/* * Created on Mar 19, 2008 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2008 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.net.buddy; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerState; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.protocol.azplug.AZPluginConnection; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.xml.util.XUXmlWriter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ddb.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadScrapeResult; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.MessageException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.MessageManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageConnection; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageHandler; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageRegistration; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.network.RateLimiter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAttribute; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInstance; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIManagerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.menus.MenuItem; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.menus.MenuItemFillListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.menus.MenuItemListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.BasicPluginConfigModel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableContextMenuItem; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableRow; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SEPublicKey; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SEPublicKeyLocator; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SESecurityManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.plugins.UISWTInstance; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.security.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.AZ3Functions; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.bloom.BloomFilterFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.magnet.MagnetPlugin; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.magnet.MagnetPluginProgressListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.net.buddy.swt.BuddyPluginView; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.net.buddy.tracker.BuddyPluginTracker; public class BuddyPlugin implements Plugin { public static final boolean SUPPORT_ONLINE_STATUS = true; public static final int VERSION_INITIAL = 1; public static final int VERSION_CHAT = 2; public static final int VERSION_CURRENT = VERSION_CHAT; public static final int MT_V3_CHAT = 1; private static final int FEED_UPDATE_MIN_MILLIS = 6*60*60*1000; public static final int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 4*1024*1024; public static final int SUBSYSTEM_INTERNAL = 0; public static final int SUBSYSTEM_AZ2 = 1; public static final int SUBSYSTEM_AZ3 = 2; protected static final int SUBSYSTEM_MSG_TYPE_BASE = 1024; public static final int STATUS_ONLINE = 0; public static final int STATUS_AWAY = 1; public static final int STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = 2; public static final int STATUS_BUSY = 3; public static final int STATUS_APPEAR_OFFLINE = 4; public static final String[] STATUS_VALUES = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }; public static final String[] STATUS_KEYS = { "os_online", "os_away", "os_not_avail", "os_busy", "os_offline" }; public static final String[] STATUS_STRINGS = new String[ STATUS_KEYS.length ]; protected static final int RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_PING = 1; protected static final int RT_INTERNAL_REPLY_PING = 2; protected static final int RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_CLOSE = 3; protected static final int RT_INTERNAL_REPLY_CLOSE = 4; protected static final int RT_INTERNAL_FRAGMENT = 5; protected static final boolean TRACE = false; private static final String VIEW_ID = "azbuddy"; private static final int INIT_UNKNOWN = 0; private static final int INIT_OK = 1; private static final int INIT_BAD = 2; private static final int MAX_UNAUTH_BUDDIES = 16; public static final int TIMER_PERIOD = 10*1000; private static final int BUDDY_STATUS_CHECK_PERIOD_MIN = 3*60*1000; private static final int BUDDY_STATUS_CHECK_PERIOD_INC = 1*60*1000; protected static final int STATUS_REPUBLISH_PERIOD = 10*60*1000; private static final int STATUS_REPUBLISH_TICKS = STATUS_REPUBLISH_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; private static final int CHECK_YGM_PERIOD = 5*60*1000; private static final int CHECK_YGM_TICKS = CHECK_YGM_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; private static final int YGM_BLOOM_LIFE_PERIOD = 60*60*1000; private static final int YGM_BLOOM_LIFE_TICKS = YGM_BLOOM_LIFE_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; private static final int SAVE_CONFIG_PERIOD = 60*1000; private static final int SAVE_CONFIG_TICKS = SAVE_CONFIG_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; public static final int PERSISTENT_MSG_RETRY_PERIOD = 5*60*1000; private static final int PERSISTENT_MSG_CHECK_PERIOD = 60*1000; private static final int PERSISTENT_MSG_CHECK_TICKS = PERSISTENT_MSG_CHECK_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; private static final int UNAUTH_BLOOM_RECREATE = 120*1000; private static final int UNAUTH_BLOOM_CHUNK = 1000; private static BloomFilter unauth_bloom; private static long unauth_bloom_create_time; private static final int BLOOM_CHECK_PERIOD = UNAUTH_BLOOM_RECREATE/2; private static final int BLOOM_CHECK_TICKS = BLOOM_CHECK_PERIOD/TIMER_PERIOD; private static BloomFilter ygm_unauth_bloom; public static final int STREAM_CRYPTO = MessageManager.STREAM_ENCRYPTION_RC4_REQUIRED; public static final int BLOCK_CRYPTO = SESecurityManager.BLOCK_ENCRYPTION_AES; //public static final int STREAM_CRYPTO = MessageManager.STREAM_ENCRYPTION_NONE; //public static final int BLOCK_CRYPTO = SESecurityManager.BLOCK_ENCRYPTION_NONE; private volatile int initialisation_state = INIT_UNKNOWN; private PluginInterface plugin_interface; private LoggerChannel logger; private BooleanParameter enabled_param; private StringParameter nick_name_param; private StringListParameter online_status_param; private BooleanParameter enable_chat_notifications; private StringParameter cat_pub; private boolean ready_to_publish; private publishDetails current_publish = new publishDetails(); private publishDetails latest_publish = current_publish; private long last_publish_start; private TimerEvent republish_delay_event; private AsyncDispatcher publish_dispatcher = new AsyncDispatcher(); private DistributedDatabase ddb; private CryptoHandler ecc_handler = CryptoManagerFactory.getSingleton().getECCHandler(); private List<BuddyPluginBuddy> buddies = new ArrayList<BuddyPluginBuddy>(); private List<BuddyPluginBuddy> connected_at_close; private Map<String,BuddyPluginBuddy> buddies_map = new HashMap<String,BuddyPluginBuddy>(); private CopyOnWriteList<BuddyPluginListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteList<BuddyPluginListener>(); private CopyOnWriteList<BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener> request_listeners = new CopyOnWriteList<BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener>(); private SESecurityManager sec_man; private GenericMessageRegistration msg_registration; private int inbound_limit; private int outbound_limit; private RateLimiter inbound_limiter = new RateLimiter() { public String getName() { return( "buddy_up" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return( inbound_limit ); } }; private RateLimiter outbound_limiter = new RateLimiter() { public String getName() { return( "buddy_down" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return( outbound_limit ); } }; private boolean config_dirty; private Random random = RandomUtils.SECURE_RANDOM; private BuddyPluginAZ2 az2_handler; private List<DistributedDatabaseContact> publish_write_contacts = new ArrayList<DistributedDatabaseContact>(); private int status_seq; { while( status_seq == 0 ){ status_seq = random.nextInt(); } } private Set<BuddyPluginBuddy> pd_preinit = new HashSet<BuddyPluginBuddy>(); private List<BuddyPluginBuddy> pd_queue = new ArrayList<BuddyPluginBuddy>(); private AESemaphore pd_queue_sem = new AESemaphore( "BuddyPlugin:persistDispatch"); private AEThread2 pd_thread; private boolean bogus_ygm_written; private BuddyPluginTracker buddy_tracker; private TorrentAttribute ta_category; private Set<String> public_categories = new HashSet<String>(); public static void load( PluginInterface plugin_interface ) { String name = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities().getLocalisedMessageText( "Views.plugins." + VIEW_ID + ".title" ); plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.version", "1.0" ); plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.name", name ); } public void initialize( final PluginInterface _plugin_interface ) { plugin_interface = _plugin_interface; ta_category = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY ); az2_handler = new BuddyPluginAZ2( this ); sec_man = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getSecurityManager(); logger = plugin_interface.getLogger().getChannel( "Friends" ); logger.setDiagnostic(); final LocaleUtilities lu = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities(); lu.addListener( new LocaleListener() { public void localeChanged( Locale l ) { updateLocale(lu); } }); updateLocale(lu); BasicPluginConfigModel config = plugin_interface.getUIManager().createBasicPluginConfigModel( "Views.plugins." + VIEW_ID + ".title" ); // enabled enabled_param = config.addBooleanParameter2( "azbuddy.enabled", "azbuddy.enabled", false ); // nickname nick_name_param = config.addStringParameter2( "azbuddy.nickname", "azbuddy.nickname", "" ); nick_name_param.setGenerateIntermediateEvents( false ); nick_name_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { updateNickName( nick_name_param.getValue()); } }); // online status String[] os_values = STATUS_VALUES; String[] os_labels = STATUS_STRINGS; online_status_param = config.addStringListParameter2( "azbuddy.online_status", "azbuddy.online_status", os_values, os_labels, os_values[0] ); online_status_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { int status = Integer.parseInt( online_status_param.getValue()); updateOnlineStatus( status ); } }); online_status_param.setVisible( SUPPORT_ONLINE_STATUS ); // If we add this then use proper message texts in the STATUS_STRINGS // protocol speed final IntParameter protocol_speed = config.addIntParameter2( "azbuddy.protocolspeed", "azbuddy.protocolspeed", 32 ); protocol_speed.setMinimumRequiredUserMode( Parameter.MODE_ADVANCED ); inbound_limit = protocol_speed.getValue()*1024; protocol_speed.