// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org) package org.xbill.DNS; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; /** * A set of Records with the same name, type, and class. Also included * are all RRSIG records signing the data records. * @see Record * @see RRSIGRecord * * @author Brian Wellington */ public class RRset implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3270249290171239695L; /* * rrs contains both normal and RRSIG records, with the RRSIG records * at the end. */ private List rrs; private short nsigs; private short position; /** Creates an empty RRset */ public RRset() { rrs = new ArrayList(1); nsigs = 0; position = 0; } /** Creates an RRset and sets its contents to the specified record */ public RRset(Record record) { this(); safeAddRR(record); } /** Creates an RRset with the contents of an existing RRset */ public RRset(RRset rrset) { synchronized (rrset) { rrs = (List) ((ArrayList)rrset.rrs).clone(); nsigs = rrset.nsigs; position = rrset.position; } } private void safeAddRR(Record r) { if (!(r instanceof RRSIGRecord)) { if (nsigs == 0) rrs.add(r); else rrs.add(rrs.size() - nsigs, r); } else { rrs.add(r); nsigs++; } } /** Adds a Record to an RRset */ public synchronized void addRR(Record r) { if (rrs.size() == 0) { safeAddRR(r); return; } Record first = first(); if (!r.sameRRset(first)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("record does not match " + "rrset"); if (r.getTTL() != first.getTTL()) { if (r.getTTL() > first.getTTL()) { r = r.cloneRecord(); r.setTTL(first.getTTL()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < rrs.size(); i++) { Record tmp = (Record) rrs.get(i); tmp = tmp.cloneRecord(); tmp.setTTL(r.getTTL()); rrs.set(i, tmp); } } } if (!rrs.contains(r)) safeAddRR(r); } /** Deletes a Record from an RRset */ public synchronized void deleteRR(Record r) { if (rrs.remove(r) && (r instanceof RRSIGRecord)) nsigs--; } /** Deletes all Records from an RRset */ public synchronized void clear() { rrs.clear(); position = 0; nsigs = 0; } private synchronized Iterator iterator(boolean data, boolean cycle) { int size, start, total; total = rrs.size(); if (data) size = total - nsigs; else size = nsigs; if (size == 0) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator(); if (data) { if (!cycle) start = 0; else { if (position >= size) position = 0; start = position++; } } else { start = total - nsigs; } List list = new ArrayList(size); if (data) { list.addAll(rrs.subList(start, size)); if (start != 0) list.addAll(rrs.subList(0, start)); } else { list.addAll(rrs.subList(start, total)); } return list.iterator(); } /** * Returns an Iterator listing all (data) records. * @param cycle If true, cycle through the records so that each Iterator will * start with a different record. */ public synchronized Iterator rrs(boolean cycle) { return iterator(true, cycle); } /** * Returns an Iterator listing all (data) records. This cycles through * the records, so each Iterator will start with a different record. */ public synchronized Iterator rrs() { return iterator(true, true); } /** Returns an Iterator listing all signature records */ public synchronized Iterator sigs() { return iterator(false, false); } /** Returns the number of (data) records */ public synchronized int size() { return rrs.size() - nsigs; } /** * Returns the name of the records * @see Name */ public Name getName() { return first().getName(); } /** * Returns the type of the records * @see Type */ public int getType() { return first().getRRsetType(); } /** * Returns the class of the records * @see DClass */ public int getDClass() { return first().getDClass(); } /** Returns the ttl of the records */ public synchronized long getTTL() { return first().getTTL(); } /** * Returns the first record * @throws IllegalStateException if the rrset is empty */ public synchronized Record first() { if (rrs.size() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("rrset is empty"); return (Record) rrs.get(0); } private String iteratorToString(Iterator it) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { Record rr = (Record) it.next(); sb.append("["); sb.append(rr.rdataToString()); sb.append("]"); if (it.hasNext()) sb.append(" "); } return sb.toString(); } /** Converts the RRset to a String */ public String toString() { if (rrs == null) return ("{empty}"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("{ "); sb.append(getName() + " "); sb.append(getTTL() + " "); sb.append(DClass.string(getDClass()) + " "); sb.append(Type.string(getType()) + " "); sb.append(iteratorToString(iterator(true, false))); if (nsigs > 0) { sb.append(" sigs: "); sb.append(iteratorToString(iterator(false, false))); } sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } }