package statalign.base.mcmc; import statalign.base.Tree; import statalign.base.Utils; import statalign.base.Vertex; import statalign.mcmc.McmcModule; import statalign.mcmc.McmcMove; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import statalign.mcmc.MultiplicativeProposal; import statalign.mcmc.PriorDistribution; import statalign.mcmc.UniformProposal; public class TopologyMove extends McmcMove { final boolean INCLUDE_EDGE_MULTIPLIERS = true; FileWriter topMoves = null; Tree tree = null; Vertex nephew; Vertex uncle; double edgeProposalWidthControlVariable; EdgeMove nephewEdgeMove; EdgeMove parentEdgeMove; EdgeMove uncleEdgeMove; PriorDistribution<Double> edgePrior; double fastSwapProb = 0.0; boolean didFastSwap = false; public int topologyChangeAcceptanceCount = 0; public TopologyMove (McmcModule m, PriorDistribution<Double> pr, double propVar, double _fastSwapProb, String n) { owner = m; edgePrior = pr; edgeProposalWidthControlVariable = propVar; name = n; fastSwapProb = _fastSwapProb; //autoTune = true; autoTune = false; if(Utils.DEBUG){ try{ topMoves = new FileWriter("topMoves.txt"); } catch (IOException e){ throw new RuntimeException("Problem creating file topMoves.txt.");} } } @Override public void copyState(Object externalState) { if (externalState instanceof Tree) { if (tree == null) { tree = (Tree) externalState; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TopologyMove.copyState must take an argument of type Tree."); } int vnum = tree.vertex.length; if (vnum <= 3) { // then we can't do the nephew-uncle swap return; } int rnd = Utils.generator.nextInt(vnum); int vertId = tree.getTopVertexId(rnd); // Need to choose a valid nephew, i.e. not the root or either of its children while (vertId >= 0) { // while nephew is invalid rnd = Utils.generator.nextInt(vnum); // select a new nephew vertId = tree.getTopVertexId(rnd); } //int rnd = 1; //System.out.println("Before Topology: "+tree.printedTree()); nephew = tree.vertex[rnd]; uncle =; if (nephewEdgeMove == null) { nephewEdgeMove = new EdgeMove( //owner,nephew.index,edgePrior,new MultiplicativeProposal(), owner,nephew.index,edgePrior,new UniformProposal(), edgeProposalWidthControlVariable,"nephewEdge"); nephewEdgeMove.setMinValue(Utils.MIN_EDGE_LENGTH); } else { nephewEdgeMove.setEdgeIndex(nephew.index); } if (parentEdgeMove == null) { parentEdgeMove = new EdgeMove( //owner,nephew.parent.index,edgePrior,new MultiplicativeProposal(), owner,nephew.parent.index,edgePrior,new UniformProposal(), edgeProposalWidthControlVariable,"parentEdge"); parentEdgeMove.setMinValue(Utils.MIN_EDGE_LENGTH); } else { parentEdgeMove.setEdgeIndex(nephew.parent.index); } if (uncleEdgeMove == null) { uncleEdgeMove = new EdgeMove( //owner,uncle.index,edgePrior,new MultiplicativeProposal(), owner,uncle.index,edgePrior,new UniformProposal(), edgeProposalWidthControlVariable,"uncleEdge"); uncleEdgeMove.setMinValue(Utils.MIN_EDGE_LENGTH); } else { uncleEdgeMove.setEdgeIndex(uncle.index); } nephewEdgeMove.copyState(externalState); parentEdgeMove.copyState(externalState); uncleEdgeMove.copyState(externalState); ((CoreMcmcModule) owner).getModelExtMan().beforeTreeChange(tree, nephew); // Should also do a beforeAlignChange here, but not obvious what to pass // as the selectedRoot argument. // The rest of the state copying is handled inside the Vertex } @Override public double proposal(Object externalState) { //System.out.println("nephew = "+nephew.index+", uncle = "+uncle.index); // if(Utils.DEBUG){ // System.out.println("Before:"); // System.out.println("Likelihood:"); // System.out.println(owner.curLogLike); // double[] params = tree.getState().indelParams; // for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) // System.out.println(params[i]); // String[] fullAlign = tree.getState().getFullAlign(); // for(int i = 0; i < fullAlign.length; i++) // System.out.println(fullAlign[i]); // String printTree = tree.printedTree(); // Vertex.printChildren(tree.root); // Vertex.printEdges(tree.root); // System.out.println(printTree); // System.out.println(tree.root.indelLogLike); // System.out.println(tree.root.orphanLogLike); // try{ // topMoves.write(tree.root.indelLogLike + "\t" + tree.root.orphanLogLike + "\t"); // } catch(IOException e){} // } if (Utils.DEBUG) { tree.root.printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); System.out.println("BEFORE: root.orphanLogLike = "+tree.root.orphanLogLike+", root.indelLogLike = "+tree.root.indelLogLike); if (topMoves != null) { try{ topMoves.write(tree.root.orphanLogLike + "\t" + tree.root.indelLogLike + "\t"); } catch(IOException e){throw new RuntimeException("Problem writing to file topMoves.txt.");} } } double logProposalRatio = 0; if (INCLUDE_EDGE_MULTIPLIERS) { logProposalRatio += nephewEdgeMove.proposal(externalState); //System.out.println("logProposalRatio after nephew edge = "+logProposalRatio); logProposalRatio += parentEdgeMove.proposal(externalState); //System.out.println("logProposalRatio after parent edge = "+logProposalRatio); logProposalRatio += uncleEdgeMove.proposal(externalState); //System.out.println("logProposalRatio after uncle edge = "+logProposalRatio); // if (logProposalRatio != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // double tmp = nephew.edgeLength; // // nephew.edgeLength = uncle.edgeLength; // tree.vertex[nephew.index].edgeChangeUpdate(); // tree.vertex[nephew.index].calcAllUp(); // // uncle.edgeLength = tmp; // tree.vertex[uncle.index].edgeChangeUpdate(); // tree.vertex[uncle.index].calcAllUp(); // } } // logProposalRatio += nephew.fastSwapWithUncle(); //double logProposalRatio = nephew.fastSwapWithUncle(); // String[] s = nephew.printedAlignment(); // System.out.println(nephew.index+" "+s[1]+"\n"+nephew.parent.index+" "+s[0]); // s = uncle.printedAlignment(); // System.out.println(uncle.index+" "+s[1]+"\n"+uncle.parent.index+" "+s[0]); if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM) fastSwapProb = 0; if (Utils.generator.nextDouble() < fastSwapProb) { logProposalRatio += nephew.fastSwapWithUncle(); didFastSwap = true; } else { //logProposalRatio += nephew.swapWithUncleAlignToParent(); //logProposalRatio += nephew.nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns(); //logProposalRatio += nephew.nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns2(); //logProposalRatio += nephew.nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns3(); logProposalRatio += nephew.nephewUncleSwapFixedColumns3(); didFastSwap = false; } if (Utils.DEBUG) tree.checkPointers(); if (Utils.DEBUG) tree.recomputeCheckLogLike(); // if (Utils.DEBUG) tree.root.left.printPointers(); // System.out.println("root.length = "+tree.root.getLength()); if (Utils.DEBUG) { tree.root.printToScreenAlignment(0,0,true); System.out.println("AFTER: root.orphanLogLike = "+tree.root.orphanLogLike+", root.indelLogLike = "+tree.root.indelLogLike); if (topMoves != null) { try{ topMoves.write(tree.root.orphanLogLike+"\t"+tree.root.indelLogLike +"\t"+logProposalRatio+"\n"); topMoves.flush(); } catch(IOException e){throw new RuntimeException("Problem writing to file topMoves.txt.");} } System.out.println("lambda = "+tree.hmm2.params[1]+", mu = "+tree.hmm2.params[2]); // double logProposalRatio = nephew.swapWithUncleAlignToParent(); System.out.println("logProposalRatio after swap = "+logProposalRatio); System.out.println("After Topology: "+tree.printedTreeWithNumbers()); } // s = nephew.printedAlignment(); // System.out.println(s[0]+"\n"+s[1]); // if (logProposalRatio == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { // System.out.println("Likelihood: "+tree.getLogLike()); // throw new RuntimeException("Let's stop now and have a rest."); // } // if(Utils.DEBUG){ // System.out.println("Proposed:"); // String[] fullAlign = tree.getState().getFullAlign(); // for(int i = 0; i < fullAlign.length; i++) // System.out.println(fullAlign[i]); // String printTree = tree.printedTree(); // System.out.println(printTree); // Vertex.printChildren(tree.root); // Vertex.printEdges(tree.root); // System.out.println("logProposalRatio:"); // System.out.println(logProposalRatio); // try{ // topMoves.write(tree.root.indelLogLike + "\t" + tree.root.orphanLogLike + "\t" + logProposalRatio + "\n"); // } catch(IOException e){} // // } //return 0.0; // if (nephew.index == 2 && uncle.index == 13) { // throw new RuntimeException("Stop for a cup of tea."); // } return logProposalRatio; } @Override public double logPriorDensity(Object externalState) { double logPriorRatio = ( nephewEdgeMove.logPriorDensity(externalState) + parentEdgeMove.logPriorDensity(externalState) + uncleEdgeMove.logPriorDensity(externalState) ); if (Utils.DEBUG) System.out.println("logPriorRatio = "+logPriorRatio); return logPriorRatio; } @Override public void updateLikelihood(Object externalState) { // System.out.println("After: "+tree.printedTree()); // System.out.print("LogLikelihood before: "+owner.curLogLike+"\t"); owner.setLogLike(((CoreMcmcModule) owner).getModelExtMan().logLikeTreeChange(tree, nephew)); // System.out.println("LogLikelihood after: "+owner.curLogLike); } @Override public void restoreState(Object externalState) { // At this point the uncle refers to what was originally // `this'. if (didFastSwap) { uncle.fastSwapBackUncle(); } else { // uncle.swapBackUncleAlignToParent(); uncle.restoreFiveWay(); } if (INCLUDE_EDGE_MULTIPLIERS) { // Note these are restored in the reverse order to the proposal uncleEdgeMove.restoreState(externalState); parentEdgeMove.restoreState(externalState); nephewEdgeMove.restoreState(externalState); } // If using fastSwapWithUncle the following may be needed if (didFastSwap) { tree.root.recomputeLogLike(); } } @Override public void afterMove(Object externalState) { ((CoreMcmcModule) owner).getModelExtMan().afterTreeChange(tree,lastMoveAccepted ? uncle : nephew,lastMoveAccepted); // Should also do an afterAlignChange here, but not obvious what to pass // as the selectedRoot argument. if (Utils.DEBUG) { tree.checkPointers(); } // Only count moves that change the topology, i.e. not swaps across the root if (lastMoveAccepted && nephew.parent != tree.root) { if (owner.printExtraInfo) System.out.println("Topology change (stNNI)."); topologyChangeAcceptanceCount++; } if (Utils.USE_MODEXT_EM && lastMoveAccepted) { uncle.parent.updateAligned(); nephew.updateAlignedParent(); if (Utils.DEBUG) tree.root.updateAlignedRecursivelyWithCheck(); } // if (lastMoveAccepted) { // throw new RuntimeException("Stop for a cup of tea."); // } //throw new RuntimeException("Let's stop now and have a rest."); } public void printInfo() { System.out.println("Acceptance rate for Topology moves resulting in topology change = "+ String.format(Locale.US, "%.4f",(double)topologyChangeAcceptanceCount/(double)proposalCount)); } }