/* * Created on Apr 1, 2008 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2008 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.net.buddy; import java.io.File; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AERunnable; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AESemaphore; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEThread2; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AddressUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BDecoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Base32; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DelayedEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.LightHashMap; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.RandomUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.MessageException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageConnection; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageConnectionListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageEndpoint; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.generic.GenericMessageRegistration; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.PooledByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SEPublicKey; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SEPublicKeyLocator; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.security.SESecurityManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.AZ3Functions; public class BuddyPluginBuddy { private static final boolean TRACE = BuddyPlugin.TRACE; private static final int CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 5*60*1000; private static final int CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE = 1*60*1000; private static final int MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS = 5; private static final int MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES = 256; private static final int RT_REQUEST_DATA = 1; private static final int RT_REPLY_DATA = 2; private static final int RT_REPLY_ERROR = 99; private BuddyPlugin plugin; private long created_time; private int subsystem; private boolean authorised; private String public_key; private String nick_name; private List<Long> recent_ygm; private int last_status_seq; private long post_time; private InetAddress ip; private int tcp_port; private int udp_port; private int online_status = BuddyPlugin.STATUS_ONLINE; // default private int version = BuddyPlugin.VERSION_CHAT; // assume everyone now supports chat private boolean online; private long last_time_online; private long status_check_count; private long last_status_check_time; private boolean check_active; private List<buddyConnection> connections = new ArrayList<buddyConnection>(); private List<buddyMessage> messages = new ArrayList<buddyMessage>(); private buddyMessage current_message; private int next_connection_id; private int next_message_id; private boolean ygm_active; private boolean ygm_pending; private long latest_ygm_time; private String last_message_received; private Set<Long> offline_seq_set; private int message_out_count; private int message_in_count; private int message_out_bytes; private int message_in_bytes; private String received_frag_details = ""; private BuddyPluginBuddyMessageHandler persistent_msg_handler; private Map<Object,Object> user_data = new LightHashMap<Object,Object>(); private boolean keep_alive_outstanding; private volatile long last_connect_attempt = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); private volatile int consec_connect_fails; private long last_auto_reconnect = -1; private Object rss_lock = new Object(); private Set<String> rss_local_cats; private Set<String> rss_remote_cats; private Set<String> rss_cats_read; private AESemaphore outgoing_connect_sem = new AESemaphore( "BPB:outcon", 1 ); private volatile boolean closing; private volatile boolean destroyed; protected BuddyPluginBuddy( BuddyPlugin _plugin, long _created_time, int _subsystem, boolean _authorised, String _pk, String _nick_name, int _version, String _rss_local_cats, String _rss_remote_cats, int _last_status_seq, long _last_time_online, List<Long> _recent_ygm ) { plugin = _plugin; created_time = _created_time; subsystem = _subsystem; authorised = _authorised; public_key = _pk; nick_name = _nick_name; version = Math.max( version, _version ); rss_local_cats = stringToCats( _rss_local_cats ); rss_remote_cats = stringToCats( _rss_remote_cats ); last_status_seq = _last_status_seq; last_time_online = _last_time_online; recent_ygm = _recent_ygm; persistent_msg_handler = new BuddyPluginBuddyMessageHandler( this, new File(plugin.getBuddyConfigDir(), public_key )); } protected void setInitialStatus( long now, int num_buddies ) { // for inactive buddies we schedule their status checks so that on average we don't // do more than one check every 5 minutes if ( last_time_online == 0 && now - created_time > 7*24*60*60*1000L ){ last_status_check_time = now + RandomUtils.nextInt( 5*60*1000 * num_buddies ); } } protected BuddyPlugin getPlugin() { return( plugin ); } public BuddyPluginBuddyMessageHandler getMessageHandler() { return( persistent_msg_handler ); } protected void persistentDispatchPending() { plugin.persistentDispatchPending( this ); } protected void checkPersistentDispatch() { persistent_msg_handler.checkPersistentDispatch(); } protected void persistentDispatch() { persistent_msg_handler.persistentDispatch(); } public Map readConfigFile( File name ) { return( plugin.readConfigFile( name )); } public boolean writeConfigFile( File name, Map data ) { return( plugin.writeConfigFile( name, data )); } protected long getCreatedTime() { return( created_time ); } public int getSubsystem() { return( subsystem ); } protected void setSubsystem( int _s ) { subsystem = _s; } public boolean isAuthorised() { return( authorised ); } protected void setAuthorised( boolean _a ) { authorised = _a; } public String getPublicKey() { return( public_key ); } protected byte[] getRawPublicKey() { return( Base32.decode( public_key )); } protected String getShortString() { return( public_key.substring( 0, 16 ) + "..." ); } public String getNickName() { return( nick_name ); } public int getVersion() { return( version ); } protected void setVersion( int v ) { if ( version < v ){ version = v; plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } public String getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString() { synchronized( rss_lock ){ return( catsToString( rss_local_cats )); } } public Set<String> getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories() { synchronized( rss_lock ){ return( rss_local_cats ); } } public void addLocalAuthorisedRSSCategory( String