/* * Created on Apr 16, 2004 Created by Alon Rohter * Copyright (C) Azureus Software, Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * Utility class to retrieve current system time, and catch clock backward time * changes. */ public class SystemTime { public static final long TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS = 25; //internal update time ms private static final int STEPS_PER_SECOND = (int) (1000 / TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS); private static SystemTimeProvider instance; // can't do that without some safeguarding code. // monotime does guarantee that time neither goes backwards nor performs leaps into the future. // the HPC doesn't jump backward but can jump forward in time private static final boolean SOD_IT_LETS_USE_HPC = false;// = Constants.isCVSVersion(); private static volatile List<TickConsumer> systemTimeConsumers = new ArrayList<TickConsumer>(); private static volatile List<TickConsumer> monotoneTimeConsumers = new ArrayList<TickConsumer>(); private static volatile List<ChangeListener> clock_change_list = new ArrayList<ChangeListener>(); //private static long hpc_base_time; //private static long hpc_last_time; //private static boolean no_hcp_logged; static { try { if (System.getProperty("azureus.time.use.raw.provider", "0").equals("1")) { System.out.println("Warning: Using Raw Provider"); instance = new RawProvider(); } else { instance = new SteppedProvider(); } } catch (Throwable e) { // might be in applet... instance = new SteppedProvider(); } } public static void useRawProvider() { if (!(instance instanceof RawProvider)) { Debug.out( "Whoa, someone already created a non-raw provider!" ); instance = new RawProvider(); } } protected interface SystemTimeProvider { public long getTime(); public long getMonoTime(); public long getSteppedMonoTime(); } private static class SteppedProvider implements SystemTimeProvider { private static final long HPC_START = getHighPrecisionCounter()/1000000L; private final Thread updater; private volatile long stepped_time; private volatile long currentTimeOffset = System.currentTimeMillis(); private AtomicLong last_approximate_time = new AtomicLong(); //private volatile long last_approximate_time; private volatile int access_count; private volatile int slice_access_count; private volatile int access_average_per_slice; private volatile int drift_adjusted_granularity; private volatile long stepped_mono_time; private SteppedProvider() { // System.out.println("SystemTime: using stepped time provider"); stepped_time = 0; updater = new Thread("SystemTime") { public void run() { long adjustedTimeOffset = currentTimeOffset; // these averages rely on monotone time, thus won't be affected by system time changes final Average access_average = Average.getInstance(1000, 10); final Average drift_average = Average.getInstance(1000, 10); long lastOffset = adjustedTimeOffset; long lastSecond = -1000; int tick_count = 0; while (true) { final long rawTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* * keep the monotone time in sync with the raw system * time, for this we need to know the offset of the * current time to the system time */ long newMonotoneTime = rawTime - adjustedTimeOffset; long delta = newMonotoneTime - stepped_time; /* * unless the system time jumps, then we just guess the * time that has passed and adjust the update, so that * the next round can be in sync with the system time * again */ if (delta < 0 || delta > 1000) { /* * jump occured, update monotone time offset, but * not the current time one, that only happens every * second */ stepped_time += TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS; adjustedTimeOffset = rawTime - stepped_time; } else { // time is good, keep it stepped_time = newMonotoneTime; } tick_count++; long change; if ( tick_count == STEPS_PER_SECOND ){ change = adjustedTimeOffset - lastOffset; if ( change != 0 ){ Iterator<ChangeListener> it = clock_change_list.iterator(); //Debug.outNoStack("Clock change of " + change + " ms detected, raw=" + rawTime ); while (it.hasNext()){ try{ it.next().clockChangeDetected( rawTime, change ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } lastOffset = adjustedTimeOffset; currentTimeOffset = adjustedTimeOffset; } // averaging magic to estimate the amount of time that passes between each getTime invocation long drift = stepped_time - lastSecond - 1000; lastSecond = stepped_time; drift_average.addValue(drift); drift_adjusted_granularity = (int) (TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS + (drift_average.getAverage() / STEPS_PER_SECOND)); access_average.addValue(access_count); access_average_per_slice = (int) (access_average.getAverage() / STEPS_PER_SECOND); //System.out.println( "access count = " + access_count + ", average = " + access_average.getAverage() + ", per slice = " + access_average_per_slice + ", drift = " + drift +", average = " + drift_average.getAverage() + ", dag =" + drift_adjusted_granularity ); access_count = 0; tick_count = 0; }else{ change = 0; } slice_access_count = 0; stepped_mono_time = stepped_time; long adjustedTime = stepped_time + currentTimeOffset; if ( change != 0 ){ Iterator<ChangeListener> it = clock_change_list.iterator(); //Debug.outNoStack("Clock change of " + change + " ms completed, curr=" + adjustedTime ); while (it.hasNext()){ try{ it.next().clockChangeCompleted( adjustedTime, change ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } // copy reference since we use unsynced COW semantics List<TickConsumer> consumersRef = monotoneTimeConsumers; for (int i = 0; i < consumersRef.size(); i++) { TickConsumer cons = consumersRef.get(i); try { cons.consume(stepped_time); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } /* * notify consumers with the external offset, internal * offset is only meant for updates */ consumersRef = systemTimeConsumers; for (int i = 0; i < consumersRef.size(); i++) { TickConsumer cons = consumersRef.get(i); try { cons.consume(adjustedTime); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } try { Thread.sleep(TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } }; updater.setDaemon(true); // we don't want this thread to lag much as it'll stuff up the upload/download rate mechanisms (for example) updater.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); updater.start(); } public long getTime() { return getMonoTime() + currentTimeOffset; } public long getMonoTime() { if ( SOD_IT_LETS_USE_HPC ){ return( ( getHighPrecisionCounter()/1000000) - HPC_START ); }else{ long adjusted_time; long averageSliceStep = access_average_per_slice; if (averageSliceStep > 0) { long sliceStep = (drift_adjusted_granularity * slice_access_count) / averageSliceStep; if (sliceStep >= drift_adjusted_granularity) { sliceStep = drift_adjusted_granularity - 1; } adjusted_time = sliceStep + stepped_time; } else adjusted_time = stepped_time; access_count++; slice_access_count++; // make sure we don't go backwards and our reference value for going backwards doesn't go backwards either long approxBuffered = last_approximate_time.get(); if (adjusted_time < approxBuffered) adjusted_time = approxBuffered; else last_approximate_time.compareAndSet(approxBuffered, adjusted_time); return adjusted_time; } } public long getSteppedMonoTime() { if ( SOD_IT_LETS_USE_HPC ){ return( getHighPrecisionCounter()/1000000 ); }else{ return( stepped_mono_time ); } } } private static class RawProvider implements SystemTimeProvider { //private static final int STEPS_PER_SECOND = (int) (1000 / TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS); private final Thread updater; private RawProvider() { System.out.println("SystemTime: using raw time provider"); updater = new Thread("SystemTime") { long last_time; public void run() { while (true) { long current_time = getTime(); long change; if ( last_time != 0 ){ long offset = current_time - last_time; if (offset < 0 || offset > 5000){ change = offset; // clock's changed Iterator<ChangeListener> it = clock_change_list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ try{ it.next().clockChangeDetected(current_time, change); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } }else{ change = 0; } }else{ change = 0; } last_time = current_time; if ( change != 0 ){ Iterator<ChangeListener> it = clock_change_list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ try{ it.next().clockChangeCompleted(current_time, change); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } List consumer_list_ref = systemTimeConsumers; for (int i = 0; i < consumer_list_ref.size(); i++) { TickConsumer cons = (TickConsumer) consumer_list_ref.get(i); try { cons.consume(current_time); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } consumer_list_ref = monotoneTimeConsumers; long mono_time = getMonoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < consumer_list_ref.size(); i++) { TickConsumer cons = (TickConsumer) consumer_list_ref.get(i); try { cons.consume(mono_time); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } try { Thread.sleep(TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } }; updater.setDaemon(true); // we don't want this thread to lag much as it'll stuff up the upload/download rate mechanisms (for example) updater.