/* * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Created on Oct 18, 2003 * Created by Paul Gardner * Modified Apr 13, 2004 by Alon Rohter * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.access.DMAccessFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.access.DMChecker; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.access.DMReader; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.access.DMWriter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.piecemapper.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.impl.resume.RDResumeHandler; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerState; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.impl.DownloadManagerMoveHandler; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.LocaleTorrentUtil; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.LocaleUtilDecoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.LocaleUtilEncodingException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManagerCapabilities; import org.gudy.azureus2.platform.PlatformManagerFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.savelocation.SaveLocationChange; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.platform.PlatformManagerException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.access.DiskAccessController; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.access.DiskAccessControllerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFileManagerException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFileManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFileOwner; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.diskmanager.file.FMFileManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CaseSensitiveFileMap; /** * * The disk Wrapper. * * @author Tdv_VgA * @author MjrTom * 2005/Oct/08: new piece-picking support changes * 2006/Jan/02: refactoring piece picking related code * */ public class DiskManagerImpl extends LogRelation implements DiskManagerHelper { private static final int DM_FREE_PIECELIST_TIMEOUT = 120*1000; private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.DISK; private static DiskAccessController disk_access_controller; static { int max_read_threads = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "diskmanager.perf.read.maxthreads" ); int max_read_mb = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "diskmanager.perf.read.maxmb" ); int max_write_threads = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "diskmanager.perf.write.maxthreads" ); int max_write_mb = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "diskmanager.perf.write.maxmb" ); disk_access_controller = DiskAccessControllerFactory.create( "core", max_read_threads, max_read_mb, max_write_threads, max_write_mb ); if (Logger.isEnabled()){ Logger.log( new LogEvent( LOGID, "Disk access controller params: " + max_read_threads + "/" + max_read_mb + "/" + max_write_threads + "/" + max_write_mb )); } } public static DiskAccessController getDefaultDiskAccessController() { return( disk_access_controller ); } private static boolean reorder_storage_mode; private static int reorder_storage_mode_min_mb; static{ COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners( new String[]{ "Enable reorder storage mode", "Reorder storage mode min MB" }, new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String parameterName ) { reorder_storage_mode = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "Enable reorder storage mode" ); reorder_storage_mode_min_mb = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Reorder storage mode min MB" ); } }); } private static DiskManagerRecheckScheduler recheck_scheduler = new DiskManagerRecheckScheduler(); private static DiskManagerAllocationScheduler allocation_scheduler = new DiskManagerAllocationScheduler(); private static ThreadPool start_pool = new ThreadPool( "DiskManager:start", 64, true ); static{ start_pool.setThreadPriority( Thread.MIN_PRIORITY ); } private boolean used = false; private boolean started = false; private AESemaphore started_sem = new AESemaphore( "DiskManager::started" ); private boolean starting; private boolean stopping; private int state_set_via_method; protected String errorMessage = ""; private int pieceLength; private int lastPieceLength; private int nbPieces; // total # pieces in this torrent private long totalLength; // total # bytes in this torrent private int percentDone; private long allocated; private long remaining; private TOTorrent torrent; private DMReader reader; private DMChecker checker; private DMWriter writer; private RDResumeHandler resume_handler; private DMPieceMapper piece_mapper; private DiskManagerPieceImpl[] pieces; private DMPieceMap piece_map_use_accessor; private long piece_map_use_accessor_time; private DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[] files; private DiskManagerFileInfoSet fileset; protected DownloadManager download_manager; private boolean alreadyMoved = false; private boolean skipped_file_set_changed =true; // go over them once when starting private long skipped_file_set_size; private long skipped_but_downloaded; private boolean checking_enabled = true; // DiskManager listeners private static final int LDT_STATECHANGED = 1; private static final int LDT_PRIOCHANGED = 2; private static final int LDT_PIECE_DONE_CHANGED = 3; private static final int LDT_ACCESS_MODE_CHANGED = 4; protected static ListenerManager<DiskManagerListener> listeners_aggregator = ListenerManager.createAsyncManager( "DiskM:ListenAggregatorDispatcher", new ListenerManagerDispatcher<DiskManagerListener>() { public void dispatch( DiskManagerListener listener, int type, Object value ) { if (type == LDT_STATECHANGED){ int params[] = (int[])value; listener.stateChanged(params[0], params[1]); }else if (type == LDT_PRIOCHANGED) { listener.filePriorityChanged((DiskManagerFileInfo)value); }else if (type == LDT_PIECE_DONE_CHANGED) { listener.pieceDoneChanged((DiskManagerPiece)value); }else if (type == LDT_ACCESS_MODE_CHANGED) { Object[] o = (Object[])value; listener.fileAccessModeChanged( (DiskManagerFileInfo)o[0], ((Integer)o[1]).intValue(), ((Integer)o[2]).intValue()); } } }); private ListenerManager<DiskManagerListener> listeners = ListenerManager.createManager( "DiskM:ListenDispatcher", new ListenerManagerDispatcher<DiskManagerListener>() { public void dispatch( DiskManagerListener listener, int type, Object value ) { listeners_aggregator.dispatch( listener, type, value ); } }); private AEMonitor start_stop_mon = new AEMonitor( "DiskManager:startStop" ); private AEMonitor file_piece_mon = new AEMonitor( "DiskManager:filePiece" ); public DiskManagerImpl( TOTorrent _torrent, DownloadManager _dmanager) { torrent = _torrent; download_manager = _dmanager; pieces = new DiskManagerPieceImpl[0]; // in case things go wrong later setState( INITIALIZING ); percentDone = 0; if ( torrent == null ){ errorMessage = "Torrent not available"; setState( FAULTY ); return; } LocaleUtilDecoder locale_decoder = null; try{ locale_decoder = LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding( torrent ); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); errorMessage = TorrentUtils.exceptionToText(e); setState( FAULTY ); return; }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); errorMessage = "Initialisation failed - " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e); setState( FAULTY ); return; } piece_mapper = DMPieceMapperFactory.create( torrent ); try{ piece_mapper.construct( locale_decoder, download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getName()); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); errorMessage = "Failed to build piece map - " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e); setState( FAULTY ); return; } totalLength = piece_mapper.getTotalLength(); remaining = totalLength; nbPieces = torrent.getNumberOfPieces(); pieceLength = (int)torrent.getPieceLength(); lastPieceLength = piece_mapper.getLastPieceLength(); pieces = new DiskManagerPieceImpl[nbPieces]; for (int i =0; i <nbPieces; i++) { pieces[i] =new DiskManagerPieceImpl(this, i, i==nbPieces-1?lastPieceLength:pieceLength); } reader = DMAccessFactory.createReader(this); checker = DMAccessFactory.createChecker(this); writer = DMAccessFactory.createWriter(this); resume_handler = new RDResumeHandler( this, checker ); } public void start() { try{ start_stop_mon.enter(); if ( used ){ Debug.out( "DiskManager reuse not supported!!!!" ); } used = true; if ( getState() == FAULTY ){ Debug.out( "starting a faulty disk manager"); return; } started = true; starting = true; start_pool.run( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { try{ // now we use a limited pool to manage disk manager starts there // is an increased possibility of us being stopped before starting // handle this situation better by avoiding an un-necessary "startSupport" try{ start_stop_mon.enter(); if ( stopping ){ throw( new Exception( "Stopped during startup" )); } }finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } startSupport(); }catch( Throwable e ){ errorMessage = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + " (start)"; Debug.printStackTrace(e); setState( FAULTY ); }finally{ started_sem.release(); } boolean stop_required; try{ start_stop_mon.enter(); stop_required = DiskManagerImpl.this.getState() == DiskManager.FAULTY || stopping; starting = false; }finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } if ( stop_required ){ DiskManagerImpl.this.stop( false ); } } }); }finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } } private void startSupport() { //if the data file is already in the completed files dir, we want to use it boolean files_exist = false; if (download_manager.isPersistent()){ /** * Try one of these candidate directories, see if the data already exists there. */ File[] move_to_dirs = DownloadManagerMoveHandler.getRelatedDirs(download_manager); for (int i=0; i<move_to_dirs.length; i++) { String move_to_dir = move_to_dirs[i].getAbsolutePath(); if (filesExist (move_to_dir)) { alreadyMoved = files_exist = true; download_manager.setTorrentSaveDir(move_to_dir); break; } } } reader.start(); checker.start(); writer.start(); // If we haven't yet allocated the files, take this chance to determine // whether any relative paths should be taken into account for default // save path calculations. if (!alreadyMoved && !download_manager.isDataAlreadyAllocated()) { // Check the files don't already exist in their current location. if (!files_exist) {files_exist = this.filesExist();} if (!files_exist) { SaveLocationChange transfer = DownloadManagerMoveHandler.onInitialisation(download_manager); if (transfer != null) { if (transfer.download_location != null || transfer.download_name != null) { File dl_location = transfer.download_location; if (dl_location == null) {dl_location = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getParentFile();} if (transfer.download_name == null) { download_manager.setTorrentSaveDir(dl_location.getAbsolutePath()); } else { download_manager.setTorrentSaveDir(dl_location.getAbsolutePath(), transfer.download_name); } } if (transfer.torrent_location != null || transfer.torrent_name != null) { try {download_manager.setTorrentFile(transfer.torrent_location, transfer.torrent_name);} catch (DownloadManagerException e) {Debug.printStackTrace(e);} } } } } //allocate / check every file int newFiles = allocateFiles(); if ( getState() == FAULTY ){ // bail out if broken in the meantime // state will be "faulty" if the allocation process is interrupted by a stop return; } if ( getState() == FAULTY ){ // bail out if broken in the meantime return; } setState( DiskManager.CHECKING ); resume_handler.start(); if ( checking_enabled ){ if ( newFiles == 0 ){ resume_handler.checkAllPieces(false); // unlikely to need piece list, force discard if ( getRemainingExcludingDND() == 0 ){ checkFreePieceList( true ); } }else if ( newFiles != files.length ){ // if not a fresh torrent, check pieces ignoring fast resume data resume_handler.checkAllPieces(true); } } if ( getState() == FAULTY ){ return; } // in all the above cases we want to continue to here if we have been "stopped" as // other components require that we end up either FAULTY or READY //3.Change State setState( READY ); } public boolean stop( boolean closing ) { try{ start_stop_mon.enter(); if ( !started ){ return( false ); } // we need to be careful if we're still starting up as this may be // a re-entrant "stop" caused by a faulty state being reported during // startup. Defer the actual stop until starting is complete if ( starting ){ stopping = true; // we can however safely stop things at this point - this is important // to interrupt an alloc/recheck process that might be holding up the start // operation checker.stop(); writer.stop(); reader.stop(); resume_handler.stop( closing ); // at least save the current stats to download state - they'll be persisted later // when the "real" stop gets through saveState( false ); return( true ); } started = false; stopping = false; }finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } started_sem.reserve(); checker.stop(); writer.stop(); reader.stop(); resume_handler.stop( closing ); if ( files != null ){ for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++){ try{ if (files[i] != null) { files[i].getCacheFile().close(); } }catch ( Throwable e ){ setFailed( "File close fails: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); } } } if ( getState() == DiskManager.READY ){ try{ saveResumeData( false ); }catch( Exception e ){ setFailed( "Resume data save fails: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); } } saveState(); // can't be used after a stop so we might as well clear down the listeners listeners.clear(); return( false ); } public boolean isStopped() { try{ start_stop_mon.enter(); return( !( started || starting || stopping )); }finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } } public boolean filesExist() { return( filesExist( download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getParent())); } protected boolean filesExist( String root_dir ) { if ( !torrent.isSimpleTorrent()){ root_dir += File.separator + download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getName(); } if ( !root_dir.endsWith( File.separator )){ root_dir += File.separator; } // System.out.println( "root dir = " + root_dir_file ); DMPieceMapperFile[] pm_files = piece_mapper.getFiles(); String[] storage_types = getStorageTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < pm_files.length; i++) { DMPieceMapperFile pm_info = pm_files[i]; File relative_file = pm_info.getDataFile(); long target_length = pm_info.getLength(); // use the cache file to ascertain length in case the caching/writing algorithm // fiddles with the real length // Unfortunately we may be called here BEFORE the disk manager has been // started and hence BEFORE the file info has been setup... // Maybe one day we could allocate the file info earlier. However, if we do // this then we'll need to handle the "already moved" stuff too... DiskManagerFileInfoImpl file_info = pm_info.getFileInfo(); boolean close_it = false; try{ if ( file_info == null ){ int storage_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString( storage_types[i]); file_info = new DiskManagerFileInfoImpl( this, new File( root_dir + relative_file.toString()), i, pm_info.getTorrentFile(), storage_type ); close_it = true; } try{ CacheFile cache_file = file_info.getCacheFile(); File data_file = file_info.getFile(true); if ( !cache_file.exists()){ // look for something sensible to report File current = data_file; while( !current.exists()){ File parent = current.getParentFile(); if ( parent == null ){ break; }else if ( !parent.exists()){ current = parent; }else{ if ( parent.isDirectory()){ errorMessage = current.toString() + " not found."; }else{ errorMessage = parent.toString() + " is not a directory."; } return( false ); } } errorMessage = data_file.toString() + " not found."; return false; } // only test for too big as if incremental creation selected // then too small is OK long existing_length = file_info.getCacheFile().getLength(); if ( existing_length > target_length ){ if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("File.truncate.if.too.large")){ file_info.