package com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.samples; import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.*; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.Sample; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.SampleImpl; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.List; import static com.googlecode.mp4parser.util.CastUtils.l2i; /** * Created by sannies on 25.05.13. */ public class DefaultMp4SampleList extends AbstractList<Sample> { Container topLevel; TrackBox trackBox = null; SoftReference<ByteBuffer>[] cache = null; int[] chunkNumsStartSampleNum; long[] chunkOffsets; int[] chunkSizes; SampleSizeBox ssb; public DefaultMp4SampleList(long track, Container topLevel) { this.topLevel = topLevel; MovieBox movieBox = topLevel.getBoxes(MovieBox.class).get(0); List<TrackBox> trackBoxes = movieBox.getBoxes(TrackBox.class); for (TrackBox tb : trackBoxes) { if (tb.getTrackHeaderBox().getTrackId() == track) { trackBox = tb; } } if (trackBox == null) { throw new RuntimeException("This MP4 does not contain track " + track); } chunkOffsets = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getChunkOffsetBox().getChunkOffsets(); chunkSizes = new int[chunkOffsets.length]; cache = (SoftReference<ByteBuffer>[]) Array.newInstance(SoftReference.class, chunkOffsets.length ); ssb = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleSizeBox(); List<SampleToChunkBox.Entry> s2chunkEntries = trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleToChunkBox().getEntries(); SampleToChunkBox.Entry[] entries = s2chunkEntries.toArray(new SampleToChunkBox.Entry[s2chunkEntries.size()]); int s2cIndex = 0; SampleToChunkBox.Entry next = entries[s2cIndex++]; int currentChunkNo = 0; int currentSamplePerChunk = 0; long nextFirstChunk = next.getFirstChunk(); int nextSamplePerChunk = l2i(next.getSamplesPerChunk()); int currentSampleNo = 1; int lastSampleNo = size(); do { currentChunkNo++; if (currentChunkNo == nextFirstChunk) { currentSamplePerChunk = nextSamplePerChunk; if (entries.length > s2cIndex) { next = entries[s2cIndex++]; nextSamplePerChunk = l2i(next.getSamplesPerChunk()); nextFirstChunk = next.getFirstChunk(); } else { nextSamplePerChunk = -1; nextFirstChunk = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } } while ((currentSampleNo += currentSamplePerChunk) <= lastSampleNo); chunkNumsStartSampleNum = new int[currentChunkNo + 1]; // reset of algorithm s2cIndex = 0; next = entries[s2cIndex++]; currentChunkNo = 0; currentSamplePerChunk = 0; nextFirstChunk = next.getFirstChunk(); nextSamplePerChunk = l2i(next.getSamplesPerChunk()); currentSampleNo = 1; do { chunkNumsStartSampleNum[currentChunkNo++] = currentSampleNo; if (currentChunkNo == nextFirstChunk) { currentSamplePerChunk = nextSamplePerChunk; if (entries.length > s2cIndex) { next = entries[s2cIndex++]; nextSamplePerChunk = l2i(next.getSamplesPerChunk()); nextFirstChunk = next.getFirstChunk(); } else { nextSamplePerChunk = -1; nextFirstChunk = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } } while ((currentSampleNo += currentSamplePerChunk) <= lastSampleNo); chunkNumsStartSampleNum[currentChunkNo] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; currentChunkNo=0; for (int i = 1; i<= ssb.getSampleCount(); i++) { if (i == chunkNumsStartSampleNum[currentChunkNo]) { currentChunkNo++; } chunkSizes[currentChunkNo-1] += ssb.getSampleSizeAtIndex(i-1); } } int lastChunk = 0; synchronized int getChunkForSample(int index) { int sampleNum = index + 1; // we always look for the next chunk in the last one to make linear access fast if (sampleNum >= chunkNumsStartSampleNum[lastChunk] && sampleNum < chunkNumsStartSampleNum[lastChunk + 1]) { return lastChunk; } else if (sampleNum < chunkNumsStartSampleNum[lastChunk]) { // we could search backwards but i don't believe there is much backward linear access // I'd then rather suspect a start from scratch lastChunk = 0; while (chunkNumsStartSampleNum[lastChunk + 1] <= sampleNum) { lastChunk++; } return lastChunk; } else { lastChunk += 1; while (chunkNumsStartSampleNum[lastChunk + 1] <= sampleNum) { lastChunk++; } return lastChunk; } } @Override public Sample get(int index) { if (index >= ssb.getSampleCount()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } int currentChunkNoZeroBased = getChunkForSample(index); int currentSampleNo = chunkNumsStartSampleNum[currentChunkNoZeroBased]; long offset = chunkOffsets[l2i(currentChunkNoZeroBased)]; ByteBuffer chunk = cache[l2i(currentChunkNoZeroBased)]!=null?cache[l2i(currentChunkNoZeroBased)].get():null; if (chunk == null) { try { chunk = topLevel.getByteBuffer(offset, chunkSizes[l2i(currentChunkNoZeroBased)] ); cache[l2i(currentChunkNoZeroBased)] = new SoftReference<ByteBuffer>(chunk); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(e.getMessage()); } } int offsetWithinChunk = 0; while (currentSampleNo < index + 1) { offsetWithinChunk += ssb.getSampleSizeAtIndex((currentSampleNo++) - 1); } final long sampleSize = ssb.getSampleSizeAtIndex(currentSampleNo - 1); return new SampleImpl(offsetWithinChunk, sampleSize, (ByteBuffer) ((ByteBuffer)chunk.position(offsetWithinChunk)).slice().limit(l2i(sampleSize))); } @Override public int size() { return l2i(trackBox.getSampleTableBox().getSampleSizeBox().getSampleCount()); } }