/* * Created on May 6, 2008 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2008 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.browser.listener; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManagerAdapter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManagerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInitializer; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Utils; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.TorrentOpener; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.cnetwork.ContentNetwork; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.cnetwork.ContentNetworkManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.custom.CustomizationManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.messenger.browser.BrowserMessage; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.messenger.browser.listeners.AbstractBrowserMessageListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.ExternalLoginListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.ExternalLoginWindow; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.CookieParser; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.WebEngine; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.Subscription; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionDownloadListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionHistory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionResult; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFile; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFileComponent; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFileHandler; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.browser.OpenCloseSearchDetailsListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.views.skin.TorrentListViewsUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.ConstantsVuze; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.JSONUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.UrlFilter; public class MetaSearchListener extends AbstractBrowserMessageListener { public static final String LISTENER_ID = "metasearch"; public static final String OP_SEARCH = "search"; public static final String OP_GET_ENGINES = "get-engines"; public static final String OP_GET_ALL_ENGINES = "get-all-engines"; public static final String OP_ENGINE_PREFERRED = "engine-preferred"; public static final String OP_CHANGE_ENGINE_SELECTION = "change-engine-selection"; public static final String OP_SET_SELECTED_ENGINES = "set-selected-engines"; public static final String OP_GET_AUTO_MODE = "get-auto-mode"; public static final String OP_SAVE_TEMPLATE = "save-template"; public static final String OP_LOAD_TEMPLATE = "load-template"; public static final String OP_DELETE_TEMPLATE = "delete-template"; public static final String OP_TEST_TEMPLATE = "test-template"; public static final String OP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE = "export-template"; public static final String OP_IMPORT_TEMPLATE = "import-template"; public static final String OP_OPEN_SEARCH_RESULTS = "open-search-results"; public static final String OP_CLOSE_SEARCH_RESULTS = "close-search-results"; public static final String OP_LOAD_TORRENT = "load-torrent"; public static final String OP_HAS_LOAD_TORRENT = "has-load-torrent"; public static final String OP_ENGINE_LOGIN = "engine-login"; public static final String OP_GET_LOGIN_COOKIES = "get-login-cookies"; public static final String OP_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION = "create-subscription"; public static final String OP_READ_SUBSCRIPTION = "read-subscription"; public static final String OP_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION = "update-subscription"; public static final String OP_READ_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS = "read-subscription-results"; public static final String OP_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS = "delete-subscription-results"; public static final String OP_MARK_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS = "mark-subscription-results"; public static final String OP_DOWNLOAD_SUBSCRIPTION = "download-subscription"; public static final String OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_AUTODL = "subscription-set-auto-download"; public static final String OP_IS_CUSTOMISED = "is-customized"; private static final Set active_subs_auth = new HashSet(); private static final Set pending_play_now_urls = new HashSet(); static{ TorrentUtils.addTorrentAttributeListener( new TorrentUtils.torrentAttributeListener() { public void attributeSet( TOTorrent torrent, String attribute, Object value ) { if ( attribute == TorrentUtils.TORRENT_AZ_PROP_OBTAINED_FROM ){ try{ String torrent_url = (String)value; boolean hook_dm = false; synchronized(pending_play_now_urls ){ if ( pending_play_now_urls.remove( torrent_url )){ // ok, we now have the torrent associated with the URL hook_dm = true; } } if ( !hook_dm ) { return; } if (!AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreRunning()) { // shouldn't happen, but.. Debug.out("Core wasn't available for pending play now" ); } else { final HashWrapper hash = torrent.getHashWrapper(); AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); final GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); DownloadManager existing = gm.getDownloadManager( hash ); if ( existing != null) { playOrStream( existing ); return; } GlobalManagerListener l = new GlobalManagerAdapter() { private final long listener_add_time = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); public void