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.WRITE ); file_info.getCacheFile().setLength( target_length ); Debug.out( "Existing data file length too large [" +existing_length+ ">" +target_length+ "]: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath() + ", truncating" ); }else{ errorMessage = "Existing data file length too large [" +existing_length+ ">" +target_length+ "]: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath(); return false; } } }finally{ if ( close_it ){ file_info.getCacheFile().close(); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ errorMessage = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + " (filesExist:" + relative_file.toString() + ")"; return( false ); } } return true; } private int allocateFiles() { Set file_set = new HashSet(); DMPieceMapperFile[] pm_files = piece_mapper.getFiles(); DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[] allocated_files = new DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[pm_files.length]; try{ allocation_scheduler.register( this ); setState( ALLOCATING ); allocated = 0; int numNewFiles = 0; String root_dir = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getParent(); if ( !torrent.isSimpleTorrent()){ root_dir += File.separator + download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getName(); } root_dir += File.separator; String[] storage_types = getStorageTypes(); String incomplete_suffix = download_manager.getDownloadState().getAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_INCOMP_FILE_SUFFIX ); for ( int i=0;i<pm_files.length;i++ ){ if ( stopping ){ this.errorMessage = "File allocation interrupted - download is stopping"; setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } final DMPieceMapperFile pm_info = pm_files[i]; final long target_length = pm_info.getLength(); File relative_data_file = pm_info.getDataFile(); DiskManagerFileInfoImpl fileInfo; try{ int storage_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString( storage_types[i]); fileInfo = new DiskManagerFileInfoImpl( this, new File( root_dir + relative_data_file.toString()), i, pm_info.getTorrentFile(), storage_type ); allocated_files[i] = fileInfo; pm_info.setFileInfo( fileInfo ); }catch ( CacheFileManagerException e ){ this.errorMessage = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + " (allocateFiles:" + relative_data_file.toString() + ")"; setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } CacheFile cache_file = fileInfo.getCacheFile(); File data_file = fileInfo.getFile(true); String file_key = data_file.getAbsolutePath(); if ( Constants.isWindows ){ file_key = file_key.toLowerCase(); } if ( file_set.contains( file_key )){ this.errorMessage = "File occurs more than once in download: " + data_file.toString(); setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } file_set.add( file_key ); String ext = data_file.getName(); if ( incomplete_suffix != null && ext.endsWith( incomplete_suffix )){ ext = ext.substring( 0, ext.length() - incomplete_suffix.length()); } int separator = ext.lastIndexOf("."); if ( separator == -1 ){ separator = 0; } fileInfo.setExtension(ext.substring(separator)); //Added for Feature Request //[ 807483 ] Prioritize .nfo files in new torrents //Implemented a more general way of dealing with it. String extensions = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("priorityExtensions",""); if(!extensions.equals("")) { boolean bIgnoreCase = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("priorityExtensionsIgnoreCase"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(extensions,";"); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { String extension = st.nextToken(); extension = extension.trim(); if(!extension.startsWith(".")) extension = "." + extension; boolean bHighPriority = (bIgnoreCase) ? fileInfo.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(extension) : fileInfo.getExtension().equals(extension); if (bHighPriority) fileInfo.setPriority(1); } } fileInfo.setDownloaded(0); int st = cache_file.getStorageType(); boolean compact = st == CacheFile.CT_COMPACT || st == CacheFile.CT_PIECE_REORDER_COMPACT; boolean mustExistOrAllocate = ( !compact ) || RDResumeHandler.fileMustExist(download_manager, fileInfo); // delete compact files that do not contain pieces we need if (!mustExistOrAllocate && cache_file.exists()){ data_file.delete(); } if ( cache_file.exists() ){ try { //make sure the existing file length isn't too large long existing_length = fileInfo.getCacheFile().getLength(); if( existing_length > target_length ){ if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("File.truncate.if.too.large")){ fileInfo.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.WRITE ); cache_file.setLength( target_length ); fileInfo.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.READ ); Debug.out( "Existing data file length too large [" +existing_length+ ">" +target_length+ "]: " +data_file.getAbsolutePath() + ", truncating" ); }else{ this.errorMessage = "Existing data file length too large [" +existing_length+ ">" +target_length+ "]: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath(); setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } }else if ( existing_length < target_length ){ if ( !compact ){ // file is too small if ( !allocateFile( fileInfo, data_file, existing_length, target_length )){ // aborted return( -1 ); } } } }catch (Throwable e) { fileAllocFailed( data_file, target_length, false, e ); setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } allocated += target_length; } else if ( mustExistOrAllocate ){ //we need to allocate it //make sure it hasn't previously been allocated if ( download_manager.isDataAlreadyAllocated() ){ this.errorMessage = "Data file missing: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath(); setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } try{ if ( !allocateFile( fileInfo, data_file, -1, target_length )){ // aborted return( -1 ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ fileAllocFailed( data_file, target_length, true, e ); setState( FAULTY ); return( -1 ); } numNewFiles++; } } // make sure that "files" doens't become visible to the rest of the world until all // entries have been populated files = allocated_files; fileset = new DiskManagerFileInfoSetImpl(files,this); loadFilePriorities(); download_manager.setDataAlreadyAllocated( true ); return( numNewFiles ); }finally{ allocation_scheduler.unregister( this ); // if we failed to do the allocation make sure we close all the files that // we might have opened if ( files == null ){ for (int i=0;i<allocated_files.length;i++){ if ( allocated_files[i] != null ){ try{ allocated_files[i].getCacheFile().close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } } } } private boolean allocateFile( DiskManagerFileInfoImpl fileInfo, File data_file, long existing_length, // -1 if not exists long target_length ) throws Throwable { while( started ){ if ( allocation_scheduler.getPermission( this )){ break; } } if ( !started ){ // allocation interrupted return( false ); } fileInfo.