/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Aelitis - Adaptation for Azureus *******************************************************************************/ package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.osx; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AERunnable; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.macosx.access.jnilib.OSXAccess; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.UIExitUtilsSWT; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Utils; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.config.wizard.ConfigureWizard; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.help.AboutWindow; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.TorrentOpener; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.nat.NatTestWindow; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.speedtest.SpeedTestWizard; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreRunningListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctionsManager; public class CarbonUIEnhancer { // Most of these constants come from SWT OS.java. Could have used reflection // to get them, but I assume they are truly constant (will never change) private static final int noErr = 0; private static final int eventNotHandledErr = -9874; private static final int kEventWindowToolbarSwitchMode = 150; private static final int kWindowToolbarButtonAttribute = (1 << 6); private static final int kEventAppleEvent = 1; private static final int kEventProcessCommand = 1; private static final int kCFAllocatorDefault = 0; private static final int kMenuItemAttrSeparator = 64; private static final int kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle = 0; private static final int kEventClassWindow = ('w' << 24) + ('i' << 16) + ('n' << 8) + 'd'; private static final int kAEQuitApplication = ('q' << 24) + ('u' << 16) + ('i' << 8) + 't'; private static final int kEventClassAppleEvent = ('e' << 24) + ('p' << 16) + ('p' << 8) + 'c'; private static final int kEventParamDirectObject = ('-' << 24) + ('-' << 16) + ('-' << 8) + '-'; private static final int kEventClassCommand = ('c' << 24) + ('m' << 16) + ('d' << 8) + 's'; private static final int kEventParamAEEventID = ('e' << 24) + ('v' << 16) + ('t' << 8) + 'i'; private static final int typeHICommand = ('h' << 24) + ('c' << 16) + ('m' << 8) + 'd'; private static final int typeFSRef = ('f' << 24) + ('s' << 16) + ('r' << 8) + 'f'; private static final int typeWindowRef = ('w' << 24) + ('i' << 16) + ('n' << 8) + 'd'; private static final int typeType = ('t' << 24) + ('y' << 16) + ('p' << 8) + 'e'; private static final int kHICommandPreferences = ('p' << 24) + ('r' << 16) + ('e' << 8) + 'f'; private static final int kHICommandAbout = ('a' << 24) + ('b' << 16) + ('o' << 8) + 'u'; private static final int kHICommandServices = ('s' << 24) + ('e' << 16) + ('r' << 8) + 'v'; private static final int kHICommandWizard = ('a' << 24) + ('z' << 16) + ('c' << 8) + 'n'; private static final int kHICommandNatTest = ('a' << 24) + ('z' << 16) + ('n' << 8) + 't'; private static final int kHICommandSpeedTest = ('a' << 24) + ('z' << 16) + ('s' << 8) + 't'; private static final int kHICommandRestart = ('a' << 24) + ('z' << 16) + ('r' << 8) + 's'; private static final int typeAEList = ('l' << 24) + ('i' << 16) + ('s' << 8) + 't'; private static final int kCoreEventClass = ('a' << 24) + ('e' << 16) + ('v' << 8) + 't'; private static final int kAEOpenDocuments = ('o' << 24) + ('d' << 16) + ('o' << 8) + 'c'; private static final int kAEReopenApplication = ('r' << 24) + ('a' << 16) + ('p' << 8) + 'p'; private static final int kAEOpenContents = ('o' << 24) + ('c' << 16) + ('o' << 8) + 'n'; private static final int kURLEventClass = ('G' << 24) + ('U' << 16) + ('R' << 8) + 'L'; private static final int typeText = ('T' << 24) + ('E' << 16) + ('X' << 8) + 'T'; private static String fgAboutActionName; private static String fgWizardActionName; private static String fgNatTestActionName; private static String fgRestartActionName; private static String fgSpeedTestActionName; private static int memmove_type = 0; /** * KN: Some of the menu items have been removed for the Vuze and Vuze Advanced UI's; * the classic UI still retains all its menu items as before. Follow this flag in the code * to see which menu items are effected. */ private boolean isAZ3 = "az3".equalsIgnoreCase(COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui")); private static Class<?> claCallback; private static Constructor<?> constCallback3; private static Method mCallback_getAddress; private static Method mCallback_dispose; private static Class<?> claOS; private static Class<?> claHICommand; private static Class<?> claCFRange; private static Class<?> claAEDesc; private static Class<?