package com.googlecode.mp4parser.contentprotection; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.piff.ProtectionSpecificHeader; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.UUID; /** * Specifications > Microsoft PlayReady Format Specification > 2. PlayReady Media Format > 2.7. ASF GUIDs * <p> * ASF_Protection_System_Identifier_Object * 9A04F079-9840-4286-AB92E65BE0885F95</p> * <p> * ASF_Content_Protection_System_Microsoft_PlayReady * F4637010-03C3-42CD-B932B48ADF3A6A54 </p> * <p> * ASF_StreamType_PlayReady_Encrypted_Command_Media * 8683973A-6639-463A-ABD764F1CE3EEAE0</p> * <p> * Specifications > Microsoft PlayReady Format Specification > 2. PlayReady Media Format > 2.5. Data Objects > 2.5.1. Payload Extension for AES in Counter Mode</p> * <p> * The sample Id is used as the IV in CTR mode. Block offset, starting at 0 and incremented by 1 after every 16 bytes, from the beginning of the sample is used as the Counter.</p> * <p> * The sample ID for each sample (media object) is stored as an ASF payload extension system with the ID of ASF_Payload_Extension_Encryption_SampleID = {6698B84E-0AFA-4330-AEB2-1C0A98D7A44D}. The payload extension can be stored as a fixed size extension of 8 bytes.</p> * <p> * The sample ID is always stored in big-endian byte order.</p> */ public class GenericHeader extends ProtectionSpecificHeader { public static UUID PROTECTION_SYSTEM_ID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); static { uuidRegistry.put(PROTECTION_SYSTEM_ID, GenericHeader.class); } ByteBuffer data; @Override public UUID getSystemId() { return PROTECTION_SYSTEM_ID; } @Override public void parse(ByteBuffer buffer) { data = buffer; } @Override public ByteBuffer getData() { return data; } }