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.WRITE ); if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Enable incremental file creation" )){ // do incremental stuff if ( existing_length < 0 ){ // only do this if it doesn't exist fileInfo.getCacheFile().setLength( 0 ); } }else{ //fully allocate. XFS borks with zero length files though if ( target_length > 0 && !Constants.isWindows && COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("XFS Allocation") ){ fileInfo.getCacheFile().setLength( target_length ); long resvp_start; long resvp_len; if ( existing_length > 0 ){ resvp_start = existing_length; resvp_len = target_length - existing_length; }else{ resvp_start = 0; resvp_len = target_length; } String[] cmd = {"/usr/sbin/xfs_io","-c", "resvsp " + resvp_start + " " + resvp_len, data_file.getAbsolutePath()}; ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); for (int count = p.getErrorStream().read(buffer); count > 0; count = p.getErrorStream().read(buffer)) { os.write(buffer, 0, count); } os.close(); p.waitFor(); } catch (IOException e) { String message = MessageText.getString("xfs.allocation.xfs_io.not.found", new String[] {e.getMessage()}); Logger.log(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, message)); } if (os.size() > 0) { String message = os.toString().trim(); if (message.endsWith("is not on an XFS filesystem")) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LogIDs.DISK, "XFS file allocation impossible because \"" + data_file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" is not on an XFS filesystem. Original error reported by xfs_io : \"" + message + "\"")); } else { throw new Exception(message); } } allocated += target_length; }else if( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Zero New") ) { //zero fill boolean successfulAlloc = false; try { successfulAlloc = writer.zeroFile( fileInfo, target_length ); }catch( Throwable e ){ // in case an error occured set the error message before we set it to FAULTY in the finally clause, the exception handler further down is too late fileAllocFailed( data_file, target_length, existing_length==-1, e ); throw( e ); }finally{ if (!successfulAlloc){ try{ // failed to zero it, delete it so it gets done next start fileInfo.getCacheFile().close(); fileInfo.getCacheFile().delete(); }catch (Throwable e){ } setState(FAULTY); } } // the zeroFile method updates allocation as it occurs }else{ //reserve the full file size with the OS file system fileInfo.getCacheFile().setLength( target_length ); allocated += target_length; } } fileInfo.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.READ ); return( true ); } private void fileAllocFailed( File file, long length, boolean is_new, Throwable e ) { errorMessage = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + " (allocateFiles " + (is_new?"new":"existing") + ":" + file.toString() + ")"; if ( errorMessage.indexOf( "not enough space" ) != -1 ){ if ( length >= 4*1024*1024*1024L ){ // might be FAT32 limit, see if we really have run out of space errorMessage = MessageText.getString( "DiskManager.error.nospace_fat32" ); }else{ errorMessage = MessageText.getString( "DiskManager.error.nospace" ); } } } public DiskAccessController getDiskAccessController() { return( disk_access_controller ); } public void enqueueReadRequest( DiskManagerReadRequest request, DiskManagerReadRequestListener listener ) { reader.readBlock( request, listener ); } public boolean hasOutstandingReadRequestForPiece( int piece_number ) { return( reader.hasOutstandingReadRequestForPiece( piece_number )); } public int getNbPieces() { return nbPieces; } public int getPercentDone() { return percentDone; } public void setPercentDone( int num ) { percentDone = num; } public long getRemaining() { return remaining; } public long getRemainingExcludingDND() { if ( skipped_file_set_changed ){ DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[] current_files = files; if ( current_files != null ){ skipped_file_set_changed = false; try{ file_piece_mon.enter(); skipped_file_set_size = 0; skipped_but_downloaded = 0; for (int i=0;i<current_files.length;i++){ DiskManagerFileInfoImpl file = current_files[i]; if ( file.isSkipped()){ skipped_file_set_size += file.getLength(); skipped_but_downloaded += file.getDownloaded(); } } }finally{ file_piece_mon.exit(); } } } long rem = ( remaining - ( skipped_file_set_size - skipped_but_downloaded )); if ( rem < 0 ){ rem = 0; } return( rem ); } public long getAllocated() { return( allocated ); } public void setAllocated( long num ) { allocated = num; } /** * Called when status has CHANGED and should only be called by DiskManagerPieceImpl */ public void setPieceDone( DiskManagerPieceImpl dmPiece, boolean done ) { int piece_number =dmPiece.getPieceNumber(); int piece_length =dmPiece.getLength(); try { file_piece_mon.enter(); if (dmPiece.isDone() != done ) { dmPiece.setDoneSupport(done); if (done) remaining -=piece_length; else remaining +=piece_length; DMPieceList piece_list = getPieceList( piece_number ); for (int i =0; i <piece_list.size(); i++) { DMPieceMapEntry piece_map_entry =piece_list.get(i); DiskManagerFileInfoImpl this_file =piece_map_entry.getFile(); long file_length =this_file.getLength(); long file_done =this_file.getDownloaded(); long file_done_before =file_done; if (done) file_done +=piece_map_entry.getLength(); else file_done -=piece_map_entry.getLength(); if (file_done <0) { Debug.out("piece map entry length negative"); file_done =0; } else if (file_done >file_length) { Debug.out("piece map entry length too large"); file_done =file_length; } if (this_file.isSkipped()) { skipped_but_downloaded +=(file_done -file_done_before); } this_file.setDownloaded(file_done); // change file modes based on whether or not the file is complete or not if ( file_done == file_length ){ try{ try{ DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState(); String suffix = state.getAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_INCOMP_FILE_SUFFIX ); if ( suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0 ){ File base_file = this_file.getFile( false ); File link = state.getFileLink( base_file ); if ( link != null ){ String name = link.getName(); if ( name.endsWith( suffix ) && name.length() > suffix.length()){ String new_name = name.substring( 0, name.length() - suffix.length()); File new_file = new File( link.getParentFile(), new_name ); if ( !new_file.exists()){ this_file.renameFile( new_name, false ); if ( base_file.equals( new_file )){ state.setFileLink( base_file, null ); }else{ state.setFileLink( base_file, new_file ); } } } } } }finally{ if ( this_file.getAccessMode() == DiskManagerFileInfo.WRITE ){ this_file.setAccessMode( DiskManagerFileInfo.READ ); } } }catch ( Throwable e ){ setFailed("Disk access error - " +Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); Debug.printStackTrace(e); } // note - we don't set the access mode to write if incomplete as we may // be rechecking a file and during this