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); updater.start(); } public long getTime() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * This implementation does not guarantee monotonous time increases with * 100% accuracy as the adjustedTimeOffset is only adjusted every * TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS */ public long getMonoTime() { return getHighPrecisionCounter()/1000000; } public long getSteppedMonoTime() { return getMonoTime(); } } /** * Note that this can this time can jump into the future or past due to * clock adjustments use getMonotonousTime() if you need steady increases * * @return current system time in millisecond since epoch */ public static long getCurrentTime() { return (instance.getTime()); } /** * Time that is guaranteed to grow monotonously and also ignores larger * jumps into the future which might be caused by adjusting the system clock<br> * <br> * * <b>Do not mix times retrieved by this method with normal time!</b> * * @return the amount of real time passed since the program start in * milliseconds */ public static long getMonotonousTime() { return instance.getMonoTime(); } /** * Like getMonotonousTime but only updated at TIME_GRANULARITY_MILLIS intervals (not interpolated) * As such it is likely to be cheaper to obtain * @return */ public static long getSteppedMonotonousTime() { return instance.getSteppedMonoTime(); } public static long getOffsetTime(long offsetMS) { return instance.getTime() + offsetMS; } public static void registerConsumer(TickConsumer c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(systemTimeConsumers); new_list.add(c); systemTimeConsumers = new_list; } } public static void unregisterConsumer(TickConsumer c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(systemTimeConsumers); new_list.remove(c); systemTimeConsumers = new_list; } } public static void registerMonotonousConsumer(TickConsumer c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(monotoneTimeConsumers); new_list.add(c); monotoneTimeConsumers = new_list; } } public static void unregisterMonotonousConsumer(TickConsumer c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(monotoneTimeConsumers); new_list.remove(c); monotoneTimeConsumers = new_list; } } public static void registerClockChangeListener(ChangeListener c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(clock_change_list); new_list.add(c); clock_change_list = new_list; } } public static void unregisterClockChangeListener(ChangeListener c) { synchronized (instance) { List new_list = new ArrayList(clock_change_list); new_list.remove(c); clock_change_list = new_list; } } public interface TickConsumer { public void consume(long current_time); } public interface ChangeListener { /** * Called before the change becomes visible to getCurrentTime callers * @param current_time * @param change_millis */ public void clockChangeDetected(long current_time, long change_millis); /** * Called after the change is visible to getCurrentTime callers * @param current_time * @param change_millis */ public void clockChangeCompleted(long current_time, long change_millis); } public static long getHighPrecisionCounter() { return( System.nanoTime()); } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { //final int f_i = i; new Thread() { public void run() { /* * Average access_average = Average.getInstance( 1000, 10 ); * * long last = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); * * int count = 0; * * while( true ){ * * long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); * * long diff = now - last; * * System.out.println( "diff=" + diff ); * * last = now; * * access_average.addValue( diff ); * * count++; * * if ( count == 33 ){ * * System.out.println( "AVERAGE " + f_i + " = " + * access_average.getAverage()); * * count = 0; } * * try{ Thread.sleep( 3 ); * * }catch( Throwable e ){ } } */ long cstart = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); long mstart = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); System.out.println("alter system clock to see differences between monotonous and current time"); long cLastRound = cstart; long mLastRound = mstart; while (true) { long mnow = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); long cnow = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); //if(mLastRound > mnow) System.out.println("current: " + (cnow - cstart) + " monotonous:" + (mnow - mstart) + " delta current:" + (cnow - cLastRound) + " delta monotonous:" + (mnow - mLastRound)); cLastRound = cnow; mLastRound = mnow; try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (Throwable e) {} } } }.start(); } } }