category ) { category = plugin.normaliseCat( category ); boolean dirty; synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( rss_local_cats == null ){ rss_local_cats = new HashSet<String>(); } if ( dirty = !rss_local_cats.contains( category )){ rss_local_cats.add( category ); } } if ( dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); // tell buddy of change if ( isConnected()){ sendKeepAlive(); } } } public void removeLocalAuthorisedRSSCategory( String category ) { category = plugin.normaliseCat( category ); boolean dirty; synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( rss_local_cats == null ){ return; }else{ dirty = rss_local_cats.remove( category ); } } if ( dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); // tell buddy of change if ( isConnected()){ sendKeepAlive(); } } } public void setLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories( String new_cats ) { setLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories( stringToCats( new_cats )); } public void setLocalAuthorisedRSSCategories( Set<String> new_cats ) { plugin.normaliseCats( new_cats ); boolean dirty; synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( dirty = !catsIdentical( new_cats, rss_local_cats) ){ rss_local_cats = new_cats; } } if ( dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); // tell buddy of change if ( isConnected()){ sendKeepAlive(); } } } public Set<String> getRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategories() { return( rss_remote_cats ); } public String getRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString() { return( catsToString( rss_remote_cats )); } protected void setRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategories( Set<String> new_cats ) { plugin.normaliseCats( new_cats ); boolean dirty; synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( dirty = !catsIdentical( new_cats, rss_remote_cats) ){ rss_remote_cats = new_cats; } } if ( dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } public boolean isLocalRSSCategoryAuthorised( String category ) { category = plugin.normaliseCat( category ); synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( rss_local_cats != null ){ return( rss_local_cats.contains( category )); } return( false ); } } public boolean isRemoteRSSCategoryAuthorised( String category ) { category = plugin.normaliseCat( category ); synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( rss_remote_cats != null ){ return( rss_remote_cats.contains( category )); } return( false ); } } protected void localRSSCategoryRead( String str ) { boolean dirty; synchronized( rss_lock ){ if ( rss_cats_read == null ){ rss_cats_read = new HashSet<String>(); } dirty = rss_cats_read.add( str ); } if ( dirty ){ // not persisted currently - plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } public String getLocalReadCategoriesAsString() { synchronized( rss_lock ){ return( catsToString( rss_cats_read )); } } public URL getSubscriptionURL( String cat ) { String url = "azplug:?id=azbuddy&name=Friends&arg="; String arg = "pk=" + getPublicKey() + "&cat=" + cat; try{ url += URLEncoder.encode( arg, "UTF-8" ); return( new URL( url )); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); return( null ); } } public void subscribeToCategory( String cat ) throws BuddyPluginException { AZ3Functions.provider az3 = AZ3Functions.getProvider(); if ( az3 == null ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "AZ3 subsystem not available" )); } try{ az3.subscribeToRSS( getName() + ": " + cat, getSubscriptionURL(cat), 15, false, getPublicKey() + ":" + cat ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Failed to add subscription", e )); } } public boolean isSubscribedToCategory( String cat, String creator_ref ) { if ( creator_ref == null ){ return( false ); } return( creator_ref.equals( getPublicKey() + ":" + cat )); } protected String catsToString( Set<String> cats ) { if ( cats == null || cats.size() == 0 ){ return( null ); } String str = ""; for (String s:cats ){ str += (str.length()==0?"":",") + s; } return( str ); } protected boolean catsIdentical( Set<String> c1, Set<String> c2 ) { if ( c1 == null && c2 == null ){ return( true ); }else if ( c1 == null || c2 == null ){ return( false ); }else{ return( c1.equals( c2 )); } } protected Set<String> stringToCats( String str ) { if ( str == null ){ return( null ); } String[] bits = str.split( "," ); Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>( bits.length ); for ( String b: bits ){ b = b.trim(); if ( b.length() > 0 ){ res.add( b ); } } if ( res.size() == 0 ){ return( null ); } return( res ); } public int getOnlineStatus() { return( online_status ); } protected void setOnlineStatus( int s ) { if ( online_status != s ){ online_status = s; plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } public String getName() { if ( nick_name != null ){ return( nick_name ); } return( getShortString()); } public void remove() { persistent_msg_handler.destroy(); plugin.removeBuddy( this ); } public InetAddress getIP() { return( ip ); } public InetAddress getAdjustedIP() { if ( ip == null ){ return( null ); } InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress( ip, tcp_port ); InetSocketAddress adjusted_address = AddressUtils.adjustTCPAddress( address, true ); if ( adjusted_address != address ){ return( adjusted_address.getAddress()); } address = new InetSocketAddress( ip, udp_port ); adjusted_address = AddressUtils.adjustUDPAddress( address, true ); if ( adjusted_address != address ){ return( adjusted_address.getAddress()); } return( ip ); } public List getAdjustedIPs() { List result = new ArrayList(); if ( ip == null ){ return( result ); } InetAddress adjusted = getAdjustedIP(); if ( adjusted == ip ){ result.add( ip ); }else{ List l = AddressUtils.getLANAddresses( adjusted.getHostAddress()); for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ try{ result.add( InetAddress.getByName((String)l.get(i))); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } return( result ); } public int getTCPPort() { return( tcp_port ); } public int getUDPPort() { return( udp_port ); } public boolean isOnline( boolean is_connected ) { boolean connected = isConnected(); // if we're connected then we're online whatever if ( connected ){ return( true ); } if ( !online ){ return( false ); } if ( is_connected ){ return( false ); }else{ return( true ); } } protected boolean isIdle() { synchronized( this ){ return( connections.size() == 0 ); } } public long getLastTimeOnline() { return( last_time_online ); } public BuddyPlugin.cryptoResult encrypt( byte[] payload ) throws BuddyPluginException { return( plugin.encrypt( this, payload )); } public BuddyPlugin.cryptoResult decrypt( byte[] payload ) throws BuddyPluginException { return( plugin.decrypt( this, payload, getName() )); } public boolean verify( byte[] payload, byte[] signature ) throws BuddyPluginException { return( plugin.verify( this, payload, signature )); } public BuddyPluginBuddyMessage storeMessage( int type, Map msg ) { return( persistent_msg_handler.storeExplicitMessage( type, msg )); } public List<BuddyPluginBuddyMessage> retrieveMessages( int type ) { return( persistent_msg_handler.retrieveExplicitMessages( type )); } public void setMessagePending() throws BuddyPluginException { synchronized( this ){ if ( ygm_active ){ ygm_pending = true; return; } ygm_active = true; } plugin.setMessagePending( this, new BuddyPlugin.operationListener() { public void complete() { boolean retry; synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ ygm_active = false; retry = ygm_pending; ygm_pending = false; } if ( retry ){ try{ setMessagePending(); }catch( BuddyPluginException e ){ log( "Failed to send YGM", e ); } } } }); } public long getLastMessagePending() { return( latest_ygm_time ); } protected boolean addYGMMarker( long marker ) { Long l = new Long( marker ); synchronized( this ){ if ( recent_ygm == null ){ recent_ygm = new ArrayList<Long>(); } if ( recent_ygm.contains( l )){ return( false ); } recent_ygm.add( l ); if ( recent_ygm.size() > 16 ){ recent_ygm.remove(0); } latest_ygm_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); } plugin.setConfigDirty(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); return( true ); } protected void setLastMessageReceived( String str ) { last_message_received = str; plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } public String getLastMessageReceived() { return( last_message_received==null?"":last_message_received ); } protected List getYGMMarkers() { return( recent_ygm ); } protected int getLastStatusSeq() { return( last_status_seq ); } protected void buddyConnectionEstablished( boolean outgoing ) { buddyActive(); } protected void buddyMessageSent( int size, boolean record_active ) { message_out_count++; message_out_bytes += size; if ( record_active ){ buddyActive(); } } protected void buddyMessageReceived( int size ) { message_in_count++; message_in_bytes += size; received_frag_details = ""; buddyActive(); } protected void buddyMessageFragmentReceived( int num_received, int total ) { received_frag_details = num_received + "/" + total; plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } public String getMessageInFragmentDetails() { return( received_frag_details ); } public int getMessageInCount() { return( message_in_count ); } public int getMessageOutCount() { return( message_out_count ); } public int getBytesInCount() { return( message_in_bytes ); } public int getBytesOutCount() { return( message_out_bytes ); } public boolean isConnected() { boolean connected = false; synchronized( this ){ for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ buddyConnection c = (buddyConnection)connections.get(i); if ( c.isConnected() && !c.hasFailed()){ connected = true; } } } return( connected ); } protected void buddyActive() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); synchronized( this ){ last_time_online = now; online = true; } persistentDispatchPending(); plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } public void ping() throws BuddyPluginException { plugin.checkAvailable(); try{ Map ping_request = new HashMap(); ping_request.put( "type", new Long( BuddyPlugin.RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_PING )); sendMessage( BuddyPlugin.SUBSYSTEM_INTERNAL, ping_request, 60*1000, new BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener() { public void replyReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, Map reply ) { log( "Ping reply received:" + reply ); } public void sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy to_buddy, BuddyPluginException cause ) { log( "Ping failed to " + getString(), cause ); } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Ping failed", e )); } } protected void sendCloseRequest( boolean restarting ) { List to_send = new ArrayList(); synchronized( this ){ closing = true; for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ buddyConnection c = (buddyConnection)connections.get(i); if ( c.isConnected() && !c.hasFailed() && !c.isActive()){ to_send.add( c ); } } } for (int i=0;i<to_send.size();i++){ buddyConnection c = (buddyConnection)to_send.get(i); try{ Map close_request = new HashMap(); close_request.put( "type", new Long( BuddyPlugin.RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_CLOSE )); close_request.put( "r", new Long( restarting?1:0)); close_request.put( "os", new Long( plugin.getCurrentStatusSeq())); final buddyMessage message = new buddyMessage( BuddyPlugin.SUBSYSTEM_INTERNAL, close_request, 60*1000 ); message.setListener( new BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener() { public void replyReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, Map reply ) { log( "Close reply received:" + reply ); } public void sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy to_buddy, BuddyPluginException cause ) { log( "Close failed to " + getString(), cause ); } }); c.sendCloseMessage( message ); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Close request failed", e ); } } } protected void receivedCloseRequest( Map request ) { List<buddyConnection> closing = new ArrayList<buddyConnection>(); synchronized( this ){ closing.addAll( connections ); } for (int i=0;i<closing.size();i++){ ((buddyConnection)closing.get(i)).remoteClosing(); } try{ boolean restarting = ((Long)request.get( "r" )).longValue() == 1; if ( restarting ){ logMessage( "restarting" ); }else{ logMessage( "going offline" ); boolean details_change = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( offline_seq_set == null ){ offline_seq_set = new HashSet<Long>(); } offline_seq_set.add( new Long( last_status_seq )); offline_seq_set.add((Long)request.get( "os" )); if ( online ){ online = false; consec_connect_fails = 0; details_change = true; } } if ( details_change ){ plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "Failed to decode close request", e ); } } public void sendMessage( final int subsystem, final Map content, final int timeout_millis, final BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener listener ) throws BuddyPluginException { plugin.checkAvailable(); boolean wait = false; if ( ip == null ){ if ( check_active ){ wait = true; }else if ( SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_status_check_time > 30*1000 ){ plugin.updateBuddyStatus( this ); wait = true; } } if ( wait ){ new AEThread2( "BuddyPluginBuddy:sendWait", true ) { public void run() { try{ long start = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); for (int i=0;i<20;i++){ if ( ip != null ){ break; } Thread.sleep( 1000 ); } long elapsed = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - start; int new_tm = timeout_millis; if ( elapsed > 0 && timeout_millis > 0 ){ new_tm -= elapsed; if ( new_tm <= 0 ){ listener.sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, new BuddyPluginException( "Timeout" )); return; } } sendMessageSupport( content, subsystem, new_tm, listener ); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( e instanceof BuddyPluginException ){ listener.sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, (BuddyPluginException)e); }else{ listener.sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, new BuddyPluginException( "Send failed", e )); } } } }.start(); }else{ sendMessageSupport( content, subsystem, timeout_millis, listener ); } } protected void sendMessageSupport( final Map content, final int subsystem, final int timeout_millis, final BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener original_listener ) throws BuddyPluginException { boolean too_many_messages = false; synchronized( this ){ too_many_messages = messages.size() >= MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES; } if ( too_many_messages ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Too many messages queued" )); } final buddyMessage message = new buddyMessage( subsystem, content, timeout_millis ); BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener listener_delegate = new BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener() { public void replyReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, Map reply ) { // logMessage( "Msg " + message.getString() + " ok" ); try{ synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ if ( current_message != message ){ Debug.out( "Inconsistent: reply received not for current message" ); } current_message = null; } original_listener.replyReceived( from_buddy, reply ); }finally{ dispatchMessage(); } } public void sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy to_buddy, BuddyPluginException cause ) { logMessage( "Msg " + message.getString() + " failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( cause )); try{ // only try and reconcile this failure with the current message if // the message has actually been sent boolean was_active; if ( cause instanceof BuddyPluginTimeoutException ){ was_active = ((BuddyPluginTimeoutException)cause).wasActive(); }else{ was_active = true; } if ( was_active ){ synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ if ( current_message != message ){ Debug.out( "Inconsistent: error received not for current message" ); } current_message = null; } } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); int retry_count = message.getRetryCount(); if ( retry_count < 1 && !message.timedOut( now )){ message.setRetry(); // logMessage( "Msg " + message.getString() + " retrying" ); synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ messages.add( 0, message ); } }else{ original_listener.sendFailed( to_buddy, cause ); } }finally{ dispatchMessage(); } } }; message.setListener( listener_delegate ); int size; synchronized( this ){ messages.add( message ); size = messages.size(); } // logMessage( "Msg " + message.getString() + " added: num=" + size ); dispatchMessage(); } protected void dispatchMessage() { buddyConnection bc = null; buddyMessage allocated_message = null; Throwable failed_msg_error = null; boolean inform_dirty = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( current_message != null || messages.size() == 0 || closing ){ return; } allocated_message = current_message = (buddyMessage)messages.remove( 0 ); for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ buddyConnection c = (buddyConnection)connections.get(i); if ( !c.hasFailed()){ bc = c; } } if ( bc == null ){ if ( destroyed ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "Friend destroyed" ); }else if ( connections.size() >= MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "Too many active connections" ); } } } if ( failed_msg_error != null ){ allocated_message.reportFailed( failed_msg_error ); return; } if ( bc == null ){ // single-thread outgoing connect attempts try{ outgoing_connect_sem.reserve(); synchronized( this ){ if ( current_message != allocated_message ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "current message no longer active" ); }else if ( closing ){ return; } if ( failed_msg_error == null ){ for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ buddyConnection c = (buddyConnection)connections.get(i); if ( !c.hasFailed()){ bc = c; } } if ( bc == null ){ if ( destroyed ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "Friend destroyed" ); }else if ( connections.size() >= MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "Too many active connections" ); } } } } if ( bc == null && failed_msg_error == null ){ try{ // can't perform connect op while synchronized as may deadlock on password // aquisition GenericMessageConnection generic_connection = outgoingConnection(); synchronized( this ){ if ( current_message != allocated_message ){ failed_msg_error = new BuddyPluginException( "current message no longer active" ); generic_connection.close(); }else{ bc = new buddyConnection( generic_connection, true ); inform_dirty = connections.size() == 0; connections.add( bc ); // logMessage( "Con " + bc.getString() + " added: num=" + connections.size() ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ failed_msg_error = e; } } }finally{ outgoing_connect_sem.release(); } } if ( failed_msg_error != null ){ allocated_message.reportFailed( failed_msg_error ); return; } try{ // logMessage( "Allocating msg " + allocated_message.getString() + " to con " + bc.getString()); bc.sendMessage( allocated_message ); }catch( BuddyPluginException e ){ allocated_message.reportFailed( e ); } if ( inform_dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); } } protected void removeConnection( buddyConnection bc ) { int size; synchronized( this ){ connections.remove( bc ); size = connections.size(); } if ( size == 0 ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); } if ( size == 0 && bc.isConnected() && !bc.isClosing() && !bc.isRemoteClosing()){ // dropped connection, kick in a keep alive if ( consec_connect_fails < 3 ){ if ( consec_connect_fails == 0 ){ long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); boolean do_it = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( last_auto_reconnect == -1 || now - last_auto_reconnect > 30*1000 ){ last_auto_reconnect = now; do_it = true; } } if ( do_it ){ // delay a bit new DelayedEvent( "BuddyPluginBuddy:recon", new Random().nextInt( 3000 ), new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { int size; synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ size = connections.size(); } if ( consec_connect_fails == 0 && size == 0 ){ log( "Attempting reconnect after dropped connection" ); sendKeepAlive(); } } }); } }else{ long delay = 60*1000; delay <<= Math.min( 3, consec_connect_fails ); if ( SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_connect_attempt >= delay ){ sendKeepAlive(); } } } } // logMessage( "Con " + bc.getString() + " removed: num=" + size ); // connection failed, see if we need to attempt to re-establish plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); dispatchMessage(); } protected long getLastStatusCheckTime() { return( last_status_check_time ); } protected boolean statusCheckActive() { synchronized( this ){ return( check_active ); } } protected boolean statusCheckStarts() { synchronized( this ){ if ( check_active ){ return( false ); } last_status_check_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); check_active = true; } return( true ); } protected void statusCheckFailed() { boolean details_change = false; synchronized( this ){ try{ if ( online ){ online = false; consec_connect_fails = 0; details_change = true; } }finally{ status_check_count++; check_active = false; } } if ( details_change ){ plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } } protected void setCachedStatus( InetAddress _ip, int _tcp_port, int _udp_port ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( ip == null ){ ip = _ip; tcp_port = _tcp_port; udp_port = _udp_port; } } } protected void statusCheckComplete( long _post_time, InetAddress _ip, int _tcp_port, int _udp_port, String _nick_name, int _online_status, int _status_seq, int _version ) { boolean details_change = false; boolean config_dirty = false; long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < last_time_online ){ last_time_online = now; } boolean is_connected = isConnected(); synchronized( this ){ try{ // do we explicitly know that this sequence number denotes an offline buddy if ( offline_seq_set != null ){ if ( offline_seq_set.contains(new Long( _status_seq ))){ return; }else{ offline_seq_set = null; } } boolean seq_change = _status_seq != last_status_seq; boolean timed_out; // change in sequence means we're online if ( seq_change ){ last_status_seq = _status_seq; last_time_online = now; timed_out = false; details_change = true; }else{ timed_out = now - last_time_online >= BuddyPlugin.STATUS_REPUBLISH_PERIOD * 3 ; } if ( online ){ if ( timed_out ){ online = false; consec_connect_fails = 0; details_change = true; } }else{ if ( seq_change || !timed_out ){ online = true; details_change = true; } } post_time = _post_time; if ( !addressesEqual( ip, _ip ) || tcp_port != _tcp_port || udp_port != _udp_port || version < _version ){ ip = _ip; tcp_port = _tcp_port; udp_port = _udp_port; if ( version < _version ){ version = _version; } details_change = true; } // if we are connected then we use the status sent over the connection // as it is more up to date if ( !is_connected && online_status != _online_status ){ online_status = _online_status; details_change = true; } if ( !plugin.stringsEqual( nick_name, _nick_name )){ nick_name = _nick_name; config_dirty = true; details_change = true; } }finally{ status_check_count++; check_active = false; } } if ( config_dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); } if ( details_change ){ if ( online ){ persistentDispatchPending(); } plugin.fireDetailsChanged( this ); } plugin.logMessage( getString()); } protected boolean addressesEqual( InetAddress ip1, InetAddress ip2 ) { if ( ip1 == null && ip2 == null ){ return( true ); }else if ( ip1 == null || ip2 == null ){ return( false ); }else{ return( ip1.equals( ip2 )); } } protected void checkTimeouts() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); List failed = null; List connections_to_check = null; boolean messages_queued; synchronized( this ){ messages_queued = messages.size() > 0; if ( messages_queued ){ Iterator it = messages.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ buddyMessage message = (buddyMessage)it.next(); if ( message.timedOut( now )){ it.remove(); if ( failed == null ){ failed = new ArrayList(); } failed.add( message ); } } } if ( connections.size() > 0 ){ connections_to_check = new ArrayList( connections ); } } boolean send_keep_alive = false; if ( connections_to_check == null ){ // no active connections if ( online && ip != null && !messages_queued ){ // see if we should attempt a pre-emptive connect if ( consec_connect_fails < 3 ){ long delay = 60*1000; delay <<= Math.min( 3, consec_connect_fails ); send_keep_alive = now - last_connect_attempt >= delay; } } }else{ for (int i=0;i<connections_to_check.size();i++){ buddyConnection connection = (buddyConnection)connections_to_check.get(i); boolean closed = connection.checkTimeout( now ); if ( ip != null && !closed && !messages_queued && connection.isConnected() && !connection.isActive()){ if ( now - connection.getLastActive( now ) > CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE ){ send_keep_alive = true; } } } } if ( send_keep_alive ){ sendKeepAlive(); } if ( failed != null ){ for (int i=0;i<failed.size();i++){ ((buddyMessage)failed.get(i)).reportFailed( new BuddyPluginTimeoutException( "Timeout", false )); } } } protected void sendKeepAlive() { boolean send_keep_alive = true; synchronized( this ){ if ( keep_alive_outstanding ){ send_keep_alive = false; }else{ keep_alive_outstanding = true; } } if ( send_keep_alive ){ try{ Map ping_request = new HashMap(); ping_request.put( "type", new Long( BuddyPlugin.RT_INTERNAL_REQUEST_PING )); sendMessageSupport( ping_request, BuddyPlugin.SUBSYSTEM_INTERNAL, 60*1000, new BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener() { public void replyReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy from_buddy, Map reply ) { synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ keep_alive_outstanding = false; } } public void sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy to_buddy, BuddyPluginException cause ) { synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ keep_alive_outstanding = false; } } }); }catch( Throwable e ){ synchronized( this ){ keep_alive_outstanding = false; } } } } public String getConnectionsString() { synchronized( this ){ String str = ""; for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ str += (str.length()==0?"":",") + ((buddyConnection)connections.get(i)).getString( true ); } return( str ); } } public void disconnect() { List to_disconnect = new ArrayList(); synchronized( this ){ to_disconnect.addAll( connections ); } for (int i=0;i<to_disconnect.size();i++){ ((buddyConnection)to_disconnect.get(i)).disconnect(); } } protected boolean isClosing() { return( closing ); } protected void destroy() { List<buddyConnection> to_close = new ArrayList<buddyConnection>(); synchronized( this ){ destroyed = true; to_close.addAll( connections ); } for (int i=0;i<to_close.size();i++){ ((buddyConnection)to_close.get(i)).close(); } } protected void logMessage( String str ) { plugin.logMessage( getShortString() + ": " + str ); } protected GenericMessageConnection outgoingConnection() throws BuddyPluginException { GenericMessageRegistration msg_registration = plugin.getMessageRegistration(); if ( msg_registration == null ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Messaging system unavailable" )); } InetAddress ip = getIP(); if ( ip == null ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Friend offline (no usable IP address)" )); } InetSocketAddress tcp_target = null; InetSocketAddress udp_target = null; int tcp_port = getTCPPort(); if ( tcp_port > 0 ){ tcp_target = new InetSocketAddress( ip, tcp_port ); } int udp_port = getUDPPort(); if ( udp_port > 0 ){ udp_target = new InetSocketAddress( ip, udp_port ); } InetSocketAddress notional_target = tcp_target; if ( notional_target == null ){ notional_target = udp_target; } if ( notional_target == null ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Friend offline (no usable protocols)" )); } GenericMessageEndpoint endpoint = msg_registration.createEndpoint( notional_target ); if ( tcp_target != null ){ endpoint.addTCP( tcp_target ); } if ( udp_target != null ){ endpoint.addUDP( udp_target ); } GenericMessageConnection con = null; try{ last_connect_attempt = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); con = msg_registration.createConnection( endpoint ); plugin.addRateLimiters( con ); String reason = "Friend: Outgoing connection establishment"; SESecurityManager sec_man = plugin.getSecurityManager(); con = sec_man.getSTSConnection( con, sec_man.getPublicKey( SEPublicKey.KEY_TYPE_ECC_192, reason ), new SEPublicKeyLocator() { public boolean accept( Object context, SEPublicKey other_key ) { String other_key_str = Base32.encode( other_key.encodeRawPublicKey()); if ( other_key_str.equals( public_key )){ consec_connect_fails = 0; return( true ); }else{ log( getString() + ": connection failed due to pk mismatch" ); return( false ); } } }, reason, BuddyPlugin.BLOCK_CRYPTO ); con.connect(); return( con ); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( con != null ){ consec_connect_fails++; try{ con.close(); }catch( Throwable f ){ log( "Failed to close connection", f ); } } throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Failed to send message", e )); } } protected void incomingConnection( GenericMessageConnection _connection ) throws BuddyPluginException { addConnection( _connection ); } protected void addConnection( GenericMessageConnection _connection ) throws BuddyPluginException { //int size; buddyConnection bc = new buddyConnection( _connection, false ); boolean inform_dirty = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( destroyed ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Friend has been destroyed" )); } inform_dirty = connections.size() == 0; connections.add( bc ); //size = connections.size(); } // logMessage( "Con " + bc.getString() + " added: num=" + size ); if ( inform_dirty ){ plugin.setConfigDirty(); } } public void setUserData( Object key, Object value ) { synchronized( user_data ){ user_data.put(key, value); } } public Object getUserData( Object key ) { synchronized( user_data ){ return( user_data.get( key )); } } protected void log( String str ) { plugin.log( str ); } protected void log( String str, Throwable e ) { plugin.log( str, e ); } public String getString() { return( "pk=" + getShortString() + (nick_name==null?"":(",nick=" + nick_name)) + ",ip=" + ip + ",tcp=" + tcp_port + ",udp=" + udp_port + ",online=" + online + ",age=" + (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - post_time )); } protected class buddyMessage { private int message_id; private Map request; private int subsystem; private BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener listener; private int timeout_millis; private long queue_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); private boolean timed_out; private int retry_count; private boolean complete; protected buddyMessage( int _subsystem, Map _request, int _timeout ) { synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ message_id = next_message_id++; } request = _request; subsystem = _subsystem; timeout_millis = _timeout; } protected void setListener( BuddyPluginBuddyReplyListener _listener ) { listener = _listener; } protected int getRetryCount() { synchronized( this ){ return( retry_count ); } } protected void setDontRetry() { retry_count = 99; } protected void setRetry() { synchronized( this ){ retry_count++; complete = false; timed_out = false; } } protected boolean timedOut( long now ) { if ( timed_out ){ return( true ); } if ( now < queue_time ){ queue_time = now; return( false ); }else{ timed_out = now - queue_time >= timeout_millis; return( timed_out ); } } protected Map getRequest() { return( request ); } protected int getSubsystem() { return( subsystem ); } protected int getID() { return( message_id ); } protected void reportComplete( Map reply ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( complete ){ return; } complete = true; } try{ listener.replyReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, reply ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } protected void reportFailed( Throwable error ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( complete ){ return; } complete = true; } try{ if ( error instanceof BuddyPluginException ){ listener.sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, (BuddyPluginException)error ); }else{ listener.sendFailed( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, new BuddyPluginException( "", error )); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } protected String getString() { return( "id=" + message_id + ",ss=" + subsystem + (retry_count==0?"":(",retry="+retry_count))); } } protected class buddyConnection implements fragmentHandlerReceiver { private fragmentHandler fragment_handler; private int connection_id; private boolean outgoing; private