process the "file_done" amount // will not be file_length until the end. If the file is read-only then // changing to write will cause trouble! } } if ( getState() == READY ){ // don't start firing these until we're ready otherwise we send notifications // for complete pieces during initialisation listeners.dispatch(LDT_PIECE_DONE_CHANGED, dmPiece); } } } finally { file_piece_mon.exit(); } } public void accessModeChanged( DiskManagerFileInfoImpl file, int old_mode, int new_mode ) { listeners.dispatch( LDT_ACCESS_MODE_CHANGED, new Object[]{ file, new Integer(old_mode), new Integer(new_mode)}); } public DiskManagerPiece[] getPieces() { return pieces; } public DiskManagerPiece getPiece(int PieceNumber) { return pieces[PieceNumber]; } public int getPieceLength() { return pieceLength; } public int getPieceLength( int piece_number ) { if (piece_number == nbPieces -1 ){ return( lastPieceLength ); }else{ return( pieceLength ); } } public long getTotalLength() { return totalLength; } public int getLastPieceLength() { return lastPieceLength; } public int getState() { return state_set_via_method; } protected void setState( int _state ) { // we never move from a faulty state if ( state_set_via_method == FAULTY ){ if ( _state != FAULTY ){ Debug.out( "DiskManager: attempt to move from faulty state to " + _state ); } return; } if ( state_set_via_method != _state ){ int params[] = {state_set_via_method, _state}; state_set_via_method = _state; listeners.dispatch( LDT_STATECHANGED, params); } } public DiskManagerFileInfo[] getFiles() { return files; } public DiskManagerFileInfoSet getFileSet() { return fileset; } public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } public void setFailed( final String reason ) { /** * need to run this on a separate thread to avoid deadlock with the stopping * process - setFailed tends to be called from within the read/write activities * and stopping these requires this. */ new AEThread("DiskManager:setFailed") { public void runSupport() { errorMessage = reason; Logger.log(new LogAlert(DiskManagerImpl.this, LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, errorMessage)); setState( DiskManager.FAULTY ); DiskManagerImpl.this.stop( false ); } }.start(); } public void setFailed( final DiskManagerFileInfo file, final String reason ) { /** * need to run this on a separate thread to avoid deadlock with the stopping * process - setFailed tends to be called from within the read/write activities * and stopping these requires this. */ new AEThread("DiskManager:setFailed") { public void runSupport() { errorMessage = reason; Logger.log(new LogAlert(DiskManagerImpl.this, LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, errorMessage)); setState( DiskManager.FAULTY ); DiskManagerImpl.this.stop( false ); RDResumeHandler.recheckFile( download_manager, file ); } }.start(); } public int getCacheMode() { return( CacheFileOwner.CACHE_MODE_NORMAL ); } public long[] getReadStats() { if ( reader == null ){ return( new long[]{ 0, 0 }); } return( reader.getStats()); } public DMPieceMap getPieceMap() { DMPieceMap map = piece_map_use_accessor; if ( map == null ){ // System.out.println( "Creating piece list for " + new String( torrent.getName())); piece_map_use_accessor = map = piece_mapper.getPieceMap(); } piece_map_use_accessor_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); return( map ); } public DMPieceList getPieceList( int piece_number ) { DMPieceMap map = getPieceMap(); return( map.getPieceList( piece_number )); } public void checkFreePieceList( boolean force_discard ) { if ( piece_map_use_accessor == null ){ return; } long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( !force_discard ){ if ( now < piece_map_use_accessor_time ){ piece_map_use_accessor_time = now; return; }else if ( now - piece_map_use_accessor_time < DM_FREE_PIECELIST_TIMEOUT ){ return; } } // System.out.println( "Discarding piece list for " + new String( torrent.getName())); piece_map_use_accessor = null; } public byte[] getPieceHash( int piece_number ) throws TOTorrentException { return( torrent.getPieces()[ piece_number ]); } public DiskManagerReadRequest createReadRequest( int pieceNumber, int offset, int length ) { return( reader.createReadRequest( pieceNumber, offset, length )); } public DiskManagerCheckRequest createCheckRequest( int pieceNumber, Object user_data ) { return( checker.createCheckRequest( pieceNumber, user_data )); } public boolean hasOutstandingCheckRequestForPiece( int piece_number ) { return( checker.hasOutstandingCheckRequestForPiece( piece_number )); } public void enqueueCompleteRecheckRequest( DiskManagerCheckRequest request, DiskManagerCheckRequestListener listener ) { checker.enqueueCompleteRecheckRequest( request, listener ); } public void enqueueCheckRequest( DiskManagerCheckRequest request, DiskManagerCheckRequestListener listener ) { checker.enqueueCheckRequest( request, listener ); } public int getCompleteRecheckStatus() { return ( checker.getCompleteRecheckStatus()); } public void setPieceCheckingEnabled( boolean enabled ) { checking_enabled = enabled; checker.setCheckingEnabled( enabled ); } public DirectByteBuffer readBlock( int pieceNumber, int offset, int length ) { return( reader.readBlock( pieceNumber, offset, length )); } public DiskManagerWriteRequest createWriteRequest( int pieceNumber, int offset, DirectByteBuffer data, Object user_data ) { return( writer.createWriteRequest( pieceNumber, offset, data, user_data )); } public void enqueueWriteRequest( DiskManagerWriteRequest request, DiskManagerWriteRequestListener listener ) { writer.writeBlock( request, listener ); } public boolean hasOutstandingWriteRequestForPiece( int piece_number ) { return( writer.hasOutstandingWriteRequestForPiece( piece_number )); } public boolean checkBlockConsistencyForWrite( String originator, int pieceNumber, int offset, DirectByteBuffer data ) { if (pieceNumber < 0) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " pieceNumber=" + pieceNumber + " < 0")); return false; } if (pieceNumber >= this.nbPieces) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " pieceNumber=" + pieceNumber + " >= this.nbPieces=" + this.nbPieces)); return false; } int length = this.pieceLength; if (pieceNumber == nbPieces - 1) { length = this.lastPieceLength; } if (offset < 0) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " offset=" + offset + " < 0")); return false; } if (offset > length) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " offset=" + offset + " > length=" + length)); return false; } int size = data.remaining(DirectByteBuffer.SS_DW); if (size <= 0) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " size=" + size + " <= 0")); return false; } if (offset + size > length) { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, "Write invalid: " + originator + " offset=" + offset + " + size=" + size + " > length=" + length)); return false; } return true; } public boolean checkBlockConsistencyForRead( String originator, boolean peer_request, int pieceNumber, int offset, int length ) { return( DiskManagerUtil.checkBlockConsistencyForRead(this, originator, peer_request, pieceNumber, offset, length)); } public boolean checkBlockConsistencyForHint( String originator, int pieceNumber, int offset, int length ) { return( DiskManagerUtil.checkBlockConsistencyForHint(this, originator, pieceNumber, offset, length)); } public void saveResumeData( boolean interim_save ) throws Exception { resume_handler.saveResumeData( interim_save ); } public void downloadEnded() { moveDownloadFilesWhenEndedOrRemoved(false, true); } public void downloadRemoved () { moveDownloadFilesWhenEndedOrRemoved(true, true); } private boolean moveDownloadFilesWhenEndedOrRemoved(final boolean removing, final boolean torrent_file_exists) { try { start_stop_mon.enter(); final boolean ending = !removing; // Just a friendly alias. /** * It doesn't matter if we set alreadyMoved, but don't end up moving the files. * This is because we only get called once (when it matters), which is when the * download has finished. We only want this to apply when the download has finished, * not if the user restarts the (already completed) download. */ if (ending) { if (this.alreadyMoved) {return false;} this.alreadyMoved = true; } SaveLocationChange move_details; if (removing) { move_details = DownloadManagerMoveHandler.onRemoval(this.download_manager); }else{ DownloadManagerMoveHandler.onCompletion( this.download_manager, new DownloadManagerMoveHandler.MoveCallback() { public void perform( SaveLocationChange move_details ) { moveFiles( move_details, true ); } }); move_details = null; } if ( move_details != null ){ moveFiles(move_details, true); } return true; } finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); if (!removing) { try{ saveResumeData(false); }catch( Throwable e ){ setFailed("Resume data save fails: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)); } } } } public void moveDataFiles(File new_parent_dir, String new_name) { SaveLocationChange loc_change = new SaveLocationChange(); loc_change.download_location = new_parent_dir; loc_change.download_name = new_name; moveFiles(loc_change, false); } protected void moveFiles(SaveLocationChange loc_change, boolean change_to_read_only) { boolean move_files = false; if (loc_change.hasDownloadChange()) { move_files = !this.isFileDestinationIsItself(loc_change); } try { start_stop_mon.enter(); /** * The 0 suffix is indicate that these are quite internal, and are * only intended for use within this method. */ boolean files_moved = true; if (move_files) { files_moved = moveDataFiles0(loc_change, change_to_read_only); } if (loc_change.hasTorrentChange() && files_moved) { moveTorrentFile(loc_change); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } finally{ start_stop_mon.exit(); } } // Helper function private void logMoveFileError(String destination_path, String message) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, message)); Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "DiskManager.alert.movefilefails"), new String[] {destination_path, message}); } private boolean isFileDestinationIsItself(SaveLocationChange loc_change) { File old_location = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation(); File new_location = loc_change.normaliseDownloadLocation(old_location); try { old_location = old_location.getCanonicalFile(); new_location = new_location.getCanonicalFile(); if (old_location.equals(new_location)) {return true;} if (!download_manager.getTorrent().isSimpleTorrent() && FileUtil.isAncestorOf(new_location, old_location)) { String msg = "Target is sub-directory of files"; logMoveFileError(new_location.toString(), msg); return true; } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } return false; } private boolean moveDataFiles0(SaveLocationChange loc_change, final boolean change_to_read_only) throws Exception { File move_to_dir_name = loc_change.download_location; if (move_to_dir_name == null) {move_to_dir_name = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getParentFile();} final String move_to_dir = move_to_dir_name.toString(); final String new_name = loc_change.download_name; // consider the two cases: // simple torrent: /temp/simple.avi // complex torrent: /temp/complex[/other.avi] // we are moving the files to the "move_to_arg" /M and possibly renaming to "wibble.x" // /temp/simple.avi, null -> /M/simple.avi // /temp, "wibble.x" -> /M/wibble.x // /temp/complex[/other.avi], null -> /M/complex[/other.avi] // /temp, "wibble.x" -> /M/wibble.x[/other.avi] if ( files == null ){return false;} if (isFileDestinationIsItself(loc_change)) {return false;} boolean simple_torrent = download_manager.getTorrent().isSimpleTorrent(); // absolute save location does not follow links // for simple: /temp/simple.avi // for complex: /temp/complex final File save_location = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation(); // It is important that we are able to get the canonical form of the directory to // move to, because later code determining new file paths will break otherwise. final String move_from_dir = save_location.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile().getPath(); File[] new_files = new File[files.length]; File[] old_files = new File[files.length]; boolean[] link_only = new boolean[files.length]; for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) { File old_file = files[i].getFile(false); File linked_file = FMFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().getFileLink( torrent, old_file ); if ( !linked_file.equals(old_file)){ if ( simple_torrent ){ // simple torrent, only handle a link if its a simple rename if ( linked_file.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath().equals( save_location.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath())){ old_file = linked_file; }else{ link_only[i] = true; } }else{ // if we are linked to a file outside of the torrent's save directory then we don't // move the file if ( linked_file.getCanonicalPath().startsWith( save_location.getCanonicalPath())){ old_file = linked_file; }else{ link_only[i] = true; } } } /** * We are trying to calculate the relative path of the file within the original save * directory, and then use that to calculate the new save path of the file in the new * save directory. * * We have three cases which we may deal with: * 1) Where the file in the torrent has never been moved (therefore, old_file will * equals linked_file), * 2) Where the file in the torrent has been moved somewhere elsewhere inside the save * path (old_file will not equal linked_file, but we will overwrite the value of * old_file with linked_file), * 3) Where the file in the torrent has been moved outside of the download path - meaning * we set link_only[i] to true. This is just to update the internal reference of where * the file should be - it doesn't move the file at all. * * Below, we will determine a new path for the file, but only in terms of where it should be * inside the new download save location - if the file currently exists outside of the save * location, we will not move it. */ old_files[i] = old_file; /** * move_from_dir should be canonical (see earlier code). * * Need to get canonical form of the old file, because that's what we are using for determining * the relative path. */ String old_parent_path = old_file.getCanonicalFile().getParent(); String sub_path; /** * Calculate the sub path of where the file lives compared to the new save location. * * The code here has changed from what it used to be to fix bug 1636342: * https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=575154&aid=1636342&group_id=84122 */ if ( old_parent_path.startsWith(move_from_dir)){ sub_path = old_parent_path.substring(move_from_dir.length()); }else{ logMoveFileError(move_to_dir, "Could not determine relative path for file - " + old_parent_path); throw new IOException("relative path assertion failed: move_from_dir=\"" + move_from_dir + "\", old_parent_path=\"" + old_parent_path + "\""); } //create the destination dir if ( sub_path.startsWith( File.separator )){ sub_path = sub_path.substring(1); } // We may be doing a rename, and if this is a simple torrent, we have