package statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.TreeNode; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree.hash.HashEntry; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree.hash.HashTable; import statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree.hash.HashUtils; /** * The main thread for calculating consensus trees and networks. * Note that networks is dependent on the initial tree... * * @author wood, eiriksson * */ public class CTMain { // Constants /** The default double collision constant - the larger, the better. */ private final static int C = 1000; /** The default resolution rate in percentage. * 33.34 - splits must occur in over a third of the trees for it to ALLWAYS be possible to draw in 2D, no matter what the input TREES are. * */ private final static double DEFAULT_RES_PERCENTAGE = 33.34; // Variables private int noOfSamples; // Number of samples. private int noOfTaxa; // Number of taxa. private double resPercentage; // The resolution rate percentage (0 < x <= 100). private long seed; // The seed used in the random number generator. private TaxaMap taxa; // HashMap containing mapping from taxon names -> indices private HashUtils hashUtils; // Holds stuff concerning the hashing. private HashTable hashTable; // The hash table. private int noOfTrees; // Current number of trees. private int majorityThreshold; // Declares in how many trees partitions need to appear to be a majority partition. private double interestThreshold; // Declares in how many trees partitions need to appear to be of interest. private LinkedList<HashEntry> partitions;// Holds the partitions of interest. private int noOfPartitions; // Holds the current number of partitions. private double[] leafEdgeLengths; // Array of leaf edge lengths private TreeNode root; // The tree root of the input tree. // Functions /** * Initialise the class */ public CTMain() { // Initializes some defaults (can be changed via setters). Random random = new Random(); this.resPercentage = DEFAULT_RES_PERCENTAGE; this.seed = random.nextLong(); // Object initialisation partitions = new LinkedList<HashEntry>(); } /** * Print some configuration information * */ public void printConfig() { System.out.printf("Number of taxa: %d - ", noOfTaxa); System.out.printf("Number of trees: %d - ", noOfTrees); System.out.printf("Resolution: %d\n", interestThreshold); } /** * Initialise a CTMain before usage with a first tree, going through and setting up the hash table etc. * * @param root Root of the initial tree to initialise with * @param noOfSamples Current number of samples taken * */ public void initialize(TreeNode root, int noOfSamples) { // Parameter initialisation this.noOfSamples = noOfSamples; noOfTrees = 0; // TaxaMap initialisation List<TreeNode> leaves = root.getLeaves(); noOfTaxa = leaves.size(); // Hash initialisation hashUtils = new HashUtils(); hashUtils.initialize(noOfTaxa, noOfSamples, C, seed); hashTable = new HashTable(hashUtils.m1); //Taxamap initialisation taxa = new TaxaMap(noOfTaxa); for (int i = 0; i < leaves.size(); i++) { taxa.put(leaves.get(i).name, i); } leafEdgeLengths = new double[noOfTaxa]; // Adds a single star partition, once and for all. BitSet star = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); star.flip(0, noOfTaxa); HashEntry entry = new HashEntry(-1, star, 0.0d); entry.count = noOfSamples + 1; partitions.add(entry); // Majority threshold initialisation updateInterestThreshold(); } /** * Simply update our interest threshold */ // Update the Interest Threshold public void updateInterestThreshold() { interestThreshold = (double) ((double) noOfTrees * (resPercentage / 100.0d)); } /** * Create partitions from an input tree - recursive so will be called by many nodes, beginning with root but with calculations actually beginning on leaves. * * @param node Node in tree with above split to add to the hash table * */ private BitSet createPartitions(TreeNode node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { // Leaf node. int index = taxa.get(; // leaf simply has