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { inbound_limit = protocol_speed.getValue()*1024; } }); // chat notifications enable_chat_notifications = config.addBooleanParameter2( "azbuddy.enable_chat_notif", "azbuddy.enable_chat_notif", true ); // default published cats cat_pub = config.addStringParameter2( "azbuddy.enable_cat_pub", "azbuddy.enable_cat_pub", "" ); cat_pub.setGenerateIntermediateEvents( false ); setPublicCats( cat_pub.getValue(), false ); cat_pub.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { setPublicCats( cat_pub.getValue(), false); } }); // config end final TableContextMenuItem menu_item_itorrents = plugin_interface.getUIManager().getTableManager().addContextMenuItem(TableManager.TABLE_MYTORRENTS_INCOMPLETE, "azbuddy.contextmenu"); final TableContextMenuItem menu_item_ctorrents = plugin_interface.getUIManager().getTableManager().addContextMenuItem(TableManager.TABLE_MYTORRENTS_COMPLETE, "azbuddy.contextmenu"); menu_item_itorrents.setStyle(TableContextMenuItem.STYLE_MENU); menu_item_ctorrents.setStyle(TableContextMenuItem.STYLE_MENU); MenuItemFillListener menu_fill_listener = new MenuItemFillListener() { public void menuWillBeShown( MenuItem menu, Object _target ) { menu.removeAllChildItems(); if ( !( isEnabled() && isAvailable())){ menu.setEnabled( false ); return; } final List<Torrent> torrents = new ArrayList<Torrent>(); if ( _target instanceof TableRow ){ addDownload( torrents, (TableRow)_target ); }else{ TableRow[] rows = (TableRow[])_target; for ( TableRow row: rows ){ addDownload( torrents, row ); } } if ( torrents.size() == 0 ){ menu.setEnabled( false ); }else{ List<BuddyPluginBuddy> buddies = getBuddies(); boolean incomplete = ((TableContextMenuItem)menu).getTableID() == TableManager.TABLE_MYTORRENTS_INCOMPLETE; TableContextMenuItem parent = incomplete?menu_item_itorrents:menu_item_ctorrents; for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ final BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( buddy.isOnline( true )){ TableContextMenuItem item = plugin_interface.getUIManager().getTableManager().addContextMenuItem( parent, "!" + buddy.getName() + "!"); item.addMultiListener( new MenuItemListener() { public void selected( MenuItem menu, Object target ) { for ( Torrent torrent: torrents ){ az2_handler.sendAZ2Torrent( torrent, buddy ); } } }); } } menu.setEnabled( true ); } } protected void addDownload( List<Torrent> torrents, TableRow row ) { Object obj = row.getDataSource(); Download download; if ( obj instanceof Download ){ download = (Download)obj; }else{ DiskManagerFileInfo file = (DiskManagerFileInfo)obj; try{ download = file.getDownload(); }catch( DownloadException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); return; } } Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); if ( torrent != null && !TorrentUtils.isReallyPrivate( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( torrent ))){ torrents.add( torrent ); } } }; menu_item_itorrents.addFillListener( menu_fill_listener ); menu_item_ctorrents.addFillListener( menu_fill_listener ); buddy_tracker = new BuddyPluginTracker( this, config ); plugin_interface.getUIManager().addUIListener( new UIManagerListener() { public void UIAttached( final UIInstance instance ) { if ( instance instanceof UISWTInstance ){ UISWTInstance swt_ui = (UISWTInstance)instance; BuddyPluginView view = new BuddyPluginView( BuddyPlugin.this, swt_ui ); swt_ui.addView( UISWTInstance.VIEW_MAIN, VIEW_ID, view ); //swt_ui.openMainView( VIEW_ID, view, null ); } setupDisablePrompt(instance); } public void UIDetached( UIInstance instance ) { } }); ParameterListener enabled_listener = new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { boolean enabled = enabled_param.getValue(); nick_name_param.setEnabled( enabled ); // only toggle overall state on a real change if ( param != null ){ setEnabledInternal( enabled ); fireEnabledStateChanged(); } } }; enabled_listener.parameterChanged( null ); enabled_param.addListener( enabled_listener ); loadConfig(); registerMessageHandler(); plugin_interface.addListener( new PluginListener() { public void initializationComplete() { final DelayedTask dt = plugin_interface.getUtilities().createDelayedTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { new AEThread2( "BuddyPlugin:init", true ) { public void run() { startup(); } }.start(); } }); dt.queue(); } public void closedownInitiated() { saveConfig( true ); closedown(); } public void closedownComplete() { } }); } protected void updateLocale( LocaleUtilities lu ) { for ( int i=0;i<STATUS_STRINGS.length;i++){ STATUS_STRINGS[i] = lu.getLocalisedMessageText( "azbuddy." + STATUS_KEYS[i] ); } if ( online_status_param != null ){ online_status_param.setLabels( STATUS_STRINGS ); } } /** * * * @since */ protected void setupDisablePrompt( final UIInstance ui) { if (plugin_interface == null) { return; } String enabledConfigID = "PluginInfo." + plugin_interface.getPluginID() + ".enabled"; COConfigurationManager.addParameterListener(enabledConfigID, new org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String parameterName) { fireEnabledStateChanged(); } }); } public void showConfig() { plugin_interface.getUIManager().showConfigSection("Views.plugins." + VIEW_ID + ".title"); } protected void startup() { try{ ddb = plugin_interface.getDistributedDatabase(); if ( !ddb.isAvailable()){ throw( new Exception( "DDB Unavailable" )); } // pick up initial values before enabling ddb.addListener( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { if ( event.getType() == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_LOCAL_CONTACT_CHANGED ){ updateIP(); } } }); updateIP(); updateNickName( nick_name_param.getValue()); updateOnlineStatus( Integer.parseInt( online_status_param.getValue())); COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners( new String[]{ "TCP.Listen.Port", "TCP.Listen.Port.Enable", "UDP.Listen.Port", "UDP.Listen.Port.Enable" }, new org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String parameterName ) { updateListenPorts(); } }); CryptoManagerFactory.getSingleton().addKeyListener( new CryptoManagerKeyListener() { public void keyChanged( CryptoHandler handler ) { updateKey(); } public void keyLockStatusChanged( CryptoHandler handler ) { boolean unlocked = handler.isUnlocked(); if ( unlocked ){ if ( latest_publish.isEnabled()){ updatePublish( latest_publish ); } }else{ new AEThread2( "BuddyPlugin:disc", true ) { public void run() { List buddies = getAllBuddies(); for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ ((BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i)).disconnect(); } } }.start(); } } }); ready_to_publish = true; setEnabledInternal( enabled_param.getValue()); checkBuddiesAndRepublish(); fireInitialised( true ); // try to re-establish connection to previously connectd buddies List<BuddyPluginBuddy> buddies = getBuddies(); for ( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy: buddies ){ if ( buddy.getIP() != null && !buddy.isConnected()){ log( "Attempting reconnect to " + buddy.getString()); buddy.sendKeepAlive(); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Initialisation failed", e ); fireInitialised( false ); } } public boolean isEnabled() { if (enabled_param == null) {return false;} return( enabled_param.getValue()); } public void setEnabled( boolean enabled ) { if (enabled_param == null) {return;} enabled_param.setValue( enabled ); } protected void setEnabledInternal( boolean _enabled ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( latest_publish.isEnabled() != _enabled ){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setEnabled( _enabled ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } } public BuddyPluginTracker getTracker() { return( buddy_tracker ); } public String getNickname() { return( nick_name_param.getValue()); } public void setNickname( String str ) { nick_name_param.setValue( str ); } public void setOnlineStatus( int status ) { online_status_param.setValue( "" + status ); } public int getOnlineStatus() { return( latest_publish.getOnlineStatus()); } public BooleanParameter getEnableChatNotificationsParameter() { return( enable_chat_notifications ); } protected String normaliseCat( String str ) { if ( str == null ){ return( null ); }else if ( str.toLowerCase().equals( "all" )){ return( "All" ); }else{ return( str ); } } protected void normaliseCats( Set<String> cats ) { if ( cats != null ){ boolean all_found = false; Iterator<String> it = cats.