/* * Created on Mar 21, 2006 3:09:00 PM * Copyright (C) Azureus Software, Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; //import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAnnounceURLList; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAnnounceURLListSet; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloader; //import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourceuploader.ResourceUploader; //import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; //import com.aelitis.net.magneturi.MagnetURIHandler; /** * @author TuxPaper * @created Mar 21, 2006 * */ public class UrlUtils { private static final ThreadPool connect_pool = new ThreadPool( "URLConnectWithTimeout", 8, true ); static{ connect_pool.setWarnWhenFull(); } private static final String[] prefixes = new String[] { "http://", "https://", "ftp://", "dht://", "magnet:?", "magnet://?", "maggot://" }; private static int MAGNETURL_STARTS_AT = 3; // dht:// is a form of magnet URL private static final Object[] XMLescapes = new Object[] { new String[] { "&", "&" }, new String[] { ">", ">" }, new String[] { "<", "<" }, new String[] { "\"", """ }, new String[] { "'", "'" }, }; public static String getMagnetURI( byte[] hash ) { return( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode( hash )); } public static String getMagnetURI( byte[] hash, String name, String[] networks ) { String magnet_uri = getMagnetURI( hash ); magnet_uri += encodeName( name ); magnet_uri += encodeNetworks( networks ); return( magnet_uri ); } private static String encodeName( String name ) { if ( name == null ){ return( "" ); }else{ return( "&dn=" + UrlUtils.encode(name)); } } private static String encodeNetworks( String[] networks ) { String net_str = ""; if ( networks != null && networks.length > 0 ){ for ( String net: networks ){ if ( net == AENetworkClassifier.AT_PUBLIC && networks.length == 1 ){ break; } net_str += "&net=" + net; } } return( net_str ); } /*public static String getMagnetURI( Download download ) { return( getMagnetURI( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download))); } public static String getMagnetURI( DownloadManager dm ) { if ( dm == null ){ return( null ); } TOTorrent to_torrent = dm.getTorrent(); if ( to_torrent == null ){ return( null ); } String name = dm.getDisplayName(); String magnet_uri = getMagnetURI( name, PluginCoreUtils.wrap( to_torrent )); String[] networks = dm.getDownloadState().getNetworks(); magnet_uri += encodeNetworks( networks ); return( magnet_uri ); } public static String getMagnetURI( String name, Torrent torrent ) { String magnet_str = getMagnetURI( torrent.getHash()); magnet_str += encodeName( name); List<String> tracker_urls = new ArrayList<String>(); URL announce_url = torrent.getAnnounceURL(); if ( announce_url != null ){ if ( !TorrentUtils.isDecentralised( announce_url )){ tracker_urls.add( announce_url.toExternalForm()); } } TorrentAnnounceURLList list = torrent.getAnnounceURLList(); TorrentAnnounceURLListSet[] sets = list.getSets(); for ( TorrentAnnounceURLListSet set: sets ){ URL[] set_urls = set.getURLs(); if ( set_urls.length > 0 ){ URL set_url = set_urls[0]; if ( !TorrentUtils.isDecentralised( set_url )){ String str = set_url.toExternalForm(); if ( !tracker_urls.contains( str )){ tracker_urls.add( str ); } } } } for ( String str: tracker_urls ){ magnet_str += "&tr=" + UrlUtils.encode( str ); } List<String> ws_urls = new ArrayList<String>(); Object obj = torrent.getAdditionalProperty( "url-list" ); if ( obj instanceof byte[] ){ try{ ws_urls.add( new URL( new String((byte[])obj, "UTF-8" )).toExternalForm()); }catch( Throwable e ){ } }else if ( obj instanceof List ){ for ( Object o: (List)obj ){ try{ if (o instanceof byte[]) { ws_urls.add( new URL( new String((byte[])o, "UTF-8" )).toExternalForm()); } else if (o instanceof String) { ws_urls.add( new URL((String) o).toExternalForm()); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } else if ( obj instanceof String ) { try{ ws_urls.add(new URL((String) obj).toExternalForm()); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } for ( String str: ws_urls ){ magnet_str += "&ws=" + UrlUtils.encode( str ); } return( magnet_str ); }*/ /** * returns magnet uri if input is base 32 or base 16 encoded sha1 hash, null otherwise * @param base_hash * @return */ public static String normaliseMagnetURI( String base_hash ) { byte[] hash = decodeSHA1Hash( base_hash ); if ( hash != null ){ return( getMagnetURI( hash )); } return( null ); } public static byte[] decodeSHA1Hash( String str ) { if ( str == null ){ return( null ); } str = str.trim(); byte[] hash = null; try{ if ( str.length() == 40 ){ hash = ByteFormatter.decodeString( str ); }else if ( str.length() == 32 ){ hash = Base32.decode( str ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } if ( hash != null ){ if ( hash.length != 20 ){ hash = null; } } return( hash ); } /** * test string for possibility that it's an URL. Considers 40 byte