downloadManagerAdded( DownloadManager dm ) { try{ TOTorrent t = dm.getTorrent(); if ( t.getHashWrapper().equals( hash )){ gm.removeListener( this ); playOrStream( dm ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); }finally{ if ( SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - listener_add_time > 5*60*1000 ){ gm.removeListener( this ); } } } }; gm.addListener( l, false ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } }); } private static void playOrStream( final DownloadManager download ) { new AEThread2( "MSL:POS", true ) { public void run() { TorrentListViewsUtils.playOrStream( download, -1 ); } }.start(); } private final OpenCloseSearchDetailsListener openCloseSearchDetailsListener; public MetaSearchListener( OpenCloseSearchDetailsListener openCloseSearchDetailsListener ) { super(LISTENER_ID); this.openCloseSearchDetailsListener = openCloseSearchDetailsListener; } public void handleMessage(BrowserMessage message) { String opid = message.getOperationId(); MetaSearchManager metaSearchManager = MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton(); metaSearchManager.log( "BrowserListener: received " + message ); if (OP_SEARCH.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); search( decodedMap, null ); }else if ( OP_ENGINE_PREFERRED.equals( opid )){ final Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); long engine_id = ((Long)decodedMap.get("engine_id")).longValue(); Engine engine = getEngineFromId( engine_id ); if ( engine != null ){ metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().enginePreferred( engine ); } } else if(OP_ENGINE_LOGIN.equals(opid)) { final Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); long engine_id = ((Long)decodedMap.get("engine_id")).longValue(); final Long sid = (Long)decodedMap.get( "sid" ); final Engine engine = getEngineFromId(engine_id); if ( engine != null && engine instanceof WebEngine){ final WebEngine webEngine = (WebEngine) engine; Utils.execSWTThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { new ExternalLoginWindow( new ExternalLoginListener() { private String previous_cookies; private boolean search_done; public void canceled( ExternalLoginWindow window ) { /* gouss doesn't wan't anything on cancel if ( !outcome_informed ){ outcome_informed = true; Map params = getParams( webEngine ); params.put( "error", "operation cancelled" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineFailed", params ); } */ } public void cookiesFound( ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies ) { if ( handleCookies( cookies, false )){ window.close(); } } public void done( ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies ) { handleCookies( cookies, true ); /* if ( !outcome_informed ){ outcome_informed = true; Map params = getParams( webEngine ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineCompleted", params ); } */ } private boolean handleCookies( String cookies, boolean force_if_ready ) { if ( search_done ){ return( false ); } String[] required = webEngine.getRequiredCookies(); boolean skip_search = required.length == 0 && !force_if_ready; if ( CookieParser.cookiesContain( required, cookies )){ webEngine.setCookies(cookies); if ( previous_cookies == null || !previous_cookies.equals( cookies )){ previous_cookies = cookies; if ( !skip_search ){ // search operation will report outcome search_done = true; search( decodedMap, webEngine ); } } } return( search_done ); } /* protected Map getParams( Engine engine ) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("id", new Long(engine.getId())); params.put("name", engine.getName()); params.put("favicon", engine.getIcon()); params.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); params.put("shareable", new Boolean( engine.isShareable())); if ( sid != null ){ params.put( "sid", sid ); } return( params ); } */ }, webEngine.getName(), webEngine.getLoginPageUrl(), false, webEngine.getAuthMethod(), engine.isMine()); } }); }else{ Map params = new HashMap(); if ( sid != null ){ params.put( "sid", sid ); } params.put( "error", "engine not found or not a web engine" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineFailed", params ); } } else if(OP_GET_LOGIN_COOKIES.equals(opid)) { final Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final String url = ((String) decodedMap.get("url")).replaceAll("%s", ""); Utils.execSWTThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { new ExternalLoginWindow( new ExternalLoginListener() { public void canceled(ExternalLoginWindow window) { sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setCookiesFailed", new HashMap() ); }; public void cookiesFound(ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies) {}; public void done(ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies) { String[] cookieNames = CookieParser.getCookiesNames(cookies); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("cookieNames", cookieNames); params.put("currentCookie",cookies); params.put("cookieMethod", window.proxyCaptureModeRequired()?WebEngine.AM_PROXY:WebEngine.AM_TRANSPARENT ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setCookies", params ); }; }, url, url, true, WebEngine.AM_PROXY, true ); } }); } else if(OP_GET_ENGINES.equals(opid)) { String subscriptionId = null; try { final Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); subscriptionId = ((String)decodedMap.get("subs_id")); } catch(Exception e) { //No parameters } Engine[] engines = null; if ( subscriptionId != null ){ engines = new Engine[0]; Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( subscriptionId ); if ( subs != null ){ try{ Engine engine = subs.getEngine(); if ( engine != null ){ engines = new Engine[]{ engine }; } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } if ( engines == null ){ engines = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngines( true, true ); } List params = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0 ; i < engines.length ; i++) { Engine engine = engines[i]; if ( !engine.isActive() || engine.getSource() == Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN ){ // don't skip if this is an explicit get if ( subscriptionId == null ){ continue; } } Map engineMap = new HashMap(); engineMap.put("id", new Long(engine.getId())); engineMap.put("name", engine.getName()); engineMap.put("favicon", engine.getIcon()); engineMap.