/* * Created on 28-Sep-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.file.impl; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBufferPool; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.FileUtil; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.file.FMFileManagerException; public class FMFileAccessPieceReorderer implements FMFileAccess { /* * Idea is to grow the file as needed on a piece-write basis * * Each file in general starts with a part of a piece and then is optionally * followed by zero or more complete pieces and ends with an option part of a piece. * * The first part-piece of the file is always stored in position. * * Whenever we receive a write request we calculate which piece number(s) it affects * If we have already allocated piece sized chunks for the pieces then we simply write * to the relevant part of the file * If we haven't then we allocate new piece size chunks at file end and record their position in * the control file. If it now turns out that we have allocated the space required for a piece previously * completed then we copy that piece data into the new block and reuse the space it has been * copied from for the new chunk * * When allocating space for the last part-piece we allocate an entire piece sized chunk and * trim later * * Whenever a piece is marked as complete we look up its location. If the required piece * of the file has already been allocated (and its not alread in the right place) then * we swap the piece data at that location with the current piece's. If the file chunk hasn't * been allocated yet then we leave the piece where it is - it'll be moved later. * * If the control file is lost then there is an opportunity to recover completed pieces by * hashing all of the allocated chunks and checking the SHA1 results with the file's piece hashes. * However, this would require the addition of further interfaces etc to integrate somehow with * the existing force-recheck functionality... * * Obviously the setLength/getLength calls just have to be consistent, they don't actually * modify the length of the physical file * * Conversion between storage formats is another possibility to consider - conversion from this * to linear can fairly easily be done here as it just needs pieces to be written to their * correct locations. Conversion to this format can't be done here as we don't know which * pieces and blocks contain valid data. I guess such details could be added to the * setStorageType call as a further parameter */ private static final boolean TRACE = false; private static final int MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE = 3; // first piece fixed at file start so need 3 to do anything worthwhile private static final byte SS_FILE = DirectByteBuffer.SS_FILE; private static final int DIRT_CLEAN = 0; private static final int DIRT_DIRTY = 1; private static final int DIRT_NEVER_WRITTEN = 2; private static final long DIRT_FLUSH_MILLIS = 30*1000; private FMFileAccess delegate; private File control_dir; private String control_file; private int piece_size; private int first_piece_length; private int first_piece_number; private int last_piece_length; private int num_pieces; private long current_length; private int[] piece_map; private int[] piece_reverse_map; private int next_piece_index; private int dirt_state; private long dirt_time = -1; protected FMFileAccessPieceReorderer( TOTorrentFile _torrent_file, File _control_dir, String _control_file, FMFileAccess _delegate ) throws FMFileManagerException { delegate = _delegate; control_dir = _control_dir; control_file = _control_file; try{ first_piece_number = _torrent_file.getFirstPieceNumber(); num_pieces = _torrent_file.getLastPieceNumber() - first_piece_number + 1; if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ piece_size = (int)_torrent_file.getTorrent().getPieceLength(); TOTorrent torrent = _torrent_file.getTorrent(); long file_length = _torrent_file.getLength(); long file_offset_in_torrent = 0; TOTorrentFile[] files = torrent.getFiles(); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ TOTorrentFile f = files[i]; if ( f == _torrent_file ){ break; } file_offset_in_torrent += f.getLength(); } int first_piece_offset = (int)( file_offset_in_torrent % piece_size ); first_piece_length = piece_size - first_piece_offset; long file_end = file_offset_in_torrent + file_length; last_piece_length = (int)( file_end - (( file_end / piece_size ) * piece_size )); if ( last_piece_length == 0 ){ last_piece_length = piece_size; } } dirt_state = new File( control_dir, control_file ).exists()?DIRT_CLEAN:DIRT_NEVER_WRITTEN; }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Piece-reorder file init fail", e )); } } public void aboutToOpen() throws FMFileManagerException { // ensure control file exists as this marks the file as piece-reordered // always do this, even for < MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE piece files as // we still need the control file to exist if ( dirt_state == DIRT_NEVER_WRITTEN ){ writeConfig(); } } public long getLength( RandomAccessFile raf ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ if ( piece_map == null ){ readConfig(); } try{ // to cope with add-for-seeding mixed with the way the core handles move-to directory discovery we // also need to have recovery code in this branch to deal with the situation where the file was initially // opened pointing at a non-existant file and therefore missed the normal recovery path if ( current_length == 0 && next_piece_index == 1 ){ long physical_length = raf.length(); if ( physical_length > current_length ){ long max_length = first_piece_length + (num_pieces-2)*piece_size + last_piece_length; physical_length = Math.min( physical_length, max_length ); if ( physical_length > current_length ){ current_length = physical_length; int piece_count = (int)(( current_length + piece_size - 1 )/piece_size) + 1; if ( piece_count > num_pieces ){ piece_count = num_pieces; } for ( int i=1;i<piece_count;i++){ piece_map[i] = i; piece_reverse_map[i] = i; } next_piece_index = piece_count; setDirty(); } } } }catch( IOException e ){ } return( current_length ); }else{ return( delegate.getLength(raf)); } } public void setLength( RandomAccessFile raf, long length ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ if ( piece_map == null ){ readConfig(); } if ( current_length != length ){ current_length = length; setDirty(); } }else{ delegate.setLength( raf, length ); } } protected long getPieceOffset( RandomAccessFile raf, int piece_number, boolean allocate_if_needed ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( piece_map == null ){ readConfig(); } int index = getPieceIndex( raf, piece_number, allocate_if_needed ); if ( index < 0 ){ return( index ); }else if ( index == 0 ){ return( 0 ); }else if ( index == 1 ){ return( first_piece_length ); }else{ return( first_piece_length + ((index-1)*(long)piece_size )); } } protected int readWritePiece( RandomAccessFile raf, DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, int piece_number, int piece_offset, boolean is_read ) throws FMFileManagerException { String str = is_read?"read":"write"; if ( piece_number >= num_pieces ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Attempt to " + str + " piece " + piece_number + ": last=" + num_pieces )); } int this_piece_size = piece_number==0?first_piece_length:(piece_number==(num_pieces-1)?last_piece_length:piece_size); final int piece_space = this_piece_size - piece_offset; if ( piece_space <= 0 ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Attempt to " + str + " piece " + piece_number + ", offset " + piece_offset + " - no space in piece" )); } int rem_space = piece_space; int[] limits = new int[buffers.length]; for ( int i=0;i<buffers.length;i++ ){ DirectByteBuffer buffer = buffers[i]; limits[i] = buffer.limit( SS_FILE ); int rem = buffer.remaining( SS_FILE ); if ( rem > rem_space ){ buffer.limit( SS_FILE, buffer.position( SS_FILE ) + rem_space ); rem_space = 0; }else{ rem_space -= rem; } } try{ long piece_start = getPieceOffset( raf, piece_number, !is_read ); if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( str + " to " + piece_number + "/" + piece_offset + "/" + this_piece_size + "/" + piece_space + "/" + rem_space + "/" + piece_start ); } if ( piece_start == -1 ){ return( 0 ); } long piece_io_position = piece_start + piece_offset; if ( is_read ){ delegate.read( raf, buffers, piece_io_position ); }else{ delegate.write( raf, buffers, piece_io_position ); } return( piece_space - rem_space ); }finally{ for ( int i=0;i<buffers.length;i++ ){ buffers[i].limit( SS_FILE, limits[i] ); } } } protected void readWrite( RandomAccessFile raf, DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, long