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ if ( it.next().toLowerCase().equals( "all" )){ it.remove(); all_found = true; } } if ( all_found ){ cats.add( "All" ); } } } public boolean isPublicCategory( String cat ) { cat = normaliseCat( cat ); return( public_categories.contains( cat )); } public void addPublicCategory( String cat ) { cat = normaliseCat( cat ); Set<String> new_cats = new HashSet( public_categories ); if ( new_cats.add( cat )){ setPublicCats( new_cats, true ); } } public void removePublicCategory( String cat ) { cat = normaliseCat( cat ); Set<String> new_cats = new HashSet( public_categories ); if ( new_cats.remove( cat )){ setPublicCats( new_cats, true ); } } protected void setPublicCats( String str, boolean persist ) { Set<String> new_pub_cats = new HashSet<String>(); String[] bits = str.split(","); for (String s: bits ){ s = s.trim(); if ( bits.length > 0 ){ new_pub_cats.add( normaliseCat( s )); } } setPublicCats( new_pub_cats, persist ); } protected void setPublicCats( Set<String> new_pub_cats, boolean persist ) { if ( !public_categories.equals( new_pub_cats )){ Set<String> removed = new HashSet<String>( public_categories ); removed.removeAll( new_pub_cats ); public_categories = new_pub_cats; if ( persist ){ String cat_str = ""; for ( String s: public_categories ){ cat_str += (cat_str.length()==0?"":",") + s; } cat_pub.setValue( cat_str ); } List<BuddyPluginBuddy> buds = getBuddies(); for ( BuddyPluginBuddy b: buds ){ Set<String> local = b.getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories(); if ( local != null || new_pub_cats.size() > 0 ){ if ( local == null ){ local = new HashSet<String>(); }else{ // gotta clone else we're messing with stuff that ain't ours local = new HashSet<String>( local ); } local.addAll( new_pub_cats ); local.removeAll( removed ); b.setLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories( local ); } } } } protected void registerMessageHandler() { try{ addRequestListener( new BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener() { public Map requestReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, int subsystem, Map request ) throws BuddyPluginException { if ( subsystem == SUBSYSTEM_INTERNAL ){ if ( !from_buddy.isAuthorised()){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Unauthorised" )); } return( processInternalRequest( from_buddy, request )); } return( null ); } public void pendingMessages( BuddyPluginBuddy[] from_buddies ) { } }); msg_registration = plugin_interface.getMessageManager().registerGenericMessageType( "AZBUDDY", "Buddy message handler", STREAM_CRYPTO, new GenericMessageHandler() { public boolean accept( GenericMessageConnection connection ) throws MessageException { if ( !isEnabled()){ return( false ); } final String originator = connection.getEndpoint().getNotionalAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(); if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "accept " + originator ); } try{ String reason = "Friend: Incoming connection establishment (" + originator + ")"; addRateLimiters( connection ); connection = sec_man.getSTSConnection( connection, sec_man.getPublicKey( SEPublicKey.KEY_TYPE_ECC_192, reason ), new SEPublicKeyLocator() { public boolean accept( Object context, SEPublicKey other_key ) { String other_key_str = Base32.encode( other_key.encodeRawPublicKey()); if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "Incoming: acceptKey - " + other_key_str ); } try{ synchronized( BuddyPlugin.this ){ int unauth_count = 0; for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( buddy.getPublicKey().equals( other_key_str )){ // don't accept a second or subsequent connection for unauth buddies // as they have a single chance to be processed if ( !buddy.isAuthorised()){ log( "Incoming connection from " + originator + " failed as for unauthorised buddy" ); return( false ); } buddy.incomingConnection((GenericMessageConnection)context ); return( true ); } if ( !buddy.isAuthorised()){ unauth_count++; } } // no existing authorised buddy if ( unauth_count < MAX_UNAUTH_BUDDIES ){ if ( tooManyUnauthConnections( originator )){ log( "Too many recent unauthorised connections from " + originator ); return( false ); } BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = addBuddy( other_key_str, SUBSYSTEM_AZ2, false ); buddy.incomingConnection((GenericMessageConnection)context ); return( true ); } } log( "Incoming connection from " + originator + " failed due to pk mismatch" ); return( false ); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Incomming connection from " + originator + " failed", e ); return( false ); } } }, reason, BLOCK_CRYPTO ); }catch( Throwable e ){ connection.close(); log( "Incoming connection from " + originator + " failed", e ); } return( true ); } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to register message listener", e ); } } protected void addRateLimiters( GenericMessageConnection connection ) { connection.addInboundRateLimiter( inbound_limiter ); connection.addOutboundRateLimiter( outbound_limiter ); } protected boolean tooManyUnauthConnections( String originator ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( unauth_bloom == null ){ unauth_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddRemove4Bit( UNAUTH_BLOOM_CHUNK ); unauth_bloom_create_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); } int hit_count = unauth_bloom.add( originator.getBytes()); if ( hit_count >= 8 ){ Debug.out( "Too many recent unauthorised connection attempts from " + originator ); return( true ); } return( false ); } } protected void checkUnauthBloom() { synchronized( this ){ if ( unauth_bloom != null ){ long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < unauth_bloom_create_time ){ unauth_bloom_create_time = now; }else if ( now - unauth_bloom_create_time > UNAUTH_BLOOM_RECREATE ){ unauth_bloom = null; } } } } protected void checkMaxMessageSize( int size ) throws BuddyPluginException { if ( size > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Message is too large to send, limit is " + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ))); } } protected void checkPersistentDispatch() { List buddies_copy; synchronized( this ){ buddies_copy = new ArrayList( buddies ); } for (int i=0;i<buddies_copy.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies_copy.get(i); buddy.checkPersistentDispatch(); } } protected void persistentDispatchInit() { Iterator it = pd_preinit.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ persistentDispatchPending((BuddyPluginBuddy)it.next()); } pd_preinit = null; } protected void persistentDispatchPending( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { synchronized( pd_queue ){ if ( initialisation_state == INIT_UNKNOWN ){ pd_preinit.add( buddy ); return; } if ( !pd_queue.contains( buddy )){ pd_queue.add( buddy ); pd_queue_sem.release(); if ( pd_thread == null ){ pd_thread = new AEThread2( "BuddyPlugin:persistDispatch", true ) { public void run() { while( true ){ if ( !pd_queue_sem.reserve( 30*1000 )){ synchronized( pd_queue ){ if ( pd_queue.isEmpty()){ pd_thread = null; break; } } }else{ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy; synchronized( pd_queue ){ buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)pd_queue.remove(0); } buddy.persistentDispatch(); } } } }; pd_thread.start(); } } } } protected Map processInternalRequest( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, Map request ) throws BuddyPluginException { int type = ((Long)request.get("type")).intValue(); if ( type == RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_PING ){ Map reply = new HashMap(); reply.put( "type", new Long( RT_INTERNAL_REPLY_PING )); return( reply ); }else if ( type == RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_CLOSE ){ from_buddy.receivedCloseRequest( request ); Map reply = new HashMap(); reply.put( "type", new Long( RT_INTERNAL_REPLY_CLOSE )); return( reply ); }else{ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Unrecognised request type " + type )); } } protected void updateListenPorts() { synchronized( this ){ int tcp_port = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "TCP.Listen.Port" ); boolean tcp_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "TCP.Listen.Port.Enable" ); int udp_port = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter("UDP.Listen.Port" ); boolean udp_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "UDP.Listen.Port.Enable" ); if ( !tcp_enabled ){ tcp_port = 0; } if ( !udp_enabled ){ udp_port = 0; } if ( latest_publish.getTCPPort() != tcp_port || latest_publish.getUDPPort() != udp_port ){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setTCPPort( tcp_port ); new_publish.setUDPPort( udp_port ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } } protected void updateIP() { if ( ddb == null || !ddb.isAvailable()){ return; } synchronized( this ){ InetAddress public_ip = ddb.getLocalContact().getAddress().getAddress(); if ( latest_publish.getIP() == null || !latest_publish.getIP().equals( public_ip )){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setIP( public_ip ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } } protected void updateNickName( String new_nick ) { new_nick = new_nick.trim(); if ( new_nick.length() == 0 ){ new_nick = null; } synchronized( this ){ String old_nick = latest_publish.getNickName(); if ( !stringsEqual( new_nick, old_nick )){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setNickName( new_nick ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } } protected void updateOnlineStatus( int new_status ) { boolean changed; synchronized( this ){ int old_status = latest_publish.getOnlineStatus(); changed = old_status != new_status; if ( changed ){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setOnlineStatus( new_status ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } if ( changed ){ List buddies = getAllBuddies(); for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( buddy.isConnected()){ buddy.sendKeepAlive(); } } } } public String getOnlineStatus( int status ) { if ( status >= STATUS_STRINGS.length || status < 0 ){ status = 0; } return( STATUS_STRINGS[status] ); } protected boolean stringsEqual( String s1, String s2 ) { if ( s1 == null && s2 == null ){ return( true ); } if ( s1 == null || s2 == null ){ return( false ); } return( s1.equals( s2 )); } protected void updateKey() { synchronized( this ){ publishDetails new_publish = latest_publish.getCopy(); new_publish.setPublicKey( null ); updatePublish( new_publish ); } } protected void updatePublish( final publishDetails details ) { latest_publish = details; if ( ddb == null || !ready_to_publish ){ return; } publish_dispatcher.dispatch( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { // only execute the most recent publish if ( publish_dispatcher.getQueueSize() > 0 ){ return; } updatePublishSupport( details ); } }); } protected void updatePublishSupport( publishDetails details ) { byte[] key_to_remove = null; publishDetails existing_details; boolean log_this; synchronized( this ){ log_this = !current_publish.getString().equals( details.getString()); existing_details = current_publish; if ( !details.isEnabled()){ if ( current_publish.isPublished()){ key_to_remove = current_publish.getPublicKey(); } }else{ if ( details.getPublicKey() == null ){ try{ details.setPublicKey( ecc_handler.getPublicKey( "Creating online status key" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to publish details", e ); return; } } if ( current_publish.isPublished()){ byte[] existing_key = current_publish.getPublicKey(); if ( !Arrays.equals( existing_key, details.getPublicKey())){ key_to_remove = existing_key; } } } current_publish = details; } if ( key_to_remove != null ){ log( "Removing old status publish: " + existing_details.getString()); try{ ddb.delete( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { } }, getStatusKey( key_to_remove, "Friend status de-registration for old key" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to remove existing publish", e ); } } if ( details.isEnabled()){ // ensure we have a sensible ip InetAddress ip = details.getIP(); if ( ip.isLoopbackAddress() || ip.isLinkLocalAddress() || ip.isSiteLocalAddress()){ log( "Can't publish as ip address is invalid: " + details.getString()); return; } details.setPublished( true ); Map payload = new HashMap(); if ( details.getTCPPort() > 0 ){ payload.put( "t", new Long( details.getTCPPort() )); } if ( details.getUDPPort() > 0 ){ payload.put( "u", new Long( details.getUDPPort() )); } payload.put( "i", ip.getAddress()); String nick = details.getNickName(); if ( nick != null ){ if ( nick.length() > 32 ){ nick = nick.substring( 0, 32 ); } payload.put( "n", nick ); } payload.put( "o", new Long( details.getOnlineStatus())); int next_seq = ++status_seq; if ( next_seq == 0 ){ next_seq = ++status_seq; } details.setSequence( next_seq ); payload.put( "s", new Long( next_seq )); payload.put( "v", new Long( VERSION_CURRENT )); boolean failed_to_get_key = true; try{ byte[] data = BEncoder.encode( payload ); DistributedDatabaseKey key = getStatusKey( details.getPublicKey(), "My buddy status registration " + payload ); byte[] signature = ecc_handler.sign( data, "Friend online status" ); failed_to_get_key = false; byte[] signed_payload = new byte[ 1 + signature.length + data.length ]; signed_payload[0] = (byte)signature.length; System.arraycopy( signature, 0, signed_payload, 1, signature.length ); System.arraycopy( data, 0, signed_payload, 1 + signature.length, data.length ); DistributedDatabaseValue value = ddb.createValue( signed_payload ); final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "BuddyPlugin:reg" ); if ( log_this ){ logMessage( "Publishing status starts: " + details.getString()); } last_publish_start = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); ddb.write( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { private List<DistributedDatabaseContact> write_contacts = new ArrayList<DistributedDatabaseContact>(); public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { int type = event.getType(); if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_WRITTEN ){ write_contacts.add( event.getContact()); }else if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT || type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE ){ synchronized( publish_write_contacts ){ publish_write_contacts.clear(); publish_write_contacts.addAll( write_contacts ); } sem.release(); } } }, key, value ); sem.reserve(); if ( log_this ){ logMessage( "My status publish complete" ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ logMessage( "Failed to publish online status", e ); if ( failed_to_get_key ){ synchronized( this ){ if ( republish_delay_event != null ){ return; } if ( last_publish_start == 0 || SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - last_publish_start > STATUS_REPUBLISH_PERIOD ){ log( "Rescheduling publish as failed to get key" ); republish_delay_event = SimpleTimer.addEvent( "BuddyPlugin:republish", SystemTime.getCurrentTime() + 60*1000, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform( TimerEvent event) { synchronized( BuddyPlugin.this ){ republish_delay_event = null; } if ( last_publish_start == 0 || SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - last_publish_start > STATUS_REPUBLISH_PERIOD ){ if ( latest_publish.isEnabled()){ updatePublish( latest_publish ); } } } }); } } } } } } protected int getCurrentStatusSeq() { return( current_publish.getSequence()); } protected void closedown() { logMessage( "Closing down" ); List<BuddyPluginBuddy> buddies = getAllBuddies(); synchronized( this ){ connected_at_close = new ArrayList<BuddyPluginBuddy>(); for ( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy: buddies ){ if ( buddy.isConnected()){ connected_at_close.add( buddy ); } } } if ( ddb != null ){ boolean restarting = AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable() ? AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().isRestarting() : false; logMessage( " closing buddy connections" ); for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ ((BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i)).sendCloseRequest( restarting ); } if ( !restarting ){ logMessage( " updating online status" ); List contacts = new ArrayList(); synchronized( publish_write_contacts ){ contacts.addAll( publish_write_contacts ); } byte[] key_to_remove; synchronized( this ){ key_to_remove = current_publish.getPublicKey(); } if ( contacts.size() == 0 || key_to_remove == null ){ return; } DistributedDatabaseContact[] contact_a = new DistributedDatabaseContact[contacts.size()]; contacts.toArray( contact_a ); try{ ddb.delete( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { if ( event.getType() == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_DELETED ){ // System.out.println( "Deleted status from " + event.getContact().getName()); } } }, getStatusKey( key_to_remove, "Friend status de-registration for closedown" ), contact_a ); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to remove existing publish", e ); } } } } protected DistributedDatabaseKey getStatusKey( byte[] public_key, String reason ) throws Exception { byte[] key_prefix = "azbuddy:status".getBytes(); byte[] key_bytes = new byte[ key_prefix.length + public_key.length ]; System.arraycopy( key_prefix, 0, key_bytes, 0, key_prefix.length ); System.arraycopy( public_key, 0, key_bytes, key_prefix.length, public_key.length ); DistributedDatabaseKey key = ddb.createKey( key_bytes, reason ); return( key ); } protected DistributedDatabaseKey getYGMKey( byte[] public_key, String reason ) throws Exception { byte[] key_prefix = "azbuddy:ygm".getBytes(); byte[] key_bytes = new byte[ key_prefix.length + public_key.length ]; System.arraycopy( key_prefix, 0, key_bytes, 0, key_prefix.length ); System.arraycopy( public_key, 0, key_bytes, key_prefix.length, public_key.length ); DistributedDatabaseKey key = ddb.createKey( key_bytes, reason ); return( key ); } protected void setConfigDirty() { synchronized( this ){ config_dirty = true; } } protected void loadConfig() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); synchronized( this ){ Map map = readConfig(); List buddies_config = (List)map.get( "friends" ); if ( buddies_config != null ){ if ( buddies_config.size() == 0 ){ deleteConfig(); }else{ for (int i=0;i<buddies_config.size();i++){ Object o = buddies_config.get(i); if ( o instanceof Map ){ Map details = (Map)o; Long l_ct = (Long)details.get( "ct" ); long created_time = l_ct==null?now:l_ct.longValue(); if ( created_time > now ){ created_time = now; } String key = new String((byte[])details.get( "pk" )); List recent_ygm = (List)details.get( "ygm" ); String nick = decodeString((byte[])details.get( "n" )); Long l_seq = (Long)details.get( "ls" ); int last_seq = l_seq==null?0:l_seq.intValue(); Long l_lo = (Long)details.get( "lo" ); long last_time_online = l_lo==null?0:l_lo.longValue(); if ( last_time_online > now ){ last_time_online = now; } Long l_subsystem = (Long)details.get( "ss" ); int subsystem = l_subsystem==null?SUBSYSTEM_AZ2:l_subsystem.intValue(); if (subsystem == SUBSYSTEM_AZ3) { continue; } Long l_ver = (Long)details.get("v"); int