> claEventRecord; //public static final int BOUNCE_SINGLE = NSApplication.UserAttentionRequestInformational; //public static final int BOUNCE_CONTINUOUS = NSApplication.UserAttentionRequestCritical; static { try { claCallback = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback"); //public Callback (Object object, String method, int argCount) { constCallback3 = claCallback.getConstructor(new Class[] { Object.class, String.class, int.class, }); // public int /*long*/ getAddress () { mCallback_getAddress = claCallback.getMethod("getAddress", new Class[] {}); // public void dispose () { mCallback_dispose = claCallback.getMethod("dispose", new Class[] {}); claOS = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS"); claHICommand = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.HICommand"); claCFRange = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.CFRange"); claAEDesc = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.AEDesc"); claEventRecord = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.EventRecord"); } catch (Exception e) { } } public CarbonUIEnhancer() { if (fgAboutActionName == null) { fgAboutActionName = MessageText.getString("MainWindow.menu.help.about").replaceAll( "&", ""); } if (false == isAZ3) { if (fgWizardActionName == null) { fgWizardActionName = MessageText.getString( "MainWindow.menu.file.configure").replaceAll("&", ""); } if (fgNatTestActionName == null) { fgNatTestActionName = MessageText.getString( "MainWindow.menu.tools.nattest").replaceAll("&", ""); } if (fgSpeedTestActionName == null) { fgSpeedTestActionName = MessageText.getString( "MainWindow.menu.tools.speedtest").replaceAll("&", ""); } } if (fgRestartActionName == null) { fgRestartActionName = MessageText.getString( "MainWindow.menu.file.restart").replaceAll("&", ""); } earlyStartup(); registerTorrentFile(); } public static void registerToolbarToggle(Shell shell) { try { final Object toolbarToggleCB = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "toolbarToggle", 3); int toolbarToggle = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke( toolbarToggleCB, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (toolbarToggle == 0) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not find callback 'toolbarToggle'"); mCallback_dispose.invoke(toolbarToggleCB, new Object[] {}); return; } shell.getDisplay().disposeExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { mCallback_dispose.invoke(toolbarToggleCB, new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { } } }); // add the button to the window trim Object oHandle = shell.getClass().getField("handle").get(shell); int windowHandle = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetControlOwner", new Object[] { oHandle })).intValue(); invoke(claOS, null, "ChangeWindowAttributes", new Object[] { windowHandle, kWindowToolbarButtonAttribute, 0 }); int[] mask = new int[] { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowToolbarSwitchMode }; // register the handler with the OS int applicationEventTarget = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetApplicationEventTarget", new Object[] {})).intValue(); // int InstallEventHandler(int inTarget, int inHandler, int inNumTypes, int[] inList, int inUserData, int[] outRef); invoke(claOS, null, "InstallEventHandler", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class }, new Object[] { applicationEventTarget, toolbarToggle, mask.length / 2, mask, 0, null }); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out("RegisterToolbarToggle failed", e); } } private void registerTorrentFile() { try { int result; Object clickDockIconCallback = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "clickDockIcon", 3); int clickDocIcon = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke( clickDockIconCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (clickDocIcon == 0) { mCallback_dispose.invoke(clickDockIconCallback, new Object[] {}); } else { result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEInstallEventHandler", new Object[] { kCoreEventClass, kAEReopenApplication, clickDocIcon, (int) 0, false })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could Install ReopenApplication Event Handler. Error: " + result); } } Object openContentsCallback = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "openContents", 3); int openContents = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke( openContentsCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (openContents == 0) { mCallback_dispose.invoke(openContentsCallback, new Object[] {}); } else { result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEInstallEventHandler", new Object[] { kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenContents, openContents, (int) 