; import jd.parser.html.Form; import jd.parser.html.Form.MethodType; import com.frostwire.logging.Logger; import com.frostwire.search.FileSearchResult; import com.frostwire.util.HttpClient; import com.frostwire.util.HttpClientFactory; /** * @author gubatron * @author aldenml * */ public final class YouTubeExtractor { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(YouTubeExtractor.class); private static final Pattern FILENAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<meta name=\"title\" content=\"(.*?)\">", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final String UNSUPPORTEDRTMP = "itag%2Crtmpe%2"; private static final Map<Integer, Format> FORMATS = buildFormats(); // using the signature decoding per running session (LruCache) private static LRUCacheMap<String, YouTubeSig> YT_SIG_MAP = new LRUCacheMap<String, YouTubeSig>(50); public List<LinkInfo> extract(String videoUrl, boolean testConnection) { try { Thread.sleep(100); Browser br = new Browser(); HashMap<Integer, String> LinksFound = getLinks(videoUrl, false, br); checkError(videoUrl, br, LinksFound); String filename = LinksFound.remove(-1); filename = cleanupFilename(filename); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String dateStr = br.getRegex("id=\"eow-date\" class=\"watch-video-date\" >(\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4})</span>").getMatch(0); if (dateStr == null) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); dateStr = br.getRegex("class=\"watch-video-date\" >([ ]+)?(\\d{1,2} [A-Za-z]{3} \\d{4})</span>").getMatch(1); } Date date = dateStr != null ? formatter.parse(dateStr) : new Date(); String videoId = getVideoID(videoUrl); String channelName = br.getRegex("feature=watch\"[^>]+dir=\"ltr[^>]+>(.*?)</a>(\\s+)?<span class=\"yt-user").getMatch(0); String userName = br.getRegex("temprop=\"url\" href=\"http://(www\\.)?youtube\\.com/user/([^<>\"]*?)\"").getMatch(1); ThumbnailLinks thumbnailLinks = createThumbnailLink(videoId); List<LinkInfo> infos = new LinkedList<LinkInfo>(); if (!testConnection || testConnection(br, getFirstLink(LinksFound))) { for (int fmt : LinksFound.keySet()) { Format format = FORMATS.get(fmt); if (format == null) { continue; } String link = LinksFound.get(fmt); LinkInfo info = new LinkInfo(link, fmt, filename, FileSearchResult.UNKNOWN_SIZE, date, videoId, userName, channelName, thumbnailLinks, format); infos.add(info); } } return infos; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ExtractorException("General extractor error", e); } } private boolean testConnection(Browser br, String link) { boolean connected = false; try { if (br.openGetConnection(link).getResponseCode() == 200) { br.getHttpConnection().getLongContentLength(); connected = true; } } catch (Throwable e) { log("Failed link url: " + link); } finally { try { br.getHttpConnection().disconnect(); } catch (final Throwable e) { } } return connected; } private String getFirstLink(Map<Integer, String> linksFound) { for (int fmt : linksFound.keySet()) { Format format = FORMATS.get(fmt); if (format == null) { continue; } return linksFound.get(fmt); } return null; } private void checkError(String videoUrl, Browser br, HashMap<Integer, String> LinksFound) { String error = br.getRegex("<div id=\"unavailable\\-message\" class=\"\">[\t\n\r ]+<span class=\"yt\\-alert\\-vertical\\-trick\"></span>[\t\n\r ]+<div class=\"yt\\-alert\\-message\">([^<>\"]*?)</div>").getMatch(0); if (error == null) { error = br.getRegex("reason=([^<>\"/]*?)(\\&|$)").getMatch(0); } if (br.containsHTML(UNSUPPORTEDRTMP)) { error = "RTMP video download isn't supported yet!"; } if ((LinksFound == null || LinksFound.isEmpty()) && error != null) { error = Encoding.urlDecode(error, false); if (error != null) { error = error.trim(); } throw new ExtractorException("Reasig: " + error.trim()); } } private HashMap<Integer, String> getLinks(final String video, final boolean prem, Browser br) throws Exception { br.setFollowRedirects(true); /* this cookie makes html5 available and skip controversy check */ br.setCookie("youtube.com", "PREF", "f2=40100000&hl=en-US"); br.getHeaders().put("User-Agent", "Wget/1.12"); br.getPage(video); if (br.containsHTML("id=\"unavailable-submessage\" class=\"watch-unavailable-submessage\"")) { return null; } String videoId = new Regex(video, "watch\\?v=([\\w_\\-]+)").getMatch(0); boolean fileNameFound = false; String filename = videoId; if (br.containsHTML("&title=")) { filename = Encoding.htmlDecode(br.getRegex("&title=([^&$]+)").getMatch(0).replaceAll("\\+", " ").trim()); fileNameFound = true; } String url = br.getURL(); boolean ythack = false; if (url != null && !url.equals(video)) { /* age verify with activated premium? */ if (url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=") != -1) { //verifyAge = true; } if (url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=") != -1 && prem) { final String session_token = br.getRegex("onLoadFunc.