hex * strings as URLs * * @param sURL * @return */ public static boolean isURL(String sURL) { return parseTextForURL(sURL, true) != null; } public static boolean isURL(String sURL, boolean bGuess) { return parseTextForURL(sURL, true, bGuess) != null; } public static String parseTextForURL(String text, boolean accept_magnets) { return parseTextForURL(text, accept_magnets, true); } public static String getURL( String text ) { return( parseTextForURL(text, false, false )); } public static String parseTextForURL(String text, boolean accept_magnets, boolean guess) { if (text == null || text.length() < 5) { return null; } text = text.trim(); if ( text.startsWith( "azplug:" )){ return( text ); } String href = parseHTMLforURL(text); if (href != null) { return href; } try { text = text.trim(); text = URLDecoder.decode(text); } catch (Exception e) { // sometimes fires a IllegalArgumentException // catch everything and ignore. } String textLower; try { textLower = text.toLowerCase(); } catch (Throwable e) { textLower = text; } int max = accept_magnets ? prefixes.length : MAGNETURL_STARTS_AT; int end = -1; int start = textLower.length(); String strURL = null; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { final int testBegin = textLower.indexOf(prefixes[i]); if (testBegin >= 0 && testBegin < start) { end = text.indexOf("\n", testBegin + prefixes[i].length()); String strURLTest = (end >= 0) ? text.substring(testBegin, end - 1) : text.substring(testBegin); try { URL parsedURL = new URL(strURLTest); strURL = parsedURL.toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); if (i >= MAGNETURL_STARTS_AT) { strURL = strURLTest; } } } } if (strURL != null) { return strURL; } if (new File(text).exists()) { return null; } if (accept_magnets && (text.startsWith("bc://") || text.startsWith("bctp://"))) { return parseTextForMagnets(text); } // accept raw hash of 40 hex chars if (accept_magnets && text.matches("^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$")) { // convert from HEX to raw bytes byte[] infohash = ByteFormatter.decodeString(text.toUpperCase()); // convert to BASE32 return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode(infohash); } // accept raw hash of 32 base-32 chars if (accept_magnets && text.matches("^[a-zA-Z2-7]{32}$")) { return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + text; } // javascript:loadOrAlert('WVOPRHRPFSCLAW7UWHCXCH7QNQIU6TWG') // accept raw hash of 32 base-32 chars, with garbage around it if (accept_magnets && guess) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z2-7][a-zA-Z2-7]{32}[^a-zA-Z2-7]"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { String hash = text.substring(matcher.start() + 1, matcher.start() + 33); return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + hash; } pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]{40}[^a-fA-F0-9]"); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { String hash = text.substring(matcher.start() + 1, matcher.start() + 41); // convert from HEX to raw bytes byte[] infohash = ByteFormatter.decodeString(hash.toUpperCase()); // convert to BASE32 return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode(infohash); } } return null; } public static String parseTextForMagnets( String text ) { if (text.startsWith("magnet:") || text.startsWith( "maggot:" )){ return text; } // accept raw hash of 40 hex chars if (text.matches("^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$")) { // convert from HEX to raw bytes byte[] infohash = ByteFormatter.decodeString(text.toUpperCase()); // convert to BASE32 return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode(infohash); } // accept raw hash of 32 base-32 chars if (text.matches("^[a-zA-Z2-7]{32}$")) { return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + text; } Pattern pattern; Matcher matcher; pattern = Pattern.compile("magnet:\\?[a-z%0-9=_:&.]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.group(); } pattern = Pattern.compile("maggot://[a-z0-9]+:[a-z0-9]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.group(); } pattern = Pattern.compile("bc://bt/([a-z0-9=\\+/]+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(text.replaceAll(" ", "+")); if (matcher.find()) { String base64 = matcher.group(1); byte[] decode = Base64.decode(base64); if (decode != null && decode.length > 0) { // Format is AA/<name>/<size>/<hash>/ZZ try { String decodeString = new String(decode, "utf8"); pattern = Pattern.compile("AA.*/(.*)/ZZ", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(decodeString); if (matcher.find()) { String hash = matcher.group(1); String magnet = parseTextForMagnets(hash); if (magnet != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile("AA/(.*)/[0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(decodeString); if (matcher.find()) { String name = matcher.group(1); return magnet + "&dn=" + encode(name); } return magnet; } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } } pattern = Pattern.compile("bctp://task/(.