it's keys stored in the hash utilities node.addProperty("tableHashKey", hashUtils.a1[index]); node.addProperty("bucketHashKey", hashUtils.a2[index]); // Updates the edge length array. leafEdgeLengths[index] += node.edgeLength; // Create a new partition from scratch to represent it BitSet partition = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); partition.set(index); assert partition.cardinality() == 1 : "There should be exactly a single bit set."; return partition; } else { // An internal node: Traverses the tree in post order. BitSet partition = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); // Get the node's partition representation from its children List<TreeNode> children = node.children; for (TreeNode child : children) { partition.or(createPartitions(child)); } // if this node is NOT to the right side of the root then add it... (Avoid adding splits twice for CNetworks) if (node.parent != root || root.getRight() != node) { noOfPartitions++; long tableKey = 0; long bucketKey = 0; long tableKey2 = 0; long bucketKey2 = 0; // Calculate the hash keys for this partition for (TreeNode child : children) { tableKey += child.getIntProperty("tableHashKey"); bucketKey += child.getIntProperty("bucketHashKey"); } // if first is one then we need to store the flipped version so we store each split in one representation only. if (partition.get(0) == true) { // copy to a new partition that is the flipped version BitSet partitionF = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); for(int l=0;l<noOfTaxa;l++){ if(partition.get(l)==false)partitionF.set(l); } // calculate the hash keys for the flipped partition... for (int k=0;k<noOfTaxa;k++) { if(partitionF.get(k)==true){ tableKey2 += hashUtils.a1[k]; bucketKey2 += hashUtils.a2[k]; } } // store the properties in the node node.addProperty("tableHashKey", (int) (tableKey2 % hashUtils.m1)); node.addProperty("bucketHashKey", (int) (bucketKey2 % hashUtils.m2)); if (noOfPartitions < noOfTaxa - 2) { // Avoids the addition of the star partition hashTable.put(partitionF, node.edgeLength,node.getIntProperty("tableHashKey"), node.getIntProperty("bucketHashKey"), interestThreshold, partitions); } // remember to still return the original partition with its appropriate keys... node.addProperty("tableHashKey", (int) (tableKey % hashUtils.m1)); node.addProperty("bucketHashKey", (int) (bucketKey % hashUtils.m2)); return partition; } // if first is zero then simply add the partition, recursively calculating the hash else{ node.addProperty("tableHashKey", (int) (tableKey % hashUtils.m1)); node.addProperty("bucketHashKey", (int) (bucketKey % hashUtils.m2)); if (noOfPartitions < noOfTaxa - 2) { // Avoids the addition of the star partition hashTable.put(partition, node.edgeLength, node.getIntProperty("tableHashKey"),node.getIntProperty("bucketHashKey"), interestThreshold, partitions); } return partition; } } // still return the partition even if node was not added as was right of root... return partition; } } /** * Add a new tree to the hash table * * @param root Root of new tree to add * */ public void addNewTree(TreeNode root) { // Updates the number of trees and the threshold. noOfTrees++; updateInterestThreshold(); // Hashes the partitions of the trees. noOfPartitions = 0; this.root = root; createPartitions(root); } /** * Create partitions from an input tree - recursive so will be called by many nodes, beginning with root but with calculations actually beginning on leaves. * * @param partitions Partitions in the form of entries in the hash table * @param curInterestPercentage Current percentage of interest that we want splits to occur above to view in the network later * */ private ArrayList<Cluster> constructClusters(LinkedList<HashEntry> partitions, double curInterestPercentage) { ArrayList<Cluster> clusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>(); // Thresholds for the current run of the cluster builder (c.f. the threshold for the partitions list). double curInterestThreshold = (double) (noOfTrees * (curInterestPercentage / 100.0d)); int