*?gXSRF_token = '(.*?)'").getMatch(0); final LinkedHashMap<String, String> p = Request.parseQuery(url); final String next = p.get("next_url"); final Form form = new Form(); form.setAction(url); form.setMethod(MethodType.POST); form.put("next_url", "%2F" + next.substring(1)); form.put("action_confirm", "Confirm+Birth+Date"); form.put("session_token", Encoding.urlEncode(session_token)); br.submitForm(form); if (br.getCookie("http://www.youtube.com", "is_adult") == null) { return null; } } else if (url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("youtube.com/index?ytsession=") != -1 || url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=") != -1 && !prem) { ythack = true; br.getPage("http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=" + videoId); if (br.containsHTML("&title=") && fileNameFound == false) { filename = Encoding.htmlDecode(br.getRegex("&title=([^&$]+)").getMatch(0).replaceAll("\\+", " ").trim()); fileNameFound = true; } } else if (url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("google.com/accounts/servicelogin?") != -1) { // private videos return null; } } Form forms[] = br.getForms(); if (forms != null) { for (Form form : forms) { if (form.getAction() != null && form.getAction().contains("verify_age")) { log("Verify Age"); br.submitForm(form); break; } } } String html5player = br.getRegex("(?s)(html5player\\-.+?\\.js)").getMatch(0); YouTubeSig ytSig = getYouTubeSig("http://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/" + html5player); /* html5_fmt_map */ if (br.getRegex(FILENAME_PATTERN).count() != 0 && fileNameFound == false) { filename = Encoding.htmlDecode(br.getRegex(FILENAME_PATTERN).getMatch(0).trim()); fileNameFound = true; } return parseLinks(br, video, filename, ythack, false, ytSig); } private HashMap<Integer, String> parseLinks(Browser br, final String videoURL, String filename, boolean ythack, boolean tryGetDetails, YouTubeSig ytSig) throws Exception { final HashMap<Integer, String> links = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); String html5_fmt_map = br.getRegex("\"html5_fmt_map\": \\[(.*?)\\]").getMatch(0); if (html5_fmt_map != null) { String[] html5_hits = new Regex(html5_fmt_map, "\\{(.*?)\\}").getColumn(0); if (html5_hits != null) { for (String hit : html5_hits) { String hitUrl = new Regex(hit, "url\": \"(http:.*?)\"").getMatch(0); String hitFmt = new Regex(hit, "itag\": (\\d+)").getMatch(0); if (hitUrl != null && hitFmt != null) { hitUrl = unescape(hitUrl.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/")); links.put(Integer.parseInt(hitFmt), Encoding.htmlDecode(Encoding.urlDecode(hitUrl, true))); } } } } else { /* new format since ca. 1.8.2011 */ html5_fmt_map = br.getRegex("\"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map\": \"(.*?)\"").getMatch(0); if (html5_fmt_map == null) { html5_fmt_map = br.getRegex("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=(.*?)(&|$)").getMatch(0); if (html5_fmt_map != null) { html5_fmt_map = html5_fmt_map.replaceAll("%2C", ","); if (!html5_fmt_map.contains("url=")) { html5_fmt_map = html5_fmt_map.replaceAll("%3D", "="); html5_fmt_map = html5_fmt_map.replaceAll("%26", "&"); } } } if (html5_fmt_map != null && !html5_fmt_map.contains("signature") && !html5_fmt_map.contains("sig") && !html5_fmt_map.contains("s=")) { Thread.sleep(5000); br.clearCookies("youtube.com"); return null; } if (html5_fmt_map != null) { HashMap<Integer, String> ret = parseLinks(html5_fmt_map, ytSig); if (ret.size() == 0) return links; links.putAll(ret); if (true) { /* not playable by vlc */ /* check for adaptive fmts */ String adaptive = br.getRegex("\"adaptive_fmts\": \"(.*?)\"").getMatch(0); ret = parseLinks(adaptive, ytSig); links.putAll(ret); } } else { if (br.containsHTML("reason=Unfortunately")) return null; if (tryGetDetails == true) { br.getPage("http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?el=detailpage&video_id=" + getVideoID(videoURL)); return parseLinks(br, videoURL, filename, ythack, false, ytSig); } else { return null; } } } /* normal links */ final HashMap<String, String> fmt_list = new HashMap<String, String>(); String fmt_list_str = ""; if (ythack) { fmt_list_str = (br.getMatch("&fmt_list=(.