0, false })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could Install OpenContents Event Handler. Error: " + result); } } Object openDocCallback = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "openDocProc", 3); int openDocProc = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke(openDocCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (openDocProc == 0) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not find Callback 'openDocProc'"); mCallback_dispose.invoke(openDocCallback, new Object[] {}); return; } result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEInstallEventHandler", new Object[] { kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, openDocProc, (int) 0, false })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not Install OpenDocs Event Handler. Error: " + result); return; } result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEInstallEventHandler", new Object[] { kURLEventClass, kURLEventClass, openDocProc, (int) 0, false })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not Install URLEventClass Event Handler. Error: " + result); return; } /// Object quitAppCallback = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "quitAppProc", 3); int quitAppProc = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke(quitAppCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (quitAppProc == 0) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not find Callback 'quitApp'"); mCallback_dispose.invoke(quitAppCallback, new Object[] {}); } else { result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEInstallEventHandler", new Object[] { kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, quitAppProc, (int) 0, false })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could not install QuitApplication Event Handler. Error: " + result); } } /// int appTarget = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetApplicationEventTarget", new Object[] {})).intValue(); Object appleEventCallback = constCallback3.newInstance(this, "appleEventProc", 3); int appleEventProc = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke( appleEventCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); int[] mask3 = new int[] { kEventClassAppleEvent, kEventAppleEvent, kURLEventClass, kAEReopenApplication, kAEOpenContents, }; result = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "InstallEventHandler", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class }, new Object[] { appTarget, appleEventProc, mask3.length / 2, mask3, 0, null })).intValue(); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could Install Event Handler. Error: " + result); return; } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out("registerTorrentFile failed", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.IStartup#earlyStartup() */ public void earlyStartup() { final Display display = Display.getDefault(); display.syncExec(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { hookApplicationMenu(display); } }); } /** * See Apple Technical Q&A 1079 (http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1079.html)<br /> * Also http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Menu_Manager/menu_mgr_ref/function_group_10.html */ public void hookApplicationMenu(final Display display) { try { final Object commandCallback = constCallback3.newInstance( CarbonUIEnhancer.class, "commandProc", 3); //$NON-NLS-1$ int commandProc = ((Number) mCallback_getAddress.invoke(commandCallback, new Object[] {})).intValue(); if (commandProc == 0) { mCallback_dispose.invoke(commandCallback, new Object[] {}); return; // give up } // Install event handler for commands int[] mask = new int[] { kEventClassCommand, kEventProcessCommand }; int appTarget = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetApplicationEventTarget", new Object[] {})).intValue(); invoke(claOS, null, "InstallEventHandler", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class }, new Object[] { appTarget, commandProc, mask.length / 2, mask, 0, null }); // create About menu command int[] outMenu = new int[1]; short[] outIndex = new short[1]; // int GetIndMenuItemWithCommandID(int mHandle, int commandId, int index, int[] outMenu, short[] outIndex); int ind = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetIndMenuItemWithCommandID", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, short[].class }, new Object[] { 0, kHICommandPreferences, 1, outMenu, outIndex })).intValue(); if (ind == noErr && outMenu[0] != 0) { int menu = outMenu[0]; int l = fgAboutActionName.length(); char buffer[] = new char[l]; fgAboutActionName.getChars(0, l, buffer, 0); int str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, l); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, str, (short) 