position, boolean is_read ) throws FMFileManagerException { long total_length = 0; for ( DirectByteBuffer buffer: buffers ){ total_length += buffer.remaining( SS_FILE ); } if ( !is_read && position + total_length > current_length ){ current_length = position + total_length; setDirty(); } long current_position = position; while( total_length > 0 ){ int piece_number; int piece_offset; if ( current_position < first_piece_length ){ piece_number = 0; piece_offset = (int)current_position; }else{ long offset = current_position - first_piece_length; piece_number = (int)( offset / piece_size ) + 1; piece_offset = (int)( offset % piece_size ); } int count = readWritePiece( raf, buffers, piece_number, piece_offset, is_read ); if ( count == 0 ){ if ( is_read ){ // fill remaining space with zeros so we're consistent for ( DirectByteBuffer buffer: buffers ){ ByteBuffer bb = buffer.getBuffer( SS_FILE ); int rem = bb.remaining(); bb.put( new byte[rem] ); } }else{ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "partial write operation" )); } return; } total_length -= count; current_position += count; } } public void read( RandomAccessFile raf, DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ readWrite( raf, buffers, position, true ); }else{ delegate.read( raf, buffers, position ); } } public void write( RandomAccessFile raf, DirectByteBuffer[] buffers, long position ) throws FMFileManagerException { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ readWrite( raf, buffers, position, false ); }else{ delegate.write( raf, buffers, position ); } } public void flush() throws FMFileManagerException { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ if ( dirt_state != DIRT_CLEAN ){ writeConfig(); } }else{ delegate.flush(); } } public boolean isPieceCompleteProcessingNeeded( int piece_number ) { if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ // note that it is possible to reduce the number of piece moves at the expense // of complicating the allocation process. We have the advantage here of having // the piece data already in memory. We also don't want to defer a mass of IO // until the download completes, hence interfering with other stuff such as // streaming. So I'm going to stick with this approach. piece_number = piece_number - first_piece_number; if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "isPieceCompleteProcessingNeeded: " + piece_number ); } if ( piece_number >= next_piece_index ){ // nothing stored yet in the location where this piece belongs if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " nothing stored" ); } return( false ); } int store_index = piece_map[ piece_number ]; if ( store_index == -1 ){ // things screwed up, return true to trigger subsequent fail if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " screwed" ); } return( true ); } if ( piece_number == store_index ){ // already in the right place if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " already in right place" ); } return( false ); } if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " needs moving" ); } return( true ); }else{ return( delegate.isPieceCompleteProcessingNeeded( piece_number )); } } public void setPieceComplete( RandomAccessFile raf, int piece_number, DirectByteBuffer piece_data ) throws FMFileManagerException { // note, some of this logic repeated above if ( num_pieces >= MIN_PIECES_REORDERABLE ){ // note that it is possible to reduce the number of piece moves at the expense // of complicating the allocation process. We have the advantage here of having // the piece data already in memory. We also don't want to defer a mass of IO // until the download completes, hence interfering with other stuff such as // streaming. So I'm going to stick with this approach. piece_number = piece_number - first_piece_number; if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "pieceComplete: " + piece_number ); } if ( piece_number >= next_piece_index ){ // nothing stored yet in the location where this piece belongs return; } int store_index = getPieceIndex( raf, piece_number, false ); if ( store_index == -1 ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "piece marked as complete but not yet allocated" )); } if ( piece_number == store_index ){ // already in the right place if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " already in right