majInterestThreshold = (int) (noOfTrees * (50.0 / 100.0d)); for (Iterator<HashEntry> it = partitions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { HashEntry entry =; // Checks if this partition is still above threshold... partition. // If not: remove it - O(1). if ((double)entry.count <= curInterestThreshold) { // correct the isMajority flag to now refer to majority not if of interest or not.. if (entry.count <= majInterestThreshold) { entry.isMajority = false; } it.remove(); continue; } // Constructs clusters (list of TreeNode's for each set bit) from each partition. if ((double)entry.count > curInterestThreshold) { Cluster cluster = new Cluster(); if (entry.count > majInterestThreshold) { cluster.isMajority = true; } cluster.aboveSplit = entry.partition; cluster.noOfOccurrences = entry.count; cluster.edgeLength = entry.edgeLengthsSum / entry.count; for (int i = 0; i < entry.partition.size(); i++) { if (entry.partition.get(i)) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(taxa.getName(i)); node.edgeLength = leafEdgeLengths[i] / noOfTrees; cluster.add(node); } } clusters.add(cluster); } } // Sort by number of taxa. // TODO: This might obviously be optimized a bit, e.g. with a PriorityQueue. - Eiriksson Collections.sort(clusters); return clusters; } /** * Constructs the majorityTree. Used to make Network so remember to call this first! */ public CTree constructMajorityTree() { int numOfNode = 0; CTree tree = new CTree(); // Creates the clusters. tree.clusters = constructClusters(partitions,resPercentage); // Begins by constructing the star tree. for (TreeNode node : tree.clusters.get(0)) { TreeNode root = tree.getRoot(); // Retrieves the root, node.parent = root; // Parent of this node -> root. root.children.add(node); // Adds this node as the children of the root. tree.nodeList.add(node); // Adds this node to the list of nodes. assert tree.nodeList.get(0).name.equals("root"); tree.parentList.put(, 0); // Adds "this node -> root" parent mapping. } // Constructs internal nodes for the rest of the majority bi-partitions and rewires them. for (int z = 1; z < tree.clusters.size(); z++) { Cluster cluster = tree.clusters.get(z); // only take the majority ones....! if(cluster.isMajority == true){ // 1. Retrieves the parent of the first node in this cluster. TreeNode parent = tree.nodeList.get(tree.parentList.get(cluster.get(0).name)); // 2. Constructs a new internal node. String nodeName = "int" + Integer.toString(numOfNode); TreeNode internalNode = new TreeNode(nodeName); internalNode.addProperty("noOfOccurrences", cluster.noOfOccurrences); internalNode.edgeLength = cluster.edgeLength; internalNode.parent = parent; // 3. Insert the new node into the node list. tree.nodeList.add(internalNode); assert tree.nodeList.get(tree.nodeList.size() - 1).name.equals(; tree.parentList.put(nodeName, tree.nodeList.size() - 1); // update the clusters node references... // (use a method of storing edges that referenced the positions in the Tree's nodelists for reference later.) tree.clusters.get(z).nodeRefA = tree.parentList.get(cluster.get(0).name); tree.clusters.get(z).nodeRefB = (tree.nodeList.size()-1); for (TreeNode node : cluster) { // 4. Makes this node the child of the new internal node. node.parent = internalNode; assert - 1).name); tree.parentList.put(, tree.nodeList.size() - 1); internalNode.children.add(node); // 5. Delete the moved node(s) from the parent's children. // TODO: optimize? probably not. for (int i = 0; i < parent.children.size(); i++) { if (parent.children.get(i).name.equals( { parent.children.remove(i); break; } } } // Wires up the internal node. parent.children.add(internalNode); numOfNode++; } } return tree; } /** * Constructs the network beginning with the consensus tree and then calls the network drawing function to calculate positions * * @param tree Consensus tree already calculated */ public CNetwork constructNetwork(CTree tree){ // Create a new network... CNetwork network = new CNetwork(noOfTaxa); // Let's copy over all of the splits from the tree into the