0, 0, kHICommandAbout); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { str }); // add separator between About & Preferences InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, 0, (short) 1, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0); // enable pref menu invoke(claOS, null, "EnableMenuCommand", new Object[] { menu, kHICommandPreferences }); // disable services menu invoke(claOS, null, "DisableMenuCommand", new Object[] { menu, kHICommandServices }); if (!isAZ3) { // wizard menu l = fgWizardActionName.length(); buffer = new char[l]; fgWizardActionName.getChars(0, l, buffer, 0); str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, l); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, str, (short) 3, 0, kHICommandWizard); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { str }); // NAT test menu l = fgNatTestActionName.length(); buffer = new char[l]; fgNatTestActionName.getChars(0, l, buffer, 0); str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, l); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, str, (short) 4, 0, kHICommandNatTest); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { str }); //SpeedTest l = fgSpeedTestActionName.length(); buffer = new char[l]; fgSpeedTestActionName.getChars(0, l, buffer, 0); str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, l); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, str, (short) 5, 0, kHICommandSpeedTest); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { str }); } InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, 0, (short) 6, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0); // restart menu l = fgRestartActionName.length(); buffer = new char[l]; fgRestartActionName.getChars(0, l, buffer, 0); str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, l); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, str, (short) 7, 0, kHICommandRestart); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { str }); InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(menu, 0, (short) 8, kMenuItemAttrSeparator, 0); } // schedule disposal of callback object display.disposeExec(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { try { mCallback_dispose.invoke(commandCallback, new Object[] {}); } catch (Throwable e) { } // stopSidekick(); } }); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out("Failed hookApplicatioMenu", e); } } private void InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(int mHandle, int sHandle, short index, int attributes, int commandID) { //OS.InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString(mHandle, sHandle, index, attributes, commandID); invoke(claOS, null, "InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, short.class, int.class, int.class }, new Object[] { mHandle, sHandle, index, attributes, commandID }); } private int CFStringCreateWithCharacters(int alloc, char[] buffer, int numChars) { //return OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(alloc, buffer, numChars); return ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "CFStringCreateWithCharacters", new Object[] { alloc, buffer, numChars })).intValue(); } int appleEventProc(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { try { int eventClass = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventClass", new Object[] { theEvent })).intValue(); //int eventKind = OS.GetEventKind(theEvent); //System.out.println("appleEventProc " + OSXtoString(eventClass) + ";" // + OS.GetEventKind(theEvent) + ";" + OSXtoString(theEvent) + ";" // + OSXtoString(userData)); // Process the odoc event if (eventClass == kEventClassAppleEvent) { int[] aeEventID = new int[1]; // int GetEventParameter(int inEvent, int inName, int inDesiredType, // int[] outActualType, int inBufferSize, int[] outActualSize, int[] outData); int ret = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventParameter", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class, int[].class }, new Object[] { theEvent, kEventParamAEEventID, typeType, null, 4, null, aeEventID })).intValue(); if (ret != noErr) { return eventNotHandledErr; } //System.out.println("EventID = " + OSXtoString(aeEventID[0])); if (aeEventID[0] != kAEOpenDocuments && aeEventID[0] != kURLEventClass && aeEventID[0] != kAEReopenApplication && aeEventID[0] != kAEOpenContents && aeEventID[0] != kAEQuitApplication) { return eventNotHandledErr; } // Handle Event Object eventRecord = claEventRecord.newInstance(); invoke(claOS, null, "ConvertEventRefToEventRecord", new Class[] { int.class, claEventRecord }, new Object[] { theEvent, eventRecord }); invoke(claOS, null, "AEProcessAppleEvent", new Object[] { eventRecord }); // Tell Mac we are handling this event return noErr; } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } return eventNotHandledErr; } /* private static String OSXtoString(int i) { char[] c = new char[4]; c[0] = (char) ((i >> 24) & 0xff); c[1] = (char) ((i >> 16) & 0xff); c[2] = (char) ((i >> 8) & 0xff); c[3] = (char) (i & 0xff); return new String(c); } */ private static void memmove(byte[] dest, int src, int size) { switch (memmove_type) { case 0: try { OSXAccess.memmove(dest, src, size); memmove_type = 0; return; } catch (Throwable e) { } // FALL THROUGH case 1: try { Class<?