package; /** * Simple color enum for adding colors to in-game GUI strings of text. * * @author AidanBrady */ public enum EnumColor { BLACK("\u00a70", "black", new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }), DARK_BLUE("\u00a71", "darkBlue", new int[] { 0, 0, 170 }), DARK_GREEN("\u00a72", "darkGreen", new int[] { 0, 170, 0 }), DARK_AQUA("\u00a73", "darkAqua", new int[] { 0, 170, 170 }), DARK_RED("\u00a74", "darkRed", new int[] { 170, 0, 0 }), PURPLE("\u00a75", "purple", new int[] { 170, 0, 170 }), ORANGE("\u00a76", "orange", new int[] { 255, 170, 0 }), GREY("\u00a77", "grey", new int[] { 170, 170, 170 }), DARK_GREY("\u00a78", "darkGrey", new int[] { 85, 85, 85 }), INDIGO("\u00a79", "indigo", new int[] { 85, 85, 255 }), BRIGHT_GREEN("\u00a7a", "brightGreen", new int[] { 85, 255, 85 }), AQUA("\u00a7b", "aqua", new int[] { 85, 255, 255 }), RED("\u00a7c", "red", new int[] { 255, 85, 85 }), PINK("\u00a7d", "pink", new int[] { 255, 85, 255 }), YELLOW("\u00a7e", "yellow", new int[] { 255, 255, 85 }), WHITE("\u00a7f", "white", new int[] { 255, 255, 255 }); /** * The color code that will be displayed */ public final String code; public final int[] rgbCode; /** * A friendly name of the color. */ public String unlocalizedName; private EnumColor(String s, String n, int[] rgb) { this.code = s; this.unlocalizedName = n; this.rgbCode = rgb; } public String getLocalizedName() { return SpaceUtil.translate("color." + this.unlocalizedName); } public String getName() { return this.code + this.getLocalizedName(); } public float getColor(int index) { return this.rgbCode[index] / 255F; } @Override public String toString() { return this.code; } }