+?)&") + ",").replaceAll("%2F", "/").replaceAll("%2C", ","); } else { fmt_list_str = (br.getMatch("\"fmt_list\":\\s+\"(.+?)\",") + ",").replaceAll("\\\\/", "/"); } final String fmt_list_map[][] = new Regex(fmt_list_str, "(\\d+)/(\\d+x\\d+)/\\d+/\\d+/\\d+,").getMatches(); for (final String[] fmt : fmt_list_map) { fmt_list.put(fmt[0], fmt[1]); } if (links.size() == 0 && ythack) { /* try to find fallback links */ String urls[] = br.getRegex("url%3D(.*?)($|%2C)").getColumn(0); int index = 0; for (String vurl : urls) { String hitUrl = new Regex(vurl, "(.*?)%26").getMatch(0); String hitQ = new Regex(vurl, "%26quality%3D(.*?)%").getMatch(0); if (hitUrl != null && hitQ != null) { hitUrl = unescape(hitUrl.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/")); if (fmt_list_map.length >= index) { links.put(Integer.parseInt(fmt_list_map[index][0]), Encoding.htmlDecode(Encoding.urlDecode(hitUrl, false))); index++; } } } } if (filename != null && links != null && !links.isEmpty()) { links.put(-1, filename); } return links; } private HashMap<Integer, String> parseLinks(String html5_fmt_map, YouTubeSig ytSig) { final HashMap<Integer, String> links = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); if (html5_fmt_map != null) { if (html5_fmt_map.contains(UNSUPPORTEDRTMP)) { return links; } String[] html5_hits = new Regex(html5_fmt_map, "(.*?)(,|$)").getColumn(0); if (html5_hits != null) { for (String hit : html5_hits) { hit = unescape(hit); String hitUrl = new Regex(hit, "url=(http.*?)(\\&|$)").getMatch(0); String sig = new Regex(hit, "url=http.*?(\\&|$)(sig|signature)=(.*?)(\\&|$)").getMatch(2); if (sig == null) sig = new Regex(hit, "(sig|signature)=(.*?)(\\&|$)").getMatch(1); if (sig == null) sig = new Regex(hit, "(sig|signature)%3D(.*?)%26").getMatch(1); if (sig == null) { String temp = new Regex(hit, "(\\&|^)s=(.*?)(\\&|$)").getMatch(1); sig = ytSig != null && temp != null ? ytSig.calc(temp) : null; } String hitFmt = new Regex(hit, "itag=(\\d+)").getMatch(0); if (hitUrl != null && hitFmt != null) { hitUrl = unescape(hitUrl.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/")); if (hitUrl.startsWith("http%253A")) { hitUrl = Encoding.htmlDecode(hitUrl); } String inst = null; if (hitUrl.contains("sig")) { inst = Encoding.htmlDecode(Encoding.urlDecode(hitUrl, true)); } else { inst = Encoding.htmlDecode(Encoding.urlDecode(hitUrl, true) + "&signature=" + sig); } links.put(Integer.parseInt(hitFmt), inst); } } } } return links; } private String getVideoID(String URL) { String vuid = new Regex(URL, "v=([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)").getMatch(0); if (vuid == null) { vuid = new Regex(URL, "(v|embed)/([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)").getMatch(1); } return vuid; } private YouTubeSig getYouTubeSig(String html5playerUrl) { // concurrency issues are not important in this point YouTubeSig sig = null; if (!YT_SIG_MAP.containsKey(html5playerUrl)) { String jscode=""; try { html5playerUrl = html5playerUrl.replace("\\", ""); HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientFactory.newInstance(); jscode = httpClient.get(html5playerUrl); sig = new YouTubeSig(jscode); YT_SIG_MAP.put(html5playerUrl, sig); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Could not getYouTubeSig", t); LOG.error("jscode:\n" + jscode); } } else { //cache hit, it worked with this url. sig = YT_SIG_MAP.get(html5playerUrl); } return sig; } private ThumbnailLinks createThumbnailLink(String videoId) { String normal = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/default.jpg"; String mq = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/mqdefault.jpg"; String hq = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/hqdefault.jpg"; String maxres = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/maxresdefault.jpg"; return new ThumbnailLinks(normal, mq, hq, maxres); } private String unescape(final String s) { char ch; char ch2; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ii; int i; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '%': case '\\': ch2 = ch; ch = s.charAt(++i); StringBuilder sb2 = null; switch (ch) { case 'u': /* unicode */ sb2 = new StringBuilder(); i++; ii = i + 4; for (; i < ii; i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); if (sb2.length() > 0 || ch != '0') { sb2.append(ch); } } i--; sb.append((char) Long.parseLong(sb2.toString(), 16)); continue; case 'x': /* normal hex coding */ sb2 = new StringBuilder(); i++; ii = i + 2; for (; i < ii; i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); sb2.append(ch); } i--; sb.append((char) Long.parseLong(sb2.toString(), 16)); continue; default: if (ch2 == '%') { sb.append(ch2); } sb.append(ch); continue; } } sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } private String cleanupFilename(String filename) { return filename.replaceAll("[\\\\/:*?