ver = l_ver==null?VERSION_INITIAL:l_ver.intValue(); String loc_cat = decodeString((byte[])details.get( "lc" )); String rem_cat = decodeString((byte[])details.get( "rc" )); BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = new BuddyPluginBuddy( this, created_time, subsystem, true, key, nick, ver, loc_cat, rem_cat, last_seq, last_time_online, recent_ygm ); byte[] ip_bytes = (byte[])details.get( "ip" ); if ( ip_bytes != null ){ try{ InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByAddress( ip_bytes ); int tcp_port = ((Long)details.get( "tcp" )).intValue(); int udp_port = ((Long)details.get( "udp" )).intValue(); buddy.setCachedStatus( ip, tcp_port, udp_port ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } logMessage( "Loaded buddy " + buddy.getString()); buddies.add( buddy ); buddies_map.put( key, buddy ); } } } } int num_buddies = buddies.size(); for ( BuddyPluginBuddy b: buddies ){ b.setInitialStatus( now, num_buddies ); } } } protected String decodeString( byte[] bytes ) { if ( bytes == null ){ return( null ); } try{ return( new String( bytes, "UTF8" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( null ); } } protected void saveConfig() { saveConfig( false ); } protected void saveConfig( boolean force ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( config_dirty || force ){ List buddies_config = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( !buddy.isAuthorised()){ continue; } Map map = new HashMap(); map.put( "ct", new Long( buddy.getCreatedTime())); map.put( "pk", buddy.getPublicKey()); List ygm = buddy.getYGMMarkers(); if ( ygm != null ){ map.put( "ygm", ygm ); } String nick = buddy.getNickName(); if ( nick != null ){ map.put( "n", nick ); } map.put( "ls", new Long( buddy.getLastStatusSeq())); map.put( "lo", new Long( buddy.getLastTimeOnline())); map.put( "ss", new Long( buddy.getSubsystem())); map.put( "v", new Long( buddy.getVersion())); if ( buddy.getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString() != null ){ map.put( "lc", buddy.getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString()); } if ( buddy.getRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString() != null ){ map.put( "rc", buddy.getRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString()); } boolean connected = buddy.isConnected() || ( connected_at_close != null && connected_at_close.contains( buddy )); if ( connected ){ InetAddress ip = buddy.getIP(); int tcp_port = buddy.getTCPPort(); int udp_port = buddy.getUDPPort(); if ( ip != null ){ map.put( "ip", ip.getAddress()); map.put( "tcp", new Long( tcp_port )); map.put( "udp", new Long( udp_port )); } } buddies_config.add( map ); } Map map = new HashMap(); if ( buddies_config.size() > 0 ){ map.put( "friends", buddies_config ); writeConfig( map ); }else{ deleteConfig(); } config_dirty = false; } } } public BuddyPluginBuddy addBuddy( String key, int subsystem ) { return( addBuddy( key, subsystem, true )); } protected BuddyPluginBuddy addBuddy( String key, int subsystem, boolean authorised ) { if ( key.length() == 0 || !verifyPublicKey( key )){ return( null ); } BuddyPluginBuddy buddy_to_return = null; // buddy may be already present as unauthorised in which case we pick it up // and authorise it and send the added event (we don't fire added events for // unauthorised buddies) synchronized( this ){ for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( buddy.getPublicKey().equals( key )){ if ( buddy.getSubsystem() != subsystem ){ log( "Buddy " + buddy.getString() + ": subsystem changed from " + buddy.getSubsystem() + " to " + subsystem ); buddy.setSubsystem( subsystem ); saveConfig( true ); } if ( authorised && !buddy.isAuthorised()){ log( "Buddy " + buddy.getString() + ": no authorised" ); buddy.setAuthorised( true ); buddy_to_return = buddy; }else{ return( buddy ); } } } if ( buddy_to_return == null ){ buddy_to_return = new BuddyPluginBuddy( this, SystemTime.getCurrentTime(), subsystem, authorised, key, null, VERSION_CURRENT, null, null, 0, 0, null ); buddies.add( buddy_to_return ); buddies_map.put( key, buddy_to_return ); if ( !authorised ){ log( "Added unauthorised buddy: " + buddy_to_return.getString()); } } if ( buddy_to_return.isAuthorised()){ logMessage( "Added buddy " + buddy_to_return.getString()); saveConfig( true ); } } fireAdded( buddy_to_return ); return( buddy_to_return ); } protected void removeBuddy( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( !buddies.remove( buddy )){ return; } buddies_map.remove( buddy.getPublicKey()); logMessage( "Removed friend " + buddy.getString()); saveConfig( true ); } buddy.destroy(); fireRemoved( buddy ); } protected Map readConfig() { File config_file = new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir(), "friends.config" ); return( readConfigFile( config_file )); } protected void writeConfig( Map map ) { File config_file = new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir(), "friends.config" ); writeConfigFile( config_file, map ); } protected void deleteConfig() { File config_file = new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir(), "friends.config" ); Utilities utils = plugin_interface.getUtilities(); plugin_interface.getUtilities().deleteResilientBEncodedFile( config_file.getParentFile(), config_file.getName(), true ); } protected Map readConfigFile( File name ) { Utilities utils = plugin_interface.getUtilities(); Map map = utils.readResilientBEncodedFile( name.getParentFile(), name.getName(), true ); if ( map == null ){ map = new HashMap(); } return( map ); } protected boolean writeConfigFile( File name, Map data ) { Utilities utils = plugin_interface.getUtilities(); plugin_interface.getUtilities().writeResilientBEncodedFile( name.getParentFile(), name.getName(), data, true ); return( name.exists()); } protected File getBuddyConfigDir() { return( new File( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir(), "friends" )); } public BuddyPluginAZ2 getAZ2Handler() { return( az2_handler ); } public String getPublicKey() { try{ return( Base32.encode(ecc_handler.getPublicKey( "Friend get key" ))); }catch( Throwable e ){ logMessage( "Failed to access public key", e ); return( null ); } } public boolean verifyPublicKey( String key ) { return( ecc_handler.verifyPublicKey( Base32.decode( key ))); } protected void checkBuddiesAndRepublish() { updateBuddys(); plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer( "Buddy checker" ).addPeriodicEvent( TIMER_PERIOD, new UTTimerEventPerformer() { int tick_count; public void perform( UTTimerEvent event ) { tick_count++; if ( !isEnabled()){ return; } updateBuddys(); if ( tick_count % STATUS_REPUBLISH_TICKS == 0 ){ if ( latest_publish.isEnabled()){ updatePublish( latest_publish ); } } if ( tick_count % CHECK_YGM_TICKS == 0 ){ checkMessagePending( tick_count ); } if ( tick_count % BLOOM_CHECK_TICKS == 0 ){ checkUnauthBloom(); } if ( tick_count % SAVE_CONFIG_TICKS == 0 ){ saveConfig(); } if ( tick_count % PERSISTENT_MSG_CHECK_TICKS == 0 ){ checkPersistentDispatch(); } if ( buddy_tracker != null ){ buddy_tracker.tick( tick_count ); } } }); } protected void updateBuddys() { List buddies_copy; synchronized( this ){ buddies_copy = new ArrayList( buddies ); } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i=0;i<buddies_copy.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies_copy.get(i); long last_check = buddy.getLastStatusCheckTime(); buddy.checkTimeouts(); int period = BUDDY_STATUS_CHECK_PERIOD_MIN + BUDDY_STATUS_CHECK_PERIOD_INC*buddies_copy.size()/5; // randomise a bit period += random.nextInt( 2*60*1000 ); // last check may be in the future as we defer checks for seemingly inactive buddies if ( now - last_check > period ){ if ( !buddy.statusCheckActive()){ if ( buddy.isAuthorised()){ updateBuddyStatus( buddy ); } } } } // trim any non-authorised buddies that have gone idle synchronized( this ){ for (int i=0;i<buddies_copy.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies_copy.get(i); if ( buddy.isIdle() && !buddy.isAuthorised()){ removeBuddy( buddy ); } } } } protected void updateBuddyStatus( final BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { if ( !buddy.statusCheckStarts()){ return; } log( "Updating buddy status: " + buddy.getString()); try{ final byte[] public_key = buddy.getRawPublicKey(); DistributedDatabaseKey key = getStatusKey( public_key, "Friend status check for " + buddy.getName()); ddb.read( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { private long latest_time; private Map status; public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { int type = event.getType(); if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_READ ){ try{ DistributedDatabaseValue value = event.getValue(); long time = value.getCreationTime(); if ( time > latest_time ){ byte[] signed_stuff = (byte[])value.getValue( byte[].class ); Map new_status = verifyAndExtract( signed_stuff, public_key ); if ( new_status != null ){ status = new_status; latest_time = time; } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Read failed", e ); } }else if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT || type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE ){ if ( status == null ){ buddy.statusCheckFailed(); }else{ try{ int tcp_port = ((Long)status.get( "t" )).intValue(); int udp_port = ((Long)status.get( "u" )).intValue(); InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByAddress((byte[])status.get("i")); String nick = decodeString((byte[])status.get( "n" )); Long l_seq = (Long)status.get( "s" ); int seq = l_seq==null?0:l_seq.intValue(); Long l_os = (Long)status.get( "o" ); int os = l_os==null?BuddyPlugin.STATUS_ONLINE:l_os.intValue(); Long l_ver = (Long)status.get( "v" ); int ver = l_ver==null?VERSION_INITIAL:l_ver.intValue(); buddy.statusCheckComplete( latest_time, ip, tcp_port, udp_port, nick, os, seq, ver ); }catch( Throwable e ){ buddy.statusCheckFailed(); log( "Status decode failed", e ); } } } } }, key, 120*1000 ); }catch( Throwable e ){ buddy.statusCheckFailed(); log( "Friend status update failed: " + buddy.getString(), e ); } } protected Map verifyAndExtract( byte[] signed_stuff, byte[] public_key ) throws BuddyPluginException { int signature_length = ((int)signed_stuff[0])&0xff; byte[] signature = new byte[ signature_length ]; byte[] data = new byte[ signed_stuff.length - 1 - signature_length]; System.arraycopy( signed_stuff, 1, signature, 0, signature_length ); System.arraycopy( signed_stuff, 1 + signature_length, data, 0, data.length ); try{ if ( ecc_handler.verify( public_key, data, signature )){ return( BDecoder.decode( data )); }else{ logMessage( "Signature verification failed" ); return( null ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Verification failed", e ); return( null ); } } protected byte[] signAndInsert( Map plain_stuff, String reason ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ byte[] data = BEncoder.encode( plain_stuff ); byte[] signature = ecc_handler.sign( data, reason ); byte[] signed_payload = new byte[ 1 + signature.length + data.length ]; signed_payload[0] = (byte)signature.length; System.arraycopy( signature, 0, signed_payload, 1, signature.length ); System.arraycopy( data, 0, signed_payload, 1 + signature.length, data.length ); return( signed_payload ); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Signing failed", e ); return( null ); } } public boolean verify( String pk, byte[] payload, byte[] signature ) throws BuddyPluginException { return( verify( Base32.decode( pk ), payload, signature )); } protected boolean verify( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, byte[] payload, byte[] signature ) throws BuddyPluginException { return( verify( buddy.getRawPublicKey(), payload, signature )); } protected boolean verify( byte[] pk, byte[] payload, byte[] signature ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ return( ecc_handler.verify( pk, payload, signature )); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Verification failed", e ); return( false ); } } public byte[] sign( byte[] payload ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ return( ecc_handler.sign( payload, "Friend message signing" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Signing failed", e ); return( null ); } } protected cryptoResult encrypt( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, byte[] payload ) throws BuddyPluginException { return encrypt(buddy.getPublicKey(), payload, buddy.getName()); } public cryptoResult encrypt( String pk, byte[] payload, String forWho ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ byte[] hash = new byte[20]; random.nextBytes( hash ); Map content = new HashMap(); content.put( "h", hash ); content.put( "p", payload ); final byte[] encrypted = ecc_handler.encrypt( Base32.decode(pk), BEncoder.encode( content ), "Encrypting message for " + forWho); final byte[] sha1_hash = new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( hash ); return( new cryptoResult() { public byte[] getChallenge() { return( sha1_hash ); } public byte[] getPayload() { return( encrypted ); } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Encryption failed", e ); return( null ); } } protected cryptoResult decrypt( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, byte[] content, String forName) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ final byte[] decrypted = ecc_handler.decrypt( buddy.getRawPublicKey(), content, "Decrypting message for " + buddy.getName()); final Map map = BDecoder.decode( decrypted ); return( new cryptoResult() { public byte[] getChallenge() { return((byte[])map.get("h")); } public byte[] getPayload() { return((byte[])map.get("p")); } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Decryption failed", e ); return( null ); } } public cryptoResult decrypt( String public_key, byte[] content ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ final byte[] decrypted = ecc_handler.decrypt( Base32.decode(public_key), content, "Decrypting message for " + public_key); final Map map = BDecoder.decode( decrypted ); return( new cryptoResult() { public byte[] getChallenge() { return((byte[])map.get("h")); } public byte[] getPayload() { return((byte[])map.get("p")); } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ rethrow( "Decryption failed", e ); return( null ); } } protected void setMessagePending( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, final operationListener listener ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ checkAvailable(); final String reason = "Friend YGM write for " + buddy.getName(); Map payload = new HashMap(); payload.put( "r", new Long( random.nextLong())); byte[] signed_payload = signAndInsert( payload, reason); Map envelope = new HashMap(); envelope.put( "pk", ecc_handler.getPublicKey( reason )); envelope.put( "ss", signed_payload ); DistributedDatabaseValue value = ddb.createValue( BEncoder.encode( envelope )); logMessage( reason + " starts: " + payload ); DistributedDatabaseKey key = getYGMKey( buddy.getRawPublicKey(), reason ); ddb.write( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { int type = event.getType(); if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT || type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE ){ logMessage( reason + " complete" ); listener.complete(); } } }, key, value ); }catch( Throwable e ){ try{ rethrow( "Failed to publish YGM", e ); }finally{ listener.complete(); } } } public void checkMessagePending( int tick_count ) { log( "Checking YGM" ); if ( tick_count % YGM_BLOOM_LIFE_TICKS == 0 ){ synchronized( this ){ ygm_unauth_bloom = null; } } try{ String reason = "Friend YGM check"; byte[] public_key = ecc_handler.getPublicKey( reason ); DistributedDatabaseKey key = getYGMKey( public_key, reason ); ddb.read( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { private List new_ygm_buddies = new ArrayList(); private boolean unauth_permitted = false;; public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { int type = event.getType(); if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_READ ){ try{ DistributedDatabaseValue value = event.getValue(); byte[] envelope = (byte[])value.getValue( byte[].class ); Map map = BDecoder.decode( envelope ); byte[] pk = (byte[])map.get( "pk" ); if ( pk == null ){ return; } String pk_str = Base32.encode( pk ); BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = getBuddyFromPublicKey( pk_str ); if ( buddy == null || !buddy.isAuthorised() ){ if ( buddy == null ){ log( "YGM entry from unknown friend '" + pk_str + "' - ignoring" ); }else{ log( "YGM entry from unauthorised friend '" + pk_str + "' - ignoring" ); } byte[] address = event.getContact().getAddress().getAddress().getAddress(); synchronized( BuddyPlugin.this ){ if ( ygm_unauth_bloom == null ){ ygm_unauth_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddOnly(512); } if ( !ygm_unauth_bloom.contains( address )){ ygm_unauth_bloom.add( address ); unauth_permitted = true; } } }else{ byte[] signed_stuff = (byte[])map.get( "ss" ); Map payload = verifyAndExtract( signed_stuff, pk ); if ( payload != null ){ long rand = ((Long)payload.get("r")).longValue(); if ( buddy.addYGMMarker( rand )){ new_ygm_buddies.add( buddy ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Read failed", e ); } }else if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT || type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE ){ if ( new_ygm_buddies.size() > 0 || unauth_permitted ){ BuddyPluginBuddy[] b = new BuddyPluginBuddy[new_ygm_buddies.size()]; new_ygm_buddies.toArray( b ); fireYGM( b ); } } } }, key, 120*1000, DistributedDatabase.OP_EXHAUSTIVE_READ ); boolean write_bogus_ygm = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( !bogus_ygm_written ){ bogus_ygm_written = write_bogus_ygm = true; } } if ( write_bogus_ygm ){ final String reason2 = "Friend YGM write for myself"; Map envelope = new HashMap(); DistributedDatabaseValue value = ddb.createValue( BEncoder.encode( envelope )); logMessage( reason2 + " starts" ); ddb.write( new DistributedDatabaseListener() { public void event( DistributedDatabaseEvent event ) { int type = event.getType(); if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE ){ logMessage( reason2 + " complete" ); } } }, key, value ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ logMessage( "YGM check failed", e ); } } public BuddyPluginBuddy getBuddyFromPublicKey( String key ) { synchronized( this ){ return((BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies_map.get( key )); } } public PluginInterface getPluginInterface() { return( plugin_interface ); } protected SESecurityManager getSecurityManager() { return( sec_man ); } protected GenericMessageRegistration getMessageRegistration() { return( msg_registration ); } /** * Returns authorised buddies only */ public List<BuddyPluginBuddy> getBuddies() { synchronized( this ){ List<BuddyPluginBuddy> result = new ArrayList<BuddyPluginBuddy>(); for (int i=0;i<buddies.size();i++){ BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = (BuddyPluginBuddy)buddies.get(i); if ( buddy.isAuthorised()){ result.add( buddy ); } } return( result ); } } protected List<BuddyPluginBuddy> getAllBuddies() { synchronized( this ){ return( new ArrayList<BuddyPluginBuddy>( buddies )); } } public