to keep the names in sync. File new_file; if ( new_name == null ){ new_file = new File( new File( move_to_dir, sub_path ), old_file.getName()); }else{ // renaming if ( simple_torrent ){ new_file = new File( new File( move_to_dir, sub_path ), new_name ); }else{ // subpath includes the old dir name, replace this with new int pos = sub_path.indexOf( File.separator ); String new_path; if (pos == -1) { new_path = new_name; } else { // Assertion check. String sub_sub_path = sub_path.substring(pos); String expected_old_name = sub_path.substring(0, pos); new_path = new_name + sub_sub_path; boolean assert_expected_old_name = expected_old_name.equals(save_location.getName()); if (!assert_expected_old_name) { Debug.out("Assertion check for renaming file in multi-name torrent " + (assert_expected_old_name ? "passed" : "failed") + "\n" + " Old parent path: " + old_parent_path + "\n" + " Subpath: " + sub_path + "\n" + " Sub-subpath: " + sub_sub_path + "\n" + " Expected old name: " + expected_old_name + "\n" + " Torrent pre-move name: " + save_location.getName() + "\n" + " New torrent name: " + new_name + "\n" + " Old file: " + old_file + "\n" + " Linked file: " + linked_file + "\n" + "\n" + " Move-to-dir: " + move_to_dir + "\n" + " New path: " + new_path + "\n" + " Old file [name]: " + old_file.getName() + "\n" ); } } new_file = new File( new File( move_to_dir, new_path ), old_file.getName()); } } new_files[i] = new_file; if ( !link_only[i] ){ if ( new_file.exists()){ String msg = "" + linked_file.getName() + " already exists in MoveTo destination dir"; Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, msg)); Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "DiskManager.alert.movefileexists"), new String[] { old_file.getName() }); Debug.out(msg); return false; } FileUtil.mkdirs(new_file.getParentFile()); } } for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++){ File new_file = new_files[i]; try{ files[i].moveFile( new_file, link_only[i] ); if ( change_to_read_only ){ files[i].setAccessMode(DiskManagerFileInfo.READ); } }catch( CacheFileManagerException e ){ String msg = "Failed to move " + old_files[i].toString() + " to destination dir"; Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, msg)); Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "DiskManager.alert.movefilefails"), new String[] { old_files[i].toString(), Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) }); // try some recovery by moving any moved files back... for (int j=0;j<i;j++){ try{ files[j].moveFile( old_files[j], link_only[j]); }catch( CacheFileManagerException f ){ Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "DiskManager.alert.movefilerecoveryfails"), new String[] { old_files[j].toString(), Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(f) }); } } return false; } } //remove the old dir if ( save_location.isDirectory()){ TorrentUtils.recursiveEmptyDirDelete( save_location, false ); } // NOTE: this operation FIXES up any file links if ( new_name == null ){ download_manager.setTorrentSaveDir( move_to_dir ); }else{ download_manager.setTorrentSaveDir( move_to_dir, new_name ); } return true; } private void moveTorrentFile(SaveLocationChange loc_change) { if (!loc_change.hasTorrentChange()) {return;} File old_torrent_file = new File(download_manager.getTorrentFileName()); File new_torrent_file = loc_change.normaliseTorrentLocation(old_torrent_file); if (!old_torrent_file.exists()) { // torrent file's been removed in the meantime, just log a warning if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_WARNING, "Torrent file '" + old_torrent_file.getPath() + "' has been deleted, move operation ignored" )); return; } try {download_manager.setTorrentFile(loc_change.torrent_location, loc_change.torrent_name);} catch (DownloadManagerException e) { String msg = "Failed to move " + old_torrent_file.toString() + " to " + new_torrent_file.toString(); if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR, msg)); Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(this, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "DiskManager.alert.movefilefails"), new String[] { old_torrent_file.toString(), new_torrent_file.toString() }); Debug.out(msg); } } public TOTorrent getTorrent() { return( torrent ); } public void addListener( DiskManagerListener l ) { listeners.addListener( l ); int params[] = {getState(), getState()}; listeners.dispatch( l, LDT_STATECHANGED, params); } public void removeListener( DiskManagerListener l ) { listeners.removeListener(l); } public boolean hasListener( DiskManagerListener l ) { return( listeners.hasListener( l )); } /** Deletes all data files associated with torrent. * Currently, deletes all files, then tries to delete the path recursively * if the paths are empty. An unexpected result may be that a empty * directory that the user created will be removed. * * TODO: only remove empty directories that are created for the torrent */ public static void deleteDataFiles( TOTorrent torrent, String torrent_save_dir, // enclosing dir, not for deletion String torrent_save_file, // file or dir for torrent boolean force_no_recycle ) { if (torrent == null || torrent_save_file == null ){ return; } try{ if (torrent.isSimpleTorrent()){ File target = new File( torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file ); target = FMFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().getFileLink( torrent, target.getCanonicalFile()); FileUtil.deleteWithRecycle( target, force_no_recycle ); }else{ PlatformManager mgr = PlatformManagerFactory.getPlatformManager(); if( Constants.isOSX && torrent_save_file.length() > 0 && COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Move Deleted Data To Recycle Bin" ) && (! force_no_recycle ) && mgr.hasCapability(PlatformManagerCapabilities.RecoverableFileDelete) ) { try { String dir = torrent_save_dir + File.separatorChar + torrent_save_file + File.separatorChar; // only delete the dir if there's only this torrent's files in it! if ( countFiles( new File(dir)) == countDataFiles( torrent, torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file )){ mgr.performRecoverableFileDelete( dir ); }else{ deleteDataFileContents( torrent, torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file, force_no_recycle ); } } catch(PlatformManagerException ex) { deleteDataFileContents( torrent, torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file, force_no_recycle ); } } else{ deleteDataFileContents(torrent, torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file, force_no_recycle); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } private static int countFiles( File f ) { if ( f.isFile()){ return( 1 ); }else{ int res = 0; File[] files = f.listFiles(); if ( files != null ){ for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ res += countFiles( files[i] ); } } return( res ); } } private static int countDataFiles( TOTorrent torrent, String torrent_save_dir, String torrent_save_file ) { try{ int res = 0; LocaleUtilDecoder locale_decoder = LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding( torrent ); TOTorrentFile[] files = torrent.getFiles(); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ byte[][]path_comps = files[i].getPathComponents(); String path_str = torrent_save_dir + File.separator + torrent_save_file + File.separator; for (int j=0;j<path_comps.length;j++){ String comp = locale_decoder.decodeString( path_comps[j] ); comp = FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars( comp, j != path_comps.length-1 ); path_str += (j==0?"":File.separator) + comp; } File file = new File(path_str).getCanonicalFile(); File linked_file = FMFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().getFileLink( torrent, file ); boolean skip = false; if ( linked_file != file ){ if ( !linked_file.