/* * Created on Nov 9, 2007 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) Azureus Software, Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; import java.util.LinkedList; public abstract class AEThread2 { public static final boolean TRACE_TIMES = false; private static final int MIN_RETAINED = Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(),2); private static final int MAX_RETAINED = Math.max(MIN_RETAINED*4, 16); private static final int THREAD_TIMEOUT_CHECK_PERIOD = 10*1000; private static final int THREAD_TIMEOUT = 60*1000; private static final LinkedList daemon_threads = new LinkedList(); private static final class JoinLock { volatile boolean released = false; } private static long last_timeout_check; private static long total_starts; private static long total_creates; private threadWrapper wrapper; private String name; private boolean daemon; private int priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; private volatile JoinLock lock = new JoinLock(); public AEThread2( String _name ) { this( _name, true ); } public AEThread2( String _name, boolean _daemon ) { name = _name; daemon = _daemon; } /** * multiple invocations of start() are possible, but discouraged if combined * with other thread operations such as interrupt() or join() */ public void start() { JoinLock currentLock = lock; JoinLock newLock; synchronized (currentLock) { // create new lock in case this is a restart, all old .join()s will be locked on the old thread and thus released by the old thread if(currentLock.released) newLock = lock = new JoinLock(); else newLock = currentLock; } if ( daemon ){ synchronized( daemon_threads ){ total_starts++; if ( daemon_threads.isEmpty()){ total_creates++; wrapper = new threadWrapper( name, true ); }else{ wrapper = (threadWrapper)daemon_threads.removeLast(); wrapper.setName( name ); } } }else{ wrapper = new threadWrapper( name, false ); } if ( priority != wrapper.getPriority() ){ wrapper.setPriority( priority ); } wrapper.currentLock = newLock; wrapper.start( this, name ); } public void setPriority( int _priority ) { priority = _priority; if ( wrapper != null ){ wrapper.setPriority( priority ); } } public void setName( String s ) { name = s; if ( wrapper != null ){ wrapper.setName( name ); } } public String getName() { return( name ); } public void interrupt() { if ( wrapper == null ){ throw new IllegalStateException( "Interrupted before started!" ); }else{ wrapper.interrupt(); } } public boolean isAlive() { return wrapper == null ? false : wrapper.isAlive(); } public boolean isCurrentThread() { return( wrapper == Thread.currentThread()); } public String toString() { if ( wrapper == null ){ return( name + " [daemon=" + daemon + ",priority=" + priority + "]" ); }else{ return( wrapper.toString()); } } public abstract void run(); public static boolean isOurThread( Thread thread ) { return( AEThread.isOurThread( thread )); } public static void setOurThread() { AEThread.setOurThread(); } public static void setOurThread( Thread thread ) { AEThread.setOurThread( thread ); } public static void setDebug( Object debug ) { Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); if ( current instanceof threadWrapper ){ ((threadWrapper)current).setDebug( debug ); } } /** * entry 0 is debug object, 1 is Long mono-time it was set * @param t * @return */ public static Object[] getDebug( Thread t ) { if ( t instanceof threadWrapper ){ return(((threadWrapper)t).getDebug()); } return( null ); } protected static class threadWrapper extends Thread { private AESemaphore2 sem; private AEThread2 target; private JoinLock currentLock; private long last_active_time; private Object[] debug; protected threadWrapper( String name, boolean daemon ) { super( name ); setDaemon( daemon ); } public void run() { while( true ){ synchronized( currentLock ){ try{ if ( TRACE_TIMES ){ long start_time = SystemTime.getHighPrecisionCounter(); long start_cpu = AEJavaManagement.getThreadCPUTime(); try{ target.run(); }finally{ long time_diff = ( SystemTime.getHighPrecisionCounter() - start_time )/1000000; long cpu_diff = ( AEJavaManagement.getThreadCPUTime() - start_cpu ) / 1000000; if ( cpu_diff > 10 || time_diff > 10 ){ System.out.println( TimeFormatter.milliStamp() + ": Thread: " + target.getName() + ": " + cpu_diff + "/" + time_diff ); } } }else{ target.run(); } }catch( Throwable e ){ DebugLight.printStackTrace(e); }finally{ target = null; debug = null; currentLock.released = true; currentLock.notifyAll(); } } if ( isInterrupted() || !Thread.currentThread().isDaemon()){ break; }else{ synchronized( daemon_threads ){ last_active_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( last_active_time < last_timeout_check || last_active_time - last_timeout_check > THREAD_TIMEOUT_CHECK_PERIOD ){ last_timeout_check = last_active_time; while( daemon_threads.size() > 0 && daemon_threads.size() > MIN_RETAINED ){ threadWrapper thread = (threadWrapper)daemon_threads.getFirst(); long thread_time = thread.last_active_time; if ( last_active_time < thread_time || last_active_time - thread_time > THREAD_TIMEOUT ){ daemon_threads.removeFirst(); thread.retire(); }else{ break; } } } if ( daemon_threads.size() >= MAX_RETAINED ){ return; } daemon_threads.addLast( this ); setName( "AEThread2:parked[" + daemon_threads.size() + "]" ); // System.out.println( "AEThread2: queue=" + daemon_threads.size() + ",creates=" + total_creates + ",starts=" + total_starts ); } sem.reserve(); if ( target == null ){ break; } } } } protected void start( AEThread2 _target, String _name ) { target = _target; setName( _name ); if ( sem == null ){ sem = new AESemaphore2( "AEThread2" ); super.start(); }else{ sem.release(); } } protected void retire() { sem.release(); } protected void setDebug( Object d ) { debug = new Object[]{ d, SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() }; } protected Object[] getDebug() { return( debug ); } } public void join() { JoinLock currentLock = lock; // sync lock will be blocked by the thread synchronized( currentLock ){ // wait in case the thread is not running yet while (!currentLock.released ){ try{ currentLock.wait(); }catch( InterruptedException e ){ } } } } }