/* * Created on Jul 16, 2008 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2008 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.lws; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.tracker.client.TRTrackerAnnouncer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadActivationEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadActivationListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadAnnounceResult; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadAttributeListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadCompletionListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadPeerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadPropertyListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadRemovalVetoException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadScrapeResult; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadStats; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadTrackerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadWillBeRemovedListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.savelocation.SaveLocationChange; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAttribute; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInitializer; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.download.DownloadAnnounceResultImpl; public class LWSDownload implements Download { private LightWeightSeed lws; private TRTrackerAnnouncer announcer; private DownloadAnnounceResultImpl announce_result; private Map user_data = new HashMap(); private Map torrent_attributes = new HashMap(); private DownloadScrapeResult scrape_result = new DownloadScrapeResult() { public Download getDownload() { return( LWSDownload.this ); } public int getResponseType() { return( announce_result.getResponseType() == DownloadAnnounceResult.RT_SUCCESS?RT_SUCCESS:RT_ERROR ); } public int getSeedCount() { return( announce_result.getSeedCount()); } public int getNonSeedCount() { int seeds = getSeedCount(); int reported = announce_result.getReportedPeerCount(); int min_peers = reported - seeds; int peers = announce_result.getNonSeedCount(); if ( peers < min_peers ){ peers = min_peers; } return( peers ); } public long getScrapeStartTime() { return( 0 ); } public void setNextScrapeStartTime( long nextScrapeStartTime ) { } public long getNextScrapeStartTime() { return( 0 ); } public String getStatus() { if ( getResponseType() == RT_SUCCESS ){ return( "OK" ); }else{ return( announce_result.getError()); } } public URL getURL() { return( announce_result.getURL()); } }; protected LWSDownload( LightWeightSeed _lws, TRTrackerAnnouncer _announcer ) { lws = _lws; announcer = _announcer; announce_result = new DownloadAnnounceResultImpl( this, announcer.getLastResponse()); } public int getState() { return( Download.ST_SEEDING ); } public int getSubState() { return( Download.ST_SEEDING ); } public String getErrorStateDetails() { return( "" ); } public void setFlag( long flag, boolean value ) { notSupported(); } public boolean getFlag( long flag ) { return( false ); } public long getFlags() { return 0; } public int getIndex() { return( 0 ); } public File[] calculateDefaultPaths( boolean for_moving) { return new File[2]; } public SaveLocationChange calculateDefaultDownloadLocation() { return null; } public boolean isInDefaultSaveDir() { return false; } public Torrent getTorrent() { return( lws.getTorrent()); } public void initialize() throws DownloadException { } public void start() throws DownloadException { } public void startDownload( boolean force) { } public void stopDownload() { } public void stop() throws DownloadException { } public void stopAndQueue() throws DownloadException { } public void restart() throws DownloadException { } public void pause() { } public void resume() { } public void recheckData() throws DownloadException { } public boolean isStartStopLocked() { return( false ); } public boolean isForceStart() { return( true ); } public void setForceStart( boolean forceStart ) { } public int getPriority() { return( 0 ); } public void setPriority( int priority ) { } public boolean isPriorityLocked() { return( false ); } public boolean isPaused() { return( false ); } public String getName() { return( lws.getName()); } public String getTorrentFileName() { return( getName()); } public String getAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute ) { synchronized( torrent_attributes ){ return((String)torrent_attributes.get( attribute )); } } public void setAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute, String value ) { synchronized( torrent_attributes ){ torrent_attributes.put( attribute, value ); } } public String[] getListAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute ) { TorrentManager tm = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getTorrentManager(); if ( attribute == tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_NETWORKS )){ return( new String[]{ "Public" }); }else if ( attribute == tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_PEER_SOURCES )){ return( new String[]{ "DHT" }); } return( null ); } public void setListAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute, String[] value) { notSupported(); } public void setMapAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute, Map value ) { notSupported(); } public Map getMapAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute ) { return( null ); } public void setIntAttribute(TorrentAttribute name, int value){notSupported();} public int getIntAttribute(TorrentAttribute name){ return( 0 ); } public void setLongAttribute(TorrentAttribute name, long value){notSupported();} public