\"<>|\\[\\];,]+", "_"); } private void log(String message) { LOG.info(message); } private static Map<Integer, Format> buildFormats() { Map<Integer, Format> formats = new HashMap<Integer, Format>(); formats.put(5, new Format("flv", "H263", "MP3", "240p")); formats.put(6, new Format("flv", "H263", "MP3", "270p")); formats.put(17, new Format("3gp", "H264", "AAC", "144p")); formats.put(18, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "360p")); formats.put(22, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "720p")); formats.put(34, new Format("flv", "H264", "AAC", "360p")); formats.put(35, new Format("flv", "H264", "AAC", "480p")); formats.put(36, new Format("3gp", "H264", "AAC", "240p")); formats.put(37, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "1080p")); formats.put(38, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "3072p")); formats.put(43, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "360p")); formats.put(44, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "480p")); formats.put(45, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "720p")); formats.put(46, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "1080p")); formats.put(82, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "360p")); formats.put(83, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "240p")); formats.put(84, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "720p")); formats.put(85, new Format("mp4", "H264", "AAC", "520p")); formats.put(100, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "360p")); formats.put(101, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "360p")); formats.put(102, new Format("webm", "VP8", "Vorbis", "720p")); // dash video formats.put(133, new Format("m4v", "H264", "", "240p")); formats.put(134, new Format("m4v", "H264", "", "360p")); formats.put(135, new Format("m4v", "H264", "", "480p")); formats.put(136, new Format("m4v", "H264", "", "720p")); formats.put(137, new Format("m4v", "H264", "", "1080p")); // dash audio formats.put(139, new Format("m4a", "", "AAC", "48k")); formats.put(140, new Format("m4a", "", "AAC", "128k")); formats.put(141, new Format("m4a", "", "AAC", "256k")); return formats; } public static final class LinkInfo { private LinkInfo(String link, int fmt, String filename, long size, Date date, String videoId, String user, String channel, ThumbnailLinks thumbnails, Format format) { this.link = link; this.fmt = fmt; this.filename = filename; this.size = size; this.date = date; this.videoId = videoId; this.user = user; this.channel = channel; this.thumbnails = thumbnails; this.format = format; } public final String link; public final int fmt; public final String filename; public final long size; public final Date date; public final String videoId; public final String user; public final String channel; public final ThumbnailLinks thumbnails; public final Format format; } public static final class ThumbnailLinks { private ThumbnailLinks(String normal, String mq, String hq, String maxres) { this.normal = normal; this.mq = mq; this.hq = hq; this.maxres = maxres; } public final String normal; public final String mq; public final String hq; public final String maxres; } public static final class Format { private Format(String ext, String video, String audio, String quality) { this.ext = ext; this.video = video; this.audio = audio; this.quality = quality; } public final String ext; public final String video; public final String audio; public final String quality; } private static class LRUCacheMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> { private final int capacity; public LRUCacheMap(int capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; } @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) { return size() > capacity; } } }