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); engineMap.put("selected", Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[ engine.getSelectionState()]); engineMap.put("type", Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_STRS[ engine.getSource()]); engineMap.put("shareable", new Boolean( engine.isShareable())); params.add(engineMap); } sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "enginesUsed",params); } else if(OP_GET_ALL_ENGINES.equals(opid)) { Engine[] engines = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngines( false, true ); List params = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0 ; i < engines.length ; i++) { Engine engine = engines[i]; if ( engine.getSource() == Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN ){ continue; } Map engineMap = new HashMap(); engineMap.put("id", new Long(engine.getId())); engineMap.put("name", engine.getName()); engineMap.put("favicon", engine.getIcon()); engineMap.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); engineMap.put("selected", Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[ engine.getSelectionState()]); engineMap.put("type", Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_STRS[ engine.getSource()]); engineMap.put("shareable", new Boolean( engine.isShareable())); params.add(engineMap); } sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineList",params); } else if( OP_SET_SELECTED_ENGINES.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); List template_ids = (List)decodedMap.get( "template_ids" ); long[] ids = new long[template_ids.size()]; for (int i=0;i<ids.length;i++ ){ Map m = (Map)template_ids.get(i); ids[i] = ((Long)m.get("id")).longValue(); } boolean auto = ((Boolean)decodedMap.get( "auto" )).booleanValue(); // there's some code that attempts to switch to 'auto=true' on first use as // when 3110 defaults to false and the decision was made to switch this // disable the behaviour if we are customised Boolean is_default = (Boolean)decodedMap.get( "set_default" ); boolean skip = false; if ( is_default != null && is_default.booleanValue()){ if ( CustomizationManagerFactory.getSingleton().getActiveCustomization() != null ){ skip = true; } } try{ if ( !skip ){ metaSearchManager.setSelectedEngines( ids, auto ); } Map params = new HashMap(); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setSelectedCompleted",params); }catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("error",Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setSelectedFailed",params); } } else if( OP_CHANGE_ENGINE_SELECTION.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); MetaSearch ms = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch(); Engine[] engines = ms.getEngines( false, true ); Set selected = new HashSet(); for (int i=0;i<engines.length;i++){ Engine e = engines[i]; if ( e.getSelectionState() == Engine.SEL_STATE_MANUAL_SELECTED ){ selected.add( new Long( e.getId())); } } List l_engines = (List)decodedMap.get( "engines" ); for (int i=0;i<l_engines.size();i++){ Map map = (Map)l_engines.get(i); long id = ((Long)map.get("id")).longValue(); String str = (String)map.get( "selected"); if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase( Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[Engine.SEL_STATE_MANUAL_SELECTED])){ selected.add( new Long( id )); }else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase( Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[Engine.SEL_STATE_DESELECTED])){ selected.remove( new Long( id )); } } long[] ids = new long[selected.size()]; Iterator it = selected.iterator(); int pos = 0; while( it.hasNext()){ long id = ((Long)it.next()).longValue(); ids[pos++] = id; } try{ metaSearchManager.setSelectedEngines( ids, metaSearchManager.isAutoMode()); Map params = new HashMap(); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "changeEngineSelectionCompleted",params); }catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("error",Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "changeEngineSelectionFailed",params); } } else if(OP_GET_AUTO_MODE.equals(opid)) { boolean mode = metaSearchManager.isAutoMode(); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "auto", new Boolean( mode )); boolean custom = CustomizationManagerFactory.getSingleton().getActiveCustomization() != null; params.put( "is_custom", new Boolean( custom )); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "getAutoModeResult",params); } else if( OP_SAVE_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); String type_str = (String)decodedMap.get( "type" ); String name = (String)decodedMap.get( "name" ); Long l_id = (Long)decodedMap.get( "id" ); long id = l_id == null?-1:l_id.longValue(); String json = (String)decodedMap.get( "value" ); String cookies = (String)decodedMap.get( "current_cookie" ); try{ Engine engine = metaSearchManager.addEngine( id, type_str.equals( "json" )?Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_JSON:Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_REGEX, name, json ); engine.setMine( true ); if(cookies!= null && engine instanceof WebEngine) { WebEngine we = (WebEngine) engine; we.setCookies(cookies); } Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( engine.getId() )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "saveTemplateCompleted", params ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put("error",Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "saveTemplateFailed",params); } } else if( OP_LOAD_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); long id = ((Long)decodedMap.get( "id" )).longValue(); Engine engine = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngine( id ); if ( engine == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put("error","Template not found"); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "loadTemplateFailed",params); }else{ try{ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("id", new Long(engine.getId())); params.put("name", engine.getName()); params.put("type", Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_STRS[ engine.getType()]); params.put("value", JSONObject.escape( engine.exportToJSONString())); params.put("shareable", new Boolean( engine.isShareable())); params.put("uid", engine.getUID()); params.put("supports_direct_download", new Boolean( engine.supportsField( Engine.FIELD_TORRENTLINK ) || engine.supportsField( Engine.FIELD_DOWNLOADBTNLINK ))); params.put( "auto_dl_supported", new Boolean( engine.getAutoDownloadSupported() == Engine.AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED_YES )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "loadTemplateCompleted", params ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put("error",Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "loadTemplateFailed",params); } } } else if( OP_DELETE_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); long id = ((Long)decodedMap.get( "id" )).longValue(); Engine engine = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngine( id ); if ( engine == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", "Template not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "deleteTemplateFailed",params); }else if ( engine.getSource() != Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_LOCAL ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", "Template is not local" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "deleteTemplateFailed",params); }else{ engine.delete(); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "deleteTemplateCompleted", params ); } } else if( OP_TEST_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final long id = ((Long)decodedMap.get( "id" )).longValue(); long match_count = ((Long)decodedMap.get( "max_matches" )).longValue(); String searchText = (String) decodedMap.get("searchText"); String headers = (String) decodedMap.get("headers"); final Long sid = (Long)decodedMap.get( "sid" ); Engine engine = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngine( id ); if ( engine == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", "Template not found" ); if ( sid != null )params.put( "sid", sid ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "testTemplateFailed",params); }else{ SearchParameter parameter = new SearchParameter("s",searchText); SearchParameter[] parameters = new SearchParameter[] {parameter}; try{ engine.search( parameters, new HashMap(), (int)match_count, (int)match_count, headers, new ResultListener() { private String content; private List matches = new ArrayList(); public void contentReceived( Engine engine, String _content ) { content = _content; } public void matchFound( Engine engine, String[] fields) { matches.add( fields ); } public void resultsReceived( Engine engine, Result[] results ) { } public void resultsComplete( Engine engine ) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); if ( sid != null )params.put( "sid", sid ); params.put( "content", JSONObject.escape( content )); JSONArray l_matches = new JSONArray(); params.put( "matches", l_matches ); for (int i=0;i<matches.size();i++){ String[] match = (String[])matches.get(i); JSONArray l_match = new JSONArray(); l_matches.add( l_match ); for (int j=0;j<match.length;j++){ l_match.add( match[j] ); } } sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "testTemplateCompleted", params ); } public void engineFailed( Engine engine, Throwable e ) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )); if ( sid != null )params.put( "sid", sid ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "testTemplateFailed",params); } public void engineRequiresLogin( Engine engine, Throwable e ) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )); if ( sid != null )params.put( "sid", sid ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "testTemplateRequiresLogin",params); } }); }catch( SearchException e ){ // listener handles } } } else if ( OP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final long id = ((Long)decodedMap.get( "id" )).longValue(); final Engine engine = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngine( id ); if ( engine == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "error", "template '" + id + "' not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "exportTemplateFailed",params); }else{ final Shell shell = Utils.findAnyShell(); shell.getDisplay().asyncExec( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( shell, SWT.SYSTEM_MODAL | SWT.SAVE ); dialog.setFilterPath( TorrentOpener.getFilterPathData() ); dialog.setText(MessageText.getString("metasearch.export.select.template.file")); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] { "*.vuze", "*.vuz", Constants.FILE_WILDCARD }); dialog.setFilterNames(new String[] { "*.vuze", "*.vuz", Constants.FILE_WILDCARD }); String path = TorrentOpener.setFilterPathData( dialog.open()); if ( path != null ){ String lc = path.toLowerCase(); if ( !lc.endsWith( ".vuze" ) && !lc.endsWith( ".vuz" )){ path += ".vuze"; } try{ engine.exportToVuzeFile( new File( path )); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "exportTemplateCompleted", params ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", "save failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "exportTemplateFailed",params); } }else{ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( id )); params.put( "error", "operation cancelled" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "exportTemplateFailed",params); } } }); } }else if ( OP_IMPORT_TEMPLATE.equals(opid)){ final Shell shell = Utils.findAnyShell(); shell.getDisplay().asyncExec( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( shell, SWT.SYSTEM_MODAL | SWT.OPEN ); dialog.setFilterPath( TorrentOpener.getFilterPathData() ); dialog.setText(MessageText.getString("metasearch.import.select.template.file")); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] { "*.vuze", "*.vuz", Constants.FILE_WILDCARD }); dialog.setFilterNames(new String[] { "*.vuze", "*.vuz", Constants.FILE_WILDCARD }); String path = TorrentOpener.setFilterPathData( dialog.open()); if ( path != null ){ VuzeFileHandler vfh = VuzeFileHandler.getSingleton(); VuzeFile vf = vfh.loadAndHandleVuzeFile( path, VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ); if ( vf == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "error", "invalid .vuze file" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "importTemplateFailed",params); }else{ VuzeFileComponent[] comps = vf.getComponents(); for (int i=0;i<comps.length;i++){ VuzeFileComponent comp = comps[i]; if ( comp.getType() == VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ){ Engine engine = (Engine)comp.getData( Engine.VUZE_FILE_COMPONENT_ENGINE_KEY ); if ( engine != null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "id", new Long( engine.getId())); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "importTemplateCompleted", params ); return; } } } Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "error", "invalid search template file" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "importTemplateFailed",params); } }else{ Map params = new HashMap(); // don't change this message as the UI uses it! params.put( "error", "operation cancelled" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "importTemplateFailed",params); } } }); }else if ( OP_OPEN_SEARCH_RESULTS.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); openCloseSearchDetailsListener.openSearchResults(decodedMap); }else if ( OP_CLOSE_SEARCH_RESULTS.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); openCloseSearchDetailsListener.closeSearchResults(decodedMap); }else if(OP_LOAD_TORRENT.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); String torrentUrl = (String) decodedMap.get( "torrent_url" ); String referer_str = (String) decodedMap.get( "referer_url" ); if ( UrlFilter.getInstance().isWhitelisted( torrentUrl )){ ContentNetwork cn = ContentNetworkManagerFactory.getSingleton().getContentNetworkForURL( torrentUrl ); if ( cn == null ){ cn = ConstantsVuze.getDefaultContentNetwork(); } torrentUrl = cn.appendURLSuffix( torrentUrl, false, true ); } try { Map headers = UrlUtils.getBrowserHeaders( referer_str ); String subscriptionId = ((String)decodedMap.get("subs_id")); String subscriptionResultId = ((String)decodedMap.get("subs_rid")); if ( subscriptionId != null ){ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( subscriptionId ); if ( subs != null ){ try{ Engine engine = subs.getEngine(); if ( engine != null && engine instanceof WebEngine ){ WebEngine webEngine = (WebEngine) engine; if ( webEngine.isNeedsAuth()){ headers.put( "Cookie",webEngine.getCookies()); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } if ( subscriptionResultId != null ){ subs.addPotentialAssociation( subscriptionResultId, torrentUrl ); } } }else{ try{ long engineID = ((Long)decodedMap.get("engine_id")).longValue(); Engine engine = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngine( engineID ); if ( engine != null ){ engine.addPotentialAssociation( torrentUrl ); } if ( engine != null && engine instanceof WebEngine ){ WebEngine webEngine = (WebEngine) engine; if ( webEngine.isNeedsAuth()){ headers.put( "Cookie",webEngine.getCookies()); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } Boolean play_now = (Boolean)decodedMap.get( "play-now" ); if ( play_now != null && play_now.booleanValue()){ synchronized( MetaSearchListener.class ){ pending_play_now_urls.add( torrentUrl ); } } PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getDownloadManager().addDownload( new URL(torrentUrl), headers ); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("torrent_url",torrentUrl); params.put("referer_url",referer_str); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "loadTorrentCompleted",params); } catch(Exception e) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("torrent_url",torrentUrl); params.put("referer_url",referer_str); params.put( "error", e.getMessage() ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "loadTorrentFailed",params); } }else if(OP_HAS_LOAD_TORRENT.equals(opid)) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("result","1"); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "hasLoadTorrent",params); }else if(OP_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); String name = (String) decodedMap.get( "name" ); Boolean isPublic = (Boolean) decodedMap.get( "is_public" ); Map options = (Map)decodedMap.get( "options" ); Boolean isEnabled = (Boolean)options.get( "is_enabled" ); Boolean autoDownload = (Boolean)options.get( "auto_dl" ); Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(); // change this you need to change update too below payload.put( "engine_id", decodedMap.get( "engine_id" )); payload.put( "search_term", decodedMap.get( "search_term" )); payload.put( "filters", decodedMap.get( "filters" )); payload.put( "schedule", decodedMap.get( "schedule" )); payload.put( "options", decodedMap.get( "options" )); Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().create(name, isPublic.booleanValue(), payload.toString()); subs.getHistory().setDetails( isEnabled==null?true:isEnabled.booleanValue(), autoDownload==null?false:autoDownload.booleanValue()); result.put( "id", subs.getID()); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "createSubscriptionCompleted", result ); } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "create failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "createSubscriptionFailed", result ); } }else if( OP_READ_SUBSCRIPTION.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); final String sid = (String) decodedMap.get("id"); Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "readSubscriptionFailed",result); }else{ boolean shareable = subs.isShareable(); // override public flag if not shareable result.put( "id", subs.getID()); result.put( "name", subs.getName()); result.put( "is_public", new Boolean( shareable && subs.isPublic())); result.put( "is_author", new Boolean( subs.isMine())); result.put( "is_shareable", new Boolean( shareable )); result.put( "auto_dl_supported", new Boolean( subs.isAutoDownloadSupported())); SubscriptionHistory history = subs.getHistory(); Map options = new HashMap(); result.put( "options", options ); options.put( "is_enabled", new Boolean( history.isEnabled())); options.put( "auto_dl", new Boolean( history.isAutoDownload())); Map info = new HashMap(); result.put( "info", info ); info.put( "last_scan", new Long( history.getLastScanTime())); info.put( "last_new", new Long( history.getLastNewResultTime())); info.put( "num_unread", new Long( history.getNumUnread())); info.put( "num_read", new Long( history.getNumRead())); String json = subs.getJSON(); Map map = JSONUtils.decodeJSON( json ); result.put( "engine_id", map.get( "engine_id" )); result.put( "search_term", map.get( "search_term" )); result.put( "filters", map.get( "filters" )); result.put( "schedule", map.get( "schedule" )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionCompleted", result ); } } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "readSubscriptionFailed",result); } }else if (OP_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); final String name = (String)decodedMap.get("name"); final Boolean isPublic = (Boolean)decodedMap.get( "is_public" ); final String sid = (String)decodedMap.get("id"); Map options = (Map)decodedMap.get( "options" ); Boolean isEnabled = (Boolean)options.get( "is_enabled" ); Boolean autoDownload = (Boolean)options.get( "auto_dl" ); Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "updateSubscriptionFailed",result); }else{ JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(); // change this you need to change create too above payload.put( "engine_id", decodedMap.get( "engine_id" )); payload.put( "search_term", decodedMap.get( "search_term" )); payload.put( "filters", decodedMap.get( "filters" )); payload.put( "schedule", decodedMap.get( "schedule" )); payload.put( "options", decodedMap.get( "options" )); boolean changed = subs.setDetails( name, isPublic.booleanValue(), payload.toString()); subs.getHistory().setDetails( isEnabled==null?true:isEnabled.booleanValue(), autoDownload==null?false:autoDownload.booleanValue()); if ( changed ){ subs.reset(); try{ subs.getManager().getScheduler().downloadAsync(subs, true); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); } } result.put( "id", subs.getID()); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "updateSubscriptionCompleted", result ); } } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "update failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "updateSubscriptionFailed",result); } }else if (OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_AUTODL.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); String sid = (String)decodedMap.get("id"); Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); Boolean autoDownload = (Boolean)decodedMap.get( "auto_dl" ); Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setSubscriptionAutoDownloadFailed",result); }else{ subs.getHistory().setAutoDownload( autoDownload.booleanValue()); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "setSubscriptionAutoDownloadCompleted", result ); } } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "update failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "setSubscriptionAutoDownloadFailed",result); } }else if(OP_READ_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); final String sid = (String) decodedMap.get("id"); final Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ final Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsFailed",result); }else{ result.put( "id", subs.getID()); if ( !handleSubscriptionAuth( subs, result )){ if ( subs.getHistory().getLastScanTime() == 0 ){ subs.getManager().getScheduler().download( subs, false, new SubscriptionDownloadListener() { public void complete( Subscription subs ) { if ( !handleSubscriptionAuth( subs, result )){ encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); openCloseSearchDetailsListener.resizeMainBrowser(); } } public void failed( Subscription subs, SubscriptionException error ) { result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(error)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsFailed", result ); } }); }else{ encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); openCloseSearchDetailsListener.resizeMainBrowser(); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "readSubscriptionFailed",result); } }else if( OP_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); String sid = (String)decodedMap.get("id"); List rids = (List)decodedMap.get( "rids" ); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "deleteSubscriptionResultsFailed",params); }else{ String[] rids_a = (String[])rids.toArray( new String[rids.size()]); subs.getHistory().deleteResults( rids_a ); Map result = new HashMap(); result.put( "rids", rids); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "deleteSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); } } catch( Throwable e ){ Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "error", "delete failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "deleteSubscriptionResultsFailed",params); } }else if( OP_MARK_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS.equals(opid)){ Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); String sid = (String)decodedMap.get("id"); List rids = (List)decodedMap.get( "rids" ); List reads = (List)decodedMap.get( "reads" ); Map result = new HashMap(); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "markSubscriptionResultsFailed",result); }else{ String[] rids_a = (String[])rids.toArray( new String[rids.size()]); boolean[] reads_a = new boolean[reads.size()]; for (int i=0;i<reads.size();i++){ reads_a[i] = ((Boolean)reads.get(i)).booleanValue(); } subs.getHistory().markResults( rids_a, reads_a ); result.put( "rids", rids); result.put( "reads", reads); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "markSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); } } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "mark failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "markSubscriptionResultsFailed",result); } }else if( OP_DOWNLOAD_SUBSCRIPTION.equals(opid)) { Map decodedMap = message.getDecodedMap(); final Long tid = (Long) decodedMap.get("tid"); final String sid = (String) decodedMap.get("id"); final Map result = new HashMap(); if ( tid != null )result.put( "tid", tid ); try{ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( sid ); if ( subs == null ){ result.put( "error", "Subscription not found" ); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "downloadSubscriptionFailed", result ); }else{ result.put( "id", subs.getID()); if ( !handleSubscriptionAuth( subs, result )){ subs.getManager().getScheduler().download( subs, false, new SubscriptionDownloadListener() { public void complete( Subscription subs ) { if ( !handleSubscriptionAuth( subs, result )){ encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "downloadSubscriptionCompleted", result ); } } public void failed( Subscription subs, SubscriptionException error ) { result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(error)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "downloadSubscriptionFailed", result ); } }); } } } catch( Throwable e ){ result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "downloadSubscriptionFailed", result ); } }else if( OP_IS_CUSTOMISED.equals(opid)) { boolean custom = CustomizationManagerFactory.getSingleton().getActiveCustomization() != null; Map params = new HashMap(); params.put( "is_custom", new Boolean( custom )); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "isCustomizedResult", params ); } } protected boolean handleSubscriptionAuth( final Subscription subs, final Map result ) { if ( subs.getHistory().isAuthFail()){ try{ Engine engine = subs.getEngine(); if ( engine instanceof WebEngine ){ final WebEngine webEngine = (WebEngine)engine; synchronized( active_subs_auth ){ if ( active_subs_auth.contains( subs )){ return( false ); } active_subs_auth.add( subs ); } Utils.execSWTThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { new ExternalLoginWindow( new ExternalLoginListener() { private String previous_cookies; private boolean result_sent; public void canceled( ExternalLoginWindow window ) { try{ encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); }finally{ completed(); } } public void cookiesFound( ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies ) { if ( handleCookies( cookies, false )){ window.close(); } } public void done( ExternalLoginWindow window, String cookies ) { try{ if ( !handleCookies( cookies, true )){ encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); } }finally{ completed(); } } private void completed() { synchronized( active_subs_auth ){ active_subs_auth.remove( subs ); } } private boolean handleCookies( String cookies, boolean force_if_ready ) { if ( result_sent ){ return( false ); } String[] required = webEngine.getRequiredCookies(); boolean skip = required.length == 0 && !force_if_ready; if ( CookieParser.cookiesContain( required, cookies )){ webEngine.setCookies(cookies); if ( previous_cookies == null || !previous_cookies.equals( cookies )){ previous_cookies = cookies; if ( !skip ){ // search operation will report outcome result_sent = true; try{ subs.getManager().getScheduler().download( subs, false, new SubscriptionDownloadListener() { public void complete( Subscription subs ) { result.put( "id", subs.getID()); encodeResults( subs, result ); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsCompleted", result ); } public void failed( Subscription subs, SubscriptionException error ) { result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(error)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsFailed", result ); } }); }catch( Throwable error ){ result.put( "error", "read failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(error)); sendBrowserMessage( "metasearch", "readSubscriptionResultsFailed", result ); } } } } return( result_sent ); } }, webEngine.getName(), webEngine.getLoginPageUrl(), false, webEngine.getAuthMethod(), subs.isMine()); } }); return( true ); }else{ return( false ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); return( false ); } }else{ return( false ); } } protected void search( Map decodedMap, Engine target ) { String searchText = (String) decodedMap.get("searchText"); String headers = (String)decodedMap.get( "headers" ); final Long sid = (Long)decodedMap.get( "sid" ); Boolean mature = (Boolean)decodedMap.get( "mature" ); Long l_max_per_engine = (Long)decodedMap.get( "maxResultsPerEngine" ); int max_per_engine = l_max_per_engine==null?100:l_max_per_engine.intValue(); if ( max_per_engine < 1 ){ max_per_engine = 1; } if ( target == null ){ // override engine selection for subscriptions String subscriptionId = ((String)decodedMap.get("subs_id")); if ( subscriptionId != null ){ Subscription subs = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().getSubscriptionByID( subscriptionId ); if ( subs != null ){ try{ Engine engine = subs.getEngine(); if ( engine != null ){ target = engine; } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } } ResultListener listener = new ResultListener() { public void contentReceived( Engine engine, String content ) { } public void matchFound( Engine engine, String[] fields ) { } public void engineFailed(Engine engine, Throwable e) { Map params = getParams( engine ); params.put( "error", Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineFailed", params ); } public void engineRequiresLogin(Engine engine, Throwable e) { Map params = getParams( engine ); params.put( "error", Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineRequiresLogin", params ); } public void resultsComplete(Engine engine) { sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "engineCompleted", getParams( engine )); } public void resultsReceived(Engine engine,Result[] results) { Map params = getParams(engine); List resultsList = new ArrayList(results.length); for(int i = 0 ; i < results.length ; i++) { Result result = results[i]; resultsList.add(result.toJSONMap()); } params.put("results", resultsList); sendBrowserMessage("metasearch", "resultsReceived",params); } protected Map getParams( Engine engine ) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("id", new Long(engine.getId())); params.put("name", engine.getName()); params.put("favicon", engine.getIcon()); params.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); params.put("shareable", new Boolean( engine.isShareable())); if ( sid != null ){ params.put( "sid", sid ); } return( params ); } }; List sps = new ArrayList(); sps.add( new SearchParameter( "s", searchText )); if ( mature != null ){ sps.add( new SearchParameter( "m", mature.toString())); } SearchParameter[] parameters = (SearchParameter[])sps.toArray(new SearchParameter[ sps.size()] ); MetaSearchManager metaSearchManager = MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton(); Map<String,String> context = new HashMap<String, String>(); context.put( Engine.SC_FORCE_FULL, "true" ); context.put( Engine.SC_BATCH_PERIOD, "1000" ); context.put( Engine.SC_REMOVE_DUP_HASH, "true" ); if ( target == null ){ metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().search( listener, parameters, headers, context, max_per_engine ); }else{ metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().search( new Engine[]{ target }, listener, parameters, headers, context, max_per_engine ); } } protected void encodeResults( Subscription subs, Map result ) { JSONArray results_list = new JSONArray(); SubscriptionResult[] results = subs.getHistory().getResults( false ); for(int i=0; i<results.length; i++){ SubscriptionResult r = results[i]; results_list.add( r.toJSONMap()); } result.put( "results", results_list ); } protected Engine getEngineFromId( long id ) { MetaSearchManager metaSearchManager = MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton(); Engine[] engines = metaSearchManager.getMetaSearch().getEngines( false, true ); for(int i = 0 ; i < engines.length ; i++) { Engine engine = engines[i]; if(engine.getId() == id) { return engine; } } return null; } public boolean sendBrowserMessage( String key, String op, Map params ) { MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton().log( "BrowserListener: sent " + op + ": " + params ); return( context.sendBrowserMessage(key, op, params)); } public boolean sendBrowserMessage( String key, String op, Collection params ) { MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton().log( "BrowserListener: sent " + op + ": " + params ); return( context.sendBrowserMessage(key, op, params)); } }