place" ); } return; } // find out what's currently stored in the place this piece should be int swap_piece_number = piece_reverse_map[ piece_number ]; if ( swap_piece_number < 1 ){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Inconsistent: failed to find piece to swap" )); } if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " swapping " + piece_number + " and " + swap_piece_number + ": " + piece_number + " <-> " + store_index ); } DirectByteBuffer temp_buffer = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( SS_FILE, piece_size ); DirectByteBuffer[] temp_buffers = new DirectByteBuffer[]{ temp_buffer }; try{ long store_offset = first_piece_length + ((store_index-1)*(long)piece_size ); long swap_offset = first_piece_length + ((piece_number-1)*(long)piece_size ); delegate.read( raf, temp_buffers, swap_offset ); piece_data.position( SS_FILE, 0 ); delegate.write( raf, new DirectByteBuffer[]{ piece_data }, swap_offset ); temp_buffer.position( SS_FILE, 0 ); delegate.write( raf, temp_buffers, store_offset ); piece_map[ piece_number ] = piece_number; piece_reverse_map[ piece_number ] = piece_number; piece_map[ swap_piece_number ] = store_index; piece_reverse_map[ store_index ] = swap_piece_number; setDirty(); if ( piece_number == num_pieces - 1 ){ long file_length = swap_offset + last_piece_length; if ( delegate.getLength( raf ) > file_length ){ if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " truncating file to correct length of " + file_length ); } delegate.setLength( raf, file_length ); } } }finally{ temp_buffer.returnToPool(); } }else{ delegate.setPieceComplete( raf, piece_number, piece_data ); } } protected int getPieceIndex( RandomAccessFile raf, int piece_number, boolean allocate_if_needed ) throws FMFileManagerException { int store_index = piece_map[ piece_number ]; if ( store_index == -1 && allocate_if_needed ){ store_index = next_piece_index++; if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "getPiece(" + piece_number + "): allocated " + store_index ); } piece_map[ piece_number ] = store_index; piece_reverse_map[ store_index ] = piece_number; if ( piece_number != store_index ){ // not already in the right place, see if the piece we just allocated // corresponds to a piece previously allocated and swap if so int swap_index = piece_map[ store_index ]; if ( swap_index > 0 ){ if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " piece number " + store_index + " already allocated at " + swap_index + ": moving piece "); } DirectByteBuffer temp_buffer = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( SS_FILE, piece_size ); DirectByteBuffer[] temp_buffers = new DirectByteBuffer[]{ temp_buffer }; try{ long store_offset = first_piece_length + ((store_index-1)*(long)piece_size ); long swap_offset = first_piece_length + ((swap_index-1)*(long)piece_size ); delegate.read( raf, temp_buffers, swap_offset ); temp_buffer.position( SS_FILE, 0 ); delegate.write( raf, temp_buffers, store_offset ); piece_map[ store_index ] = store_index; piece_reverse_map[ store_index ] = store_index; piece_map[ piece_number ] = swap_index; piece_reverse_map[ swap_index ] = piece_number; if ( store_index == num_pieces - 1 ){ long file_length = store_offset + last_piece_length; if ( delegate.getLength( raf ) > file_length ){ if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( " truncating file to correct length of " + file_length ); } delegate.setLength( raf, file_length ); } } store_index = swap_index; }finally{ temp_buffer.returnToPool(); } } } setDirty(); } // System.out.println( "getPiece: " + piece_number + "->" + store_index ); return( store_index ); } private void readConfig() throws FMFileManagerException { piece_map = new int[num_pieces]; piece_reverse_map = new int[num_pieces]; if ( dirt_state == DIRT_NEVER_WRITTEN ){ Arrays.fill( piece_map, -1 ); piece_map[0] = 0; piece_reverse_map[0] = 0; next_piece_index = 1; current_length = 0; }else{ Map map = FileUtil.readResilientFile( control_dir, control_file, false ); Long l_len = (Long)map.get( "len" ); Long l_next = (Long)map.get( "next" ); byte[] piece_bytes = (byte[])map.get( "pieces" ); if ( l_len == null || l_next == null || piece_bytes == null ){ configBorked( "Failed to read control file " + new File( control_dir, control_file ).getAbsolutePath() + ": map invalid - " + map ); return; } current_length = l_len.longValue(); next_piece_index = l_next.intValue(); if ( piece_bytes.length != num_pieces * 4 ){ configBorked( "Failed to read control file " + new File( control_dir, control_file ).getAbsolutePath() + ": piece bytes invalid" ); return; } int pos = 0; for (int i=0;i<num_pieces;i++){ int index = ( piece_bytes[pos++] << 24 ) + (( piece_bytes[pos++] & 0xff ) << 16 ) + (( piece_bytes[pos++] & 0xff ) << 8 ) + (( piece_bytes[pos++] & 0xff )); piece_map[i] = index; if ( index != -1 ){ piece_reverse_map[ index ] = i; } } } if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "ReadConfig: length=" + current_length + ", next=" + next_piece_index ); } } private void configBorked( String error ) throws FMFileManagerException { piece_map = new int[num_pieces]; piece_reverse_map = new int[num_pieces]; Arrays.fill( piece_map, -1 ); piece_map[0] = 0; piece_reverse_map[0] = 0; current_length = getFile().getLinkedFile().length(); int piece_count = (int)(( current_length + piece_size - 1 )/piece_size) + 1; if ( piece_count > num_pieces ){ piece_count = num_pieces; } for ( int i=1;i<piece_count;i++){ piece_map[i] = i; piece_reverse_map[i] = i; } next_piece_index = piece_count; writeConfig(); FMFileManagerException e = new FMFileManagerException( error ); e.setRecoverable( false ); throw( e ); } protected void setDirty() throws FMFileManagerException { if ( dirt_state == DIRT_NEVER_WRITTEN ){ Debug.out( "shouldn't get here" ); writeConfig(); }else{ long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); if ( dirt_state == DIRT_CLEAN ){ dirt_state = DIRT_DIRTY; dirt_time = now; }else{ if ( dirt_time >= 0 && ( now - dirt_time >= DIRT_FLUSH_MILLIS )){ writeConfig(); } } } } private static Map encodeConfig( long current_length, long next_piece_index, int[] piece_map ) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put( "len", new Long( current_length )); map.put( "next", new Long( next_piece_index )); byte[] pieces_bytes = new byte[ piece_map.length * 4 ]; int pos = 0; for (int i=0;i<piece_map.length;i++){ int value = piece_map[i]; if ( value == -1 ){ pieces_bytes[pos++] = pieces_bytes[pos++] = pieces_bytes[pos++] = pieces_bytes[pos++] = (byte)0xff; }else{ pieces_bytes[pos++] = (byte)( value >> 24 ); pieces_bytes[pos++] = (byte)( value >> 16 ); pieces_bytes[pos++] = (byte)( value >> 8 ); pieces_bytes[pos++] = (byte)( value ); } } map.put( "pieces", pieces_bytes ); return( map ); } protected static void recoverConfig( TOTorrentFile torrent_file, File data_file, File config_file ) throws FMFileManagerException { // most likely add-for-seeding which means a recheck will occur. just map all existing pieces // to their correct positions and let the recheck sort things out int first_piece_number = torrent_file.getFirstPieceNumber(); int num_pieces = torrent_file.getLastPieceNumber() - first_piece_number + 1; int piece_size = (int)torrent_file.getTorrent().getPieceLength(); int[] piece_map = new int[num_pieces]; Arrays.fill( piece_map, -1 ); piece_map[0] = 0; long current_length = data_file.length(); int piece_count = (int)(( current_length + piece_size - 1 )/piece_size) + 1; if ( piece_count > num_pieces ){ piece_count = num_pieces; } for ( int i=1;i<piece_count;i++){ piece_map[i] = i; } int next_piece_index = piece_count; Map map = encodeConfig( current_length, next_piece_index, piece_map ); File control_dir = config_file.getParentFile(); if ( !control_dir.exists()){ control_dir.mkdirs(); } if ( !FileUtil.writeResilientFileWithResult( control_dir, config_file.getName(), map )){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Failed to write control file " + config_file.getAbsolutePath())); } } private void writeConfig() throws FMFileManagerException { if ( piece_map == null ){ readConfig(); } Map map = encodeConfig( current_length, next_piece_index, piece_map ); if ( !control_dir.exists()){ control_dir.mkdirs(); } if ( !FileUtil.writeResilientFileWithResult( control_dir, control_file, map )){ throw( new FMFileManagerException( "Failed to write control file " + new File( control_dir, control_file ).getAbsolutePath())); } if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( "WriteConfig: length=" + current_length + ", next=" + next_piece_index ); } dirt_state = DIRT_CLEAN; dirt_time = -1; } public FMFileImpl getFile() { return( delegate.getFile()); } public String getString() { return( "reorderer" ); } }