long getLongAttribute(TorrentAttribute name){ return( 0 ); } public void setBooleanAttribute(TorrentAttribute name, boolean value){notSupported();} public boolean getBooleanAttribute(TorrentAttribute name){ return( false ); } public boolean hasAttribute(TorrentAttribute name){ return( false );} public void addAttributeListener( DownloadAttributeListener l, TorrentAttribute attr, int event_type) { } public void removeAttributeListener( DownloadAttributeListener l, TorrentAttribute attr, int event_type) { } public String getCategoryName() { return( null ); } public void setCategory( String sName) { notSupported(); } public void remove() throws DownloadException, DownloadRemovalVetoException { throw( new DownloadRemovalVetoException( "no way" )); } public void remove( boolean delete_torrent, boolean delete_data ) throws DownloadException, DownloadRemovalVetoException { throw( new DownloadRemovalVetoException( "no way" )); } public boolean isRemoved() { return false; } public int getPosition() { return( 0 ); } public long getCreationTime() { return( 0 ); } public void setPosition( int newPosition) { notSupported(); } public void moveUp() { notSupported(); } public void moveDown() { notSupported(); } public void moveTo( int position ) { notSupported(); } public boolean canBeRemoved() throws DownloadRemovalVetoException { throw( new DownloadRemovalVetoException( "no way" )); } public void setAnnounceResult( DownloadAnnounceResult result ) { announcer.setAnnounceResult( result ); } public void setScrapeResult( DownloadScrapeResult result ) { } public DownloadAnnounceResult getLastAnnounceResult() { announce_result.setContent( announcer.getLastResponse()); return( announce_result ); } public DownloadScrapeResult getLastScrapeResult() { announce_result.setContent( announcer.getLastResponse()); return( scrape_result ); } public DownloadActivationEvent getActivationState() { return( null ); } public DownloadStats getStats() { return( null ); } public boolean isPersistent() { return( false ); } public void setMaximumDownloadKBPerSecond( int kb ) { notSupported(); } public int getMaximumDownloadKBPerSecond() { return( 0 ); } public int getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return( 0 ); } public void setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( int max_rate_bps ) { notSupported(); } public int getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return 0; } public void setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( int max_rate_bps ) { notSupported(); } public boolean isComplete() { return( true ); } public boolean isComplete( boolean bIncludeDND) { return( true ); } public boolean isChecking() { return( false ); } public String getSavePath() { return( "" ); } public void moveDataFiles( File new_parent_dir ) throws DownloadException { notSupported(); } public boolean canMoveDataFiles() { return false; } public void moveTorrentFile( File new_parent_dir ) throws DownloadException { notSupported(); } public void renameDownload( String name ) throws DownloadException { notSupported(); } public org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerManager getPeerManager() { return( null ); } public org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManager getDiskManager() { return( null ); } public DiskManagerFileInfo[] getDiskManagerFileInfo() { return( null ); } public DiskManagerFileInfo getDiskManagerFileInfo(int i) { return( null ); } public void requestTrackerAnnounce() { } public void requestTrackerAnnounce( boolean immediate ) { } public void requestTrackerScrape( boolean immediate ) { } public void addListener( DownloadListener l ) { } public void removeListener( DownloadListener l ) { } public void addCompletionListener( DownloadCompletionListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removeCompletionListener( DownloadCompletionListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void addTrackerListener( DownloadTrackerListener l ) { } public void addTrackerListener( DownloadTrackerListener l, boolean immediateTrigger) { } public void removeTrackerListener( DownloadTrackerListener l ) { } public void addDownloadWillBeRemovedListener( DownloadWillBeRemovedListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removeDownloadWillBeRemovedListener( DownloadWillBeRemovedListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void addActivationListener( DownloadActivationListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removeActivationListener( DownloadActivationListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void addPeerListener( DownloadPeerListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removePeerListener( DownloadPeerListener l ) { notSupported(); } public int getSeedingRank() { return( 0 ); } public void setSeedingRank( int rank) { notSupported(); } public void addPropertyListener( DownloadPropertyListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removePropertyListener( DownloadPropertyListener l ) { notSupported(); } public byte[] getDownloadPeerId() { return( null ); } public boolean isMessagingEnabled() { return( true ); } public void setMessagingEnabled( boolean enabled ) { } public void moveDataFiles( File new_parent_dir, String new_name ) throws DownloadException { notSupported(); } public Object getUserData( Object key ) { synchronized( user_data ){ return( user_data.get( key )); } } public void setUserData( Object key, Object data ) { synchronized( user_data ){ user_data.put( key, data ); } } public void changeLocation( SaveLocationChange slc ) throws DownloadException { notSupported(); } protected void notSupported() { Debug.out( "Not Supported" ); } }