boolean isAvailable() { try{ checkAvailable(); return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } protected void checkAvailable() throws BuddyPluginException { if ( initialisation_state == INIT_UNKNOWN ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Plugin not yet initialised" )); }else if ( initialisation_state == INIT_BAD ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Plugin unavailable" )); } } protected void fireInitialised( boolean ok ) { if ( ok ){ initialisation_state = INIT_OK; }else{ initialisation_state = INIT_BAD; } persistentDispatchInit(); if ( ok ){ buddy_tracker.initialise(); } List listeners_ref = listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).initialised( ok ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } public void addListener( BuddyPluginListener listener ) { if ( listeners.contains(listener) ){ return; } listeners.add( listener ); if ( initialisation_state != INIT_UNKNOWN ){ listener.initialised( initialisation_state == INIT_OK ); } } public void removeListener( BuddyPluginListener listener ) { listeners.remove( listener ); } protected Map requestReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, int subsystem, Map content ) throws BuddyPluginException { List listeners_ref = request_listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ Map reply = ((BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).requestReceived(from_buddy, subsystem, content); if ( reply != null ){ return( reply ); } }catch( BuddyPluginException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Request processing failed", e )); } } return( null ); } protected void fireAdded( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { if ( buddy.isAuthorised()){ buddy.setLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories( public_categories ); List listeners_ref = listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).buddyAdded( buddy ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } } protected void fireRemoved( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { if ( buddy.isAuthorised()){ List listeners_ref = listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).buddyRemoved( buddy ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } } protected void fireDetailsChanged( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy ) { if ( buddy.isAuthorised()){ List listeners_ref = listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).buddyChanged( buddy ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } } protected void fireYGM( BuddyPluginBuddy[] from_buddies ) { List listeners_ref = request_listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).pendingMessages( from_buddies ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } protected void fireEnabledStateChanged() { final boolean enabled = !plugin_interface.getPluginState().isDisabled() && isEnabled(); List listeners_ref = listeners.getList(); for (int i=0;i<listeners_ref.size();i++){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)listeners_ref.get(i)).enabledStateChanged( enabled ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } protected void rethrow( String reason, Throwable e ) throws BuddyPluginException { logMessage( reason, e ); if ( e instanceof CryptoManagerPasswordException ){ throw( new BuddyPluginPasswordException(((CryptoManagerPasswordException)e).wasIncorrect(), reason, e )); }else{ throw( new BuddyPluginException( reason, e )); } } public InputStream handleURLProtocol( AZPluginConnection connection, String arg_str ) throws IPCException { String[] args = arg_str.split( "&" ); String pk = null; String category = "All"; byte[] hash = null; for (String arg: args ){ String[] bits = arg.split( "=" ); String lhs = bits[0]; String rhs = UrlUtils.decode( bits[1] ); if ( lhs.equals( "pk" )){ pk = rhs; }else if ( lhs.equals( "cat" )){ category = rhs; }else if ( lhs.equals( "hash" )){ hash = Base32.decode(rhs); } } if ( pk == null ){ throw( new IPCException( "Public key missing from '" + arg_str + "'" )); } BuddyPluginBuddy buddy = getBuddyFromPublicKey( pk ); if ( buddy == null ){ throw( new IPCException( "Buddy with public key '" + pk + "' not found" )); } if ( hash == null ){ return( handleUPRSS( connection, buddy, category )); }else{ return( handleUPTorrent( connection, buddy, category, hash )); } } public InputStream handleUPRSS( final AZPluginConnection connection, BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, String category ) throws IPCException { if ( !buddy.isOnline( true )){ throw( new IPCException( "Buddy isn't online" )); } Map<String,Object> msg = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final String if_mod = connection.getRequestProperty( "If-Modified-Since" ); try{ msg.put( "cat", category.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); if ( if_mod != null ){ msg.put( "if_mod", if_mod ); } // String etag = connection.getRequestProperty( "If-None-Match" ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } final Object[] result = { null }; final AESemaphore result_sem = new AESemaphore( "BuddyPlugin:rss" ); final String etag = buddy.getPublicKey() + "-" + category; az2_handler.sendAZ2RSSMessage( buddy, msg, new BuddyPluginAZ2TrackerListener() { public Map messageReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, Map message ) { try{ byte[] bytes = (byte[])message.get( "rss" ); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); result[0] = bais; connection.setHeaderField( "ETag", etag ); byte[] b_last_mod = (byte[])message.get( "last_mod" ); if ( b_last_mod != null ){ String last_mod = new String( b_last_mod, "UTF-8" ); connection.setHeaderField( "Last-Modified", last_mod ); if ( if_mod != null && if_mod.equals( last_mod ) && bytes.length == 0 ){ connection.setResponse( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, "Not Modified" ); } } result_sem.release(); }catch( Throwable e ){ messageFailed( buddy, e ); } return( null ); } public void messageFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, Throwable cause ) { result[0] = new IPCException( "Read failed", cause ); result_sem.release(); } }); result_sem.reserve( 60*1000 ); if ( result[0] == null ){ throw( new IPCException( "Timeout" )); }else if ( result[0] instanceof InputStream ){ return((InputStream)result[0]); }else{ throw((IPCException)result[0]); } } public InputStream handleUPTorrent( final AZPluginConnection connection, final BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, String category, final byte[] hash ) throws IPCException { final long timeout = 120*1000; final Object[] result = { null }; final AESemaphore result_sem = new AESemaphore( "BuddyPlugin:upt" ); log( "Attempting to download torrent for " + Base32.encode( hash )); // first try and get torrent direct from the buddy if ( buddy.isOnline( true )){ try{ Map<String,Object> msg = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try{ msg.put( "cat", category.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); msg.put( "hash", hash ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } az2_handler.sendAZ2RSSMessage( buddy, msg, new BuddyPluginAZ2TrackerListener() { private boolean result_set; public Map messageReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, Map message ) { try{ byte[] bytes = (byte[])message.get( "torrent" ); log( " torrent downloaded from buddy" ); setResult( bytes ); }catch( Throwable e ){ messageFailed( buddy, e ); } return( null ); } public void messageFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, Throwable cause ) { setResult( new IPCException( "Read failed", cause )); } protected void setResult( Object obj ) { synchronized( result ){ if ( result_set ){ return; } result_set = true; if ( !( result[0] instanceof byte[] )){ result[0] = obj; } result_sem.release(); } } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ result[0] = new IPCException( "Buddy torrent get failed", e ); result_sem.release(); } }else{ result[0] = new IPCException( "Buddy is offline" ); result_sem.release(); } // second try and get via magnet final MagnetPlugin magnet_plugin = getMagnetPlugin(); if ( magnet_plugin == null ){ synchronized( result ){ if ( result[0] == null ){ result[0] = new IPCException( "Magnet plugin unavailable" ); } } result_sem.release(); }else{ new AEThread2( "BuddyPlugin:mag", true ) { private boolean result_set; public void run() { try{ if ( buddy.isOnline( true )){ Thread.sleep(10*1000); } synchronized( result ){ if ( result[0] instanceof byte[] ){ setResult( null ); return; } } byte[] torrent_data = magnet_plugin.download( new MagnetPluginProgressListener() { public void reportSize( long size ) { } public void reportActivity( String str ) { log( " MagnetDownload: " + str ); } public void reportCompleteness( int percent ) { } public void reportContributor( InetSocketAddress address ) { } public boolean verbose() { return( false ); } }, hash, "", new InetSocketAddress[0], timeout ); if ( torrent_data == null ){ setResult( new IPCException( "Magnet timeout" )); }else{ log( " torrent downloaded from magnet" ); setResult( torrent_data ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ setResult( new IPCException( "Magnet get failed", e )); } } protected void setResult( Object obj ) { synchronized( result ){ if ( result_set ){ return; } result_set = true; if ( obj != null ){ if ( result[0] == null || ( obj instanceof byte[] && !( result[0] instanceof byte[] ))){ result[0] = obj; } } result_sem.release(); } } }.start(); } long start = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); if ( result_sem.reserve(timeout )){ if ( !