network format. // Until noted, the node lists in tree and network MUST match and the first lot of nodes (after the root) in the tree are assumed to be the taxa. for(int i=0;i<tree.nodeList.size();i++){ TreeNode treeNode = tree.nodeList.get(i); // create a new node CNetworkNode networkNode = new CNetworkNode(); // copy over the required data and add it... networkNode.Taxaname =; network.nodes.add(networkNode); } // Now add in the splits... (ignore 1st cluster as is for star tree) for(int i=1;i<tree.clusters.size();i++){ Cluster cluster = tree.clusters.get(i); if (cluster.isMajority == true){ CNetworkSplit networkSplit = new CNetworkSplit(); CNetworkEdge networkEdge = new CNetworkEdge(); networkEdge.split = networkSplit; networkEdge.networkNodeA = network.nodes.get(cluster.nodeRefA); networkEdge.networkNodeB = network.nodes.get(cluster.nodeRefB); networkSplit.edges.add(networkEdge); // Maybe we shouldn't be copying this over... but it at least clarifies things in code. networkSplit.edgelength = cluster.edgeLength; networkSplit.noOfOccurences = cluster.noOfOccurrences; networkSplit.split = cluster.aboveSplit; network.nodes.get(cluster.nodeRefA).joins.add(networkEdge); network.nodes.get(cluster.nodeRefB).joins.add(networkEdge); network.splits.add(networkSplit); cluster.added = true; } } // Now add in the taxa length splits.... NOTE i=0 is root?! Tried and tested anyway... for(int i=1;i<=noOfTaxa;i++){ CNetworkSplit networkSplit = new CNetworkSplit(); CNetworkEdge networkEdge = new CNetworkEdge(); networkEdge.split = networkSplit; int taxonParent = tree.parentList.get(tree.nodeList.get(i).name); networkEdge.networkNodeA = network.nodes.get(taxonParent); networkEdge.networkNodeB = network.nodes.get(i); networkSplit.edges.add(networkEdge); networkSplit.edgelength = tree.nodeList.get(i).edgeLength; networkSplit.noOfOccurences = noOfTrees; BitSet trivialSplit = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); trivialSplit.set(i-1); networkSplit.split = trivialSplit; network.nodes.get(taxonParent).joins.add(networkEdge); network.nodes.get(i).joins.add(networkEdge); network.splits.add(networkSplit); } // NOTE: From now on the indices on Network & Tree may no longer match!! // Remove the root if it is simply disecting an edge (only 2 edges on either side). // NOTE: root is assumed to be the first position in the node list in CNetwork and CTree if(network.nodes.get(0).joins.size() == 2){ // find the nodes on either side of the root... CNetworkNode[] redundant = new CNetworkNode[2]; for(int h=0;h<2;h++){ if(network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(h).networkNodeA == network.nodes.get(0)){ redundant[h] = network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(h).networkNodeB; } else{ redundant[h] = network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(h).networkNodeA; } } // correct the edge in the one list to go to the zero node. if(network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(1).networkNodeA == network.nodes.get(0)){ network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(1).networkNodeA = redundant[0]; } else{ network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(1).networkNodeB = redundant[0]; } // find the edge in the list in zero and remove it.. for(int h=0;h<redundant[0].joins.size();h++){ if(redundant[0].joins.get(h).networkNodeA == network.nodes.get(0) || redundant[0].joins.get(h).networkNodeB == network.nodes.get(0)){ redundant[0].joins.remove(h); h--; } } // remove the edge from the split list for(int h=0;h<network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(0).split.edges.size();h++){ if(network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(0).split.edges.get(h) == network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(0)){ network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(0).split.edges.remove(h); h--; } } // add the other edge in the zero list redundant[0].joins.add(network.nodes.get(0).joins.get(1)); // remove the node at last, and any reference to the removed edge also