package cc.warlock.core.stormfront.script.wsl; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import cc.warlock.core.client.IProperty; import cc.warlock.core.client.IStream; import cc.warlock.core.client.ICharacterStatus.StatusType; import cc.warlock.core.script.IMatch; import cc.warlock.core.script.configuration.ScriptConfiguration; import cc.warlock.core.script.internal.RegexMatch; import cc.warlock.core.script.internal.TextMatch; public class WSLScriptCommands { private static final String argSeparator = "\\s+"; private static WSLScriptCommands instance; private HashMap<String, IWSLCommandDefinition> wslCommands = new HashMap<String, IWSLCommandDefinition>(); public static synchronized WSLScriptCommands instance() { if(instance == null) instance = new WSLScriptCommands(); return instance; } public static IWSLCommandDefinition getCommand(String name) { return instance().wslCommands.get(name); } private WSLScriptCommands() { // add command handlers addCommandDefinition("counter", new WSLCommandCounter()); addCommandDefinition("deletevariable", new WSLCommandDeleteVariable()); addCommandDefinition("deletelocalvariable", new WSLCommandDeleteLocalVariable()); addCommandDefinition("debug", new WSLCommandDebug()); addCommandDefinition("delay", new WSLCommandDelay()); addCommandDefinition("echo", new WSLCommandEcho()); addCommandDefinition("else", new WSLCommandElse()); addCommandDefinition("exit", new WSLCommandExit()); addCommandDefinition("getcomponent", new WSLCommandGetComponent()); addCommandDefinition("getstatus", new WSLCommandGetStatus()); addCommandDefinition("gettime", new WSLCommandGetTime()); addCommandDefinition("gettitle", new WSLCommandGetTitle()); addCommandDefinition("getvital", new WSLCommandGetVital()); addCommandDefinition("gosub", new WSLCommandGosub()); addCommandDefinition("goto", new WSLCommandGoto()); for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { addCommandDefinition("if_" + i, new WSLCommandIf_(String.valueOf(i))); } addCommandDefinition("match", new WSLCommandMatch()); addCommandDefinition("matchre", new WSLCommandMatchRe()); addCommandDefinition("matchwait", new WSLCommandMatchWait()); addCommandDefinition("math", new WSLCommandMath()); addCommandDefinition("move", new WSLCommandMove()); addCommandDefinition("nextroom", new WSLCommandNextRoom()); addCommandDefinition("pause", new WSLCommandPause()); addCommandDefinition("put", new WSLCommandPut()); addCommandDefinition("playsound", new WSLCommandPlaySound()); addCommandDefinition("random", new WSLCommandRandom()); addCommandDefinition("return", new WSLCommandReturn()); addCommandDefinition("run", new WSLCommandRun()); addCommandDefinition("save", new WSLCommandSave()); addCommandDefinition("setlocalvariable", new WSLCommandSetLocalVariable()); addCommandDefinition("setvariable", new WSLCommandSetVariable()); addCommandDefinition("shift", new WSLCommandShift()); addCommandDefinition("timer", new WSLCommandTimer()); addCommandDefinition("wait", new WSLCommandWait()); addCommandDefinition("waitfor", new WSLCommandWaitFor()); addCommandDefinition("waitforre", new WSLCommandWaitForRe()); } private void addCommandDefinition (String name, IWSLCommandDefinition command) { wslCommands.put(name, command); } protected class WSLCommandSave implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { script.setSpecialVariable("s", arguments); } } protected class WSLCommandDebug implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)"); public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { if (arguments == null || arguments.length() == 0) { if(script.getDebugLevel() < 1) script.setDebugLevel(1); return; } Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (!m.matches()) { script.scriptWarning("Invalid arguments to command \"debug\""); return; } String arg =; if(arg.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || arg.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if(script.getDebugLevel() < 1) script.setDebugLevel(1); } else if(arg.equalsIgnoreCase("off") || arg.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { script.setDebugLevel(0); } else { try { int level = Integer.parseInt(arg); script.setDebugLevel(level); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptWarning("Invalid argument to command \"debug\": " + arg); } } } } protected class WSLCommandDelay implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { try { script.setDelay(Double.parseDouble(arguments)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptWarning("Invalid arguments to delay"); } } } protected class WSLCommandShift implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { boolean local = arguments.equalsIgnoreCase("local"); StringBuffer allArgs = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; ; i++) { String nextVar = Integer.toString(i + 1); boolean exists = local ? script.localVariableExists(nextVar) : script.variableExists(nextVar); if (!exists) { if (local) { script.setLocalVariable("0", allArgs.toString()); script.deleteLocalVariable(Integer.toString(i)); } else { script.setSpecialVariable("0", allArgs.toString()); script.setSpecialVariable(Integer.toString(i), ""); } break; } else { String arg = local ? script.getLocalVariable(nextVar).toString() : script.getVariable(nextVar).toString(); if (arg == null) script.scriptError("String error in arguments."); if(allArgs.length() > 0) allArgs.append(" "); allArgs.append(arg); if (local) { script.setLocalVariable(Integer.toString(i), arg); } else { script.setSpecialVariable(Integer.toString(i), arg); } } } } } protected class WSLCommandDeleteVariable implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { String name = arguments.split(argSeparator)[0]; script.deleteVariable(name); } } protected class WSLCommandDeleteLocalVariable implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { String name = arguments.split(argSeparator)[0]; script.deleteLocalVariable(name); } } protected class WSLCommandSetVariable implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)(\\s+(.+)?)?$"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { String name =; String value =; if(value == null) value = " "; script.scriptDebug(1, "setVariable: " + name + "=" + value); script.setGlobalVariable(name, value); } else { script.scriptWarning("Invalid arguments to setvariable"); } } } protected class WSLCommandSetLocalVariable implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)(\\s+(.+)?)?$"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { String name =; String value =; if(value == null) value = " "; script.scriptDebug(1, "setLocalVariable: " + name + "=" + value); script.setLocalVariable(name, value); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to setLocalVariable"); } } } protected class WSLCommandGoto implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { if(arguments.length() > 0) { String[] args = arguments.split(argSeparator); String label = args[0]; script.gotoLabel(label); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to goto"); } } } protected class WSLCommandGosub implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)\\s*(.*)?$"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { script.gosub(,; } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to gosub"); } } } protected class WSLCommandMatchWait implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { double time; if(arguments.length() > 0) { String[] args = arguments.split(argSeparator); try { time = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptError("Non-numeral \"" + args[0] + "\" passed to matchwait"); return; } } else { time = 0; } script.matchWait(time); } } protected class WSLCommandMatchRe implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)\\s+/(.*)/(\\w*)"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { String label =; String regex =; boolean caseInsensitive ="i"); script.addMatchRe(label, new RegexMatch(regex, caseInsensitive)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to matchre"); } } } protected class WSLCommandMatch implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)\\s+(.*)$"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { String label =; String text =; script.addMatch(label, new TextMatch(text)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to match"); } } } protected class WSLCommandCounter implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { if (arguments.length() == 0) { script.scriptError("You must provide an argument to counter"); return; } doMath(script, "c", arguments); } } protected class WSLCommandMath implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { String[] args = arguments.split(argSeparator, 2); if (args.length < 2) { script.scriptError("Not enough arguments to math"); return; } doMath(script, args[0], args[1]); } } protected class WSLCommandWaitForRe implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^/(.*)/(\\w*)"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if (m.find()) { String regex =; String flags =; boolean ignoreCase = flags != null && flags.contains("i"); RegexMatch match = new RegexMatch(regex, ignoreCase); script.scriptCommands.waitFor(match); script.setVariablesFromMatch(match); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to waitforre"); } } } protected class WSLCommandWaitFor implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { if (arguments.length() >= 1) { IMatch match = new TextMatch(arguments); script.scriptCommands.waitFor(match); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to waitfor"); } } } protected class WSLCommandWait implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { script.scriptCommands.waitForPrompt(); } } protected class WSLCommandPut implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { script.scriptCommands.put(arguments); // Quit this script if we're starting another one if(arguments.startsWith(ScriptConfiguration.instance().getScriptPrefix())) { script.stop(); } } } protected class WSLCommandPlaySound implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { File file = new File(arguments); if (file.exists()) { try { script.scriptCommands.playSound(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { script.scriptError("Sound file \"" + file + "\" not found."); } } } protected class WSLCommandRun implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { script.getSFClient().runScript(arguments); } } protected class WSLCommandEcho implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { script.scriptCommands.echo(arguments); } } protected class WSLCommandPause implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { double time; if(arguments.length() > 0) { String[] args = arguments.split(argSeparator); try { time = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptError("Non-numeral \"" + args[0] + "\" passed to pause"); return; } } else { time = 1; } script.scriptCommands.pause(time); } } protected class WSLCommandMove implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { script.scriptCommands.move(arguments); } } protected class WSLCommandNextRoom implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { script.scriptCommands.waitNextRoom(); } } protected class WSLCommandExit implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { // TODO figure out if we should make this call here or elsewhere script.stop(); } } protected class WSLCommandIf_ implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private String variableName; public WSLCommandIf_ (String variableName) { this.variableName = variableName; } public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { if (script.variableExists(variableName) && script.getVariable(variableName).toString().length() > 0) script.execute(arguments); } } private Pattern getFormat = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)(\\s+(.*))?"); private class WSLCommandGetVital implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = getFormat.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String var =; // If we have more words after the variable, use that for the vital name String vital =; if(vital == null) vital = var; script.setGlobalVariable(var, script.getSFClient().getVital(vital)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandGetTitle implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = getFormat.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String var =; // If we have more words after the variable, use that for the stream name String streamName =; if(streamName == null) streamName = var; IStream stream = script.getSFClient().getStream(streamName); if(stream == null) script.scriptWarning("Stream \"" + streamName + "\" does not exist."); else script.setGlobalVariable(var, stream.getFullTitle()); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandGetTime implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^([^\\s]+)"); public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String varName =; script.setGlobalVariable(varName, new WSLNumber(System.currentTimeMillis() / 100)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandGetStatus implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = getFormat.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String var =; // If we have more words after the variable, use that for the status name String statusName =; if(statusName == null) statusName = var; boolean status = false; for(Map.Entry<StatusType, Boolean> statusEntry : script.getSFClient().getCharacterStatus().getStatus().entrySet()) { if(statusEntry.getKey().name().equalsIgnoreCase(statusName)) { status = statusEntry.getValue(); break; } } script.setGlobalVariable(var, new WSLBoolean(status)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandGetComponent implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = getFormat.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String var =; // If we have more words after the variable, use that for the vital name String componentName =; if(componentName == null) componentName = var; IProperty<String> component = script.getSFClient().getComponent(componentName); if(component != null) script.setGlobalVariable(var, component.get()); else script.scriptDebug(0, "Component (" + componentName + ") does not exist."); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandRandom implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)"); public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { int min = Integer.parseInt(; int max = Integer.parseInt(; int r = min + new Random().nextInt(max - min + 1); script.setSpecialVariable("r", Integer.toString(r)); } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to random"); } } } private class WSLCommandTimer implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)(\\s+([^\\s]+))?"); public void execute(WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String command =; String timerName =; if(timerName == null) timerName = "t"; IWSLValue var = script.getVariable(timerName); if(var instanceof ScriptTimer || var == null) { ScriptTimer timer = (ScriptTimer)var; if(command.equals("start")) { if(timer == null) { timer = new ScriptTimer(); script.setSpecialVariable(timerName, timer); } timer.start(); } else if(command.equals("stop")) { if(timer == null) { script.scriptWarning("Timer \"" + timerName + "\" undefined."); } else { timer.stop(); } } else if(command.equals("clear")) { if(timer == null) { script.scriptWarning("Timer \"" + timerName + "\" undefined."); } else { timer.clear(); } } else { script.scriptError("Invalid command \"" + command + "\" given to timer"); } } else { script.scriptError("Variable \"" + timerName + "\" is not a timer."); } } else { script.scriptError("Invalid arguments to timer"); } } } /*protected class WSLCommandAddHighlightString implements IWSLCommandDefinition { private Pattern format = Pattern.compile("^\"([^\"])\"(\\s*(.*))?"); private Pattern optionFormat = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)=(.*)"); public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { Matcher m = format.matcher(arguments); if(m.find()) { String text =; String optionString =; String[] options = optionString.split(argSeparator); WarlockStyle style = new WarlockStyle(); for(String option : options) { Matcher optionMatcher = optionFormat.matcher(option); if(optionMatcher.find()) { String key =; String value =; if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("forecolor")) { } } } } } }*/ private class WSLCommandElse implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) throws InterruptedException { if (!script.getLastCondition()) { script.execute(arguments); } } } protected class WSLCommandReturn implements IWSLCommandDefinition { public void execute (WSLScript script, String arguments) { script.gosubReturn(); } } private class ScriptTimer extends WSLAbstractNumber { private long timerStart = -1L; private long timePast = 0L; public double toDouble() { if(timerStart < 0) return timePast / 1000; return (System.currentTimeMillis() - timerStart) / 1000; } public void start() { if(timerStart < 0) timerStart = System.currentTimeMillis() - timePast; } public void stop() { if(timerStart >= 0) { timePast = timerStart - System.currentTimeMillis(); timerStart = -1L; } } public void clear() { timerStart = -1L; timePast = 0L; } } private void doMath(WSLScript script, String targetVar, String arguments) { String[] args = arguments.split(argSeparator); if (args.length < 1) { script.scriptError("No operator for math"); return; } String operator = args[0].trim().toLowerCase(); double operand; if (args.length > 1) { try { operand = Double.parseDouble(args[1].trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptError("Operand must be a number"); return; } } else operand = 1; if ("set".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(operand)); return; } double value; if(script.variableExists(targetVar)) { try { value = script.getVariable(targetVar).toDouble(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { script.scriptError("The variable \"" + targetVar + "\" must be a number to do math with it"); return; } } else value = 0; if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { double newValue = value + operand; script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(newValue)); } else if ("subtract".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { double newValue = value - operand; script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(newValue)); } else if ("multiply".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { double newValue = value * operand; script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(newValue)); } else if ("divide".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { if (operand == 0) { script.scriptError("Cannot divide by zero"); return; } double newValue = value / operand; script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(newValue)); } else if ("modulus".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { double newValue = value % operand; script.setGlobalVariable(targetVar, new WSLNumber(newValue)); } else { script.scriptError("Unrecognized math command \"" + operator + "\""); } } }