String dir_str; private volatile buddyMessage active_message; private volatile boolean connected; private volatile boolean closing; private volatile boolean remote_closing; private volatile boolean failed; private long last_active = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); protected buddyConnection( GenericMessageConnection _connection, boolean _outgoing ) { fragment_handler = new fragmentHandler( _connection, this ); outgoing = _outgoing; synchronized( BuddyPluginBuddy.this ){ connection_id = next_connection_id++; } dir_str = outgoing?"Outgoing":"Incoming"; if ( !outgoing ){ connected = true; buddyConnectionEstablished( false ); } fragment_handler.start(); } protected boolean isConnected() { return( connected ); } protected boolean hasFailed() { return( failed ); } protected boolean isOutgoing() { return( outgoing ); } protected long getLastActive( long now ) { if ( now < last_active ){ last_active = now; } return( last_active ); } protected void sendMessage( buddyMessage message ) throws BuddyPluginException { BuddyPluginException failed_error = null; buddyMessage msg_to_send = null; synchronized( this ){ if ( BuddyPluginBuddy.this.isClosing()){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Close in progress" )); } if ( active_message != null ){ Debug.out( "Inconsistent: active message already set" ); failed_error = new BuddyPluginException( "Inconsistent state" ); }else if ( failed || closing ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Connection failed" )); }else{ active_message = message; if ( connected ){ msg_to_send = active_message; } } } if ( failed_error != null ){ failed( failed_error ); throw( failed_error ); } if ( msg_to_send != null ){ send( msg_to_send ); } } protected void sendCloseMessage( buddyMessage message ) { boolean ok_to_send; synchronized( this ){ ok_to_send = active_message == null && connected && !failed && !closing; } if ( ok_to_send ){ send( message ); } } public boolean isActive() { return( active_message != null ); } public void connected() { if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( dir_str + " connected" ); } buddyMessage msg_to_send = null; synchronized( this ){ last_active = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); connected = true; msg_to_send = active_message; } buddyConnectionEstablished( true ); if ( msg_to_send != null ){ send( msg_to_send ); } } protected boolean checkTimeout( long now ) { buddyMessage bm = null; boolean close = false; synchronized( this ){ if ( active_message != null ){ if ( active_message.timedOut( now )){ bm = active_message; active_message = null; } } if ( now < last_active ){ last_active = now; } if ( now - last_active > CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT ){ close = true; } } if ( bm != null ){ bm.reportFailed( new BuddyPluginTimeoutException( "Timeout", true )); } if ( close ){ close(); } return( close ); } protected void send( buddyMessage msg ) { Map request = msg.getRequest(); Map send_map = new HashMap(); send_map.put( "type", new Long( RT_REQUEST_DATA )); send_map.put( "req", request ); send_map.put( "ss", new Long( msg.getSubsystem())); send_map.put( "id", new Long( msg.getID())); send_map.put( "oz", new Long( plugin.getOnlineStatus())); send_map.put( "v", new Long( BuddyPlugin.VERSION_CURRENT )); String loc_cat = getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString(); if ( loc_cat != null ){ send_map.put( "cat", loc_cat ); } try{ // logMessage( "Sending " + msg.getString() + " to " + getString()); fragment_handler.send( send_map, true, true ); synchronized( this ){ last_active = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();; } }catch( BuddyPluginException e ){ try{ failed( e ); }catch( Throwable f ){ Debug.printStackTrace(f); } } } public void receive( Map data_map ) { synchronized( this ){ last_active = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();; } if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( dir_str + " receive: " + data_map ); } try{ int type = ((Long)data_map.get("type")).intValue(); Long l_os = (Long)data_map.get( "oz" ); if ( l_os != null ){ setOnlineStatus( l_os.intValue()); } Long l_ver = (Long)data_map.get( "v" ); if ( l_ver != null ){ setVersion( l_ver.intValue()); } byte[] b_rem_cat = (byte[])data_map.get( "cat" ); if ( b_rem_cat == null ){ setRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategories( null ); }else{ setRemoteAuthorisedRSSCategories( stringToCats( new String( b_rem_cat, "UTF-8" ))); } if ( type == RT_REQUEST_DATA ){ // logMessage( "Received type=" + type + " from " + getString()); Long subsystem = (Long)data_map.get( "ss" ); Map reply; int reply_type; Map request = (Map)data_map.get( "req" ); String error = null; if ( request == null || subsystem == null ){ reply = null; }else{ try{ reply = plugin.requestReceived( BuddyPluginBuddy.this, subsystem.intValue(), request ); }catch( Throwable e ){ error = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e); reply = null; } } if ( reply == null ){ reply_type = RT_REPLY_ERROR; reply = new HashMap(); reply.put( "error", error==null?"No handlers available to process request":error ); }else{ reply_type = RT_REPLY_DATA; } Map reply_map = new HashMap(); reply_map.put( "ss", subsystem ); reply_map.put( "type", new Long( reply_type )); reply_map.put( "id", data_map.get( "id" ) ); reply_map.put( "oz", new Long( plugin.getOnlineStatus())); String loc_cat = getLocalAuthorisedRSSCategoriesAsString(); if ( loc_cat != null ){ reply_map.put( "cat", loc_cat ); } reply_map.put( "rep", reply ); // don't record as active here as (1) we recorded as active above when // receiving request (2) we may be replying to a 'closing' message and // we don't want the reply to mark as online fragment_handler.send( reply_map, false, false ); }else if ( type == RT_REPLY_DATA || type == RT_REPLY_ERROR ){ long id = ((Long)data_map.get( "id" )).longValue(); buddyMessage bm; synchronized( this ){ if ( active_message != null && active_message.getID() == id ){ bm = active_message; active_message = null; }else{ bm = null; } } Map reply = (Map)data_map.get( "rep" ); if ( bm == null ){ logMessage( "reply discarded as no matching request: " + reply ); }else{ if ( type == RT_REPLY_ERROR ){ bm.setDontRetry(); bm.reportFailed( new BuddyPluginException(new String((byte[])reply.get( "error" )))); }else{ bm.reportComplete( reply ); } } }else{ // ignore unknown message types } }catch( Throwable e ){ failed( e ); } } protected void close() { closing = true; failed( new BuddyPluginException( "Closing" )); } protected boolean isClosing() { return( closing ); } protected void remoteClosing() { remote_closing = true; } protected boolean isRemoteClosing() { return( remote_closing ); } protected void disconnect() { fragment_handler.close(); } public void failed( Throwable error ) { buddyMessage bm = null; if ( !connected && outgoing ){ consec_connect_fails++; } synchronized( this ){ if ( failed ){ return; } failed = true; bm = active_message; active_message = null; } logMessage( "Con " + getString() + " failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( error )); try{ if ( !closing ){ if ( TRACE ){ System.out.println( dir_str + " connection error:" ); } } fragment_handler.close(); }finally{ removeConnection( this ); if ( bm != null ){ bm.reportFailed( error ); } } } protected String getString() { return( getString( false )); } protected String getString( boolean short_form ) { if ( short_form ){ return( fragment_handler.getString()); }else{ return("id=" + connection_id + ",dir=" + ( outgoing?"out":"in" )); } } } protected class fragmentHandler implements GenericMessageConnectionListener { private GenericMessageConnection connection; private fragmentHandlerReceiver receiver; private int next_fragment_id = 0; private fragmentAssembly current_request_frag; private fragmentAssembly current_reply_frag; private int send_count; private int recv_count; protected fragmentHandler( GenericMessageConnection _connection, fragmentHandlerReceiver _receiver ) { connection = _connection; receiver = _receiver; } public void start() { connection.addListener( this ); } public void connected( GenericMessageConnection connection ) { receiver.connected(); } public void failed( GenericMessageConnection connection, Throwable error ) throws MessageException { receiver.failed( error ); } protected void send( Map data_map, boolean is_request, boolean record_active ) throws BuddyPluginException { try{ byte[] data = BEncoder.encode( data_map ); int data_length = data.length; plugin.checkMaxMessageSize( data_length ); int max_chunk = connection.getMaximumMessageSize() - 1024; if ( data_length > max_chunk ){ int fragment_id; synchronized( this ){ fragment_id = next_fragment_id++; } int chunk_num = 0; for (int i=0;i<data_length;i+=max_chunk){ int end = Math.min( data_length, i + max_chunk ); if ( end > i ){ byte[] chunk = new byte[ end-i ]; System.arraycopy( data, i, chunk, 0, chunk.length ); Map chunk_map = new HashMap(); chunk_map.put( "type", new Long( BuddyPlugin.RT_INTERNAL_FRAGMENT )); chunk_map.put( "f", new Long( fragment_id )); chunk_map.put( "l", new Long( data_length )); chunk_map.put( "c", new Long( max_chunk )); chunk_map.put( "i", new Long( chunk_num )); chunk_map.put( "q", new Long( is_request?1:0 )); chunk_map.put( "d", chunk ); byte[] chunk_data = BEncoder.encode( chunk_map ); PooledByteBuffer chunk_buffer = plugin.getPluginInterface().getUtilities().allocatePooledByteBuffer( chunk_data ); try{ connection.send( chunk_buffer ); chunk_buffer = null; }finally{ if ( chunk_buffer != null ){ chunk_buffer.returnToPool(); } } } chunk_num++; } }else{ PooledByteBuffer buffer = plugin.getPluginInterface().getUtilities().allocatePooledByteBuffer( data ); try{ connection.send( buffer ); buffer = null; }finally{ if ( buffer != null ){ buffer.returnToPool(); } } } buddyMessageSent( data.length, record_active ); send_count++; }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Send failed", e )); } } public void receive( GenericMessageConnection connection, PooledByteBuffer message ) throws MessageException { try{ // while in unauth state we only allow a few messages. max should be 1 // for an 'accept request' but I feel generous if ( recv_count >= 4 && !isAuthorised()){ throw( new MessageException( "Too many messages received while in unauthorised state" )); } byte[] content = message.toByteArray(); Map data_map = BDecoder.decode( content ); if (((Long)data_map.get( "type" )).intValue() == BuddyPlugin.RT_INTERNAL_FRAGMENT ){ Map chunk_map = data_map; int fragment_id = ((Long)chunk_map.get( "f" )).intValue(); int data_length = ((Long)chunk_map.get( "l" )).intValue(); int chunk_size = ((Long)chunk_map.get( "c" )).intValue(); int chunk_num = ((Long)chunk_map.get( "i" )).intValue(); boolean is_request = ((Long)chunk_map.get("q")).intValue() == 1; byte[] chunk_data = (byte[])chunk_map.get("d" ); plugin.checkMaxMessageSize( data_length ); fragmentAssembly assembly; if ( is_request ){ if ( current_request_frag == null ){ current_request_frag = new fragmentAssembly( fragment_id, data_length, chunk_size ); } assembly = current_request_frag; }else{ if ( current_reply_frag == null ){ current_reply_frag = new fragmentAssembly( fragment_id, data_length, chunk_size ); } assembly = current_reply_frag; } if ( assembly.getID() != fragment_id ){ throw( new BuddyPluginException( "Fragment receive error: concurrent decode not supported" )); } if ( assembly.receive( chunk_num, chunk_data )){ if ( is_request ){ current_request_frag = null; }else{ current_reply_frag = null; } buddyMessageReceived( data_length ); recv_count++; receiver.receive( BDecoder.decode( assembly.getData())); }else{ buddyMessageFragmentReceived( assembly.getChunksReceived(), assembly.getTotalChunks()); } }else{ buddyMessageReceived( content.length ); recv_count++; receiver.receive( data_map ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ receiver.failed( e ); }finally{ message.returnToPool(); } } protected void close() { try{ connection.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ // Debug.printStackTrace( e ); }finally{ receiver.failed( new Exception( "Connection closed" )); } } protected String getString() { return( connection.getType()); } protected class fragmentAssembly { private int id; private byte[] data; private int chunk_size; private int num_chunks; private Set chunks_received = new HashSet(); protected fragmentAssembly( int _id, int _length, int _chunk_size ) { id = _id; chunk_size = _chunk_size; data = new byte[_length]; num_chunks = (_length + chunk_size - 1 )/chunk_size; } protected int getID() { return( id ); } protected int getChunksReceived() { return( chunks_received.size()); } protected int getTotalChunks() { return( num_chunks ); } protected boolean receive( int chunk_num, byte[] chunk ) { // System.out.println( "received chunk " + chunk_num + " of " + num_chunks ); Integer i = new Integer( chunk_num ); if ( chunks_received.contains( i )){ return( false ); } chunks_received.add( i ); System.arraycopy( chunk, 0, data, chunk_num*chunk_size, chunk.length ); return( chunks_received.size() == num_chunks ); } protected byte[] getData() { return( data ); } } } interface fragmentHandlerReceiver { public void connected(); public void receive( Map data ); public void failed( Throwable error ); } }