> cMemMove = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS"); Method method = cMemMove.getMethod("memmove", new Class[] { byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE }); method.invoke(null, new Object[] { dest, new Integer(src), new Integer(size) }); memmove_type = 1; return; } catch (Throwable e) { } // FALL THROUGH case 2: try { Class<?> cMemMove = Class.forName("org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS"); Method method = cMemMove.getMethod("memcpy", new Class[] { byte[].class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE }); method.invoke(null, new Object[] { dest, new Integer(src), new Integer(size) }); memmove_type = 2; return; } catch (Throwable e) { } // FALL THROUGH default: break; } memmove_type = 3; } final static int commandProc(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { try { int kind = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventKind", new Object[] { theEvent })).intValue(); if (kind == kEventProcessCommand) { Object command = claHICommand.newInstance(); // int GetEventParameter(int inEvent, int inName, int inDesiredType, // int[] outActualType, int inBufferSize, int[] outActualSize, HICommand outData); invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventParameter", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class, claHICommand }, new Object[] { theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, null, claHICommand.getField("sizeof").getInt(command), null, command }); int commandID = claHICommand.getField("commandID").getInt(command); switch (commandID) { case kHICommandPreferences: { UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions(); if (uiFunctions != null) { uiFunctions.openView(UIFunctions.VIEW_CONFIG, null); } return noErr; } case kHICommandAbout: AboutWindow.show(); return noErr; case kHICommandRestart: { UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions(); if (uiFunctions != null) { uiFunctions.dispose(true, false); } return noErr; } case kHICommandWizard: new ConfigureWizard(false,ConfigureWizard.WIZARD_MODE_FULL); return noErr; case kHICommandNatTest: new NatTestWindow(); return noErr; case kHICommandSpeedTest: new SpeedTestWizard(); return noErr; case kAEQuitApplication: UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions(); if (uiFunctions != null) { uiFunctions.dispose(false, false); return noErr; } else { UIExitUtilsSWT.setSkipCloseCheck(true); } default: break; } } } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } return eventNotHandledErr; } final static int quitAppProc(int theAppleEvent, int reply, int handlerRefcon) { UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions(); if (uiFunctions != null) { uiFunctions.dispose(false, false); } else { UIExitUtilsSWT.setSkipCloseCheck(true); Display.getDefault().dispose(); } return noErr; } final static int openDocProc(int theAppleEvent, int reply, int handlerRefcon) { try { Object aeDesc = claAEDesc.newInstance(); Object eventRecord = claEventRecord.newInstance(); invoke(claOS, null, "ConvertEventRefToEventRecord", new Class[] { int.class, claEventRecord }, new Object[] { theAppleEvent, eventRecord }); try { int result = OSXAccess.AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeAEList, aeDesc); if (result != noErr) { Debug.out("OSX: Could call AEGetParamDesc. Error: " + result); return noErr; } } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { Debug.out("OSX: AEGetParamDesc not available. Can't open sent file"); return noErr; } int[] count = new int[1]; invoke(claOS, null, "AECountItems", new Class[] { claAEDesc, int[].class }, new Object[] { aeDesc, count }); //System.out.println("COUNT: " + count[0]); if (count[0] > 0) { final String[] fileNames = new String[count[0]]; int maximumSize = 80; // size of FSRef int dataPtr = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "NewPtr", new Object[] { maximumSize })).intValue(); int[] aeKeyword = new int[1]; int[] typeCode = new int[1]; int[] actualSize = new int[1]; for (int i = 0; i < count[0]; i++) { try { // int AEGetNthPtr(AEDesc theAEDescList, int index, int desiredType, // int[] theAEKeyword, int[] typeCode, int dataPtr, int maximumSize, int[] actualSize); Class<?