goes! network.nodes.remove(0); } // TODO: Optional: sort the list in terms of frequency of occurrence to select only most frequent if less than 33.34% occurences....! //IGNORE the first one as it is the star network... //Now let's go through the remaining splits and try and add them into the network. for(int i=0;i<tree.clusters.size();i++){ Cluster cluster = tree.clusters.get(i); // for clusters that haven't been added yet, let's add them... if (cluster.added == false){ //define new split and copy over info. CNetworkSplit addSplit = new CNetworkSplit(); addSplit.split = cluster.aboveSplit; addSplit.edgelength = cluster.edgeLength; // now findout if is incompatible with any existing splits in the network ArrayList<CNetworkSplit> incompatibleSplits = new ArrayList<CNetworkSplit>(); for(CNetworkSplit compSplit : network.splits){ if(compSplit.isCompatible(addSplit,noOfTaxa)==false){ incompatibleSplits.add(compSplit); } } // Now we need to find the nodes we need to copy, so create a list of them ArrayList<CNetworkNode> nodesToCopy = new ArrayList<CNetworkNode>(); // go through the incompatible splits one by one and add them to chains. ArrayList<CNetworkPath> chains = new ArrayList<CNetworkPath>(); // note all nodes that will be stored in paths for more efficient path claering up ArrayList<CNetworkNode> nodesToClearUp = new ArrayList<CNetworkNode>(); // Loop through incompatible splits for(CNetworkSplit currentSplit : incompatibleSplits){ // Loop through all the edges in this split for(CNetworkEdge currentEdge : currentSplit.edges){ // create a new path and add it to the list... CNetworkPath newPath = new CNetworkPath(); newPath.pathOfEdges.add(currentEdge); newPath.pathOfNodes.add(currentEdge.networkNodeA); newPath.pathOfNodes.add(currentEdge.networkNodeB); currentEdge.networkNodeA.AddToPaths(newPath,nodesToClearUp); currentEdge.networkNodeB.AddToPaths(newPath,nodesToClearUp); chains.add(newPath); // Now extend any existing paths... // create a list of paths to extend found paths with... ArrayList<CNetworkPath> extendPathsWith = new ArrayList<CNetworkPath>(); extendPathsWith.add(newPath); // Hack to go from NodeA & NodeB to a for loop... CNetworkNode[] edgeNodes = new CNetworkNode[]{currentEdge.networkNodeA, currentEdge.networkNodeB}; // For the first node, add the standard for(int l=0; l<=1;l++){ // get ready to make this part of the nodes with paths to clear up... (should be already done?) if(edgeNodes[l].paths.isEmpty()==true){ nodesToClearUp.add(edgeNodes[l]); } // Look at each path that the node is involved in... int pathCount = edgeNodes[l].paths.size(); for(int g= 0; g <pathCount; g++){ CNetworkPath currentPath = edgeNodes[l].paths.get(g); // for the case that we may want to add the edge to the start/end of a path on the node... if(currentPath.endNode()==edgeNodes[l] || currentPath.startNode()==edgeNodes[l]){ //check we haven't already added this split yet... if (currentPath.checkForSplit(currentEdge)==false){ //create a new combined path with all paths to extend with... //Don't forget to make this add the new path to all the nodes as well as combining over the correct node & removing one instance of it... for(CNetworkPath pathToAdd : extendPathsWith){ chains.add(currentPath.combineWith(pathToAdd,edgeNodes[l])); } } } } } } } for(CNetworkNode nodeToClearUp : nodesToClearUp){ nodeToClearUp.paths.clear(); } ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> incompatibleEdges = new ArrayList<CNetworkEdge>(); //Case that there are no incompatible splits... just add in the split! // Note that SOME splits appear to contain the whole tree (perhaps due to a hack earlier), so lets just ignore these.... This could be described as a hack induced hack... if(incompatibleSplits.isEmpty() == true && (addSplit.split.cardinality() != noOfTaxa && addSplit.split.cardinality() !