/* * Created on 21-May-2004 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.resourcedownloader; /** * @author parg * */ import java.io.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.HTTPUtils; public class ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl extends ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl implements ResourceDownloaderListener { public static final int MAX_FOLLOWS = 1; protected ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl delegate; protected boolean persistent; protected File download_dir; protected long size = -2; // this + clones *share* the torrent object to avoid downloading more than once protected TOTorrent[] torrent_holder = new TOTorrent[1]; protected DownloadManager download_manager; protected Download download; protected boolean cancelled; protected boolean completed; protected ResourceDownloader current_downloader; protected Object result; protected AESemaphore done_sem = new AESemaphore("RDTorrent"); public ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl( ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl _parent, ResourceDownloader _delegate, boolean _persistent, File _download_dir ) { super( _parent ); persistent = _persistent; download_dir = _download_dir; delegate = (ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl)_delegate; delegate.setParent( this ); download_manager = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getDownloadManager(); } public String getName() { return( delegate.getName() + ": torrent" ); } public long getSize() throws ResourceDownloaderException { if ( size == -2 ){ try{ size = getSizeSupport(); }finally{ if ( size == -2 ){ size = -1; } setSize( size ); } } return( size ); } protected void setSize( long l ) { size = l; if ( size >= 0 ){ delegate.setSize( size ); } } public void setProperty( String name, Object value ) throws ResourceDownloaderException { setPropertySupport( name, value ); delegate.setProperty( name, value ); } protected long getSizeSupport() throws ResourceDownloaderException { try{ if ( torrent_holder[0] == null ){ ResourceDownloader x = delegate.getClone( this ); addReportListener( x ); InputStream is = x.download(); try{ torrent_holder[0] = TOTorrentFactory.deserialiseFromBEncodedInputStream( is ); }finally{ try{ is.close(); }catch( IOException e ){ } } if( !torrent_holder[0].isSimpleTorrent()){ throw( new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Only simple torrents supported" )); } } try{ String file_str = new String( torrent_holder[0].getName()); int pos = file_str.lastIndexOf( "." ); String file_type; if ( pos != -1 ){ file_type = file_str.substring(pos+1); }else{ file_type = null; } setProperty( ResourceDownloader.PR_STRING_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPUtils.guessContentTypeFromFileType( file_type )); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } return( torrent_holder[0].getSize()); }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ throw( new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Torrent deserialisation failed", e )); } } protected void setSizeAndTorrent( long _size, TOTorrent[] _torrent_holder ) { size = _size; torrent_holder = _torrent_holder; } public ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl getClone( ResourceDownloaderBaseImpl parent ) { ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl c = new ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl( parent, delegate.getClone( this ), persistent, download_dir ); c.setSizeAndTorrent( size, torrent_holder ); c.setProperties( this ); return( c ); } public InputStream download() throws ResourceDownloaderException { asyncDownload(); done_sem.reserve(); if ( result instanceof InputStream ){ return((InputStream)result); } throw((ResourceDownloaderException)result); } public void asyncDownload() { try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( cancelled ){ done_sem.release(); informFailed((ResourceDownloaderException)result); }else{ if ( torrent_holder[0] == null ){ current_downloader = delegate.getClone( this ); informActivity( getLogIndent() + "Downloading: " + getName()); current_downloader.addListener( this ); current_downloader.asyncDownload(); }else{ downloadTorrent(); } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } protected void downloadTorrent() { try{ String name = new String( torrent_holder[0].getName(), Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ); informActivity( getLogIndent() + "Downloading: " + name ); // we *don't* want this temporary file to be deleted automatically as we're // going to use it across Azureus restarts to hold the download data and // to seed it afterwards. Therefore we don't use AETemporaryFileHandler!!!! final File torrent_file = File.createTempFile("AZU", null ); if ( download_dir != null && !download_dir.exists()){ FileUtil.mkdirs(download_dir); } final File data_dir = download_dir==null?torrent_file.getParentFile():download_dir; final TOTorrent torrent = torrent_holder[0]; TorrentUtils.setFlag( torrent, TorrentUtils.TORRENT_FLAG_LOW_NOISE, true ); torrent.serialiseToBEncodedFile( torrent_file ); // see if already there in an error state and delete if so try{ Download existing = download_manager.getDownload( torrent.getHash()); if ( existing != null ){ int existing_state = existing.getState(); if ( existing_state == Download.ST_ERROR || existing_state == Download.ST_STOPPED ){ informActivity( getLogIndent() + "Deleting existing stopped/error state download for " + name ); existing.remove( true, true ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ } if ( persistent ){ download = download_manager.addDownload( new TorrentImpl(torrent), torrent_file, data_dir ); }else{ download = download_manager.addNonPersistentDownload( new TorrentImpl(torrent), torrent_file, data_dir ); } download.moveTo(1); download.setForceStart( true ); // Prevents any move-on-completion or move-on-removal behaviour happening. download.setFlag(Download.FLAG_DISABLE_AUTO_FILE_MOVE, true); download_manager.addListener( new DownloadManagerListener() { public void downloadAdded( Download download ) { } public void downloadRemoved( Download _download ) { if ( download == _download ){ ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl.this.downloadRemoved( torrent_file, data_dir ); } } }); download.addListener( new DownloadListener() { public void stateChanged( final Download download, int old_state, int new_state ) { // System.out.println( "state change:" + old_state + "->" + new_state ); if ( new_state == Download.ST_SEEDING ){ download.removeListener( this ); PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getUtilities().createThread( "resource complete event dispatcher", new Runnable() { public void run() { downloadSucceeded( download, torrent_file, data_dir ); } }); } } public void positionChanged( Download download, int oldPosition, int newPosition ) { } }); Thread t = new AEThread( "RDTorrent percentage checker") { public void runSupport() { int last_percentage = 0; while( result == null ){ int this_percentage = download.getStats().getDownloadCompleted(false)/10; long total = torrent.getSize(); if ( this_percentage != last_percentage ){ reportPercentComplete( ResourceDownloaderTorrentImpl.this, this_percentage ); last_percentage = this_percentage; } try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } }; t.setDaemon( true ); t.start(); // its possible that the d/l has already occurred and it is seeding! if ( download.getState() == Download.ST_SEEDING ){ downloadSucceeded( download, torrent_file, data_dir ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ failed( this, new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Torrent download failed", e )); } } protected void downloadSucceeded( Download download, File torrent_file, File data_dir ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( completed ){ return; } completed = true; } reportActivity("Torrent download complete"); // assumption is that this is a SIMPLE torrent File target_file = new File( data_dir, new String(torrent_holder[0].getFiles()[0].getPathComponents()[0])); if ( !target_file.exists()){ File actual_target_file = new File(download.getSavePath()); try{ if ( download_dir != null && actual_target_file.exists()){ FileUtil.copyFile( actual_target_file, target_file ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } target_file = actual_target_file; } try{ if ( !target_file.exists()){ throw( new Exception( "File '" + target_file.toString() + "' not found" )); } InputStream data = new FileInputStream( target_file ); informComplete( data ); result = data; done_sem.release(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); failed( this, new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Failed to read downloaded torrent data: " + e.getMessage(), e )); } } protected void downloadRemoved( File torrent_file, File data_dir ) { reportActivity( "Torrent removed" ); if (!( result instanceof InputStream )){ failed( this, new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Download did not complete" )); } } public void cancel() { setCancelled(); try{ this_mon.enter(); result = new ResourceDownloaderCancelledException( this ); cancelled = true; informFailed((ResourceDownloaderException)result ); done_sem.release(); if ( current_downloader != null ){ current_downloader.cancel(); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public boolean completed( ResourceDownloader downloader, InputStream data ) { try{ torrent_holder[0] = TOTorrentFactory.deserialiseFromBEncodedInputStream( data ); if( torrent_holder[0].isSimpleTorrent()){ downloadTorrent(); }else{ failed( this, new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Only simple torrents supported" )); } }catch( TOTorrentException e ){ failed( downloader, new ResourceDownloaderException( this, "Torrent deserialisation failed", e )); }finally{ try{ data.close(); }catch( IOException e ){ } } return( true ); } public void failed( ResourceDownloader downloader, ResourceDownloaderException e ) { result = e; done_sem.release(); informFailed(e); } public void reportPercentComplete( ResourceDownloader downloader, int percentage ) { if ( downloader == this ){ informPercentDone( percentage ); } } }