/* * File : RPPluginInterface.java * Created : 28-Jan-2004 * By : parg * * Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.sharing.ShareManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.sharing.ShareException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.tracker.Tracker; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.messaging.MessageManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.network.ConnectionManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipfilter.IPFilter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.clientid.ClientIDManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ddb.DistributedDatabase; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.dht.mainline.MainlineDHTManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.platform.PlatformManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.update.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.ConfigSection; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.Parameter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.PluginConfigUIFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.ipfilter.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.utils.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.tracker.*; public class RPPluginInterface extends RPObject implements PluginInterface { protected static long connection_id_next = new Random().nextLong(); protected transient PluginInterface delegate; protected transient long request_id_next; // don't change these field names as they are visible on XML serialisation public String azureus_name = Constants.AZUREUS_NAME; public String azureus_version = Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION; // **** Don't try using AEMOnitor for synchronisations here as this object is serialised public static RPPluginInterface create( PluginInterface _delegate ) { RPPluginInterface res =(RPPluginInterface)_lookupLocal( _delegate ); if ( res == null ){ res = new RPPluginInterface( _delegate ); } return( res ); } public long _connection_id; protected RPPluginInterface( PluginInterface _delegate ) { super( _delegate ); synchronized( RPPluginInterface.class ){ _connection_id = connection_id_next++; // avoid 0 as it has special meaning (-> no connection for singleton calls); if ( _connection_id == 0 ){ _connection_id = connection_id_next++; } } } protected long _getConectionId() { return( _connection_id ); } protected long _getNextRequestId() { synchronized( this ){ return( request_id_next++ ); } } protected void _setDelegate( Object _delegate ) { delegate = (PluginInterface)_delegate; } public Object _setLocal() throws RPException { return( _fixupLocal()); } public RPReply _process( RPRequest request ) { String method = request.getMethod(); if ( method.equals( "getPluginProperties")){ // must copy properties as actual return is subtype + non serialisable Properties p = new Properties(); Properties x = delegate.getPluginProperties(); Iterator it = x.keySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Object key = it.next(); p.put( key, x.get(key)); } return( new RPReply( p )); }else if ( method.equals( "getDownloadManager")){ return( new RPReply( RPDownloadManager.create(delegate.getDownloadManager()))); }else if ( method.equals( "getTorrentManager")){ return( new RPReply( RPTorrentManager.create(delegate.getTorrentManager()))); }else if ( method.equals( "getPluginconfig")){ return( new RPReply( RPPluginConfig.create(delegate.getPluginconfig()))); }else if ( method.equals( "getIPFilter")){ return( new RPReply( RPIPFilter.create(delegate.getIPFilter()))); }else if ( method.equals( "getShortCuts")){ return( new RPReply( RPShortCuts.create(delegate.getShortCuts()))); }else if ( method.equals( "getTracker")){ return( new RPReply( RPTracker.create(delegate.getTracker()))); } throw( new RPException( "Unknown method: " + method )); } // ****************************************** public PluginManager getPluginManager() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public Plugin getPlugin() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public String getAzureusName() { return( azureus_name ); } public String getAzureusVersion() { return( azureus_version ); } public String getApplicationName() { return Constants.APP_NAME; } public void addView(PluginView view) { notSupported(); } public void addConfigUIParameters(Parameter[] parameters, String displayName) { notSupported(); } public void addConfigSection(ConfigSection tab) { notSupported(); } public void removeConfigSection(ConfigSection tab) { notSupported(); } public Tracker getTracker() { RPTracker res = (RPTracker)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getTracker", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } public Logger getLogger() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public IPFilter getIPFilter() { RPIPFilter res = (RPIPFilter)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getIPFilter", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } public DownloadManager getDownloadManager() { RPDownloadManager res = (RPDownloadManager)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getDownloadManager", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } public ShareManager getShareManager() throws ShareException { notSupported(); return( null ); } public Utilities getUtilities() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public ShortCuts getShortCuts() { RPShortCuts res = (RPShortCuts)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getShortCuts", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } public UIManager getUIManager() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public TorrentManager getTorrentManager() { RPTorrentManager res = (RPTorrentManager)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getTorrentManager", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } /** * @deprecated */ public void openTorrentFile(String fileName) { notSupported(); } /** * @deprecated */ public void openTorrentURL(String url) { notSupported(); } public Properties getPluginProperties() { return((Properties)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getPluginProperties", null )).getResponse()); } public String getPluginDirectoryName() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public String getPerUserPluginDirectoryName() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public boolean isShared() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public String getPluginName() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public String getPluginID() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public boolean isMandatory() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public boolean isBuiltIn() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public boolean isSigned() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public boolean isOperational() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public void setDisabled( boolean disabled ) { notSupported(); } public boolean isDisabled() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public String getPluginVersion() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public PluginConfig getPluginconfig() { RPPluginConfig res = (RPPluginConfig)_dispatcher.dispatch( new RPRequest( this, "getPluginconfig", null )).getResponse(); res._setRemote( _dispatcher ); return( res ); } public PluginConfigUIFactory getPluginConfigUIFactory() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public ClassLoader getPluginClassLoader() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public PluginInterface getLocalPluginInterface( Class plugin, String id ) { notSupported(); return( null ); } public IPCInterface getIPC () { notSupported(); return( null ); } public UpdateManager getUpdateManager() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public boolean isUnloadable() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public void unload() throws PluginException { notSupported(); } public void reload() throws PluginException { notSupported(); } public void uninstall() throws PluginException { notSupported(); } public boolean isInitialisationThread() { notSupported(); return( false ); } public ClientIDManager getClientIDManager() { notSupported(); return( null ); } public ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { notSupported(); return null; } public MessageManager getMessageManager() { notSupported(); return null; } public DistributedDatabase getDistributedDatabase() { notSupported(); return null; } public PlatformManager getPlatformManager() { notSupported(); return null; } public void addListener( PluginListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removeListener( PluginListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void firePluginEvent( PluginEvent event ) { notSupported(); } public void addEventListener( PluginEventListener l ) { notSupported(); } public void removeEventListener( PluginEventListener l ) { notSupported(); } public ConfigSection[] getConfigSections() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public MainlineDHTManager getMainlineDHTManager() {notSupported(); return null;} public PluginState getPluginState() {notSupported(); return null;} }