=0)){ // we have no idea which taxon is actually on the side we want, but we will use some cool functions of BitSet to help reduce the time it takes... CNetworkNode beginNode; // Start searching from the adding side of the split containing zeros? boolean zeroSide; if (addSplit.split.cardinality() <= (noOfTaxa)/2){ // if there are more set to 0 than 1 go from a taxon on the 1 side: // Search through the nodes for this using predefined function... beginNode = TaxonRefToNode(addSplit.split.nextSetBit(0), network); zeroSide = false; } else{ // if there are more set to 1 than 0, then go from a taxon on the 0 side: beginNode = TaxonRefToNode(addSplit.split.nextClearBit(0), network); zeroSide = true; } // recursively go along the edges until a node is found that has an edge that satisfies. ArrayList<CNetworkNode> consideredNodes = new ArrayList<CNetworkNode>(); CNetworkNode CopyNode2 = beginNode.findFirstNonSubset(addSplit,consideredNodes, zeroSide,noOfTaxa); nodesToCopy.add(CopyNode2); } else{ //Copy over the list of nodes from the longest path...ERROR if we have a too big path... if(chains.size()>0){ // Store the max paths... ArrayList<CNetworkPath> currentMaxPaths = new ArrayList<CNetworkPath>(); // initialise with first one, which only serves as to store length...: currentMaxPaths.add(chains.get(0)); for(CNetworkPath chain : chains){ if(chain.pathOfNodes.size()>currentMaxPaths.get(0).pathOfNodes.size()){ currentMaxPaths.clear(); currentMaxPaths.add(chain); } // Yes, still add it if we already added it! if(chain.pathOfNodes.size()==currentMaxPaths.get(0).pathOfNodes.size()){ currentMaxPaths.add(chain); } } // now remove any max path that requires all edges to be copied or none at all... for(int m=1;m<currentMaxPaths.size();m++){ if(currentMaxPaths.get(m).isSplitSide(addSplit, noOfTaxa)==false){ currentMaxPaths.remove(m); m--; } } if(currentMaxPaths.size()>2){ //ERROR!!! Now in >2d....! System.out.println("Potential Error: Network now in > 2 dimensions....!"); } // Now create the copyNode list: // Store those that have been copied.... err // Go through all the paths // DOES START AT 1 as first just stored length! for(int m=1;m<currentMaxPaths.size();m++){ incompatibleEdges.addAll(currentMaxPaths.get(m).pathOfEdges); CNetworkPath currentMaxPath = currentMaxPaths.get(m); // Go through all the nodes for(CNetworkNode currentNodeCopy : currentMaxPath.pathOfNodes){ if(currentNodeCopy.consideration == false){ currentNodeCopy.consideration = true; nodesToCopy.add(currentNodeCopy); } } } // remove the considered flag from the node: for(CNetworkNode currentNodeClean : nodesToCopy){ currentNodeClean.consideration = false; } } } // actually call the function that copies the nodes CopyNode(nodesToCopy,addSplit,network,incompatibleEdges); // and add the new split at last to the network. network.splits.add(addSplit); } } // fill in the network positions (hopefully)... network.FindPositions(noOfTaxa); //printDetails(tree,network); return network; } /** * Copy the list of nodes that need copying when adding a new split into a network. * * @param nodesToCopy ArrayList of nodes in the network that need to be copied * @param network Network we are working in * @param incompatibleEdges Edges that are in the path that joins up the nodes that are being copied * @param splitToAdd Split that we are currently adding in by copying these nodes * */ public void CopyNode(ArrayList<CNetworkNode> nodesToCopy, CNetworkSplit splitToAdd, CNetwork network, ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> incompatibleEdges){ // Copy Node: for(CNetworkNode nodeToCopy: nodesToCopy){ CNetworkNode newNode = new CNetworkNode(); // create a new node with a name that indicates it has been added (we can output node names by modifying later code) newNode.Taxaname = "added0"+Integer.toString(network.nodes.size()); // below should NEVER happen... but will leave in just in case as was at one time an issue: if (nodeToCopy == null || newNode == null){ System.out.println("Null pointer in terms of node that we want to copy to..."); } // Reference the new node on the old one nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode = newNode; // Add new node to network network.nodes.add(newNode); // Add an edge between old and new node CNetworkEdge edgeToAdd = new