package; import*; //mport statalign.base.MCMCPars; //import statalign.base.Mcmc; //import statalign.base.Tree; //import statalign.model.score.plugins.Blosum62; //import statalign.postprocess.PostprocessManager; /** * Deprecated class for testing purposes. It is actually empty. * * If you uncomment the main function, * set the appropriate Tree constructor public. */ public class InputReader{ /** * useage: java InputReader input_file_name burnin cycles sampling */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ // Tree tree = new Tree(new File(args[0]), // new Blosum62()); // Mcmc mcmc = new Mcmc(tree, new MCMCPars(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), Integer.parseInt(args[2]), Integer.parseInt(args[3])), new PostprocessManager(null)); // mcmc.doMCMC(); } }