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(new File( torrent_save_dir ).getCanonicalPath())){ skip = true; } } if ( !skip && file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()){ res++; } } return( res ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); return( -1 ); } } private static void deleteDataFileContents( TOTorrent torrent, String torrent_save_dir, String torrent_save_file, boolean force_no_recycle ) throws TOTorrentException, UnsupportedEncodingException, LocaleUtilEncodingException { LocaleUtilDecoder locale_decoder = LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding( torrent ); TOTorrentFile[] files = torrent.getFiles(); String root_path = torrent_save_dir + File.separator + torrent_save_file + File.separator; boolean delete_if_not_in_dir = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("File.delete.include_files_outside_save_dir"); // delete all files, then empty directories for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ byte[][]path_comps = files[i].getPathComponents(); String path_str = root_path; for (int j=0;j<path_comps.length;j++){ try{ String comp = locale_decoder.decodeString( path_comps[j] ); comp = FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars( comp, j != path_comps.length-1 ); path_str += (j==0?"":File.separator) + comp; }catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ){ Debug.out( "file - unsupported encoding!!!!"); } } File file = new File(path_str); File linked_file = FMFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().getFileLink( torrent, file ); boolean delete; if ( linked_file == file ){ delete = true; }else{ // only consider linked files for deletion if they are in the torrent save dir // i.e. a rename probably instead of a retarget to an existing file elsewhere // delete_if_not_in_dir does allow this behaviour to be overridden though. try{ if ( delete_if_not_in_dir || linked_file.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(new File( root_path ).getCanonicalPath())){ file = linked_file; delete = true; }else{ delete = false; } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); delete = false; } } if ( delete && file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()){ try{ FileUtil.deleteWithRecycle( file, force_no_recycle ); }catch (Exception e){ Debug.out(e.toString()); } } } TorrentUtils.recursiveEmptyDirDelete(new File( torrent_save_dir, torrent_save_file )); } public void skippedFileSetChanged( DiskManagerFileInfo file ) { skipped_file_set_changed = true; listeners.dispatch(LDT_PRIOCHANGED, file); } public void priorityChanged( DiskManagerFileInfo file ) { listeners.dispatch(LDT_PRIOCHANGED, file); } private void loadFilePriorities() { DiskManagerUtil.loadFilePriorities( download_manager, fileset ); } protected void storeFilePriorities() { storeFilePriorities( download_manager, files ); } protected static void storeFilePriorities( DownloadManager download_manager, DiskManagerFileInfo[] files ) { if ( files == null ) return; List file_priorities = new ArrayList(files.length); for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) { DiskManagerFileInfo file = files[i]; if (file == null) return; boolean skipped = file.isSkipped(); int priority = file.getPriority(); int value = -1; if ( skipped ) value = 0; else if ( priority > 0 ) value = priority; file_priorities.add( i, Long.valueOf(value)); } download_manager.setData( "file_priorities", file_priorities ); } protected static void storeFileDownloaded( DownloadManager download_manager, DiskManagerFileInfo[] files, boolean persist ) { DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState(); Map details = new HashMap(); List downloaded = new ArrayList(); details.put( "downloaded", downloaded ); for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ downloaded.add( new Long( files[i].getDownloaded())); } state.setMapAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_DOWNLOADED, details ); if ( persist ){ state.save(); } } public void saveState() { saveState( true ); } protected void saveState( boolean persist ) { if ( files != null ){ storeFileDownloaded( download_manager, files, persist ); storeFilePriorities(); } checkFreePieceList( false ); } public DownloadManager getDownloadManager() { return download_manager; } public String getInternalName() { return( download_manager.getInternalName()); } public DownloadManagerState getDownloadState() { return( download_manager.getDownloadState()); } public File getSaveLocation() { return( download_manager.getSaveLocation()); } public String[] getStorageTypes() { return( getStorageTypes( download_manager )); } public String getStorageType(int fileIndex) { return( getStorageType( download_manager , fileIndex)); } // Used by DownloadManagerImpl too. public static String[] getStorageTypes(DownloadManager download_manager) { DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState(); String[] types = state.getListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES); if (types.length == 0) { TOTorrentFile[] files = download_manager.getTorrent().getFiles(); types = new String[download_manager.getTorrent().getFiles().length]; if ( reorder_storage_mode ){ int existing = state.getIntAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_REORDER_MIN_MB ); if ( existing < 0 ){ existing = reorder_storage_mode_min_mb; state.setIntAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_REORDER_MIN_MB, existing ); } for (int i=0; i<types.length; i++){ if ( files[i].getLength()/(1024*1024) >= existing ){ types[i] = "R"; }else{ types[i] = "L"; } } }else{ for (int i=0; i<types.length; i++){ types[i] = "L"; } } state.setListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES, types ); } return( types ); } // Used by DownloadManagerImpl too. public static String getStorageType(DownloadManager download_manager, int fileIndex) { DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState(); String type = state.getListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES,fileIndex); if ( type != null ){ return( type ); } return( getStorageTypes( download_manager )[fileIndex]); } public static void setFileLinks( DownloadManager download_manager, CaseSensitiveFileMap links ) { try{ CacheFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().setFileLinks( download_manager.getTorrent(), links ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#getLogRelationText() */ public String getRelationText() { return "TorrentDM: '" + download_manager.getDisplayName() + "'"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogRelation#queryForClass(java.lang.Class) */ public Object[] getQueryableInterfaces() { return new Object[] { download_manager, torrent }; } public DiskManagerRecheckScheduler getRecheckScheduler() { return( recheck_scheduler ); } public boolean isInteresting(int pieceNumber) { return pieces[pieceNumber].isInteresting(); } public boolean isDone(int pieceNumber) { return pieces[pieceNumber].isDone(); } public void generateEvidence( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( "Disk Manager" ); try{ writer.indent(); writer.println( "percent_done=" + percentDone +",allocated=" + allocated+",remaining="+ remaining); writer.println( "skipped_file_set_size=" + skipped_file_set_size + ",skipped_but_downloaded=" + skipped_but_downloaded ); writer.println( "already_moved=" + alreadyMoved ); }finally{ writer.exdent(); } } }