CNetworkEdge(); edgeToAdd.networkNodeA = newNode; edgeToAdd.networkNodeB = nodeToCopy; edgeToAdd.split = splitToAdd; splitToAdd.edges.add(edgeToAdd); } // Go through and move links over depending on which side the splits are a subset of. for(CNetworkNode nodeToCopy: nodesToCopy){ // look at each join on each old node for(int i=0;i<nodeToCopy.joins.size();i++){ CNetworkEdge edgeToConsider = nodeToCopy.joins.get(i); // if it joins another copied node then we will duplicate the edge later... if(edgeToConsider.networkNodeA.CopiedToNode == null || edgeToConsider.networkNodeB.CopiedToNode == null){ //if on "0" side of new split then keep it, otherwise move it to the new node. if(splitToAdd.OnZeroSide(edgeToConsider.split,noOfTaxa)==false){ // Replace the appropriate edge reference... if(edgeToConsider.networkNodeA == nodeToCopy){ edgeToConsider.networkNodeA = nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode; //System.out.println("moved link to "+edgeToConsider.networkNodeB.Taxaname+" from "+nodeToCopy.Taxaname+" to "+nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode.Taxaname); } else if(edgeToConsider.networkNodeB == nodeToCopy){ edgeToConsider.networkNodeB = nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode; //System.out.println("moved link to "+edgeToConsider.networkNodeA.Taxaname+" from "+nodeToCopy.Taxaname+" to "+nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode.Taxaname); } // Add it to the new node list nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode.joins.add(edgeToConsider); // delete it from the list of the old nodes: nodeToCopy.joins.remove(i); // go back one in the list! i--; } } } } // Add in the edges between copied nodes to the old nodes to their node join lists now we have done all the moving about! for(CNetworkEdge edgeToLink : splitToAdd.edges){ edgeToLink.networkNodeA.joins.add(edgeToLink); edgeToLink.networkNodeB.joins.add(edgeToLink); } // Add in the edges to the copied nodes that are in the list of incompatible splits. for(CNetworkEdge incompatibleEdge : incompatibleEdges){ // Check to see if we have an edge that is incompatible (this SHOULD always be the case... ) if(incompatibleEdge.networkNodeA.CopiedToNode !=null && incompatibleEdge.networkNodeB.CopiedToNode != null){ // Create new edge CNetworkEdge newEdge = new CNetworkEdge(); // Update node info. newEdge.networkNodeA = incompatibleEdge.networkNodeA.CopiedToNode; newEdge.networkNodeB = incompatibleEdge.networkNodeB.CopiedToNode; newEdge.networkNodeA.joins.add(newEdge); newEdge.networkNodeB.joins.add(newEdge); // Update split info. newEdge.split = incompatibleEdge.split; incompatibleEdge.split.edges.add(newEdge); } } // Now remove the CopiedToNode link now we are done... for(CNetworkNode nodeToCopy: nodesToCopy){ nodeToCopy.CopiedToNode = null; } } /** * Find the taxon node in the network. * * @param network The network to find the taxon in * @param taxonRef Integer representation of taxon in the TaxaMap * */ public CNetworkNode TaxonRefToNode(int taxonRef, CNetwork network){ //function to return the node that is of the taxon for(CNetworkNode currentNode : network.nodes){ if(currentNode.Taxaname == taxa.getName(taxonRef)){ return currentNode; } } // Notify that method failed... return null... System.out.println("Error - taxon reference not found. Maybe duplicate names?"); return null; } public static String[] readTreesFromFile(String fileName, int n) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); String[] trees = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { trees[i] = reader.readLine(); } return trees; } private static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage: java CTMain <file containing trees> <no. of trees>"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length != 2) { printUsage(); System.exit(-1); } //CTMain main = new CTMain(); //String[] trees = readTreesFromFile(args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1])); //System.out.println(main.start(trees)); } // Getters and setters public double getResPercentage() { return