( result[0] instanceof byte[] )){ long rem = timeout - ( SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - start ); if ( rem > 0 ){ result_sem.reserve(rem ); } } } if ( result[0] == null ){ log( " torrent download timeout" ); throw( new IPCException( "Timeout" )); }else if ( result[0] instanceof byte[] ){ return( new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])result[0])); }else{ IPCException error = (IPCException)result[0]; log( " torrent downloaded failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( error )); throw( error ); } } protected MagnetPlugin getMagnetPlugin() { PluginInterface pi = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass( MagnetPlugin.class ); if ( pi == null ){ return( null ); } return((MagnetPlugin)pi.getPlugin()); } public feedDetails getRSS( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, String category, String if_mod ) throws BuddyPluginException { if ( !buddy.isLocalRSSCategoryAuthorised( category )){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Unauthorised category '" + category + "'" )); } buddy.localRSSCategoryRead( category ); Download[] downloads = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().getDownloads(); List<Download> selected_dls = new ArrayList<Download>(); long fingerprint = 0; for (int i=0;i<downloads.length;i++){ Download download = downloads[i]; Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); if ( torrent == null ){ continue; } String dl_cat = download.getAttribute( ta_category ); if ( category.equalsIgnoreCase( "all" ) || ( dl_cat != null && dl_cat.equals( category ))){ if ( !TorrentUtils.isReallyPrivate( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( torrent ))){ selected_dls.add( download ); byte[] hash = torrent.getHash(); int num = (hash[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (hash[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (hash[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | hash[3]&0x000000ff; fingerprint += num; } } } PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); String feed_finger_key = "feed_finger.category." + category; String feed_date_key = "feed_date.category." + category; long existing_fingerprint = pc.getPluginLongParameter( feed_finger_key, 0 ); long feed_date = pc.getPluginLongParameter( feed_date_key, 0 ); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( existing_fingerprint == fingerprint ){ // update every now and then to pick up new peer/seed values if ( selected_dls.size() > 0 ){ if ( now < feed_date || now - feed_date > FEED_UPDATE_MIN_MILLIS ){ feed_date = now; pc.setPluginParameter( feed_date_key, feed_date ); } } }else{ pc.setPluginParameter( feed_finger_key, fingerprint ); // ensure feed date goes up if ( now <= feed_date ){ feed_date++; }else{ feed_date = now; } pc.setPluginParameter( feed_date_key, feed_date ); } String last_modified = TimeFormatter.getHTTPDate( feed_date ); if ( if_mod != null && if_mod.equals( last_modified )){ return( new feedDetails( new byte[0], last_modified )); } ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try{ PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( os, "UTF-8" )); pw.println( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" ); pw.println( "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:vuze=\"http://www.vuze.com\">" ); pw.println( "<channel>" ); pw.println( "<title>" + escape( category ) + "</title>" ); Collections.sort( selected_dls, new Comparator<Download>() { public int compare( Download d1, Download d2) { long added1 = getAddedTime( d1 )/1000; long added2 = getAddedTime( d2 )/1000; return((int)(added2 - added1 )); } }); pw.println( "<pubDate>" + last_modified + "</pubDate>" ); for (int i=0;i<selected_dls.size();i++){ Download download = (Download)selected_dls.get( i ); DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download ); Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); String hash_str = Base32.encode( torrent.getHash()); pw.println( "<item>" ); pw.println( "<title>" + escape( download.getName()) + "</title>" ); pw.println( "<guid>" + hash_str + "</guid>" ); long added = core_download.getDownloadState().getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME); pw.println( "<pubDate>" + TimeFormatter.getHTTPDate( added ) + "</pubDate>" ); pw.println( "<vuze:size>" + torrent.getSize()+ "</vuze:size>" ); pw.println( "<vuze:assethash>" + hash_str + "</vuze:assethash>" ); String url = "azplug:?id=azbuddy&name=Friends&arg="; String arg = "pk=" + getPublicKey() + "&cat=" + category + "&hash=" + Base32.encode(torrent.getHash()); url += URLEncoder.encode( arg, "UTF-8" ); pw.println( "<vuze:downloadurl>" + escape( url ) + "</vuze:downloadurl>" ); DownloadScrapeResult scrape = download.getLastScrapeResult(); if ( scrape != null && scrape.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_SUCCESS ){ pw.println( "<vuze:seeds>" + scrape.getSeedCount() + "</vuze:seeds>" ); pw.println( "<vuze:peers>" + scrape.getNonSeedCount() + "</vuze:peers>" ); } pw.println( "</item>" ); } pw.println( "</channel>" ); pw.println( "</rss>" ); pw.flush(); return( new feedDetails( os.toByteArray(), last_modified )); }catch( IOException e ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "", e )); } } public byte[] getRSSTorrent( BuddyPluginBuddy buddy, String category, byte[] hash ) throws BuddyPluginException { if ( !buddy.isLocalRSSCategoryAuthorised( category )){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Unauthorised category '" + category + "'" )); } try{ Download download = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().getDownload( hash ); if ( download != null ){ Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); if ( torrent != null ){ String dl_cat = download.getAttribute( ta_category ); if ( category.equalsIgnoreCase( "all" ) || ( dl_cat != null && dl_cat.equals( category ))){ if ( !TorrentUtils.isReallyPrivate( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( torrent ))){ torrent = torrent.removeAdditionalProperties(); return( torrent.writeToBEncodedData()); } } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "getTorrent failed", e )); } throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Not found" )); } protected long getAddedTime( Download download ) { DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download ); return( core_download.getDownloadState().getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME)); } protected String escape( String str ) { return( XUXmlWriter.escapeXML(str)); } public void addRequestListener( BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener listener ) { request_listeners.add( listener ); } public void removeRequestListener( BuddyPluginBuddyRequestListener listener ) { request_listeners.remove( listener ); } public void logMessage( String str, Throwable e ) { logMessage( str + ": " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e), true ); } public void logMessage( String str ) { logMessage( str, false ); } public void logMessage( String str, boolean is_error ) { log( str ); Iterator it = listeners.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ try{ ((BuddyPluginListener)it.next()).messageLogged( str, is_error ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } public void log( String str ) { logger.log( str ); } public void log( String str, Throwable e ) { logger.log( str + ": " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessageAndStack( e )); } private class publishDetails implements Cloneable { private byte[] public_key; private InetAddress ip; private int tcp_port; private int udp_port; private String nick_name; private int online_status = STATUS_ONLINE; private boolean enabled; private boolean published; private int sequence; protected publishDetails getCopy() { try{ publishDetails copy = (publishDetails)clone(); copy.published = false; return( copy ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( null); } } protected boolean isPublished() { return( published ); } protected void setPublished( boolean b ) { published = b; } protected boolean isEnabled() { return( enabled ); } protected void setEnabled( boolean _enabled ) { enabled = _enabled; } protected void setSequence( int seq ) { sequence = seq; } protected int getSequence() { return( sequence ); } protected byte[] getPublicKey() { return( public_key ); } protected void setPublicKey( byte[] k ) { public_key = k; } protected InetAddress getIP() { return( ip ); } protected void setIP( InetAddress _ip ) { ip = _ip; } protected int getTCPPort() { return( tcp_port ); } protected void setTCPPort( int _port ) { tcp_port = _port; } protected int getUDPPort() { return( udp_port ); } protected void setUDPPort( int _port ) { udp_port = _port; } protected String getNickName() { return( nick_name ); } protected void setNickName( String n ) { nick_name = n; } protected int getOnlineStatus() { return( online_status ); } protected void setOnlineStatus( int _status ) { online_status = _status; } protected String getString() { return( "enabled=" + enabled + ",ip=" + ip + ",tcp=" + tcp_port + ",udp=" + udp_port + ",stat=" + online_status + ",key=" + (public_key==null?"<none>":Base32.encode( public_key ))); } } protected interface operationListener { public void complete(); } public interface cryptoResult { public byte[] getChallenge(); public byte[] getPayload(); } protected class feedDetails { private byte[] contents; private String last_modified; protected feedDetails( byte[] _contents, String _last_modified ) { contents = _contents; last_modified = _last_modified; } protected byte[] getContent() { return( contents ); } protected String getLastModified() { return( last_modified ); } } }