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { // Format is <name>/<size>/<hash> String decodeString = matcher.group(1); String magnet = parseTextForMagnets(decodeString); if (magnet != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile("(.*)/[0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); matcher = pattern.matcher(decodeString); if (matcher.find()) { String name = matcher.group(1); return magnet + "&dn=" + encode(name); } return magnet; } } // accept raw hash of 32 base-32 chars, with garbage around it if (true) { text = "!" + text + "!"; pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z2-7][a-zA-Z2-7]{32}[^a-zA-Z2-7]"); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { String hash = text.substring(matcher.start() + 1, matcher.start() + 33); return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + hash; } pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]{40}[^a-fA-F0-9]"); matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { String hash = text.substring(matcher.start() + 1, matcher.start() + 41); // convert from HEX to raw bytes byte[] infohash = ByteFormatter.decodeString(hash.toUpperCase()); // convert to BASE32 return "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode(infohash); } } return( null ); } private static String parseHTMLforURL(String text) { if (text == null) { return null; } // examples: // <A HREF=http://abc.om/moo>test</a> // <A style=cow HREF="http://abc.om/moo">test</a> // <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html" target="_top">moo</a> Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("<.*a\\s++.*href=\"?([^\\'\"\\s>]++).*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = pat.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { String sURL = m.group(1); try { sURL = URLDecoder.decode(sURL); } catch (Exception e) { // sometimes fires a IllegalArgumentException // catch everything and ignore. } return sURL; } return null; } /*public static void main(String[] args) { MagnetURIHandler.getSingleton(); byte[] infohash = ByteFormatter.decodeString("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"); String[] test = { "http://moo.com", "http%3A%2F/moo%2Ecom", "magnet:?moo", "magnet%3A%3Fxt=urn:btih:26", "magnet%3A//%3Fmooo", "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + Base32.encode(infohash), "aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccdddddddddd", "magnet:?dn=OpenOffice.org_2.0.3_Win32Intel_install.exe&xt=urn:sha1:PEMIGLKMNFI4HZ4CCHZNPKZJNMAAORKN&xt=urn:tree:tiger:JMIJVWHCQUX47YYH7O4XIBCORNU2KYKHBBC6DHA&xt=urn:ed2k:1c0804541f34b6583a383bb8f2cec682&xl=96793015&xs=http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/OpenOffice/stable/2.0.3/OOo_2.0.3_Win32Intel_install.exe", }; for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) { System.out.println("URLDecoder.decode: " + test[i] + " -> " + URLDecoder.decode(test[i])); System.out.println("decode: " + test[i] + " -> " + decode(test[i])); System.out.println("isURL: " + test[i] + " -> " + isURL(test[i])); System.out.println("parse: " + test[i] + " -> " + parseTextForURL(test[i], true)); } String[] testEncode = { "a b" }; for (int i = 0; i < testEncode.length; i++) { String txt = testEncode[i]; try { System.out.println("URLEncoder.encode: " + txt + " -> " + URLEncoder.encode(txt, "UTF8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } System.out.println("URLEncoder.encode: " + txt + " -> " + URLEncoder.encode(txt)); System.out.println("encode: " + txt + " -> " + encode(txt)); } }*/ /** * Like URLEncoder.encode, except translates spaces into %20 instead of + * @param s * @return */ public static String encode(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } try { return URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return URLEncoder.encode(s).replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } } public static String decode(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } try { return( URLDecoder.decode(s, "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return( URLDecoder.decode(s)); } } public static String escapeXML(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } String ret = s; for (int i = 0; i < XMLescapes.length; i++) { String[] escapeEntry = (String[])XMLescapes[i]; ret = ret.replaceAll(escapeEntry[0], escapeEntry[1]); } return ret; } public static String unescapeXML(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } String ret = s; for (int i = 0; i < XMLescapes.length; i++) { String[] escapeEntry = (String[])XMLescapes[i]; ret = ret.replaceAll(escapeEntry[1], escapeEntry[0]); } return ret; } public static String convertIPV6Host( String host ) { if ( host.indexOf(':') != -1 ){ return( "[" + host + "]" ); } return( host ); } public static String expandIPV6Host( String host ) { if ( host.indexOf(':') != -1 ){ try{ return( InetAddress.getByAddress(InetAddress.getByName( host ).getAddress()).getHostAddress()); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } return( host ); } public static void connectWithTimeout( final URLConnection connection, long connect_timeout ) throws IOException { connectWithTimeouts( connection, connect_timeout, -1 ); } public static void connectWithTimeouts( final URLConnection connection, long connect_timeout, long read_timeout ) throws IOException { if ( connect_timeout != -1 ){ connection.setConnectTimeout( (int)connect_timeout ); } if ( read_timeout != -1 ){ connection.setReadTimeout( (int)read_timeout ); } connection.connect(); } //private static String last_headers = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter( "metasearch.web.last.headers", null ); // private static final String default_headers = "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"; private static final String default_headers = "QWNjZXB0OiB0ZXh0L2h0bWwsYXBwbGljYXRpb24veGh0bWwreG1sLGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3htbDtxPTAuOSwqLyo7cT0wLjgKQWNjZXB0LUNoYXJzZXQ6IElTTy04ODU5LTEsdXRmLTg7cT0wLjcsKjtxPTAuMwpBY2NlcHQtRW5jb2Rpbmc6IGd6aXAsZGVmbGF0ZQpBY2NlcHQtTGFuZ3VhZ2U6IGVuLVVTLGVuO3E9MC44CkNhY2hlLUNvbnRyb2w6IG1heC1hZ2U9MApDb25uZWN0aW9uOiBrZWVwLWFsaXZlClVzZXItQWdlbnQ6IE1vemlsbGEvNS4wIChXaW5kb3dzIE5UIDYuMTsgV09XNjQpIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0LzUzNi4xMSAoS0hUTUwsIGxpa2UgR2Vja28pIENocm9tZS8yMC4wLjExMzIuNDcgU2FmYXJpLzUzNi4xMQ=="; /*public static void setBrowserHeaders( ResourceDownloader rd, String referer ) { setBrowserHeaders( rd, null, referer ); } public static void setBrowserHeaders( ResourceDownloader rd, String encoded_headers, String referer ) { String headers_to_use = getBrowserHeadersToUse( encoded_headers ); try{ String header_string = new String( Base64.decode( headers_to_use ), "UTF-8" ); String[] headers = header_string.split( "\n" ); for (int i=0;i<headers.length;i++ ){ String header = headers[i]; int pos = header.indexOf( ':' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ String lhs = header.substring(0,pos).trim(); String rhs = header.substring(pos+1).trim(); if ( !( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Host") || lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Referer" ))){ rd.setProperty( "URL_" + lhs, rhs ); } } } if ( referer != null && referer.length() > 0 ){ rd.setProperty( "URL_Referer", referer ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } public static void setBrowserHeaders( ResourceUploader ru, String encoded_headers, String referer ) { String headers_to_use = getBrowserHeadersToUse( encoded_headers ); try{ String header_string = new String( Base64.decode( headers_to_use ), "UTF-8" ); String[] headers = header_string.split( "\n" ); for (int i=0;i<headers.length;i++ ){ String header = headers[i]; int pos = header.indexOf( ':' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ String lhs = header.substring(0,pos).trim(); String rhs = header.substring(pos+1).trim(); if ( !( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Host") || lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Referer" ))){ ru.setProperty( "URL_" + lhs, rhs ); } } } if ( referer != null && referer.length() > 0 ){ ru.setProperty( "URL_Referer", referer ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } public static void setBrowserHeaders( URLConnection connection, String referer ) { setBrowserHeaders( connection, null, referer ); } public static void setBrowserHeaders( URLConnection connection, String encoded_headers, String referer ) { String headers_to_use = getBrowserHeadersToUse( encoded_headers ); try{ String header_string = new String( Base64.decode( headers_to_use ), "UTF-8" ); String[] headers = header_string.split( "\n" ); for (int i=0;i<headers.length;i++ ){ String header = headers[i]; int pos = header.indexOf( ':' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ String lhs = header.substring(0,pos).trim(); String rhs = header.substring(pos+1).trim(); if ( !( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Host") || lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Referer" ))){ connection.setRequestProperty( lhs, rhs ); } } } if ( referer != null && referer.length() > 0 ){ connection.setRequestProperty( "Referer", referer ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } public static Map getBrowserHeaders( String referer ) { String headers_to_use = getBrowserHeadersToUse( null ); Map result = new HashMap(); try{ String header_string = new String( Base64.decode( headers_to_use ), "UTF-8" ); String[] headers = header_string.split( "\n" ); for (int i=0;i<headers.length;i++ ){ String header = headers[i]; int pos = header.indexOf( ':' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ String lhs = header.substring(0,pos).trim(); String rhs = header.substring(pos+1).trim(); if ( !( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Host") || lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "Referer" ))){ result.put( lhs, rhs ); } } } if ( referer != null && referer.length() > 0){ result.put( "Referer", referer ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } return( result ); } private static String getBrowserHeadersToUse( String encoded_headers ) { String headers_to_use = encoded_headers; synchronized( UrlUtils.class ){ if ( headers_to_use == null ){ if ( last_headers != null ){ headers_to_use = last_headers; }else{ headers_to_use = default_headers; } }else{ if ( last_headers == null || !headers_to_use.equals( last_headers )){ COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "metasearch.web.last.headers", headers_to_use ); } last_headers = headers_to_use; } } return( headers_to_use ); }*/ public static boolean queryHasParameter(String query_string, String param_name, boolean case_sensitive) { if (!case_sensitive) { query_string = query_string.toLowerCase(); param_name = param_name.toLowerCase(); } if (query_string.charAt(0) == '?') { query_string = '&' + query_string.substring(1); } else if (query_string.charAt(0) != '&') { query_string = '&' + query_string; } return query_string.indexOf("&" + param_name + "=") != -1; } public static boolean containsPasskey( URL url ) { String url_str = url.toExternalForm(); return( url_str.matches(".*[0-9a-z]{20,40}.*")); } public static URL setPort( URL u, int port ) { if ( port == -1 ){ port = u.getDefaultPort(); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(u.getProtocol()); result.append(":"); String authority=u.getAuthority(); if (authority != null && authority.length() > 0) { result.append("//"); int pos = authority.indexOf( '@' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos+1)); authority = authority.substring(pos+1); } pos = authority.lastIndexOf(':'); if ( pos == -1 ){ if ( port > 0 ){ result.append(authority + ":" + port ); }else{ result.append(authority); } }else{ if ( port > 0 ){ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos+1) + port ); }else{ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos)); } } } if (u.getPath() != null) { result.append(u.getPath()); } if (u.getQuery() != null) { result.append('?'); result.append(u.getQuery()); } if (u.getRef() != null) { result.append("#"); result.append(u.getRef()); } try{ return( new URL( result.toString())); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); return(u); } } public static URL setHost( URL u, String host ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(u.getProtocol()); result.append(":"); String authority=u.getAuthority(); if (authority != null && authority.length() > 0) { result.append("//"); int pos = authority.indexOf( '@' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos+1)); authority = authority.substring(pos+1); } pos = authority.lastIndexOf(':'); if ( pos == -1 ){ result.append(host ); }else{ result.append(host + authority.substring(pos)); } } if (u.getPath() != null) { result.append(u.getPath()); } if (u.getQuery() != null) { result.append('?'); result.append(u.getQuery()); } if (u.getRef() != null) { result.append("#"); result.append(u.getRef()); } try{ return( new URL( result.toString())); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); return(u); } } public static URL setProtocol( URL u, String protocol ) { String str = u.toExternalForm(); int pos = str.indexOf( ":" ); try{ return( new URL( protocol + str.substring( pos ))); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); return( u ); } } public static URL getBaseURL( URL u ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(u.getProtocol()); result.append(":"); String authority=u.getAuthority(); if (authority != null && authority.length() > 0) { result.append("//"); int pos = authority.indexOf( '@' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos+1)); authority = authority.substring(pos+1); } pos = authority.lastIndexOf(':'); int port = u.getPort(); if ( port == -1 ){ port = u.getDefaultPort(); } if ( pos == -1 ){ result.append(authority + ":" + port ); }else{ result.append(authority.substring(0,pos+1) + port ); } } try{ return( new URL( result.toString())); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); return(u); } } public static String getCanonicalString( URL url ) { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if ( !protocol.equals( protocol.toLowerCase( Locale.US ))){ protocol = protocol.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); url = UrlUtils.setProtocol( url, protocol ); } int port = url.getPort(); if ( protocol.equals( "http" ) || protocol.equals( "https" )){ if ( port == url.getDefaultPort()){ url = UrlUtils.setPort( url, 0 ); } }else{ if ( port == -1 ){ url = UrlUtils.setPort( url, url.getDefaultPort()); } } return( url.toString()); } public static long getContentLength( URLConnection con ) { long res = con.getContentLength(); if ( res == -1 ){ try{ String str = con.getHeaderField( "content-length" ); if ( str != null ){ res = Long.parseLong( str ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } return( res ); } }