resPercentage; } public void setResPercentage(double resPercentage) { this.resPercentage = resPercentage; } public long getSeed() { return seed; } public void setSeed(long seed) { this.seed = seed; } //THE following 3 functions are used for testing only.... /** * FOR TESTING ONLY * Function called to initialise the Network Tester hash table & rest of CTMain * * @param noOfTestTaxa Number of taxa * @param noOfTestSamples number of trees input * */ public void InitialiseNetworkTester(int noOfTestTaxa,int noOfTestSamples){ // TaxaMap initialisation noOfTrees = 0; noOfTaxa = noOfTestTaxa; noOfSamples = noOfTestSamples; // Hash initialisation hashUtils = new HashUtils(); hashUtils.initialize(noOfTaxa, noOfSamples, C, seed); hashTable = new HashTable(hashUtils.m1); leafEdgeLengths = new double[noOfTaxa]; taxa = new TaxaMap(noOfTaxa); for (int i = 0; i < noOfTaxa; i++) { taxa.put(""+i, i); leafEdgeLengths[i] = 1; } // Adds a single star partition, once and for all. BitSet star = new BitSet(noOfTaxa); star.flip(0, noOfTaxa); HashEntry entry = new HashEntry(-1, star, 0.0d); entry.count = noOfSamples+1; partitions.add(entry); updateInterestThreshold(); } /** * FOR TESTING ONLY * Add a tree to the hash table * * @param splits Tree to add consisting of an arraylist of BitSet splits * */ public void addTestTree(ArrayList<BitSet> splits){ noOfTrees++; updateInterestThreshold(); // Hashes the partitions of the trees. noOfPartitions = 0; for(BitSet partition : splits){ addTestSplit(partition); } } /** * FOR TESTING ONLY * Add a single split to the hash table * * @param partition BitSet split to add * */ public void addTestSplit(BitSet partition){ long tableKey2 = 0; long bucketKey2 = 0; // always calculate the split directly for (int k=0;k<noOfTaxa;k++) { if(partition.get(k)==true){ tableKey2 += hashUtils.a1[k]; bucketKey2 += hashUtils.a2[k]; } } hashTable.put(partition, 1, (int) (tableKey2 % hashUtils.m1), (int) (bucketKey2 % hashUtils.m2), interestThreshold,partitions); } /** * FOR TESTING ONLY * Print details from the network - call after it has been constructed! * * @param tree Standard consensus tree * @param network The network * */ public void printDetails(CTree tree,CNetwork network){ // Print out the clusters: System.out.println("ALL CLUSTERS:"); for(int i=0;i<tree.clusters.size();i++){ System.out.println(i+" "+tree.clusters.get(i).aboveSplit.toString()+" "+tree.clusters.get(i).noOfOccurrences); } // Print out the tree copied into network format: System.out.println("TREE IN NETWORK, splits:"); for(int i=0;i<network.splits.size();i++){ System.out.println(i+" "+network.splits.get(i).split.toString()+" "+network.splits.get(i).noOfOccurences); for(int j=0;j<network.splits.get(i).edges.size();j++){ System.out.println(j+" "+network.splits.get(i).edges.get(j).networkNodeA.Taxaname+" to "+network.splits.get(i).edges.get(j).networkNodeB.Taxaname); } } System.out.println("The following comes from the network format..."); System.out.println("NODES:"); for (int i = 0; i< network.nodes.size();i++){ System.out.println(""+network.nodes.get(i).hashCode()+" "+network.nodes.get(i).Taxaname); } System.out.println("EDGES:"); for (int i = 0; i < network.splits.size(); i++){ for(int j=0; j<network.splits.get(i).edges.size();j++){ System.out.println(network.splits.get(i).split.toString()+": " +network.splits.get(i).edges.get(j).networkNodeA.Taxaname+" TO "+ network.splits.get(i).edges.get(j).networkNodeB.Taxaname); } } System.out.println("The following comes from the original tree...(!)"); for (int i = 1; i < tree.clusters.size(); i++) { Cluster cluster2 = tree.clusters.get(i); //if(cluster2.isMajority == false){ network.outputString = "1 "; for(TreeNode node :cluster2){ network.outputString += " " + (taxa.get(; } network.outputString += ","; System.out.println(network.outputString); //} } //printing to a file try { network.PrintOut(1,noOfTaxa,taxa); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //network in nex format try { network.PrintOut(2,noOfTaxa,taxa); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return; } }