>[] sigAEGetNthPtr = new Class[] { claAEDesc, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int[].class, int.class, int.class, int[].class }; int ret = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEGetNthPtr", sigAEGetNthPtr, new Object[] { aeDesc, i + 1, typeFSRef, aeKeyword, typeCode, dataPtr, maximumSize, actualSize })).intValue(); if (ret == noErr) { byte[] fsRef = new byte[actualSize[0]]; memmove(fsRef, dataPtr, actualSize[0]); int dirUrl = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "CFURLCreateFromFSRef", new Object[] { kCFAllocatorDefault, fsRef })).intValue(); int dirString = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "CFURLCopyFileSystemPath", new Object[] { dirUrl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle })).intValue(); int length = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "CFStringGetLength", new Object[] { dirString })).intValue(); char[] buffer = new char[length]; Object range = claCFRange.newInstance(); claCFRange.getField("length").setInt(range, length); invoke(claOS, null, "CFStringGetCharacters", new Class[] { int.class, claCFRange, char[].class }, new Object[] { dirString, range, buffer }); fileNames[i] = new String(buffer); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { dirString }); invoke(claOS, null, "CFRelease", new Object[] { dirUrl }); } else { ret = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "AEGetNthPtr", sigAEGetNthPtr, new Object[] { aeDesc, i + 1, typeText, aeKeyword, typeCode, dataPtr, 2048, actualSize })).intValue(); if (ret == noErr) { byte[] urlRef = new byte[actualSize[0]]; memmove(urlRef, dataPtr, actualSize[0]); fileNames[i] = new String(urlRef); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } //System.out.println(fileNames[i]); } AzureusCoreFactory.addCoreRunningListener(new AzureusCoreRunningListener() { public void azureusCoreRunning(AzureusCore core) { TorrentOpener.openTorrents(fileNames); } }); } return noErr; } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } return eventNotHandledErr; } final static int clickDockIcon(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions(); if (uiFunctions != null) { uiFunctions.bringToFront(); return noErr; } return eventNotHandledErr; } final static int openContents(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { Debug.out("openDocContents"); return noErr; } final static int toolbarToggle(int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { int eventKind = ((Number) invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventKind", new Object[] { theEvent })).intValue(); if (eventKind != kEventWindowToolbarSwitchMode) { return eventNotHandledErr; } int[] theWindow = new int[1]; //int GetEventParameter(int inEvent, int inName, int inDesiredType, // int[] outActualType, int inBufferSize, int[] outActualSize, int[] outData); invoke(claOS, null, "GetEventParameter", new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class, int[].class, int.class, int[].class, int[].class }, new Object[] { theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, null, 4, null, theWindow }); int[] theRoot = new int[1]; invoke(claOS, null, "GetRootControl", new Object[] { theWindow[0], theRoot }); final Widget widget = Display.getCurrent().findWidget(theRoot[0]); if (!(widget instanceof Shell)) { return eventNotHandledErr; } final Shell shellAffected = (Shell) widget; Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { int type; Long l = (Long) shellAffected.getData("OSX.ToolBarToggle"); if (l == null || l.longValue() == 0) { type = SWT.Collapse; } else { type = SWT.Expand; } Event event = new Event(); event.type = type; event.display = widget.getDisplay(); event.widget = widget; shellAffected.notifyListeners(type, event); shellAffected.setData("OSX.ToolBarToggle", new Long( type == SWT.Collapse ? 1 : 0)); } }); return noErr; } private static Object invoke(Class<?> clazz, Object target, String methodName, Object[] args) { try { Class<?>[] signature = new Class<?>[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Class<?> thisClass = args[i].getClass(); if (thisClass == Integer.class) signature[i] = int.class; else if (thisClass == Long.class) signature[i] = long.class; else if (thisClass == Byte.class) signature[i] = byte.class; else if (thisClass == Boolean.class) signature[i] = boolean.class; else signature[i] = thisClass; } Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, signature); return method.invoke(target, args); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private static Object invoke(Class<?> clazz, Object target, String methodName, Class<?>[] signature, Object[] args) { try { Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, signature); method.setAccessible(true); return method.invoke(target, args); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }