/** * Warlock, the open-source cross-platform game client * * Copyright 2008, Warlock LLC, and individual contributors as indicated * by the @authors tag. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ /* * Created on Dec 31, 2004 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package cc.warlock.rcp.ui; import java.util.HashMap; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import cc.warlock.rcp.plugin.Warlock2Plugin; /** * @author Marshall * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ public class WarlockSharedImages { public static final String IMG_UPDATES = "/images/updates_obj.gif"; public static final String IMG_FEATURE = "/images/feature_obj.gif"; public static final String IMG_HELP = "/images/help.gif"; public static final String IMG_HELP_SEARCH = "/images/helpsearch.gif"; public static final String IMG_HELP_INDEX = "/images/helpindex.gif"; public static final String IMG_CATEGORY = "/images/category.gif"; public static final String IMG_NEXT = "/images/next.png"; public static final String IMG_BACK = "/images/back.png"; public static final String IMG_REFRESH = "/images/refresh.png"; public static final String IMG_STOP= "/images/stop.png"; public static final String IMG_WIZBAN_WARLOCK = "/images/warlock_64.png"; public static final String IMG_CHARACTER = "/images/character.gif"; public static final String IMG_NEW_CHARACTER = "/images/new_character.gif"; // Script Manager Buttons public static final String IMG_SCRIPT_STOP = "/images/terminate.gif"; public static final String IMG_SCRIPT_SUSPEND = "/images/suspend.gif"; public static final String IMG_SCRIPT_RESUME = "/images/resume.gif"; // Compass Images public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_MAIN = "/images/compass/large/compass_main.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_NORTH_ON = "/images/compass/large/north_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_SOUTH_ON = "/images/compass/large/south_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_EAST_ON = "/images/compass/large/east_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_WEST_ON = "/images/compass/large/west_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_NORTHEAST_ON = "/images/compass/large/northeast_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_NORTHWEST_ON = "/images/compass/large/northwest_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_SOUTHEAST_ON = "/images/compass/large/southeast_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_SOUTHWEST_ON = "/images/compass/large/southwest_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_UP_ON = "/images/compass/large/up_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_DOWN_ON = "/images/compass/large/down_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_LARGE_OUT_ON = "/images/compass/large/out_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_MAIN = "/images/compass/small/compass_main.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_NORTH_ON = "/images/compass/small/north_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_SOUTH_ON = "/images/compass/small/south_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_EAST_ON = "/images/compass/small/east_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_WEST_ON = "/images/compass/small/west_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_NORTHEAST_ON = "/images/compass/small/northeast_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_NORTHWEST_ON = "/images/compass/small/northwest_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_SOUTHEAST_ON = "/images/compass/small/southeast_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_SOUTHWEST_ON = "/images/compass/small/southwest_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_UP_ON = "/images/compass/small/up_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_DOWN_ON = "/images/compass/small/down_on.png"; public static final String IMG_COMPASS_SMALL_OUT_ON = "/images/compass/small/out_on.png"; public static final String IMG_CONNECT = "/images/connect.png"; public static final String IMG_CONNECT_LARGE = "/images/connect_large.png"; public static final String IMG_RECONNECT = "/images/reconnect.png"; public static final String IMG_WINDOW = "/images/window.png"; public static final String IMG_ADD = "/images/add.png"; public static final String IMG_REMOVE = "/images/remove.png"; public static final String IMG_SCRIPT = "/images/script.gif"; public static final String IMG_NEWFILE_WIZBAN = "/images/newfile_wiz.png"; private static WarlockSharedImages instance; private HashMap<String, Image> images; private HashMap<String, ImageDescriptor> descriptors; private WarlockSharedImages () { instance = this; images = new HashMap<String, Image>(); descriptors = new HashMap<String, ImageDescriptor>(); } private void addImage (String path) { Bundle pluginBundle = Warlock2Plugin.getDefault().getBundle(); ImageDescriptor descriptor = ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(pluginBundle.getEntry(path)); descriptors.put(path, descriptor); images.put(path, descriptor.createImage()); } private static WarlockSharedImages instance() { if (instance == null) new WarlockSharedImages(); return instance; } public static Image getImage(String key) { return instance().image(key); } public static ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(String key) { return instance().descriptor(key); } public Image image(String key) { if (!images.containsKey(key)) { addImage(key); } return (Image) images.get(key); } public ImageDescriptor descriptor(String key) { if (!descriptors.containsKey(key)) { addImage(key); } return (ImageDescriptor) descriptors.get(key); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { for (Image image : images.values()) { image.dispose(); } super.finalize(); } }